Exemplo n.º 1
 public InvoiceCreator(OrdersForm ordersForm, Customer customer, Order order, List<OrderedStock> orderedStock)
     this.ordersForm = ordersForm;
     this.customer = customer;
     this.order = order;
     this.orderedStock = orderedStock;
     grandTotal = 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
         Postcondition: When user selects new order, information is updated to display the selected order*/
        private void dataGridView1_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int currRow = dataGridView1.CurrentCell.RowIndex;

            if (currRow < customersOrders.Count)
                currOrder = customersOrders[currRow];
Exemplo n.º 3
         Postcondition: Starts a search for orders depending on what search boxes have been filled in*/
        private void startSearch()
            //Clear all the text boxes out for a new search

            if (boxOrderSearchID.Text != "")
                int orderID = Convert.ToInt32(boxOrderSearchID.Text);

                //Run search
                currOrder = dbManager.searchOrders(orderID);

                //Check order wasn't null
                if (currOrder != null)
                    //Get the stock that was ordered for this order

                    currOrderedStock = dbManager.searchOrderedStock(orderID);

                    //Autofill into text boxes the found order
                    boxOrderID.Text = currOrder.orderID.ToString();
                    boxOrderRef.Text = currOrder.orderReference;
                    boxProgress.Text = currOrder.progress;
                    boxInvoiceDate.Text = currOrder.invoiceDate.ToString("d/MM/yyyy");
                    boxFreight.Text = "$" + String.Format("{0:0.00}", currOrder.freightCost);
                    boxComments.Text = currOrder.comments;

                    //Search for customer attatched to the order
                    currCustomer = dbManager.searchCustomers(currOrder.customerID);

                    //Use customers data if the customer was found
                    if (currCustomer != null)
                        boxCustID.Text = currCustomer.custID.ToString();
                        boxFirstName.Text = currCustomer.firstName;
                        boxLastName.Text = currCustomer.lastName;
                        boxInstitution.Text = currCustomer.institution;
                        boxPostcode.Text = currCustomer.postCode;
                        boxAdd1.Text = currCustomer.address1;
                        boxAdd2.Text = currCustomer.address2;
                        boxAdd3.Text = currCustomer.address3;
                        boxCountry.Text = currCustomer.country;
                        //Use the default data that was stored in the order
                        boxFirstName.Text = currOrder.firstName + " " + currOrder.lastName;

                    //Loop over and display all of the ordered stock for the order
                    foreach (OrderedStock o in currOrderedStock)
                        dataGridView1.Rows.Add(o.quantity, o.author, o.title, "$" + String.Format("{0:0.00}", o.price), o.bookID, "$" + String.Format("{0:0.00}", o.discount));
                    if (orderID == -1)
                        boxOrderSearchID.Text = "";
                        MessageBox.Show("Order not found");
Exemplo n.º 4
          Postcondition: Does setup and initializes everything needed*/
        private void setup()
            //Initialize globals
            dbManager = new DatabaseManager();
            allOrders = new List<Order>();
            allOrderedStock = new List<OrderedStock>();
            currOrderedStock = new List<OrderedStock>();
            newOrderedStock = new List<OrderedStock>();
            fileManager = new FileManager();
            currCustomer = null;
            currOrder = null;
            canEdit = false;


            //Set up column widths
            DataGridViewColumn colQuantity = dataGridView1.Columns[0];
            colQuantity.Width = 50;
            DataGridViewColumn colAuthor = dataGridView1.Columns[1];
            colAuthor.Width = 187;
            DataGridViewColumn colTitle = dataGridView1.Columns[2];
            colTitle.Width = 270;
            DataGridViewColumn colPrice = dataGridView1.Columns[3];
            colPrice.Width = 75;
            DataGridViewColumn colBookID = dataGridView1.Columns[4];
            colBookID.Width = 75;
            DataGridViewColumn colDiscount = dataGridView1.Columns[5];
            colDiscount.Width = 75;


