public void Play()
            // Reset Variables
            Player.Guesses = 7;
            Player.Won     = false;

            // Add difficulty multiplier later
            CorrectNumber = rand.Next(MinGuess, MaxGuess);

            // As long as the player has guesses, guess.
            while (Player.Guesses > 0 && !Player.Won)
                // Determine if the guess is actually valid.
                bool invalidGuess = true;
                while (invalidGuess)
                    Fancy.Write($"\t({Player.Guesses} left) Guess a number: ");
                    string guess = Fancy.ReadLine(ConsoleColor.Green).ToLower();
                    EvaluateGuess(guess, out invalidGuess);

            if (Player.Won)
                Fancy.Write("\nWell done!  ", afterPause: 500);

                Player.Won = true;

                int scoreGained = (Player.Guesses + 1) * (int)Diff;
                Fancy.Write("You got " + scoreGained + " points!  Here are your stats:\n", color: ConsoleColor.Green);
                Player.Score += scoreGained;
                Fancy.Write("\nYou lost.  It happens to the best of us....\n", afterPause: 750);

                Player.Won = false;


            GameIO.SaveGame(Player, Diff);            // Save the game.

            Fancy.Write("\nDo you want to play again? (y or n) ");
            string answer = Fancy.ReadLine(ConsoleColor.Cyan);

            if (answer != "y")
                Player.IsPlaying = false;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Get the player's name
            Fancy.Write("Welcome to Guess a Game.", "  What is your name: ", 15, 30, pause: 500);
            string playerName = Console.ReadLine();

            string[] playerDataArray;       // Will store the information from saved game file.

            Player player;

            // If there is already a text file, find the player's information
            int        difficulty;          // The number representation of the difficulty
            Difficulty difficultyName;      // The actual difficulty

            // Determine if this player is new or has played before.  If the player is a returning player, get the player's data from the game file.
            bool newPlayer;

            if (File.Exists(GameIO.GameFile))
                playerDataArray = GameIO.GetPlayerData(playerName, out newPlayer);                                // Get the data relating to that player from the game file.
                playerDataArray = null;
                newPlayer       = true;

            // If the player is not new load their information from the game file.
            if (!newPlayer)
                Fancy.Write("Welcome back, " + playerDataArray[0], 50, afterPause: 500, color: ConsoleColor.Magenta);
                    Fancy.Write($"\nYour previous Difficulty: {playerDataArray[6]} | Choose Game Difficulty (1-4): ", 20);

                    // If the player has a save game, instantiate the information.
                    player = new Player(
                        name:       playerDataArray[0],
                        id:         playerDataArray[1],
                        totalScore: Convert.ToInt64(playerDataArray[2]),
                        win:        Convert.ToInt32(playerDataArray[3]),
                        loss:       Convert.ToInt32(playerDataArray[4]),
                        plays:      Convert.ToInt32(playerDataArray[5]));
                catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                        ".  You closed the program prematurely: no saved data.\n" +
                        "To save your game history, be sure to exit the program as intended.\n", afterPause: 500, color: ConsoleColor.Yellow);
                    Fancy.Write("Choose Game Difficulty: ", 20);
                    player = new Player(playerName);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Fancy.Write($"\n\n\tI don't know what went wrong!!\n\t{ex.GetType()}\n\t{ex.Message}\n\n");
                    player = new Player(playerName);

                difficulty     = AskForDifficulty();
                difficultyName = SetDifficulty(difficulty);
            else                // No text file? make one with the player's information.
                player = new Player(playerName);

                Fancy.Write("What difficulty do you want to play? (1, 2, 3, 4): ", 20);
                difficulty     = AskForDifficulty();
                difficultyName = SetDifficulty(difficulty);

                GameIO.AddPlayerToFile(player, difficultyName);



            GuessANumber game = new GuessANumber(player, difficultyName);

            // Game Loop, stops when the player doesn't want to play anymore.
            while (player.IsPlaying)

            Fancy.Write("\n\nThanks for playing!", 75, color: ConsoleColor.Green);