Exemplo n.º 1
        private static bool OK4Evaluate(HMSItem item)
            bool success = ((item.Kind == DefKind.Property) || (item.Kind == DefKind.Variable));

            if (!success && (item.Kind == DefKind.Function) || (item.Kind == DefKind.Method))
                success = successMethods4Eval.IndexOf("|" + item.MenuText.ToLower() + "|") >= 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static HMSItem GetHmsItemFromLine(string line)
            HMSItem item = new HMSItem();

            item.Text         = regexGetFromLineName.Match(line).Groups[1].Value.Trim();
            item.Type         = regexGetFromLineType.Match(line).Groups[1].Value.Trim();             // All ok, if not success - value is empty string
            item.ToolTipTitle = regexGetFromLineCmd.Match(line).Groups[1].Value.Trim();
            item.ToolTipText  = "";
            item.MenuText     = item.Text;
            item.Help         = StylishHelp(regexGetFromLineHelp.Match(line).Groups[1].Value);
            if (item.ToolTipTitle.Length == 0)
                item.ToolTipTitle = item.Text;
                if (item.Type.Length > 0)
                    item.ToolTipTitle += ": " + item.Type;
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static void BuildAutocompleteItemsFromResourse(string file, int imageIndex, string toolTipText, AutocompleteItems itemsList, DefKind kind)
            string   section  = "";
            string   filter   = "";
            Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            Stream   stream   = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(file);

            try {
                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream)) {
                    stream = null; string line; HMSItem item = null; Match m;
                    while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                        m = Regex.Match(line, @"^\*\s*?\[(.*)\]"); if (m.Success)
                            section = m.Groups[1].Value.Trim(); continue;
                        m = Regex.Match(line, @"^\*sm\w+\s*?<(.*?)>"); if (m.Success)
                            filter = m.Groups[1].Value.Trim(); continue;
                        if (filter == "-")
                        if (line.StartsWith("*") || (line.Trim().Length == 0))
                            continue;                                                    // Skip comments and blank lines
                        int indent = line.Length - line.TrimStart().Length;
                        if (indent == 0)
                            item             = GetHmsItemFromLine(line);
                            item.ImageIndex  = imageIndex;
                            item.ToolTipText = toolTipText + ((section.Length > 0) ? (" (" + section + ")") : "");
                            item.Kind        = kind;
                            item.Filter      = filter;
                            if (kind == DefKind.Function)
                                item.Kind = (item.Type.Length > 0) ? DefKind.Function : DefKind.Procedure;
                        else if ((indent == 2) || (line[0] == '\t'))
                            // it's help for parameters of last method
                            if (itemsList.Count > 0)
                                item = itemsList[itemsList.Count - 1];
            } catch (Exception e) {
            } finally {
                if (stream != null)
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void InitAndLoadHMSKnowledgeDatabase()
            CreateIfNotExistDirectory(WorkingDir, true);

            // Загружаем базу данных знаний о HMS (классы, типы, функции и т.п.) из ресурсов
            HmsTypesString = Regex.Replace(HmsTypesStringWithHelp, "{.*?}", "").ToLower();
            Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            HMSItem  item     = null;
            bool     isStatic = false;

            ItemsBoolean.Add(new HMSItem()
                Text = "True", ImageIndex = Images.Constant, MenuText = "True", Type = "Boolean"
            ItemsBoolean.Add(new HMSItem()
                Text = "False", ImageIndex = Images.Constant, MenuText = "False", Type = "Boolean"

            Stream stream = null;

            try {
                // Load classes items
                stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(ResourcePath + "hms_classes.txt");
                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream)) {
                    stream        = null;
                    ClassesString = "|";
                    string line, name, cmd; HMSClassInfo hmsclass = null;
                    line = reader.ReadLine();
                    while (line != null)
                        if ((line.Trim().Length < 1) || (line.StartsWith("*")))
                            line = reader.ReadLine(); continue;
                        int indent = line.Length - line.TrimStart().Length;

