Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary> Creates a texture for the given element. </summary>
        /// <param name="elementStyle"> The style of the element. </param>
        /// <param name="bounds"> The bounds of the element. </param>
        /// <returns> The element texture. </returns>
        public Texture2D CreateElementTexture(ElementStyle elementStyle, Rectangle bounds)
            //The graphics device to load the textures onto
            GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice = textures.First().Value.GraphicsDevice;

            //A 3x3 array of the corners, edges, and fill of the texture. Imagine the texture being split into 3s based on the edges and corners
            //Calculates the borders and fills in the edges of the array with the relevant textures
            Texture2D[,] textureComponents = calculateBorder(elementStyle, graphicsDevice);

            //Sets the centre of the texture to the background texture
            textureComponents[1, 1] = calculateBackground(elementStyle, graphicsDevice);

            //Create the full texture from the components and return it
            return(constructElementTexture(elementStyle, graphicsDevice, textureComponents, bounds));
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary> Cuts a texture from the main atlas based on given parameters. </summary>
        /// <param name="elementStyle"> The style of the element to read. </param>
        /// <param name="graphicsDevice"> The graphics device to create the texture on. </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Texture2D calculateBackground(ElementStyle elementStyle, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice)
            //A new texture to be returned
            Texture2D backgroundTexture;

            //Information about the style parameters
            bool containsBackgroundNode  = elementStyle.Parameters.ContainsKey("Background");
            bool containsImageParameter  = containsBackgroundNode ? elementStyle.Parameters["Background"].Parameters.ContainsKey("Image") : false;
            bool containsColourParameter = containsBackgroundNode ? elementStyle.Parameters["Background"].Parameters.ContainsKey("Colour") : false;

            //If there's no background style node or no image name parameter, return a default background
            if (!containsBackgroundNode || (containsBackgroundNode && !containsImageParameter))
                //Create a 1x1 texture
                backgroundTexture = new Texture2D(graphicsDevice, 1, 1);

                //Since we know there's no image parameter, check if there's a colour parameter and use that to colour the texture instead of the default colour
                Color backgroundColour = containsColourParameter ? elementStyle.Parameters["Background"].Parameters["Colour"].ParseColour() : Color.Honeydew;

                //Set the texture to the colour and return it
                backgroundTexture.SetData(new Color[1] {

            //The Background node of the style
            StyleParameter backgroundParameter = elementStyle.Parameters["Background"];

            //If the texture doesn't exist within the list, throw an error
            if (!textures.ContainsKey(backgroundParameter.Parameters["Image"]))
                throw new Exception("Image parameter does not match texture defined in Resources node.");

            //The main image the background will be cut from
            Texture2D backgroundAtlas = textures[backgroundParameter.Parameters["Image"]];

            //If a source is given, return that cut from the atlas, otherwise return the atlas itself
            if (backgroundParameter.Parameters.ContainsKey("Source"))
Exemplo n.º 3
        public Color GetElementFontColour(ElementStyle elementStyle)
            //Throw an error if the text node doesn't exist
            if (!elementStyle.Parameters.ContainsKey("Text"))
                throw new Exception("Text node was missing from style node.");

            if (elementStyle.Parameters["Text"].Parameters.ContainsKey("Colour"))
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary> Pieces together the components of the element texture and constructs it. </summary>
        /// <param name="elementStyle"> The style of the element. </param>
        /// <param name="graphicsDevice"> The graphics device to create the texture with. </param>
        /// <param name="components"> The components of the texture. </param>
        /// <param name="bounds"> The bounds of the element. </param>
        /// <returns> The constructed texture. </returns>
        private Texture2D constructElementTexture(ElementStyle elementStyle, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Texture2D[,] components, Rectangle bounds)
            //Tints the texture based on the given colour, or doesn't tint at all if no colour is given
            Color backgroundColour = (elementStyle.Parameters.ContainsKey("Background") && elementStyle.Parameters["Background"].Parameters.ContainsKey("Colour"))
                ? elementStyle.Parameters["Background"].Parameters["Colour"].ParseColour() : Color.White;
            Color borderColour = (elementStyle.Parameters.ContainsKey("Border") && elementStyle.Parameters["Border"].Parameters.ContainsKey("Colour"))
                ? elementStyle.Parameters["Border"].Parameters["Colour"].ParseColour() : Color.White;

            //If the background should tile
            bool tileBackground = (elementStyle.Parameters.ContainsKey("Background") && elementStyle.Parameters["Background"].Parameters.ContainsKey("Tiled"))
                ? bool.Parse(elementStyle.Parameters["Background"].Parameters["Tiled"]) : true;

            //Changes what the spritebatch draws to, so it can be saved to a Texture2D
            RenderTarget2D target = new RenderTarget2D(graphicsDevice, bounds.Width, bounds.Height);

            graphicsDevice.Clear(ClearOptions.Target | ClearOptions.DepthBuffer, Color.Transparent, 1f, 0);