            //If this form was opened through customers orders then remove unneccessary controls and adjust form
            if (mainMenu == null)
                labOrderID.Visible = false;
                boxOrderSearchID.Visible = false;
                btnSearch.Enabled = false;
                btnSearch.Visible = false;

                btnNewestOrder.Enabled = false;
                btnNewestOrder.Visible = false;

                btnNewOrder.Enabled = false;
                btnNewOrder.Visible = false;

                btnPrev.Enabled = false;
                btnPrev.Visible = false;

                btnNext.Enabled = false;
                btnNext.Visible = false;

                btnMainMenu.Text = "Close";

                groupBox1.Left = groupBox1.Left - 50;
                btnAddBook.Left = btnAddBook.Left - 50;
                btnMainMenu.Left = btnMainMenu.Left - 50;
                btnCreateInvoice.Left = btnCreateInvoice.Left - 40;
                btnBigMailingLabel.Left = btnBigMailingLabel.Left - 40;
                btnSmallMailingLabel.Left = btnSmallMailingLabel.Left - 40;
                labMailingLabels.Left = labMailingLabels.Left - 40;

                Width = Width - 50;
Exemplo n.º 5
         Postcondition: Loops through list of stock passed in, and inserts them into SQLite DB*/
        public void insertOrder(Order newOrder)
            //Check to see if orders table exists
            if (checkForTable("Orders"))
                string firstName = SyntaxHelper.escapeSingleQuotes(newOrder.firstName);
                string lastName = SyntaxHelper.escapeSingleQuotes(newOrder.lastName);
                string institution = SyntaxHelper.escapeSingleQuotes(newOrder.institution);
                string postcode = SyntaxHelper.escapeSingleQuotes(newOrder.postcode);
                string orderReference = SyntaxHelper.escapeSingleQuotes(newOrder.orderReference);
                string progress = SyntaxHelper.escapeSingleQuotes(newOrder.progress);
                double freightCost = newOrder.freightCost;
                int invoiceNo = newOrder.invoiceNo;
                DateTime invoiceDate = newOrder.invoiceDate;
                string comments = SyntaxHelper.escapeSingleQuotes(newOrder.comments);
                int customerID = newOrder.customerID;
                int orderID = newOrder.orderID;

                //Open DB

                string orderInsert = "";

                //Build insert command
                orderInsert = "INSERT INTO Orders VALUES(null, '" + firstName + "', '" + lastName + "', '" + institution + "', '" + postcode + "', '" +
                    orderReference + "', '" + progress + "', '" + freightCost + "', '" + invoiceNo + "', '" + invoiceDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "', '" + comments + "', '" +
                    customerID + "')";

                SQLiteCommand insertCommand = new SQLiteCommand(orderInsert, dbConnection);

Exemplo n.º 6
         Postcondition: Sets up everything that needs to be done when form is initialized*/
        private void setup()
            dbManager = new DatabaseManager();
            customersOrders = new List<Order>();

            labCustomerName.Text = "Orders for: " + currCustomer.firstName + " " + currCustomer.lastName;

            //Set up column widths
            DataGridViewColumn colOrderID = dataGridView1.Columns[0];
            colOrderID.Width = 100;
            DataGridViewColumn colRef = dataGridView1.Columns[1];
            colRef.Width = 100;
            DataGridViewColumn colInvoiceDate = dataGridView1.Columns[2];
            colInvoiceDate.Width = 100;

            //Set column widths of 2nd datagridview
            DataGridViewColumn colQuantity = dataGridView2.Columns[0];
            colQuantity.Width = 50;
            DataGridViewColumn colAuthor = dataGridView2.Columns[1];
            colAuthor.Width = 187;
            DataGridViewColumn colTitle = dataGridView2.Columns[2];
            colTitle.Width = 270;
            DataGridViewColumn colPrice = dataGridView2.Columns[3];
            colPrice.Width = 75;
            DataGridViewColumn colBookID = dataGridView2.Columns[4];
            colBookID.Width = 75;
            DataGridViewColumn colDiscount = dataGridView2.Columns[5];
            colDiscount.Width = 75;

