//Calculate the angle between two vectors
        //This angle should be measured in 360 degrees (Vector3.Angle is measured in 180 degrees)
        //Should maybe be moved to _Geometry??

        //In 3d space [radians]
        public static float AngleFromToCCW(MyVector3 from, MyVector3 to, MyVector3 upRef)
            //This is only working in 2d space
            //float angleDegrees = Quaternion.FromToRotation(to.ToVector3(), from.ToVector3()).eulerAngles.y;

            from  = MyVector3.Normalize(from);
            to    = MyVector3.Normalize(to);
            upRef = MyVector3.Normalize(upRef);

            float angleRad = AngleBetween(from, to, shouldNormalize: false);

            //To get 0-2pi (360 degrees) we can use the determinant [a, b, u] = (a x b) dot u
            //Where u is a reference up vector

            //Remember that the cross product is not alwayspointing up - it can change to down depending on how the vectors are aligned
            //Which is why we need a fixed reference up
            MyVector3 cross = MyVector3.Cross(from, to);

            float determinant = MyVector3.Dot(MyVector3.Cross(from, to), upRef);


            if (determinant >= 0f)
                return((Mathf.PI * 2f) - angleRad);
Exemplo n.º 2
        //If we have a forward and an up reference vector
        //So this is not going to work if we have loops
        //tangent is same as forward
        public InterpolationTransform(MyVector3 position, MyVector3 tangent, MyVector3 up)
            this.position = position;

            MyVector3 biNormal = MyVector3.Normalize(MyVector3.Cross(up, tangent));

            MyVector3 normal = MyVector3.Normalize(MyVector3.Cross(tangent, biNormal));

            this.orientation = Quaternion.LookRotation(tangent.ToVector3(), normal.ToVector3());
Exemplo n.º 3
        // Calculate the normal of a clock-wise oriented triangle in 3d space
        public static MyVector3 CalculateTriangleNormal(MyVector3 p1, MyVector3 p2, MyVector3 p3, bool shouldNormalize = true)
            MyVector3 normal = MyVector3.Cross(p3 - p2, p1 - p2);

            if (shouldNormalize)
                normal = MyVector3.Normalize(normal);

        // Get transforms (position and orientation) at point t

        //The position and the tangent are easy to find
        //what's difficult to find is the normal because a line doesn't have a single normal

        //To get the normal in 2d, we can just flip two coordinates in the forward vector and set one to negative
        //MyVector3 normal = new MyVector3(-forwardDir.z, 0f, forwardDir.x);

        //In 3d there are multiple alternatives:
        //You can read about these methods here:
        //Game Programming Gems 2: The Parallel Transport Frame (p. 215)
        //Unite 2015 - A coder's guide to spline-based procedural geometry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9RK6O2kOKo

        // Alternative 1. Fixed up

        //Use ref vector to know which direction is up
        //Is not going to work if we have loops, but should work if you make "2d" roads like in cities skylines so no roller coasters
        public static MyQuaternion GetOrientation_UpRef(MyVector3 tangent, MyVector3 upRef)
            tangent = MyVector3.Normalize(tangent);

            MyVector3 biNormal = MyVector3.Normalize(MyVector3.Cross(upRef, tangent));

            MyVector3 normal = MyVector3.Normalize(MyVector3.Cross(tangent, biNormal));

            MyQuaternion orientation = new MyQuaternion(tangent, normal);

Exemplo n.º 5
        // Add a triangle to this mesh

        //We dont have a normal so we have to calculate it, so make sure v1-v2-v3 is clock-wise
        public HalfEdgeFace3 AddTriangle(MyVector3 p1, MyVector3 p2, MyVector3 p3, bool findOppositeEdge = false)
            MyVector3 normal = MyVector3.Normalize(MyVector3.Cross(p3 - p2, p1 - p2));

