Exemplo n.º 1
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

            /*thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() =>
                view = WebCore.CreateWebView(Width, Height, WebViewType.Offscreen);

                //WebCore.AutoUpdatePeriod = 30;

                view.IsTransparent = true;

                finishedLoading = false;

                var path = Path.Combine(new String[] {

                path = "http://lasoft.fi/";

                // Load some content.
                view.Source = new Uri(path);

                // Handle the LoadingFrameComplete event.
                // For this example, we use a lambda expression.
                view.LoadingFrameComplete += (s, eargs) =>
                    if (!eargs.IsMainFrame)

                    finishedLoading = true;

                if (WebCore.UpdateState == WebCoreUpdateState.NotUpdating)




            Debug.WriteLine("GPUCapabilities.Version=" + GPUCapabilities.Version);
            Debug.WriteLine("GPUCapabilities.GLSL=" + GPUCapabilities.GLSL);
            Debug.WriteLine("GPUCapabilities.Instancing=" + GPUCapabilities.Instancing);
            Debug.WriteLine("GPUCapabilities.MaxVaryingFloats=" + GPUCapabilities.MaxVaryingFloats);
            Debug.WriteLine("GPUCapabilities.MaxVaryingVectors=" + GPUCapabilities.MaxVaryingVectors);
            Debug.WriteLine("GPUCapabilities.SeamlessCubemaps=" + GPUCapabilities.SeamlessCubemaps);
            Debug.WriteLine("GPUCapabilities.TextureCompression=" + GPUCapabilities.TextureCompression);
            Debug.WriteLine("GPUCapabilities.AnisotrophicFiltering=" + GPUCapabilities.AnisotrophicFiltering);
            Debug.WriteLine("GPUCapabilities.MaxAnisotrophyLevel=" + GPUCapabilities.MaxAnisotrophyLevel);

            if (GPUCapabilities.SeamlessCubemaps)

            GLState.DepthTest = true;
            GLState.AlphaBleding = true;
            GLState.CullFace = true;

            SceneManager.Initialize(500, 5, 20, Vector3.Zero);
            SceneManager.CullByObject = false;

            renderQueue = new RenderQueue();
            renderQueue.AllowInstancing = true;

            viewPort = new Vector2(Width, Height);

            camera = new Hatzap.Camera(this);


            camera.Position = new Vector3(0, 1, 1);
            camera.Target = new Vector3(-1, 0, 0);

            camera.DirectionLock = true;

            camera.Rotate(new Vector2(-(float)Math.PI / 2.5f, 0));

            // Now camera.Position changes whenever Target changes, and the camera angle stays locked.
            // Camera's distance from it's target can be controlled from camera.Distance property now.

            FontCollection fonts = new FontCollection();

            fonts.Fonts.Add(new FontInfo()
                FontFamily = "OpenSans-Regular",
                FontDataFile = "Assets/Fonts/OpenSans-Regular.ttf_sdf.txt",
                FontTextureFile = "Assets/Fonts/OpenSans-Regular.ttf_sdf.png"

            XML.Write.ToFile(fonts, "Assets/Fonts/collection.xml");

            //Console.WriteLine("Test test ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÅÄÖ");


            ShaderCollection collection = new ShaderCollection();

            collection.ShaderPrograms.Add(new ShaderProgramInfo()
                Shaders = new List<ShaderInfo>(new[]{ new ShaderInfo() {
                    Path = "Assets/Shaders/Model.vert",
                    Type = ShaderType.VertexShader
                },new ShaderInfo() {
                    Path = "Assets/Shaders/Model.frag",
                    Type = ShaderType.FragmentShader
                Name = "Model"

            collection.ShaderPrograms.Add(new ShaderProgramInfo()
                Shaders = new List<ShaderInfo>(new[]{ new ShaderInfo() {
                    Path = "Assets/Shaders/Text.vert",
                    Type = ShaderType.VertexShader
                },new ShaderInfo() {
                    Path = "Assets/Shaders/Text.frag",
                    Type = ShaderType.FragmentShader
                Name = "Text"

            collection.ShaderPrograms.Add(new ShaderProgramInfo()
                Shaders = new List<ShaderInfo>(new[]{ new ShaderInfo() {
                    Path = "Assets/Shaders/Gui.vert",
                    Type = ShaderType.VertexShader
                },new ShaderInfo() {
                    Path = "Assets/Shaders/Gui.frag",
                    Type = ShaderType.FragmentShader
                Name = "Gui"

