Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>Get the top posts from hackernews.com in json string format</summary>
        /// <param name="numberOfPosts">Number of posts you want to get (0 > posts < 101)</param>
        /// <returns>a string containing the number of posts specified in a json format</returns>
        public async Task <string> GetXNumberOfTopHackerNewsPosts(int numberOfPosts)
            string storyInfo = "";

            if (numberOfPosts > 0 && numberOfPosts < 101)
                var data = await HackerNewsAPI.GetTopHackerNewsStoryIds();

                List <int> storyIds = parseListOfStoryIdsFromJson(data, numberOfPosts);

                storyInfo = await GetStoriesBasedOnStoryIds(storyIds);
                storyInfo = "Number of posts specified is out of bounds. Please enter a value between 0 and 100";

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>Get a single story from hacker news based on the id</summary>
        /// <param name="storyIds">hacker news post Id</param>
        /// <param name="rank">the rank at which the story is on hacker news</param>
        /// <returns>A StoryInfo object with fields containing info about the story</returns>
        static async Task <StoryInfo> GetStoryBasedOnStoryIdAndRank(int storyId, int rank)
            //Get the story information
            string json = await HackerNewsAPI.GetHackerNewsStoriesById(storyId);

            JObject storyInfo = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);

            StoryInfo hnInfo = new StoryInfo();

            if (storyInfo.GetValue("title") != null)
                string title = storyInfo.GetValue("title").ToString();

                //Check if title is non-empty string
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(title) && title.Length < 257)
                    hnInfo.Title = title;
                else if (title.Length > 256)
                    hnInfo.Title = "Title too long";
                    hnInfo.Title = "No Title Available";

            if (storyInfo.GetValue("url") != null)
                hnInfo.Uri = storyInfo.GetValue("url").ToString();

                //Check if URL is valid
                Uri  uriResult;
                bool result = Uri.TryCreate(hnInfo.Uri, UriKind.Absolute, out uriResult) &&
                              (uriResult.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttp || uriResult.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttps);

                if (!result)
                    hnInfo.Uri = hnInfo.Uri + " (Invalid Uri)";

            if (storyInfo.GetValue("by") != null)
                string author = storyInfo.GetValue("by").ToString();

                //Check if Author is non-empty string
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(author) && author.Length < 257)
                    hnInfo.Author = author;
                else if (author.Length > 257)
                    hnInfo.Author = "Author name too long";
                    hnInfo.Author = "No Author Available";

            if (storyInfo.GetValue("score") != null)
                string score = storyInfo.GetValue("score").ToString();

                //Check if greater or equal to zero
                bool isInt = int.TryParse(score, out int intScore);
                if (isInt && intScore >= 0)
                    hnInfo.Points = score;
                    hnInfo.Points = "No score available";

            if (storyInfo.GetValue("descendants") != null)
                string comments = storyInfo.GetValue("descendants").ToString();

                //Check if greater or equal to zero
                bool isInt = int.TryParse(comments, out int intComments);
                if (isInt && intComments >= 0)
                    hnInfo.comments = comments;
                    hnInfo.comments = "No comment info available";

            //Check if greater or equal to zero
            if (rank >= 0)
                hnInfo.rank = rank.ToString();
                hnInfo.rank = "No Rank Info Available";

            // Convert DtoryInfo object to JOSN string format
            //string jsonData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(hnInfo, Formatting.Indented);