            //Creates a new spritebatch to draw to the target
            using (SpriteBatch sprite = new SpriteBatch(graphicsDevice))
                //Begins drawing

                //Draws the background
                drawBackground(sprite, components, target.Bounds, backgroundColour, tileBackground);

                //Draws the edges
                drawEdges(sprite, components, target.Bounds, borderColour);

                //Draws the corners
                drawCorners(sprite, components, target.Bounds, borderColour);

                //Finishes drawing

            //Creates a texture from the target
            Texture2D elementTexture = target;

            //Sets the render target back to the screen

            //Returns the final texture
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary> Gets the best suited style from the given element. </summary>
        /// <param name="element"> The element to find a style for. </param>
        /// <returns> The best suited style. </returns>
        public ElementStyle GetElementStyle(Element element, string styleName)
            //Creates a new blank style to return
            ElementStyle finalStyle = new ElementStyle()
                Parameters = new Dictionary <string, StyleParameter>()

            //Finds all styles in the main list that are valid for the given element, then sort them from least to most relevant
            List <ElementStyle> applicableStyles = styles.FindAll(s => element.GetType().DerivesFrom(s.Type) && (s.Name == styleName || s.Name == string.Empty));

            applicableStyles = applicableStyles.OrderBy(s => s.Type.InheritanceLevel(element.GetType())).ThenBy(s => s.Name).ToList();

            //Go through each applicable style
            foreach (ElementStyle style in applicableStyles)
                foreach (StyleParameter parameter in style.Parameters.Values)
                    //If the parameters doesn't exist, make a new StyleParameter for it. This avoids reference type fuckery
                    if (!finalStyle.Parameters.ContainsKey(parameter.Name))
                        finalStyle.Parameters[parameter.Name] = new StyleParameter()
                            Parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>()

                    //Copy all the parameters, overwriting any old ones
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> subParam in parameter.Parameters)
                        finalStyle.Parameters[parameter.Name].Parameters[subParam.Key] = subParam.Value;

            //Once the finalStyle has been overwritten fully, return it
Exemplo n.º 6
        public SpriteFont GetElementFont(ElementStyle elementStyle)
            //Throw an error if the text node doesn't exist
            if (!elementStyle.Parameters.ContainsKey("Text"))
                throw new Exception("Text node was missing from style node.");

            //Throw an error if the font parameter doesn't exist
            if (!elementStyle.Parameters["Text"].Parameters.ContainsKey("Font"))
                throw new Exception("Font parameter was missing from Text node.");

            //Throw an error if the font doesn't exist
            if (!fonts.ContainsKey(elementStyle.Parameters["Text"].Parameters["Font"]))
                throw new Exception("Font parameter does not match SpriteFont defined in Resources node.");

Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary> Calculates the corners and edges of the border and fills them into a 3x3 array. </summary>
        /// <param name="elementStyle"> The style of the element. </param>
        /// <param name="graphicsDevice"> The graphics device to load onto. </param>
        /// <returns> A 3x3 Texture2D array with the edges and corners filled in. </returns>
        private Texture2D[,] calculateBorder(ElementStyle elementStyle, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice)
            //A new texture to be returned
            Texture2D borderAtlas;

            //Information about the style parameters
            bool containsBorderNode      = elementStyle.Parameters.ContainsKey("Border");
            bool containsImageParameter  = containsBorderNode ? elementStyle.Parameters["Border"].Parameters.ContainsKey("Image") : false;
            bool containsColourParameter = containsBorderNode ? elementStyle.Parameters["Border"].Parameters.ContainsKey("Colour") : false;

            //If there's no border style node or no image name parameter, return a default background
            if (!containsBorderNode || (containsBorderNode && !containsImageParameter))
                //Create a 1x1 texture
                borderAtlas = new Texture2D(graphicsDevice, 1, 1);

                //Since we know there's no image parameter, check if there's a colour parameter and use that to colour the texture instead of the default colour
                Color borderColour = containsColourParameter ? elementStyle.Parameters["Border"].Parameters["Colour"].ParseColour() : Color.Black;

                //Set the texture to the colour
                borderAtlas.SetData(new Color[1] {

                //Use this texture for the edges of an array and return it
                return(new Texture2D[3, 3]
                    { borderAtlas, borderAtlas, borderAtlas },
                    { borderAtlas, null, borderAtlas },
                    { borderAtlas, borderAtlas, borderAtlas }

            //The border node of the style
            StyleParameter borderParameter = elementStyle.Parameters["Border"];

            //If the texture doesn't exist within the list, throw an error
            if (!textures.ContainsKey(borderParameter.Parameters["Image"]))
                throw new Exception("Image parameter does not match texture defined in Resources node.");

            //The atlas that the edges and corners are cut from
            borderAtlas = textures[borderParameter.Parameters["Image"]];

            //Initialises the array
            Texture2D[,] borderArray = new Texture2D[3, 3];

