// Reset all static information that should only be relevant for this diagnostic session
        // Should only be called when player exits play loop to the main menu
        // (in summary page and from button in main play page)
        public static void ResetCaseInformation()
            patient = new PatientData();

            SelectedSymptom = SymptomState.Nothing;

            UserDiagnosis = DiagnosisState.Undiagnosed;
            TrueDiagnosis = DiagnosisState.Undiagnosed;

            UserReasoning = new Dictionary <SymptomState, ReasoningState>();

            isFirstPlayMainVisit = true;

            hasViewedHeadExam = false;
            hasViewedSkinExam = false;

            hasPlayerBeenAwarded = false;

        // Function to do API call and get data for a record
        public static void get_patient_data()
            // Construct API endpoint URL (case ID is determined using a private helper function)
            string url = "https://diagnostic-gamification-api.herokuapp.com/v1/cases/" + CaseID;

            // Make HTTP request to URL
            HttpWebRequest  request  = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(String.Format(url));
            HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

            // Read in HTTP response from API, which will have our data in JSON format
            StreamReader reader       = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
            string       jsonResponse = reader.ReadToEnd();

            // Parse our data from JSON into our C# serializable class (defined in PatientData.cs)
            patient = JsonUtility.FromJson <PatientData>(jsonResponse);

            // Set the true diagnosis enum based on diagnosis string value from API response