            collection.ShaderPrograms.Add(new ShaderProgramInfo()
                Shaders = new List<ShaderInfo>(new[]{ new ShaderInfo() {
                    Path = "Assets/Shaders/GuiImage.vert",
                    Type = ShaderType.VertexShader
                },new ShaderInfo() {
                    Path = "Assets/Shaders/GuiImage.frag",
                    Type = ShaderType.FragmentShader
                Name = "Gui.Image"

            collection.ShaderPrograms.Add(new ShaderProgramInfo()
                Shaders = new List<ShaderInfo>(new[]{ new ShaderInfo() {
                    Path = "Assets/Shaders/SimpleModel2.vert",
                    Type = ShaderType.VertexShader
                },new ShaderInfo() {
                    Path = "Assets/Shaders/SimpleModel2.frag",
                    Type = ShaderType.FragmentShader
                },/*new ShaderInfo() {
                    Path = "Assets/Shaders/SimpleModel.geom",
                    Type = ShaderType.GeometryShader
                Name = "SimpleModel"

            collection.ShaderPrograms.Add(new ShaderProgramInfo()
                Shaders = new List<ShaderInfo>(new[]{ new ShaderInfo() {
                    Path = "Assets/Shaders/SimpleModel2.vert",
                    Type = ShaderType.VertexShader
                },new ShaderInfo() {
                    Path = "Assets/Shaders/SimpleModel1.frag",
                    Type = ShaderType.FragmentShader
                },/*new ShaderInfo() {
                    Path = "Assets/Shaders/SimpleModel.geom",
                    Type = ShaderType.GeometryShader
                Name = "Textureless"

            //XML.Write.ToFile(collection, "Assets/Shaders/collection.xml");


            UserInput.Initialize(this, typeof(AccurateMouse), typeof(Hatzap.Input.Keyboard));
            UserInput.Mouse.ClickInterval = 0.5f;

            GuiRoot.Root.Texture = new TextureArray();

            TextureMeta guiTextureMeta = new TextureMeta()
                FileName = "Assets/Textures/greySheet.png",
                Width = 512,
                Height = 512,
                PixelInternalFormat = PixelInternalFormat.Rgba,
                PixelFormat = PixelFormat.Bgra,
                PixelType = PixelType.UnsignedByte,
                Precompressed = false,
                Quality = new TextureQuality()
                    Anisotrophy = 0,
                    Filtering = TextureFiltering.Nearest,
                    TextureWrapMode_S = OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureWrapMode.Clamp,
                    TextureWrapMode_T = OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureWrapMode.Clamp,