                        item = GetHmsItemFromLine(line);
                        if (indent == 0)
                            // it's Class
                            if (!HmsClasses.ContainsName(item.Text))
                                hmsclass      = new HMSClassInfo();
                                hmsclass.Name = item.Text;
                                hmsclass.Type = item.Type;
                                hmsclass.Help = item.Help;
                                item.Kind         = DefKind.Class;
                                item.ImageIndex   = Images.Class;
                                item.ToolTipTitle = "Класс " + item.Text;
                                item.IsClass      = true;
                                ClassesString += hmsclass.Name.ToLower() + "|";
                        else if (indent == 2)
                            // it's method or property of the class
                            cmd = item.ToolTipTitle;
                            if (cmd.StartsWith("function"))
                                item.ImageIndex = Images.Method; item.Kind = DefKind.Method;
                            else if (cmd.StartsWith("procedure"))
                                item.ImageIndex = Images.Method; item.Kind = DefKind.Procedure;
                            else if (cmd.StartsWith("property"))
                                item.ImageIndex = Images.Field; item.Kind = DefKind.Property;
                            else if (cmd.StartsWith("index"))
                                item.ImageIndex = Images.Enum; item.Kind = DefKind.Property;
                            else if (cmd.StartsWith("event"))
                                item.ImageIndex = Images.Event; item.Kind = DefKind.Event;
                            name = Regex.Replace(cmd, @"^(function|procedure|property|index property|event)\s+", "");
                            name = Regex.Match(name, @"\w+").Value.Trim();
                            if (name.Length < 1)
                                name += " ";
                            item.Text     = name;
                            item.MenuText = name;
                            if (item.ImageIndex == Images.Enum)
                                item.Text = name + "[^]";
                            else if (item.ImageIndex == Images.Method)
                                if (cmd.IndexOf('(') > 0)
                                    item.Text = name + "(^)";
                                //else                    item.Text = name + "()";
                            if (name.ToLower() == "create")
                                // hmm... only one static method
                                isStatic = true;
                                isStatic = false;
                        else if ((indent == 4) || (line[0] == '\t'))
                            // it's help for parameters of last method
                            if (isStatic)
                                if (hmsclass.StaticItems.Count > 0)
                                    item = hmsclass.StaticItems[hmsclass.StaticItems.Count - 1];
                                if (hmsclass.MemberItems.Count > 0)
                                    item = hmsclass.MemberItems[hmsclass.MemberItems.Count - 1];
                        line = reader.ReadLine();
                // For each Class look the derived class and add his methods (info1) and methods of derived class of derived class (info2)
                foreach (var classItem in HmsClasses)
                    if (classItem.Type.Length == 0)
                        continue;                                                        // if no type - skip
                    HMSClassInfo info1 = HmsClasses[classItem.Type];                     // get derived class
                    if (info1.Name.Length == 0)
                        continue;                                                        // if no found - skip
                    HMSClassInfo info2 = HmsClasses[info1.Type];                         // get derived class of the derived class
                    if (info2.Name.Length > 0)
                        foreach (var i2 in info2.MemberItems)
                            if (!classItem.MemberItems.ContainsName(i2.MenuText))
                        foreach (var i2 in info2.StaticItems)
                            if (!classItem.StaticItems.ContainsName(i2.MenuText))
                    foreach (var i1 in info1.MemberItems)
                        if (!classItem.MemberItems.ContainsName(i1.MenuText))
                    foreach (var i1 in info1.StaticItems)
                        if (!classItem.StaticItems.ContainsName(i1.MenuText))

                // Load a built-in Types (Enumerates)
                stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(ResourcePath + "hms_types.txt");
                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream)) {
                    stream = null; string line; HMSClassInfo hmsType = null;
                    while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                        if (line.StartsWith("*") || (line.Trim().Length == 0))
                            continue;                                                                            // Skip comments and blank lines
                        item = GetHmsItemFromLine(line);
                        if (!HmsTypes.ContainsName(item.Text))
                            hmsType      = new HMSClassInfo();
                            hmsType.Name = item.Text;
                            hmsType.Type = item.Text;
                            hmsType.Help = item.Help;
                            string names = Regex.Match(line, @"\((.*?)\)").Groups[1].Value;
                            foreach (string name in names.Split(','))
                                item              = new HMSItem();
                                item.ImageIndex   = Images.Enum;
                                item.Text         = name;
                                item.MenuText     = name;
                                item.ToolTipTitle = name;
                                item.ToolTipText  = "Перечисление типа " + hmsType.Name;
                            ClassesString += hmsType.Name.ToLower() + "|";
            } catch (Exception e) {
            } finally {
                if (stream != null)

            // Load a built-in Functions and Procedures items
            BuildAutocompleteItemsFromResourse(ResourcePath + "hms_func.txt", Images.Procedure, "", ItemsFunction, DefKind.Function);
            foreach (var itemFunc in ItemsFunction)
                if (itemFunc.Type.Length > 0)
                    itemFunc.ImageIndex = Images.Function;

            // Load a built-in Variables
            BuildAutocompleteItemsFromResourse(ResourcePath + "hms_vars.txt", Images.Field, "Встроенная переменная", ItemsVariable, DefKind.Variable);

            // Load a built-in Constants
            BuildAutocompleteItemsFromResourse(ResourcePath + "hms_constants.txt", Images.Enum, "Встроенная константа", ItemsConstant, DefKind.Constant);

            foreach (var info in HmsTypes)
                foreach (var typeitem in info.MemberItems)

