Exemplo n.º 1
        private bool GetIfShouldGenerateProperty(Gum.DataTypes.Variables.VariableSave variable, ElementSave standardElementSave)
            string variableName = variable.GetRootName();

            if (mVariableNamesToSkipForProperties.Contains(variableName))
            // Core Gum objets don't have states, so if it's a state then don't create a property for it - it'll be handled
            // by the code that handles states
            if (variable.IsState(standardElementSave))

        private bool GetIfShouldGenerateStateVariable(Gum.DataTypes.Variables.VariableSave variable, ElementSave container)
            bool toReturn = true;

            string variableName = variable.GetRootName();

            if (variable.Value == null || !variable.SetsValue)
                toReturn = false;
            // states can't set states on this
            if (variable.IsState(container) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(variable.SourceObject))
                toReturn = false;

            if (toReturn && mVariableNamesToSkipForStates.Contains(variableName))
                toReturn = false;

            bool hasSourceObject = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(variable.SourceObject);

            if (toReturn && hasSourceObject)
                InstanceSave instanceSave = container.GetInstance(variable.SourceObject);

                if (instanceSave == null)
                    toReturn = false;
                    var baseElement = Gum.Managers.ObjectFinder.Self.GetElementSave(instanceSave.BaseType);

                    if (baseElement == null)
                        toReturn = false;

                    if (toReturn)
                        // Gum (just like Glue) keeps variables that aren't needed around.  This allows users to rename things and not lose
                        // important information accidentally.  But because of that we have to make sure that the variable we're working with is
                        // valid for the type of object we're dealing with.
                        var defaultState = baseElement.DefaultState;

                        // October 26, 2018
                        // Bernardo reported
                        // a crash caused by the
                        // RecursiveVariableFinder
                        // being given a state without
                        // a ParentContainer. This is a
                        // sign that the element hasn't
                        // been initialized yet. Elements
                        // should be initialized, but if they're
                        // not, we could just catch it here and initialize
                        // it on the spot. Not sure if I like this solution
                        // or not. It allows code to behave a little unpredictably,
                        // but at the same time, we could simply solve the problem by
                        // initializing here, so I'm going to do that:
                        if (defaultState.ParentContainer == null)

                        RecursiveVariableFinder rvf = new RecursiveVariableFinder(defaultState);

                        var foundVariable = rvf.GetVariable(variable.GetRootName());

                        if (foundVariable == null)
                            // This doesn't exist anywhere in the inheritance chain, so we don't want to generate it:
                            toReturn = false;

            if (toReturn && !hasSourceObject)
                // If a variable is part of a component, it better be defined in the base type or else we won't generate it.
                // For example, consider a component that used to inherit from Text. It will have variables for fonts. If that
                // component switches to inheriting from Sprite, those variables will still exist in the XML for that component,
                // but we shouldn't generate any state variables for those variables. So we'll go to the base type and see if those
                // variables exist
                bool isComponent = container is ComponentSave;

                var rootStandardElementSave = Gum.Managers.ObjectFinder.Self.GetRootStandardElementSave(container);

                // If the Container is a Screen, then rootComponent will be null, so we don't need to do anything
                if (rootStandardElementSave == null)
                    toReturn = false;
                    IEnumerable <VariableSave> variablesToCheck;

                    // This code used to get the default state from the rootStandardElementSave,
                    // but the standard element save can have variables missing from the Gum XML,
                    // but it should still support them based on the definition in the StandardElementsManager,
                    // especially if new variables have been added in the future. Therefore, use the StandardElementsManager
                    // rather than the DefaultState:
                    //var rootStandardElementVariables = rootStandardElementSave.DefaultState.Variables;
                    var rootStandardElementVariables = StandardElementsManager.Self

                    if (isComponent)
                        var component = Gum.Managers.ObjectFinder.Self.GetStandardElement("Component");