            ElementCollection guiElements = new ElementCollection()
                Elements = new List<WidgetInfo> {
                    new WidgetInfo(){
                        WidgetType = typeof(Button).ToString(),
                        Slices = new List<GuiTextureRegion> {
                            new GuiTextureRegion() { // Top left
                                Offset = new Vector2(49,433),
                                Size = new Vector2(6,4),
                                Page = 0
                            }, new GuiTextureRegion() { // Top center
                                Offset = new Vector2(55,433),
                                Size = new Vector2(37,4),
                                Page = 0
                            }, new GuiTextureRegion() { // Top Right
                                Offset = new Vector2(92,433),
                                Size = new Vector2(6,4),
                                Page = 0
                            }, new GuiTextureRegion() { // Middle left
                                Offset = new Vector2(49,437),
                                Size = new Vector2(6,36),
                                Page = 0
                            }, new GuiTextureRegion() { // Middle center
                                Offset = new Vector2(55,437),
                                Size = new Vector2(37,36),
                                Page = 0
                            }, new GuiTextureRegion() { // Middle right
                                Offset = new Vector2(92,437),
                                Size = new Vector2(6,36),
                                Page = 0
                            }, new GuiTextureRegion() { // Bottom left
                                Offset = new Vector2(49,473),
                                Size = new Vector2(6,5),
                                Page = 0
                            }, new GuiTextureRegion() { // Bottom center
                                Offset = new Vector2(55,473),
                                Size = new Vector2(37,5),
                                Page = 0
                            }, new GuiTextureRegion() { // Bottom right
                                Offset = new Vector2(92,473),
                                Size = new Vector2(6,5),
                                Page = 0
                    new WidgetInfo(){
                        WidgetType = typeof(Window).ToString(),
                        Slices = new List<GuiTextureRegion> {
                             new GuiTextureRegion() { // Top left
                                Offset = new Vector2(190,98),
                                Size = new Vector2(7,5),
                                Page = 0
                            }, new GuiTextureRegion() { // Top center
                                Offset = new Vector2(195,98),
                                Size = new Vector2(86,5),
                                Page = 0
                            }, new GuiTextureRegion() { // Top Right
                                Offset = new Vector2(283,98),
                                Size = new Vector2(7,5),
                                Page = 0
                            }, new GuiTextureRegion() { // Middle left
                                Offset = new Vector2(190,103),
                                Size = new Vector2(7,89),
                                Page = 0
                            }, new GuiTextureRegion() { // Middle center
                                Offset = new Vector2(197,103),
                                Size = new Vector2(86,89),
                                Page = 0
                            }, new GuiTextureRegion() { // Middle right
                                Offset = new Vector2(283,103),
                                Size = new Vector2(7,89),
                                Page = 0
                            }, new GuiTextureRegion() { // Middle left
                                Offset = new Vector2(190,103),
                                Size = new Vector2(7,89),
                                Page = 0
                            }, new GuiTextureRegion() { // Middle center
                                Offset = new Vector2(197,103),
                                Size = new Vector2(86,89),
                                Page = 0
                            }, new GuiTextureRegion() { // Middle right
                                Offset = new Vector2(283,103),
                                Size = new Vector2(7,89),
                                Page = 0
                            }, new GuiTextureRegion() { // Bottom left
                                Offset = new Vector2(190,192),
                                Size = new Vector2(7,6),
                                Page = 0
                            }, new GuiTextureRegion() { // Bottom center
                                Offset = new Vector2(197,192),
                                Size = new Vector2(86,6),
                                Page = 0
                            }, new GuiTextureRegion() { // Bottom right
                                Offset = new Vector2(283,192),
                                Size = new Vector2(7,6),
                                Page = 0
                    new WidgetInfo(){
                        WidgetType = typeof(Panel).ToString(),
                        Slices = new List<GuiTextureRegion> {
                            new GuiTextureRegion() { // Top left
                                Offset = new Vector2(190,98),
                                Size = new Vector2(7,5),
                                Page = 0
                            }, new GuiTextureRegion() { // Top center
                                Offset = new Vector2(195,98),
                                Size = new Vector2(86,5),
                                Page = 0
                            }, new GuiTextureRegion() { // Top Right
                                Offset = new Vector2(283,98),
                                Size = new Vector2(7,5),
                                Page = 0
                            }, new GuiTextureRegion() { // Middle left
                                Offset = new Vector2(190,103),
                                Size = new Vector2(7,89),
                                Page = 0
                            }, new GuiTextureRegion() { // Middle center
                                Offset = new Vector2(197,103),
                                Size = new Vector2(86,89),
                                Page = 0
                            }, new GuiTextureRegion() { // Middle right
                                Offset = new Vector2(283,103),
                                Size = new Vector2(7,89),
                                Page = 0
                            }, new GuiTextureRegion() { // Bottom left
                                Offset = new Vector2(190,192),
                                Size = new Vector2(7,6),
                                Page = 0
                            }, new GuiTextureRegion() { // Bottom center
                                Offset = new Vector2(197,192),
                                Size = new Vector2(86,6),
                                Page = 0
                            }, new GuiTextureRegion() { // Bottom right
                                Offset = new Vector2(283,192),
                                Size = new Vector2(7,6),
                                Page = 0

            XML.Write.ToFile(guiElements, "Assets/Gui/elements.xml");

            GridContainer mainGuiGrid = new GridContainer();
            mainGuiGrid.Columns = 1;
            mainGuiGrid.Rows = 3;
            mainGuiGrid.Anchor = new Anchor();
            mainGuiGrid.Anchor.Directions[AnchorDirection.Top] = AnchorType.Snap;
            mainGuiGrid.Anchor.Directions[AnchorDirection.Left] = AnchorType.Snap;
            mainGuiGrid.Anchor.Directions[AnchorDirection.Right] = AnchorType.Snap;
            mainGuiGrid.Anchor.Directions[AnchorDirection.Bottom] = AnchorType.Snap;
            mainGuiGrid.Position = new Vector2(0, 0);
            mainGuiGrid.Size = new Vector2(400, 200);