            // Check the self
            NotFoundedType  = "|";
            HmsTypesString += "int|long|void|bool|float|";
            foreach (var q in HmsClasses)
                KnownType(q.Type); foreach (var a in q.MemberItems)
            foreach (var q in ItemsFunction)
            foreach (var q in ItemsVariable)
            foreach (var q in ItemsConstant)

            string funcList = "";

            foreach (var q in ItemsFunction)
                funcList += "|" + q.MenuText;
            funcList          = funcList.Substring(1).Replace("|Int|", "|Int\\(|");
            RegexHmsFunctions = new Regex(@"\b(" + funcList + @")\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            string varsList = "";

            foreach (var q in ItemsVariable)
                varsList += "|" + q.MenuText;
            varsList          = varsList.Substring(1);
            RegexHmsVariables = new Regex(@"\b(" + varsList + @")\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            varsList = "";
            foreach (var q in ItemsConstant)
                varsList += "|" + q.MenuText;
            varsList          = varsList.Substring(1);
            RegexHmsConstants = new Regex(@"\b(" + varsList + @")\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            ClassesString  += NotFoundedType.ToLower();
            HmsTypesString += "";
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Статическая процедура, вызываемая из MouseTimer_Task по срабатыванию MouseTimer для отображения подсказки при наведении мышкой на часть текста
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ActiveHMSEditor">Активный (вызвавший) элемент HMSEditor</param>
        public static void Task(HMSEditor ActiveHMSEditor)
            if (ActiveHMSEditor.Locked)
            try {
                var   Editor     = ActiveHMSEditor.Editor;
                Point point      = ActiveHMSEditor.MouseLocation;
                int   iStartLine = ActiveHMSEditor.Editor.YtoLineIndex(0);
                int   CharHeight = ActiveHMSEditor.Editor.CharHeight;
                int   i          = point.Y / CharHeight;
                int   iLine      = iStartLine + i;
                if ((iLine + 1) > ActiveHMSEditor.Editor.LinesCount)
                Place  place         = ActiveHMSEditor.PointToPlace(point);
                string line          = Editor.Lines[iLine];
                string value         = "";
                bool   evalSelection = false;
                if (Editor.DebugMode && (Editor.SelectedText.Length > 2))
                    Place selStart = Editor.Selection.Start;
                    Place selEnd   = Editor.Selection.End;
                    // Если указатель мыши в области виделения, то будем вычислять выдиление
                    evalSelection = (selStart.iLine == iLine) && (selStart.iChar >= place.iChar) && (selEnd.iChar <= iLine);

                Range  r        = new Range(Editor, place, place);
                Range  fragment = r.GetFragmentLookedLeft();
                string text     = fragment.Text.Replace("#", "");
                if (text.Length == 0)

                HMSItem item = ActiveHMSEditor.GetHMSItemByText(text);                 // Поиск известного элемента HMSItem по части текста
                if (item != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Text))
                    point.Offset(0, Editor.CharHeight - 4);
                    // Если идёт отладка - проверяем, мы навели на переменную или свойство объекта?
                    if (Editor.DebugMode && (evalSelection || OK4Evaluate(item)))
                        if (evalSelection)
                            text = Editor.SelectedText;
                            // проверяем, если это index свойство - то нудно вычислять значение с переданным индексом, поэтому дополняем значением [...]
                            if (item.ImageIndex == Images.Enum)
                                Match m = Regex.Match(line, text + @"\[.*?\]");
                                if (m.Success)
                                    text = m.Value;
                            else if (item.ImageIndex == Images.Function)
                                Match m = Regex.Match(line, text + @"\(.*?\)");
                                if (m.Success)
                                    text = m.Value;
                            // Проверяем тип объекта класса, может быть удобней представить в виде текста? (TStrings или TJsonObject)
                            text = CheckTypeForToStringRules(item.Type, text);
                        // Вычсиление выражения
                        value = ActiveHMSEditor.EvalVariableValue(text);
                        // Внедряемся в поток - показываем вплывающее окно со значением
                        Editor.Invoke((System.Windows.Forms.MethodInvoker) delegate {
                            ActiveHMSEditor.ValueHint.ShowValue(Editor, value, point);
                    // Показываем инофрмацию о функции или переменной через ToolTip
                    Editor.Invoke((System.Windows.Forms.MethodInvoker) delegate {
                        var tip          = Editor.ToolTip;
                        tip.ToolTipTitle = item.ToolTipTitle;
                        tip.Help         = item.Help;
                        tip.Value        = value;
                        tip.Show(item.ToolTipText + " ", Editor, point, 10000);
            } catch (Exception e) {