                        variablesToCheck = rootStandardElementVariables.Concat(component.DefaultState.Variables).ToList();
                        variablesToCheck = rootStandardElementVariables.ToList();

                    bool wasMatchFound = variablesToCheck.Any(item => item.Name == variable.GetRootName());
                    toReturn = wasMatchFound;

        private InterpolationCharacteristic GetInterpolationCharacteristic(VariableSave variableSave, ElementSave container)
            string variableType = null;
            if (variableSave != null)
                variableType = variableSave.Type;

            if (variableSave != null && variableSave.IsState(container))

                ElementSave categoryContainer;
                StateSaveCategory stateSaveCategory;

                if (variableSave.IsState(container, out categoryContainer, out stateSaveCategory, recursive: false))
                    return InterpolationCharacteristic.CanInterpolate;
                    // it's an exposed variable which cant be interpolated currently
                    return InterpolationCharacteristic.CantInterpolate;

            if (variableSave == null ||
                variableType == null ||
                variableType == "string" ||
                variableType == "bool" ||
                variableType == "Color" ||
                return InterpolationCharacteristic.CantInterpolate;

            if (variableType == "float" || variableType == "int" || variableType == "double" || variableType == "byte")
                return InterpolationCharacteristic.CanInterpolate;
            return InterpolationCharacteristic.CantInterpolate;

        private void AddAssignmentForInterpolationForVariable(ICodeBlock curBlock, VariableSave variable, ElementSave container)
            string memberNameInCode = variable.MemberNameInCode(container, mVariableNamesToReplaceForStates);
            ElementSave categoryContainer;
            StateSaveCategory stateSaveCategory;

            if (variable.IsState(container, out categoryContainer, out stateSaveCategory, recursive:false) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(variable.SourceObject))
                string line = string.Format(
                    "{0}.InterpolateBetween({1}FirstValue, {1}SecondValue, interpolationValue);",
                    SaveObjectExtensionMethods.InstanceNameInCode( variable.SourceObject), memberNameInCode.Replace(".", ""));

                switch (variable.Type)
                    case "int":
                        curBlock.Line(string.Format("{0} = FlatRedBall.Math.MathFunctions.RoundToInt({1}FirstValue* (1 - interpolationValue) + {1}SecondValue * interpolationValue);",
                            memberNameInCode, memberNameInCode.Replace(".", "")));

                    case "float":
                    case "double":
                        curBlock.Line(string.Format("{0} = {1}FirstValue * (1 - interpolationValue) + {1}SecondValue * interpolationValue;",
                            memberNameInCode, memberNameInCode.Replace(".", "")));
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Adjusts a variable value to be code which can execute properly. For example, converts a file string to a load call.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="variableSave">The variable</param>
        /// <param name="container">The container of the variable</param>
        /// <param name="variableValue">The variable value to modify</param>
        /// <param name="isEntireAssignment">Whether the modified value is an entire assignment - meaning no assignment is necessary. This is used for file loading.</param>
        public void AdjustVariableValueIfNecessary(Gum.DataTypes.Variables.VariableSave variableSave, ElementSave container, ref string variableValue, out bool isEntireAssignment)
            isEntireAssignment = false;

            ElementSave categoryContainer;

            Gum.DataTypes.Variables.StateSaveCategory stateSaveCategory;

            string variableType = variableSave.Type;

            if (variableSave.IsState(container, out categoryContainer, out stateSaveCategory))
                string categoryName = "Category";

                if (stateSaveCategory != null)
                    categoryName = stateSaveCategory.Name;
                    categoryName = "VariableState";

                variableValue = GetQualifiedRuntimeTypeFor(categoryContainer) +
                                "." + categoryName + "." + variableSave.Value;

            else if (variableSave.IsEnumeration())
                AdjustEnumerationVariableValue(variableSave, container, ref variableValue, ref variableType);
            else if (variableSave.GetRootName() == "Parent")
                if (container is ComponentSave)
                    variableValue = $"this.ContainedElements.FirstOrDefault(item =>item.Name == \"{variableValue}\") ?? this";
                    variableValue = $"this.ContainedElements.FirstOrDefault(item =>item.Name == \"{variableValue}\")";
            else if (variableSave.IsFile)
                isEntireAssignment = true;

                string fileName = "\"" + variableValue.Replace("\\", "\\\\") + "\"";

                variableValue = "SetProperty(\"" + variableSave.Name + "\", " + fileName + ");";