            Panel leftPanel = new Panel();
            leftPanel.Anchor = new Anchor();
            leftPanel.Anchor.Directions[AnchorDirection.Left] = AnchorType.Snap;
            leftPanel.Anchor.Directions[AnchorDirection.Top] = AnchorType.Snap;
            leftPanel.Anchor.Directions[AnchorDirection.Bottom] = AnchorType.Snap;

            leftPanel.Position = new Vector2(100, 100);
            leftPanel.Size = new Vector2(300, 10);
            leftPanel.Color = new Vector4(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1f);
            leftPanel.RightAnchorOffset = -10.0f;

            leftPanel.TextureRegion = guiElements.GetInfo(leftPanel).Slices.ToArray();

            Panel menuBar = new Panel();
            menuBar.Anchor = new Anchor();
            menuBar.Anchor.Directions[AnchorDirection.Top] = AnchorType.Snap;
            menuBar.Anchor.Directions[AnchorDirection.Left] = AnchorType.Snap;
            menuBar.Anchor.Directions[AnchorDirection.Right] = AnchorType.Snap;

            menuBar.Position = new Vector2(100, 100);
            menuBar.Size = new Vector2(300, 30);
            menuBar.Color = new Vector4(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1f);

            menuBar.TextureRegion = guiElements.GetInfo(leftPanel).Slices.ToArray();

            Panel bottomBar = new Panel();
            bottomBar.Anchor = new Anchor();
            bottomBar.Anchor.Directions[AnchorDirection.Left] = AnchorType.Snap;
            bottomBar.Anchor.Directions[AnchorDirection.Right] = AnchorType.Snap;
            bottomBar.Anchor.Directions[AnchorDirection.Bottom] = AnchorType.Snap;

            bottomBar.Position = new Vector2(0, 690);
            bottomBar.Size = new Vector2(0, 30);
            bottomBar.Color = new Vector4(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1f);

            bottomBar.TextureRegion = guiElements.GetInfo(leftPanel).Slices.ToArray();

            #region StackContainer test
            StackContainer stack = new StackContainer();
                Button btn = new Button();
                Button btn2 = new Button();
                Button btn3 = new Button();
                Button btn4 = new Button();


                btn.Color = new Vector4(1.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f, 1);
                btn.Text = "Button 1";
                btn.TextColor = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1);
                btn.OnClick += (m) =>
                    //btn.Text = "Clicked " + m.ToString();
                btn.Anchor = new Anchor();
                btn.Anchor.Directions[AnchorDirection.Left] = AnchorType.Snap;
                btn.Anchor.Directions[AnchorDirection.Right] = AnchorType.Snap;
                btn.Anchor.Directions[AnchorDirection.Top] = AnchorType.Snap;
                btn.Position = new Vector2(100, 100);
                btn.Size = new Vector2(150, 50);
                btn.TextureRegion = guiElements.Elements[0].Slices.ToArray();

                btn2.Color = new Vector4(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1);
                btn2.Text = "Button 2";
                btn2.OnClick += (m) =>
                    btn2.Text = "Clicked " + m.ToString();
                btn2.Anchor = new Anchor();
                btn2.Anchor.Directions[AnchorDirection.Left] = AnchorType.Snap;
                btn2.Anchor.Directions[AnchorDirection.Right] = AnchorType.Snap;
                btn2.Anchor.Directions[AnchorDirection.Top] = AnchorType.Snap;
                btn2.Position = new Vector2(300, 100);
                btn2.Size = new Vector2(150, 50);
                btn2.TextureRegion = guiElements.Elements[0].Slices.ToArray();

                btn3.Text = "Button 3";
                btn3.OnClick += (m) =>
                    var r = new Hatzap.Utilities.Random();
                    btn3.Color = new Vector4((float)r.NextDouble(), (float)r.NextDouble(), (float)r.NextDouble(), 1);
                    //btn3.Z = btn4.Z + 1;
                btn3.Anchor = new Anchor();
                btn3.Anchor.Directions[AnchorDirection.Left] = AnchorType.Snap;
                btn3.Anchor.Directions[AnchorDirection.Right] = AnchorType.Snap;
                btn3.Anchor.Directions[AnchorDirection.Top] = AnchorType.Snap;
                btn3.Position = new Vector2(100, 200);
                btn3.Size = new Vector2(150, 50);
                btn3.TextureRegion = guiElements.Elements[0].Slices.ToArray();

