Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取优惠部分
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tbAllInvoiceList"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static FundPart GetFavorPart(DataTable tbAllInvoiceList)
            FundPart favorPart = new FundPart( );
            object   objSum    = tbAllInvoiceList.Compute("Sum(favor_fee)", "");

            favorPart.TotalMoney = Convert.IsDBNull(objSum) ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(objSum);

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取实收现金部分
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tbAllInvoiceList"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static FundPart GetCashPart(DataTable tbAllInvoiceList, DataTable tbAllInvoiceDetailList)
            FundPart cashPart = new FundPart( );
            object   objSum   = null;

            objSum = tbAllInvoiceList.Compute("SUM(money_fee)", "");
            cashPart.TotalMoney = Convert.IsDBNull(objSum) ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(objSum);

            DataTable tbChargeInvoiceDetaiList   = tbAllInvoiceDetailList.Clone( );
            DataTable tbRegisterInvoiceDetaiList = tbAllInvoiceDetailList.Clone( );

            for (int i = 0; i < tbAllInvoiceDetailList.Rows.Count; i++)
                int flag = Convert.ToInt32(tbAllInvoiceDetailList.Rows[i]["hang_flag"]);
                if (flag == 0)
            FundInfo fundCharge = new FundInfo( );

            fundCharge.PayName = "处方收费";
            objSum             = tbAllInvoiceList.Compute("Sum(money_fee)", "hang_flag = 1");
            fundCharge.Money   = Convert.IsDBNull(objSum) ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(objSum);
            FundInfo fundRegFee = new FundInfo( );

            fundRegFee.PayName = "挂号费";
            objSum             = tbRegisterInvoiceDetaiList.Compute("sum(total_fee)", "stat_item_code='05' and hang_flag=0 and money_fee<>0");
            fundRegFee.Money   = Convert.IsDBNull(objSum) ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(objSum);
            FundInfo fundExamine = new FundInfo( );

            fundExamine.PayName = "诊查费";
            objSum            = tbRegisterInvoiceDetaiList.Compute("sum(total_fee)", "stat_item_code='06' and hang_flag=0 and money_fee<>0");
            fundExamine.Money = Convert.IsDBNull(objSum) ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(objSum);

            cashPart.Details    = new FundInfo[3];
            cashPart.Details[0] = fundCharge;
            cashPart.Details[1] = fundRegFee;
            cashPart.Details[2] = fundExamine;

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取记账部分
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tbAllInvoiceList"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static FundPart GetTallyPart(DataTable tbAllInvoiceList)
            List <FundInfo> lstFundInfo = new List <FundInfo>( );
            decimal         totalTally  = 0;
            DataTable PatientTypeList = BaseDataController.BaseDataSet[BaseDataCatalog.病人类型列表];

            FundInfo[] fundPatType = new FundInfo[PatientTypeList.Rows.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < PatientTypeList.Rows.Count; i++)
                fundPatType[i].PayCode = PatientTypeList.Rows[i]["PATTYPECODE"].ToString( ).Trim( );
                fundPatType[i].PayName = PatientTypeList.Rows[i]["NAME"].ToString( ).Trim( ) + "_记账";
            for (int i = 0; i < fundPatType.Length; i++)
                DataRow[] drsInvoice = tbAllInvoiceList.Select("meditype='" + fundPatType[i].PayCode + "'");
                for (int j = 0; j < drsInvoice.Length; j++)
                    decimal tallyMoney = Convert.ToDecimal(drsInvoice[j]["village_fee"]);
                    if (tallyMoney != 0)
                        fundPatType[i].BillCount = fundPatType[i].BillCount + 1;
                        fundPatType[i].Money     = fundPatType[i].Money + tallyMoney;
                        totalTally = totalTally + tallyMoney;
            lstFundInfo = fundPatType.ToList( );

            FundInfo fundPos = new FundInfo( );

            fundPos.BillCount = 0;
            fundPos.PayName   = "POS金额";
            FundInfo fundSelfTally = new FundInfo( );

            fundSelfTally.PayName = "单位记账";

            for (int i = 0; i < tbAllInvoiceList.Rows.Count; i++)
                decimal posMoney       = Convert.ToDecimal(tbAllInvoiceList.Rows[i]["pos_fee"]);
                decimal selfTallyMoney = Convert.ToDecimal(tbAllInvoiceList.Rows[i]["self_tally"]);
                if (posMoney != 0)
                    fundPos.BillCount = fundPos.BillCount + 1;
                    fundPos.Money     = fundPos.Money + posMoney;
                    totalTally        = totalTally + posMoney;
                if (selfTallyMoney != 0)
                    fundSelfTally.BillCount = fundSelfTally.BillCount + 1;
                    fundSelfTally.Money     = fundSelfTally.Money + selfTallyMoney;
                    totalTally = totalTally + selfTallyMoney;

            FundPart tallyPart = new FundPart( );

            tallyPart.TotalMoney = totalTally;
            tallyPart.Details    = lstFundInfo.ToArray( );