            //Find the customers orders
            customersOrders = dbManager.searchCustomersOrders(currCustomer.custID);

            //Set up first order from customer if they have any orders
            if (customersOrders.Count > 0)
                currOrder = customersOrders[0];

                foreach (Order o in customersOrders)
                    dataGridView1.Rows.Add(o.orderID, o.orderReference, o.invoiceDate);

Exemplo n.º 7
        /*Precondition: month needs to be a number e.g march = "03", year = "2016"
        Postcondition: Returns a list of Orders that were made in the passed in month and year */
        public List<Order> getOrdersByMonth(string month, string year)
            List<Order> foundOrders = new List<Order>();

            //Check to make sure orders table exists
            if (checkForTable("Orders"))

                //Days in months needs to be incremented by 1 to get the full range from the database
                int daysInMonth = DateTime.DaysInMonth(Convert.ToInt32(year), Convert.ToInt32(month));
                daysInMonth += 1;

                string day1 = "01";
                string day2 = daysInMonth.ToString();

                //Execute SQL query
                string sql = "SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE invoiceDate BETWEEN '" + year + "-" + month + "-" + day1 + "' AND '" + year + "-" + month + "-" + day2 + "'";
                SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(sql, dbConnection);
                SQLiteDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();

                //Loop over and store results
                while (reader.Read())
                    string date = reader[9].ToString();
                    string[] splitOnSpace = date.Split(' ');
                    string[] splitOnSlash = splitOnSpace[0].Split('/');

                    //Convert date into datetime
                    DateTime currDate = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(splitOnSlash[2]), Convert.ToInt32(splitOnSlash[1]), Convert.ToInt32(splitOnSlash[0]));

                    Order foundOrder = new Order(Convert.ToInt32(reader[0]), reader[1].ToString(), reader[2].ToString(), reader[3].ToString(), reader[4].ToString(), reader[5].ToString(), reader[6].ToString(),
                        Convert.ToDouble(reader[7]), Convert.ToInt32(reader[8]), currDate, reader[10].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(reader[11]));



            return foundOrders;
Exemplo n.º 8
         Postcondition: Returns a list of all the orders */
        public List<Order> getAllOrders()
            List<Order> foundOrders = new List<Order>();

            //Check to make sure orders table exists
            if (checkForTable("Orders"))

                //Execute SQL query
                string sql = "SELECT * FROM Orders";
                SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(sql, dbConnection);
                SQLiteDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();

                //Loop over and store results
                while (reader.Read())
                    string date = reader[9].ToString();
                    string[] splitOnSpace = date.Split(' ');
                    string[] splitOnSlash = splitOnSpace[0].Split('/');

                    DateTime currDate = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(splitOnSlash[2]), Convert.ToInt32(splitOnSlash[1]), Convert.ToInt32(splitOnSlash[0]));

                    Order currOrder = new Order(Convert.ToInt32(reader[0]), reader[1].ToString(), reader[2].ToString(), reader[3].ToString(), reader[4].ToString(), reader[5].ToString(), reader[6].ToString(),
                        Convert.ToDouble(reader[7]), Convert.ToInt32(reader[8]), currDate, reader[10].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(reader[11]));



            //Return results
            return foundOrders;
Exemplo n.º 9
        Postcondition: Updates the passed in order details, new details already added onto the order, use the ID to update*/
        public void updateOrder(Order order)
            if (checkForTable("Orders"))
                string firstName = SyntaxHelper.escapeSingleQuotes(order.firstName);
                string lastName = SyntaxHelper.escapeSingleQuotes(order.lastName);
                string institution = SyntaxHelper.escapeSingleQuotes(order.institution);
                string postcode = SyntaxHelper.escapeSingleQuotes(order.postcode);
                string orderReference = SyntaxHelper.escapeSingleQuotes(order.orderReference);
                string progress = SyntaxHelper.escapeSingleQuotes(order.progress);
                double freightCost = order.freightCost;
                int invoiceNo = order.invoiceNo;
                DateTime invoiceDate = order.invoiceDate;
                string comments = SyntaxHelper.escapeSingleQuotes(order.comments);
                int customerID = order.customerID;
                int orderID = order.orderID;