                btn4.Color = new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 0.5f);
                btn4.Text = "Button 4";
                btn4.OnClick += (m) =>
                    //btn4.Text = "Clicked " + m.ToString();
                    //btn4.Z = btn3.Z + 1;
                btn4.Anchor = new Anchor();
                btn4.Anchor.Directions[AnchorDirection.Left] = AnchorType.Snap;
                btn4.Anchor.Directions[AnchorDirection.Right] = AnchorType.Snap;
                btn4.Anchor.Directions[AnchorDirection.Top] = AnchorType.Snap;
                btn4.Position = new Vector2(150, 200);
                btn4.Size = new Vector2(150, 50);
                btn4.TextureRegion = guiElements.GetInfo(btn4).Slices.ToArray();

            stack.Anchor = new Anchor();
            stack.Anchor.Directions[AnchorDirection.Left] = AnchorType.Snap;
            stack.Anchor.Directions[AnchorDirection.Top] = AnchorType.Snap;
            stack.Anchor.Directions[AnchorDirection.Right] = AnchorType.Snap;
            stack.Anchor.Directions[AnchorDirection.Bottom] = AnchorType.Snap;

            stack.RightAnchorOffset = 5;
            stack.LeftAnchorOffset = 5;
            stack.TopAnchorOffset = 5;

            var image = new Hatzap.Gui.Widgets.Image();
            var lblText = new Label();

            Window window = new Window();
            window.TextureRegion = guiElements.GetInfo(window).Slices.ToArray();
            window.Position = new Vector2(1200, 600);
            window.Size = new Vector2(300, 200);
            window.TitleHeight = 20;
            window.TitleColor = new Vector4(79f / 255f / 0.5f, 193f / 255f / 0.5f, 233f / 255f / 0.5f, 1f);
            window.Color = new Vector4(1f / (210f / 255f), 1f / (210f / 255f), 1f / (210f / 255f), 1f);




            UserInput.Keyboard.CaptureText = true;

            modelShader = ShaderManager.Get("Model");
            textShader = ShaderManager.Get("Text");

            //Create a new importer
            AssimpContext importer = new AssimpContext();

            //This is how we add a configuration (each config is its own class)
            //NormalSmoothingAngleConfig config = new NormalSmoothingAngleConfig(66.0f);

            var flags = PostProcessPreset.TargetRealTimeMaximumQuality | PostProcessSteps.Triangulate | PostProcessSteps.SortByPrimitiveType | PostProcessSteps.FlipUVs;

            //Import the model. All configs are set. The model
            //is imported, loaded into managed memory. Then the unmanaged memory is released, and everything is reset.
            Scene model = importer.ImportFile("Assets/Models/cube.fbx", flags);

            mesh = new Hatzap.Models.Mesh();

            Assimp.Mesh aMesh = null;

            foreach (var item in model.Meshes)
                if (item.PrimitiveType != Assimp.PrimitiveType.Triangle)

                aMesh = item;

            if (aMesh != null)
                //mesh.AssimpMesh = aMesh;
                Debug.WriteLine("ERROR: No triangle meshes found in imported model.");

            //End of example

            TextureMeta shipTextureMeta = new TextureMeta()
                FileName = "Assets/Textures/sh3.jpg,Assets/Textures/sh3_n.png,Assets/Textures/sh3_s.jpg",
                PixelInternalFormat = PixelInternalFormat.CompressedRgbaS3tcDxt1Ext,
                PixelFormat = PixelFormat.Bgra,
                PixelType = PixelType.UnsignedByte,
                Width = 1024,
                Height = 1024,
                Quality = new TextureQuality()
                    Filtering = TextureFiltering.Trilinear,
                    Anisotrophy = 32,
                    Mipmaps = true,
                    TextureWrapMode_S = OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureWrapMode.Repeat,
                    TextureWrapMode_T = OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.TextureWrapMode.Repeat

            shipTexture = new TextureArray();

            font = FontManager.Get("OpenSans-Regular");