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// 汇总所有人账单
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Books"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static CollectAccountBook CollectAllAccountBook(List <PrivyAccountBook> Books)
            CollectAccountBook     totalBook        = new CollectAccountBook( );
            List <AccountBillInfo> chargeBillinfo   = new List <AccountBillInfo>( );
            List <AccountBillInfo> registerBillinfo = new List <AccountBillInfo>( );
            FundPart  cashPart      = new FundPart( );
            FundPart  favorPart     = new FundPart( );
            FundPart  tallyPart     = new FundPart( );
            Hashtable htInvoiceItem = new Hashtable( );

            foreach (PrivyAccountBook book in Books)
                #region 合并发票科目部分
                if (book == null || book.InvoiceItem == null)
                totalBook.InvoiceItemSumTotal += book.InvoiceItemSumTotal;

                #region 合并收费票据部分
                //chargeBillinfo.Count += book.ChargeInvoiceInfo.Count;

                //chargeBillinfo.RefundCount += book.ChargeInvoiceInfo.RefundCount;
                //chargeBillinfo.RefundMoney += book.ChargeInvoiceInfo.RefundMoney;
                //List<Invoice> lstChargeInvoice = new List<Invoice>( );
                //if ( chargeBillinfo.InvoiceList != null )
                //    lstChargeInvoice = chargeBillinfo.InvoiceList.ToList( );
                //if ( book.ChargeInvoiceInfo.InvoiceList != null )
                //    for ( int i = 0 ; i < book.ChargeInvoiceInfo.InvoiceList.Length ; i++ )
                //        lstChargeInvoice.Add( book.ChargeInvoiceInfo.InvoiceList[i] );
                //chargeBillinfo.InvoiceList = lstChargeInvoice.ToArray( );

                #region 合并挂号票据部分
                //registerBillinfo.Count += book.RegisterInvoiceInfo.Count;
                ////if ( ( registerBillinfo.StartNumber == "" || registerBillinfo.StartNumber == null ) && book.RegisterInvoiceInfo.StartNumber != "" )
                ////    registerBillinfo.StartNumber = book.RegisterInvoiceInfo.StartNumber;
                ////if ( book.RegisterInvoiceInfo.EndNumber != "" )
                ////    registerBillinfo.EndNumber = book.RegisterInvoiceInfo.EndNumber;

                //registerBillinfo.RefundCount += book.RegisterInvoiceInfo.RefundCount;
                //registerBillinfo.RefundMoney += book.RegisterInvoiceInfo.RefundMoney;
                //List<Invoice> lstRegInvoice = new List<Invoice>( );
                //if ( registerBillinfo.InvoiceList != null )
                //    lstRegInvoice = registerBillinfo.InvoiceList.ToList( );
                //if ( book.RegisterInvoiceInfo.InvoiceList != null )
                //    for ( int i = 0 ; i < book.RegisterInvoiceInfo.InvoiceList.Length ; i++ )
                //        lstRegInvoice.Add( book.RegisterInvoiceInfo.InvoiceList[i] );
                //registerBillinfo.InvoiceList = lstRegInvoice.ToArray( );

                for (int i = 0; i < book.InvoiceItem.Length; i++)
                    if (htInvoiceItem.ContainsKey(book.InvoiceItem[i].ItemCode))
                        InvoiceItem invoiceItem = (InvoiceItem)htInvoiceItem[book.InvoiceItem[i].ItemCode];
                        invoiceItem.Cost += book.InvoiceItem[i].Cost;
                        htInvoiceItem.Add(invoiceItem.ItemCode, invoiceItem);
                        htInvoiceItem.Add(book.InvoiceItem[i].ItemCode, book.InvoiceItem[i]);

                #region 合并现金部分
                cashPart.TotalMoney += book.CashPart.TotalMoney;
                if (cashPart.Details == null)
                    cashPart.Details = new FundInfo[3];
                for (int i = 0; i < book.CashPart.Details.Length; i++)
                    cashPart.Details[i].BillCount += book.CashPart.Details[i].BillCount;
                    cashPart.Details[i].Money     += book.CashPart.Details[i].Money;
                    cashPart.Details[i].PayCode    = book.CashPart.Details[i].PayCode;
                    cashPart.Details[i].PayName    = book.CashPart.Details[i].PayName;

                #region 合并记账部分
                tallyPart.TotalMoney += book.TallyPart.TotalMoney;
                if (tallyPart.Details == null)
                    tallyPart.Details = new FundInfo[book.TallyPart.Details.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < book.TallyPart.Details.Length; i++)
                    tallyPart.Details[i].BillCount += book.TallyPart.Details[i].BillCount;
                    tallyPart.Details[i].Money     += book.TallyPart.Details[i].Money;
                    tallyPart.Details[i].PayCode    = book.TallyPart.Details[i].PayCode;
                    tallyPart.Details[i].PayName    = book.TallyPart.Details[i].PayName;

                favorPart.TotalMoney += book.FavorPart.TotalMoney;

            totalBook.ChargeInvoiceInfo   = chargeBillinfo.ToArray();
            totalBook.RegisterInvoiceInfo = registerBillinfo.ToArray();
            totalBook.CashPart            = cashPart;
            totalBook.TallyPart           = tallyPart;
            totalBook.FavorPart           = favorPart;

            totalBook.InvoiceItem = new InvoiceItem[htInvoiceItem.Count];
            int count = 0;
            foreach (object obj in htInvoiceItem)
                totalBook.InvoiceItem[count] = (InvoiceItem)((DictionaryEntry)obj).Value;