                //Apostrophies cause program to crash
                string updateQuery = "UPDATE Orders SET customerFirstName = '" + firstName + "', customerLastName = '" + lastName + "', institution = '" + institution +
                    "', postcode = '" + postcode + "', orderReference = '" + orderReference + "', progress = '" + progress + "', freightCost = '" + freightCost +
                    "', invoice = '" + invoiceNo + "', invoiceDate = '" + invoiceDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "', comments = '" + comments + "', customerID = '" + customerID + "' WHERE orderID = " + orderID;

                SQLiteCommand updateCommand = new SQLiteCommand(updateQuery, dbConnection);
Exemplo n.º 10
         Postcondition: Returns a list of orderedStock from the orderedBooks and data in datagrid */
        private List<OrderedStock> createOrderedStock(Order order)
            List<OrderedStock> newOrderedStock = new List<OrderedStock>();

            //Get invoice/orderID for current order
            int nextOrderIDAndInvoiceNo = dbManager.getNextOrderID();

            int currRowIndex = 0;

            //Loop over all the books selected and create orderedStock from them
            foreach (Stock s in orderedBooks)
                //Get quantity, price and discount from the datagrid
                int quantity = Convert.ToInt32(dataGridView1.Rows[currRowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString());
                string author = dataGridView1.Rows[currRowIndex].Cells[1].Value.ToString();
                string title = dataGridView1.Rows[currRowIndex].Cells[2].Value.ToString();
                string priceString = dataGridView1.Rows[currRowIndex].Cells[3].Value.ToString();
                double price = 0.00;
                if (priceString != "")
                    if(priceString[0] == '$')
                        price = Convert.ToDouble(priceString.Substring(1));
                        price = Convert.ToDouble(priceString);
                string bookID = dataGridView1.Rows[currRowIndex].Cells[4].Value.ToString();
                string discountString = dataGridView1.Rows[currRowIndex].Cells[5].Value.ToString();
                double discount = 0.00;
                if (discountString != "")
                    if(discountString[0] == '$')
                        discount = Convert.ToDouble(discountString.Substring(1));
                        discount = Convert.ToDouble(discountString);

                //Create the orderedStock and store
                OrderedStock o = new OrderedStock(nextOrderIDAndInvoiceNo, s.stockID, quantity, author, title, price, bookID, discount);


            return newOrderedStock;
Exemplo n.º 11
         Postcondition: Returns an order from what information is currently entered in the form */
        private Order createOrder()
            //Get all information out of text boxes
            string firstName = boxFirstName.Text;
            string lastName = boxLastName.Text;
            string institution = boxInstitution.Text;
            string add1 = boxAddress1.Text;
            string add2 = boxAddress2.Text;
            string add3 = boxAddress3.Text;
            string postcode = boxPostcode.Text;
            string country = boxCountry.Text;
            string orderRef = boxOrderRef.Text;
            string progress = boxProgress.Text;
            string stringDate = boxInvoiceDate.Text;
            string[] splitDate = stringDate.Split('/');
            DateTime invoiceDate = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(splitDate[2]), Convert.ToInt32(splitDate[1]), Convert.ToInt32(splitDate[0]));

            string freightString = boxFreight.Text;
            double freight = 0.00;
            if(freightString[0] == '$')
                freight = Convert.ToDouble(freightString.Substring(1));
                freight = Convert.ToDouble(freightString);

            string comments = boxComments.Text;

            //Get invoice/orderID for current order
            int nextOrderIDAndInvoiceNo = dbManager.getNextOrderID();

            Order newOrder = new Order(firstName, lastName, institution, postcode, orderRef, progress, freight, nextOrderIDAndInvoiceNo, invoiceDate, comments, currentCustomer.custID);

            return newOrder;