            fpsText = new GuiText();
            fpsText.Font = font;
            fpsText.FontSize = 8f;
            fpsText.Weight = 1.2f;
            fpsText.Smooth = 2.5f;
            fpsText.LineHeight = 50.0f;
            fpsText.Color = new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1);
            fpsText.Text = "FPS: Calculating..";

            int n = 5;
            int sizeScale = 7;

            var rand = new Hatzap.Utilities.Random();

            for (int x = -n; x <= n; x++)
                for (int y = -n; y <= n; y++)
                    Hatzap.Models.Material spaceShipMaterial = new Hatzap.Models.Material();

                    bool transparent = rand.NextDouble() < 0.5;

                    float transparency = (float)rand.NextDouble();

                    transparency += 0.05f;

                    if (!(transparency < 1.0f))
                        transparency = 1.0f;
                        transparent = false;

                    spaceShipMaterial.Transparent = transparent;

                    spaceShipMaterial.UniformData = new List<IUniformData> {
                        new UniformDataVector4()
                            Name = "Color",
                            Data = new Vector4((float)rand.NextDouble(), (float)rand.NextDouble(), (float)rand.NextDouble(), transparency)

                    for (int z = -n; z <= n; z++)
                        var spaceShip = new Model();
                        spaceShip.Texture = shipTexture;
                        //spaceShip.Shader = ShaderManager.Get("Textureless");
                        spaceShip.Shader = ShaderManager.Get("Model");
                        spaceShip.Mesh = mesh;
                        spaceShip.Transform.Static = true;
                        spaceShip.Transform.Position = new Vector3((x + (float)(rand.NextDouble() - 0.5)) * sizeScale, (y + (float)(rand.NextDouble() - 0.5)) * sizeScale, (z + (float)(rand.NextDouble() - 0.5)) * sizeScale);
                        spaceShip.Transform.Rotation = Quaternion.FromEulerAngles(x * 360.0f / n / (float)Math.PI, y * 360.0f / n / (float)Math.PI, z * 360.0f / n / (float)Math.PI);
                        spaceShip.Material = spaceShipMaterial;


            Debug.WriteLine("OnLoad() ends");

Exemplo n.º 2
        private void MenuImportMesh_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Configure open file dialog box
            Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog openDlg = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog();
            openDlg.FileName = ""; // Default file name
            openDlg.DefaultExt = ".*"; // Default file extension
            openDlg.Filter = "All files |*.*"; // Filter files by extension

            // Show open file dialog box
            Nullable<bool> result = openDlg.ShowDialog();

            // Process open file dialog box results
            if (result == true)
                // Open document
                string filename = openDlg.FileName;

                //Create a new importer
                AssimpContext importer = new AssimpContext();

                //This is how we add a configuration (each config is its own class)
                //NormalSmoothingAngleConfig config = new NormalSmoothingAngleConfig(66.0f);

                var flags = PostProcessPreset.TargetRealTimeMaximumQuality | PostProcessSteps.Triangulate | PostProcessSteps.SortByPrimitiveType | PostProcessSteps.FlipUVs;

                //Import the model. All configs are set. The model
                //is imported, loaded into managed memory. Then the unmanaged memory is released, and everything is reset.
                Scene model = importer.ImportFile(filename, flags);

                var mesh = new Hatzap.Models.Mesh();

                Assimp.Mesh aMesh = null;

                foreach (var item in model.Meshes)
                    if (item.PrimitiveType != Assimp.PrimitiveType.Triangle)

                    aMesh = item;

                if (aMesh != null)
                    AssimpConvertor ac = new AssimpConvertor();

                    mesh = ac.FromAssimp(aMesh);
                    Debug.WriteLine("ERROR: No triangle meshes found in imported model.");


                if (mesh == null)

                filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename);

                filename += ".mesh";

                // Configure save file dialog box
                Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog saveDlg = new Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog();
                saveDlg.FileName = filename; // Default file name
                saveDlg.DefaultExt = ".mesh"; // Default file extension
                saveDlg.Filter = "Mesh files (.mesh)|*.mesh"; // Filter files by extension

                // Show save file dialog box
                result = saveDlg.ShowDialog();

                // Process save file dialog box results
                if (result == true)
                    // Save document
                    filename = saveDlg.FileName;

                    MeshManager meshManager = new MeshManager();

                    using (var fs = File.OpenWrite(filename))
                        meshManager.TemporarySaveAsset(mesh, fs);