Exemplo n.º 1
        private static void TestReadWriteAccessToShare()
            string serverName = ConsoleTest.GetNextInput("Enter server name to test. End with Enter: ", Environment.MachineName);
            string shareName  = ConsoleTest.GetNextInput("Enter share name to test. End with Enter: ", "Test");

            ShareHelper.TestReadWriteAccessToShare(Logger, new UncPath(new ServerName(serverName), new ShareName(shareName)));

            ConsoleTest.GetNextInput("Press Enter to end test");
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static void TestCreateLocalShareWithAccessForEveryone(int runs)
            string subDirectoryString = ConsoleTest.GetNextInput("Enter sub dircetory to test. End with Enter: ", "test");
            string shareName          = ConsoleTest.GetNextInput("Enter share name to test. End with Enter: ", "testShare");
            string directoryString    = DirectoryCreateAbsolutePath(subDirectoryString);

            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Testing creation of local share {0} with absolute path {1} {2} timers for Everyone.", shareName, directoryString, runs));
            for (int counter = 0; counter < runs; counter += 1)
                ShareHelper.CreateLocalShareDirectoryIfNotExistingAndGiveEveryoneAccess(Logger, new DirectoryPath(directoryString), new ShareName(shareName));

            ConsoleTest.GetNextInput("Press Enter to clean up test");
                Directory.Delete(directoryString, true);
            catch (Exception)
                Console.WriteLine("Delete failed");