                ////RenderingLibrary.Content.LoaderManager.Self.Load("fileName", managers);
                //variableValue = "RenderingLibrary.Content.LoaderManager.Self.Load(\"" + variableValue.Replace("\\", "\\\\") + "\", RenderingLibrary.SystemManagers.Default)";

            else if (variableSave.Type == "string")
                variableValue = variableValue.Replace("\\", "\\\\");
                variableValue = variableValue.Replace("\"", "\\\"");
                // do this after replacing the backslashes up above
                variableValue = variableValue.Replace("\n", "\\n");
                variableValue = "\"" + variableValue + "\"";
            else if (variableSave.Type == "float")
                //variableValue = variableValue + "f";
                // convert this using the current language:

                var value = Convert.ToSingle(variableValue, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                variableValue = value.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "f";
            else if (variableSave.Type == "bool")
                variableValue = variableValue.ToLower();
Exemplo n.º 6
        private bool GetIfShouldGenerateStateVariable(Gum.DataTypes.Variables.VariableSave variable, ElementSave container)
            bool toReturn = true;

            string variableName = variable.GetRootName();

            if (variable.Value == null || !variable.SetsValue)
                toReturn = false;
            // states can't set states on this
            if (variable.IsState(container) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(variable.SourceObject))
                toReturn = false;

            if (toReturn && mVariableNamesToSkipForStates.Contains(variableName))
                toReturn = false;

            bool hasSourceObject = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(variable.SourceObject);

            if (toReturn && hasSourceObject)
                InstanceSave instanceSave = container.GetInstance(variable.SourceObject);

                if (instanceSave == null)
                    toReturn = false;
                    var baseElement = Gum.Managers.ObjectFinder.Self.GetElementSave(instanceSave.BaseType);

                    if (baseElement == null)
                        toReturn = false;

                    if (toReturn)
                        // Gum (just like Glue) keeps variables that aren't needed around.  This allows users to rename things and not lose
                        // important information accidentally.  But because of that we have to make sure that the variable we're working with is
                        // valid for the type of object we're dealing with.
                        var defaultState = baseElement.DefaultState;

                        RecursiveVariableFinder rvf = new RecursiveVariableFinder(defaultState);

                        var foundVariable = rvf.GetVariable(variable.GetRootName());

                        if (foundVariable == null)
                            // This doesn't exist anywhere in the inheritance chain, so we don't want to generate it:
                            toReturn = false;

            if (toReturn && !hasSourceObject)
                // If a variable is part of a component, it better be defined in the base type or else we won't generate it.
                // For example, consider a component that used to inherit from Text. It will have variables for fonts. If that
                // component switches to inheriting from Sprite, those variables will still exist in the XML for that component,
                // but we shouldn't generate any state variables for those variables. So we'll go to the base type and see if those
                // variables exist
                bool isComponent = container is ComponentSave;

                var rootComponent = Gum.Managers.ObjectFinder.Self.GetRootStandardElementSave(container);

                // If the Container is a Screen, then rootComponent will be null, so we don't need to do anything
                if (rootComponent == null)
                    toReturn = false;
                    IEnumerable <VariableSave> variablesToCheck;

                    if (isComponent)
                        var component = Gum.Managers.ObjectFinder.Self.GetStandardElement("Component");

                        variablesToCheck = rootComponent.DefaultState.Variables.Concat(component.DefaultState.Variables);
                        var defaultState = rootComponent.DefaultState;

                        variablesToCheck = defaultState.Variables;

                    bool wasMatchFound = variablesToCheck.Any(item => item.Name == variable.GetRootName());
                    toReturn = wasMatchFound;
