Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks for an open error window and closes it.
 /// This may close the application.
 /// Also, set doAssert to true if this test should terminate on finding one.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="doAssert">false when the test should not fail as when another test caused the error window.</param>
 protected void CheckForErrorDialogs(bool doAssert)
     // check for specific error dialogs
     // Try to get the ah for "An error has occurred" window
     // Log its info
     // Close the error window
     // Assert if directed to
     AccessibilityHelper ah = new AccessibilityHelper("An error has occurred");
     // This constructor returns the top window if it can't find the
     // one with the title
     // Even though the ah is not null, sometimes it can't get the name
     string name = "";
     if (ah != null && ah.Name == "An error has occurred")
     { // this is really bad!
         string color = "green";
         m_log.paragraph("Window: " + name);
         GuiPath path = new GuiPath("button:Exit the application");
         AccessibilityHelper ahExit = ah.SearchPath(path, null);
         if (ahExit == null)
             color = "yellow"; // can continue
             path = new GuiPath("button:Ok");
             ahExit = ah.SearchPath(path, null);
         if (ahExit == null) color = "unknown";
         if (color == "green")   m_log.paragraph("Found a green error window!");
         if (color == "yellow")  m_log.paragraph("Found a yellow error window! Continuing...");
         if (color == "unknown") m_log.paragraph("Found an unknown error window!");
         // write the error text to the log
         path = new GuiPath("window:NAMELESS[2]");
         AccessibilityHelper ahTextWin = ah.SearchPath(path, null);
         AccessibilityHelper ahText = null;
         if (ahTextWin != null)
             path = new GuiPath("text:NAMELESS[2]");
             ahText = ah.SearchPath(path, null);
         if (ahText != null)
         else m_log.paragraph(@"Don't know where to get the message text from.");
         if (color == "green" || color == "yellow")
         if (doAssert && color == "green")
             m_log.fail("Got an error window!");
         if (color == "unknown" && Application != null)
             Application.SendKeys(@"{ESC}"); // exits error window but maybe not the app
         if (doAssert && color == "unknown")
             m_log.fail("Closed the unknown error window.");
         Thread.Sleep(20000); // if still alive, wait for things to calm down
Exemplo n.º 2
		// when all the instructions pass, do-once passes
		// otherwise it fails
		public override void Execute()
			// Don't call the base execute method! - want control..
			// base.Execute();
			if (Number == -1) Number = TestState.getOnly().IncInstructionCount;
			m_ExecuteTickCount = System.Environment.TickCount;

			PrepareChildren(); // base method to build child instructions

			// remove all wait times in this context, but only at the child level
			foreach (Instruction ins in m_components)

			PassFailInContext(OnPass, OnFail, out m_onPass, out m_onFail);
			AccessibilityHelper m_ah = Accessibility;
			if (1 == m_logLevel)
				m_log.paragraph("Context is &quot;" + m_ah.Role + ":" + m_ah.Name + "&quot;");

			if (m_waitingFor != null && m_waitingFor != "")
				m_waitingFor = Utilities.evalExpr(m_waitingFor);

			int startTick = System.Environment.TickCount;

			bool done = false;
			bool lastPass = false;	// used to allow 1 last pass over instructions after time is up
			while (!done)
				// see if there are any cmds not finished
				done = true;	// start as if they're all done
				foreach (Instruction ins in m_components)
					if (!ins.Finished)	// not already finished
						// Don't assert onFail until it's the last pass (time is up)
						ins.DeferAssert = !lastPass;
						if (!ins.Finished)	// still not finished
							done = false;
				m_Result = done;
				AccessibilityHelper ah = null;
				string title = null;
				if (m_waitingFor != null && m_waitingFor != "")
					m_Result = false; // fail if the window is not found
					IntPtr foundHwndPtr = FindWindow(null,m_waitingFor);
					if ((int)foundHwndPtr != 0)
						ah = new AccessibilityHelper(foundHwndPtr);
						// The ah constructor gets the topWindow if our window isn't found
						// Don't want that
						// ah = new AccessibilityHelper(m_waitingFor);

						// get the title, the ah.Name can be different.
						GuiPath path = new GuiPath("titlebar:NAMELESS");
						AccessibilityHelper ah1 = ah.SearchPath(path, null);
						if (ah1 != null)
							title = ah1.Value;
				if (ah != null) m_log.paragraph("do-once found window:"+ah.Name);
				if (title != null) m_log.paragraph("do-once found title:"+title);
				if (lastPass)
					done = true;
				if (title != null && title == m_waitingFor)
					lastPass = true; // A window may appear a bit later
					m_Result = true;

				// once time is up, allow finial pass over instructions allowing asserts as needed
				if (!lastPass)
					lastPass = Utilities.NumTicks(startTick, System.Environment.TickCount) > m_waitTicks;
			} // end of while loop

			Finished = true; // tell do-once it's done

			if (m_onPass == "assert" && m_Result == true)
				fail("do-once accomplished its task(s) but was not supposed to.");
			if (m_onFail == "assert" && m_Result == false)
				fail("do-once did not accomplish all of its tasks.");
Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// ValueOrChild determines if the ah's value should be macthed or
 /// if a child should be matched.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="nextGP">The next path step beyond this ah</param>
 /// <param name="ah">The accessibility object currently considered</param>
 /// <param name="visitor">null or the object providing methods that are called when steps are found.</param>
 /// <returns>An AccessibilityHelper if checking for a value, otherwise null</returns>
 public AccessibilityHelper ValueOrChild(GuiPath nextGP, AccessibilityHelper ah, IPathVisitor visitor)
     bool result = false;
     if (nextGP.Role == AccessibleRole.Alert)
     { // check if the name is a regular expression
         if (nextGP.Name != null && nextGP.Name.StartsWith("rexp#"))
             Regex rx = new Regex(nextGP.Name.Substring(5));
             result = rx.IsMatch(ah.Value);
             Logger.getOnly().paragraph("Path name reg exp " + nextGP.Name.Substring(5)
                 + " on " + ah.Value + " was " + result.ToString());
         else result = nextGP.Name == ah.Value; // match the value to the next path's name
         if (!result)
         { // it didn't match, so the search failed
             if (visitor != null) visitor.notFound(nextGP);
             return null;
     if (result) return ah;
     return ah.SearchPath(nextGP, visitor); // continue on the path