            //Local function that cuts from the given atlas using the given string rectangle
            Texture2D calculateBorderPiece(string source, Texture2D atlas) => atlas.GetTexture(source.ParseRectangle());

            //Given a corner source, all corners will use this unless specified otherwise. Defaults to the atlas
            Texture2D defaultCorner = (borderParameter.Parameters.ContainsKey("Corner")) ? calculateBorderPiece(borderParameter.Parameters["Corner"], borderAtlas) : borderAtlas;

            //Sets the corners
            borderArray[0, 0] = (borderParameter.Parameters.ContainsKey("TopLeft-Corner")) ? calculateBorderPiece(borderParameter.Parameters["TopLeft-Corner"], borderAtlas) : defaultCorner;
            borderArray[2, 0] = (borderParameter.Parameters.ContainsKey("TopRight-Corner")) ? calculateBorderPiece(borderParameter.Parameters["TopRight-Corner"], borderAtlas) : defaultCorner.Rotate(1);
            borderArray[0, 2] = (borderParameter.Parameters.ContainsKey("BottomLeft-Corner")) ? calculateBorderPiece(borderParameter.Parameters["BottomLeft-Corner"], borderAtlas) : defaultCorner.Rotate(3);
            borderArray[2, 2] = (borderParameter.Parameters.ContainsKey("BottomRight-Corner")) ? calculateBorderPiece(borderParameter.Parameters["BottomRight-Corner"], borderAtlas) : defaultCorner.Rotate(2);

            //Given an edge source, all edges will use this unless specified otherwise. Defaults to the atlas
            Texture2D defaultEdge = (borderParameter.Parameters.ContainsKey("Edge")) ? calculateBorderPiece(borderParameter.Parameters["Edge"], borderAtlas) : borderAtlas;

            //Sets the edges
            borderArray[1, 0] = (borderParameter.Parameters.ContainsKey("Top-Edge")) ? calculateBorderPiece(borderParameter.Parameters["Top-Edge"], borderAtlas) : defaultEdge;
            borderArray[0, 1] = (borderParameter.Parameters.ContainsKey("Left-Edge")) ? calculateBorderPiece(borderParameter.Parameters["Left-Edge"], borderAtlas) : defaultEdge.Rotate(3);
            borderArray[1, 2] = (borderParameter.Parameters.ContainsKey("Bottom-Edge")) ? calculateBorderPiece(borderParameter.Parameters["Bottom-Edge"], borderAtlas) : defaultEdge.Rotate(2);
            borderArray[2, 1] = (borderParameter.Parameters.ContainsKey("Right-Edge")) ? calculateBorderPiece(borderParameter.Parameters["Right-Edge"], borderAtlas) : defaultEdge.Rotate(1);

            //Returns the final array
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary> Goes through the main style node and loads it into a list of data. </summary>
        /// <param name="styleNode"> The style node. </param>
        private void loadStyles(XmlNode styleNode)
            //Checks that the style node exists and has children
            if (styleNode == null)
                throw new Exception("Missing Style node.");
            if (!styleNode.HasChildNodes)
                throw new Exception("Style node has no child nodes.");

            //Initialises the style list
            styles = new List <ElementStyle>(styleNode.ChildNodes.Count);

            //Goes through each element style node and adds it to the styles
            for (int s = 0; s < styleNode.ChildNodes.Count; s++)
                //This style's node
                XmlNode elementStyleNode = styleNode.ChildNodes[s];

                //Creates a new ElementStyle to store this style
                ElementStyle style = new ElementStyle();

                //Sets the style's type, as long as the type is within the Element namespace
                if (typeof(Element).Assembly.GetType(typeof(Element).Namespace + "." + elementStyleNode.Name) != null)
                    style.Type = typeof(Element).Assembly.GetType(typeof(Element).Namespace + "." + elementStyleNode.Name);
                    throw new Exception("Invalid style type, style node's name must match element name.");

                //Sets the style's name if supplied, otherwise defaults to string.Empty
                style.Name = (elementStyleNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Name") == null) ? string.Empty : elementStyleNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Name").Value;

                //Initialises the style's parameters array
                style.Parameters = new Dictionary <string, StyleParameter>(elementStyleNode.ChildNodes.Count);

                //Goes through each node within the element style node
                foreach (XmlNode styleParameter in elementStyleNode.ChildNodes)
                    //Creates a StyleParameter with the given name
                    StyleParameter parameter = new StyleParameter()
                        Name       = styleParameter.Name,
                        Parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>(styleParameter.Attributes.Count)

                    //Goes through each attribute of the parameter and adds it to the styleParameter's dictionary
                    foreach (XmlAttribute attribute in styleParameter.Attributes)
                        parameter.Parameters[attribute.Name] = attribute.Value;

                    //Adds the parameter to the style
                    style.Parameters[styleParameter.Name] = parameter;

                //Adds the style to the list