            MyMeshVertex v1 = new MyMeshVertex(p1, normal);
            MyMeshVertex v2 = new MyMeshVertex(p2, normal);
            MyMeshVertex v3 = new MyMeshVertex(p3, normal);

            HalfEdgeFace3 f = AddTriangle(v1, v2, v3);

        // Alternative 3. Rotation Minimising Frame (also known as "Parallel Transport Frame" or "Bishop Frame")

        //Gets its stability by incrementally rotating a coordinate system (= frame) as it is translate along the curve
        //Has to be computed for the entire curve because we need the previous frame (previousTransform) belonging to a point before this point
        //Is initalized by using "Fixed Up" or "Frenet Normal"
        public static MyQuaternion GetOrientation_RotationFrame(MyVector3 position, MyVector3 tangent, InterpolationTransform previousTransform)
             * //This version is from https://pomax.github.io/bezierinfo/#pointvectors3d
             * //Reflect the known frame onto the next point, by treating the plane through the curve at the point exactly between the next and previous points as a "mirror"
             * MyVector3 v1 = position - previousTransform.position;
             * float c1 = MyVector3.Dot(v1, v1);
             * MyVector3 riL = previousTransform.Right - v1 * (2f / c1) * MyVector3.Dot(v1, previousTransform.Right);
             * MyVector3 tiL = previousTransform.Forward - v1 * (2f / c1) * MyVector3.Dot(v1, previousTransform.Forward);
             * //This gives the next point a tangent vector that's essentially pointing in the opposite direction of what it should be, and a normal that's slightly off-kilter
             * //reflect the vectors of our "mirrored frame" a second time, but this time using the plane through the "next point" itself as "mirror".
             * MyVector3 v2 = tangent - tiL;
             * float c2 = MyVector3.Dot(v2, v2);
             * //Now we can calculate the normal and right vector belonging to this orientation
             * MyVector3 right = riL - v2 * (2f / c2) * MyVector3.Dot(v2, riL);
             * //The source has right x tangent, but then every second normal is flipped
             * MyVector3 normal = MyVector3.Cross(tangent, right);
             * MyQuaternion orientation = new MyQuaternion(tangent, normal);

            //This version is from Game Programming Gems 2: The Parallel Transport Frame
            //They generate the same result and this one is easier to understand

            //The two tangents
            MyVector3 T1 = previousTransform.Forward;
            MyVector3 T2 = tangent;

            //You move T1 to the new position, so A is a vector going from the new position
            MyVector3 A = MyVector3.Cross(T1, T2);

            //This is the angle between T1 and T2
            float alpha = Mathf.Acos(MyVector3.Dot(T1, T2) / (MyVector3.Magnitude(T1) * MyVector3.Magnitude(T2)));

            //Now rotate the previous frame around axis A with angle alpha
            MyQuaternion F1 = previousTransform.orientation;

            MyQuaternion F2 = MyQuaternion.RotateQuaternion(F1, alpha * Mathf.Rad2Deg, A);

            MyQuaternion orientation = F2;

        // Alternative 2. Frenet normal (also known as Frenet Frame)

        //Use the tagent we have and a tangent next to it
        //Works in many cases (but sometimes the frame may flip because of changes in the second derivative)
        public static MyQuaternion GetOrientation_FrenetNormal(MyVector3 tangent, MyVector3 secondDerivativeVec)
            MyVector3 a = MyVector3.Normalize(tangent);

            //What a next point's tangent would be if the curve stopped changing at our point and just had the same derivative and second derivative from that point on
            MyVector3 b = MyVector3.Normalize(a + secondDerivativeVec);

            //A vector that we use as the "axis of rotation" for turning the tangent a quarter circle to get the normal
            MyVector3 r = MyVector3.Normalize(MyVector3.Cross(a, b));

            //The normal vector should be perpendicular to the plane that the tangent and the axis of rotation lie in
            MyVector3 normal = MyVector3.Normalize(MyVector3.Cross(r, a));

