Exemplo n.º 1
        public SpotFunctionPanel()
            : base(4, 2, false)
            // TODO: use degrees instead of radians
            angleHScale = new HScale(0, 2, 0.01);
            distanceSpinButton = new SpinButton(1, 1000, 1);

            presets = new List<SpotFunction>(SpotFunction.Samples.list());
            presetsNames = (from preset in presets select preset.Name).ToList();
            presetComboBox = new ComboBox(presetsNames.ToArray());
            presetComboBox.Changed += delegate
                int active = presetComboBox.Active;
                if (active >= 0) {
                    module = (SpotFunction)presets[active].deepCopy();

            ColumnSpacing = RowSpacing = BorderWidth = 5;

            Attach(new Label("Preset:") { Xalign = 0.0f }, 0, 1, 0, 1,
                AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0);
            Attach(presetComboBox, 1, 2, 0, 1,
                AttachOptions.Fill | AttachOptions.Expand,
                AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0);

            Attach(new Label("Screen angle (rad):") { Xalign = 0.0f }, 0, 1, 1, 2,
                AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0);
            Attach(angleHScale, 1, 2, 1, 2,
                AttachOptions.Fill | AttachOptions.Expand,
                AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0);

            Attach(new Label("Screen line distance (px):") { Xalign = 0.0f },
                0, 1, 2, 3,
                AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0);
            Attach(distanceSpinButton, 1, 2, 2, 3,
                AttachOptions.Fill | AttachOptions.Expand,
                AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0);

Exemplo n.º 2
            static Samples()
                _list = new List<SpotFunction>();

                nullSpot = new SpotFunction((double angle, double distance) =>
                    return (int x, int y) => 128;
                    Name = "Null spot function"

                euclidDot = new SpotFunction((double angle, double distance) =>
                    double pixelDivisor = 2.0 / distance;
                    return (int x, int y) =>
                        double rotatedX, rotatedY;
                            x * pixelDivisor, y * pixelDivisor,
                            angle, out rotatedX, out rotatedY);
                        return (int)(
                            255 * (0.5 - (0.25 * (
                            // to make an elipse multiply sin/cos
                            // arguments with different multipliers
                            Math.Sin(Math.PI * (rotatedX + 0.5)) +
                            Math.Cos(Math.PI * rotatedY)))));
                    Name = "Euclid dot",
                    Description = "circular dot changing to square at 50% grey"

                perturbedEuclidDot = new SpotFunction(
                    (double angle, double distance) =>
                    Random random = new Random();
                    double noiseAmplitude = 0.01;
                    double pixelDivisor = 2.0 / distance;
                    return (int x, int y) =>
                        double rotatedX, rotatedY;
                            x * pixelDivisor, y * pixelDivisor,
                            angle, out rotatedX, out rotatedY);
                        return (int)(
                            255 * (
                            ((random.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 2 * noiseAmplitude) +
                            (0.5 - (0.25 * (
                            // to make an elipse multiply sin/cos
                            // arguments with different multipliers
                            Math.Sin(Math.PI * (rotatedX + 0.5)) +
                            Math.Cos(Math.PI * rotatedY))))));
                    Name = "Euclid dot, perturbed",
                    Description = "Euclid dot with some noise"

                squareDot = new SpotFunction((double angle, double distance) =>
                    return (int x, int y) =>
                        double rotatedX, rotatedY;
                        SpotFunction.Util.rotate(x, y, angle, out rotatedX, out rotatedY);
                        return (int)(255 *
                            (1 - (0.5 * (
                            Math.Abs(((Math.Abs(rotatedX) / (distance * 0.5)) % 2) - 1) +
                            Math.Abs(((Math.Abs(rotatedY) / (distance * 0.5)) % 2) - 1)
                    Name = "Square dot"

                line = new SpotFunction((double angle, double distance) =>
                    angle %= Math.PI * 0.5;
                    double invDistance = 1 / distance;
                    double sinInvDistance = Math.Sin(angle) * invDistance;
                    double cosInvDistance = Math.Cos(angle) * invDistance;

                    return (int x, int y) =>
                        double value = (sinInvDistance * x) + (cosInvDistance * y);
                        return (int)(255 * (Math.Abs(
                            Math.Sign(value) * value % Math.Sign(value))));
                    Name = "Line"

                triangle = new SpotFunction((double angle, double distance) =>
                    double invDistance = 1 / distance;

                    return (int x, int y) =>
                        // TODO: it does not rotate
                        return (int)(255 * 0.5 * (
                        ((invDistance * x) % 1) +
                        ((invDistance * y) % 1)
                    Name = "Triangle"

                circleDot = new SpotFunction((double angle, double distance) =>
                    double invDistance = 1 / distance;

                    return (int x, int y) =>
                        // TODO: fix this
                        double xSq = x - distance * 0.5;
                        xSq = (xSq * xSq) % distance;
                        double ySq = y - distance * 0.5;
                        ySq = (ySq * ySq) % distance;
                        return (int)(255 *
                            //((1 - Math.Sqrt(
                            //(invDistance * (x*x) % 1) +
                            //(invDistance * (y*y) % 1)
                            //) * 0.5)));
                            ((1 - invDistance * Math.Sqrt(2*(xSq + ySq)))));
                    Name = "Circle dot"
                // TODO: uncomment this when circle dot will work
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new spot function threshold filter with given spot
 /// function.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="spotFunc"></param>
 public SpotFunctionThresholdFilter(SpotFunction spotFunc)
     SpotFunc = spotFunc;
Exemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new image generator with a default spot functions
 /// and no effects.
 /// </summary>
 public ImageGenerator()
     SpotFunction = new SpotFunction();
     Effects = new List<IImageFilter>();
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new spot function threshold filter with a default
 /// spot function.
 /// </summary>
 public SpotFunctionThresholdFilter()
     SpotFunc = new SpotFunction();