Exemplo n.º 1
        // TODO: not sure if this is the way we want to configure the logger, however, this
        // honors the principle of being a code based configuration vs XML/file based.
        public NLogFactory(LogFileSettings settings)
            string fileName = settings.NamePrefix;
            string archiveFileName = settings.NamePrefix + ".{###}";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.ArchiveName))
                archiveFileName = settings.ArchiveName;

            FileTarget target
                = new FileTarget
                          Layout = "${longdate} [${threadid}] ${level} ${logger} - ${message}",
                          FileName = CreatePathFromSettings(settings.DirectoryPath, fileName, settings.Ext),
                          ArchiveFileName = CreatePathFromSettings(settings.DirectoryPath, archiveFileName, settings.Ext),
                          ArchiveEvery = ConvertRollingPeriod(settings.RolloverFrequency),
                          ArchiveNumbering = ArchiveNumberingMode.Rolling,
                          MaxArchiveFiles = 100,
                          DeleteOldFileOnStartup = false,

            LoggingConfiguration config = new LoggingConfiguration();

            LogLevel level = ConvertLogLevel(settings.Level);
            config.LoggingRules.Add(new LoggingRule("*", level, target));

            // if the event log level is specified, then we will log the the Application EventLog.
            // Default is to only log Fatal messages.
            if (settings.EventLogLevel != LoggingLevel.Off)
                EventLogTarget eventLogTarget
                    = new EventLogTarget
                              Layout = "${logger}: ${message}${newline}${exception:format=ToString}",
                              Source = settings.EventLogSource,
                              Log = "Application",

                LogLevel eventLogLevel = ConvertLogLevel(settings.EventLogLevel);
                config.LoggingRules.Add(new LoggingRule("*", eventLogLevel, eventLogTarget));

            LogManager.Configuration = config;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// This is a utility method to convert the values found in the LogFileSection
        /// to <see cref="LogFileSettings"/> and to substitute the appearance of a '~'
        /// for a call to <see cref="HttpServerUtility.MapPath"/> if this is run inside
        /// of a web context, or use the <see cref="Environment.CurrentDirectory"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>This assumes that there is &lt;logging /&gt; section in the app.config </remarks>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="LogFileSettings"/> object.</returns>
        public static LogFileSettings GetAsSettings()
            LogFileSection section = (LogFileSection)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("logging");

            if (section == null)

            LogFileSettings settings = section.ToSettings();

            if (settings.DirectoryPath.Contains("~"))
                string appDirectory = HostingEnvironment.ApplicationPhysicalPath ?? Environment.CurrentDirectory;
                settings.DirectoryPath = settings.DirectoryPath.Replace("~", appDirectory);

                                            "Writing log file to " + settings.DirectoryPath);