            MyQuaternion orientation = new MyQuaternion(tangent, normal);

Exemplo n.º 8
        // Calculate the center of circle in 3d space given three coordinates
        //From https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/60630/how-do-i-find-the-circumcenter-of-a-triangle-in-3d
        public static MyVector3 CalculateCircleCenter(MyVector3 a, MyVector3 b, MyVector3 c)
            MyVector3 ac    = c - a;
            MyVector3 ab    = b - a;
            MyVector3 abXac = MyVector3.Cross(ab, ac);

            //This is the vector from a to the circumsphere center
            MyVector3 toCircumsphereCenter = MyVector3.Cross(abXac, ab) * Mathf.Pow(MyVector3.Magnitude(ac), 2f);

            toCircumsphereCenter += MyVector3.Cross(ac, abXac) * Mathf.Pow(MyVector3.Magnitude(ab), 2f);

            toCircumsphereCenter *= (1f / (2f * Mathf.Pow(MyVector3.Magnitude(abXac), 2f)));

            float circumsphereRadius = MyVector3.Magnitude(toCircumsphereCenter);

            //The circumsphere center becomes
            MyVector3 ccs = a + toCircumsphereCenter;

        //Remove flat tetrahedrons (a vertex in a triangle)
        private static bool RemoveFlatTetrahedrons(HalfEdgeData3 meshData, Normalizer3 normalizer = null)
            HashSet <HalfEdgeVertex3> vertices = meshData.verts;

            bool foundFlatTetrahedron = false;

            foreach (HalfEdgeVertex3 vertex in vertices)
                HashSet <HalfEdge3> edgesGoingToVertex = vertex.GetEdgesPointingToVertex(meshData);

                if (edgesGoingToVertex.Count == 3)
                    //Find the vertices of the triangle covering this vertex clock-wise
                    HalfEdgeVertex3 v1 = vertex.edge.v;
                    HalfEdgeVertex3 v2 = vertex.edge.prevEdge.oppositeEdge.v;
                    HalfEdgeVertex3 v3 = vertex.edge.oppositeEdge.nextEdge.v;

                    //Build a plane
                    MyVector3 normal = MyVector3.Normalize(MyVector3.Cross(v3.position - v2.position, v1.position - v2.position));

                    Plane3 plane = new Plane3(v1.position, normal);

                    //Find the distance from the vertex to the plane
                    float distance = _Geometry.GetSignedDistanceFromPointToPlane(vertex.position, plane);

                    distance = Mathf.Abs(distance);

                    if (distance < FLAT_TETRAHEDRON_DISTANCE)
                        //Debug.Log("Found flat tetrahedron");

                        Vector3 p1 = normalizer.UnNormalize(v1.position).ToVector3();
                        Vector3 p2 = normalizer.UnNormalize(v2.position).ToVector3();
                        Vector3 p3 = normalizer.UnNormalize(v3.position).ToVector3();

                        TestAlgorithmsHelpMethods.DebugDrawTriangle(p1, p2, p3, normal.ToVector3(), Color.blue, Color.red);

                        foundFlatTetrahedron = true;

                        //Save the opposite edges
                        HashSet <HalfEdge3> oppositeEdges = new HashSet <HalfEdge3>();


                        //Remove the three triangles
                        foreach (HalfEdge3 e in edgesGoingToVertex)

                        //Add the new triangle (could maybe connect it ourselves)
                        HalfEdgeFace3 newTriangle = meshData.AddTriangle(v1.position, v2.position, v3.position, findOppositeEdge: false);

                        meshData.TryFindOppositeEdge(newTriangle.edge, oppositeEdges);
                        meshData.TryFindOppositeEdge(newTriangle.edge.nextEdge, oppositeEdges);
                        meshData.TryFindOppositeEdge(newTriangle.edge.nextEdge.nextEdge, oppositeEdges);

