AddOffer() public method

public AddOffer ( Investor investor, Amount investedAmount ) : Offer
investor Investor
investedAmount Amount
return Offer
Exemplo n.º 1
 public void ShouldAllowInvestorToInvestOnlyOnce()
     var venture = new Venture(new Name("Ventura"), new Amount(100), new Amount(1));
     var investor = new Investor(new Name("investor"),  new Amount(50000));
     var duplicateInvestor = new Investor(new Name("investor"),  new Amount(500));
     venture.AddOffer(investor, new Amount(2));
     Assert.Throws<InvalidOfferException>(() => venture.AddOffer(duplicateInvestor, new Amount(2)));
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void Should_Allow_Investor_To_Invest_Only_Once()
     Venture venture = new Venture(new Name("Ventura"), new Amount(100), new Amount(1));
     Investor investor = new Investor(new Name("investor"), new GringottsDate(DateTime.Now), new Amount(50000));
     Investor duplicateInvestor = new Investor(new Name("investor"), new GringottsDate(DateTime.Now), new Amount(500));
     venture.AddOffer(investor, new Amount(2));
     Assert.Throws<InvalidOfferException>(() => venture.AddOffer(duplicateInvestor, new Amount(2)));
Exemplo n.º 3
 public void HoldingShouldBeCreatedWhenVentureStarts()
     var venture = new Venture(new Name("Ventura"), new Amount(100), new Amount(1));
     var investor0 = new Investor(new Name("Investor0"),  new Amount(100));
     var investor1 = new Investor(new Name("Investor1"),  new Amount(100));
     venture.AddOffer(investor0, new Amount(50));
     venture.AddOffer(investor1, new Amount(50));
     Assert.Greater(venture.Holding.Investments.Count, 0);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public void Holding_Should_Be_Created_When_Venture_Starts()
     Venture venture = new Venture(new Name("Ventura"), new Amount(100), new Amount(1));
     Investor investor0 = new Investor(new Name("Investor0"), new GringottsDate(DateTime.Now), new Amount(100));
     Investor investor1 = new Investor(new Name("Investor1"), new GringottsDate(DateTime.Now), new Amount(100));
     venture.AddOffer(investor0, new Amount(50));
     venture.AddOffer(investor1, new Amount(50));
     Assert.Greater(venture.Holding.Investments.Count, 0);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public void Portfolio_Should_Increase_To_The_Extent_Of_The_Offer()
     Investor investor = new Investor(new Name("Inverstor1"), new GringottsDate(DateTime.Now), new Amount(1000));
     Venture venture = new Venture(new Name("venture1"), new Amount(1000), new Amount(500));
     venture.AddOffer(investor, new Amount(600));
     Assert.AreEqual(new Amount(600), investor.OfferValue);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public void PortfolioShouldIncreaseToTheExtentOfTheOffer()
     var investor = new Investor(new Name("Inverstor1"), new Amount(1000));
     var venture = new Venture(new Name("venture1"), new Amount(1000), new Amount(500));
     venture.AddOffer(investor, new Amount(600));
     Assert.AreEqual(new Amount(600), investor.OfferValue);
Exemplo n.º 7
 public void CorpusDecreasesToTheExtentOfTheOffer()
     var investor = new Investor(new Name("Inverstor1"), new Amount(1000));
     var venture = new Venture(new Name("venture1"), new Amount(1000), new Amount(500));
     Offer offer = venture.AddOffer(investor, new Amount(600));
     Assert.AreEqual(new Amount(400), investor.Balance);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public void Corpus_Decreases_To_The_Extent_Of_The_Offer()
     Investor investor = new Investor(new Name("Inverstor1"), new GringottsDate(DateTime.Now), new Amount(1000));
     Venture venture = new Venture(new Name("venture1"), new Amount(1000), new Amount(500));
     Offer offer = venture.AddOffer(investor, new Amount(600));
     Assert.AreEqual(new Amount(400), investor.Corpus);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public void ShouldCreateTwoVenturesOnSplit()
     var venture = new Venture(new Name("venture-name"), new Amount(100), new Amount(10));
     var firstVentureName = new Name("new-venture-1");
     var secondVentureName = new Name("new-venture-2");
     var terms = new TermsOfSplit(new Percentage(0.8f), firstVentureName, secondVentureName);
     venture.AddOffer(new Investor(new Name("testName"), new Amount(1000)), new Amount(100));
     var ventures = venture.Split(terms);
     Assert.AreEqual(2, ventures.Count());
Exemplo n.º 10
 public void ShouldCreateVenturesWithPassedNames()
     var venture = new Venture(new Name("venture-name"), new Amount(100), new Amount(10));
     var firstVentureName = new Name("new-venture-1");
     var secondVentureName = new Name("new-venture-2");
     var terms = new TermsOfSplit(new Percentage(0.8f), firstVentureName, secondVentureName);
     venture.AddOffer(new Investor(new Name("testName"), new Amount(1000)), new Amount(100));
     var ventures = venture.Split(terms);
     Assert.AreEqual(firstVentureName.GetValue(), ventures.First().Name);
     Assert.AreEqual(secondVentureName.GetValue(), ventures.Last().Name);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void ShouldNotBeAbleToSplitANonStartedVenture()
            var outlay = new Amount(40);
            var venture = new Venture(new Name("Ventura"), outlay, new Amount(1));
            var investor0 = new Investor(new Name("Investor0"), new Amount(100));
            venture.AddOffer(investor0, new Amount(50));

            var firstVentureName = new Name("new-venture-1");
            var secondVentureName = new Name("new-venture-2");
            var percentage = new Percentage(0.2f);
            var terms = new TermsOfSplit(percentage, firstVentureName, secondVentureName);

Exemplo n.º 12
        public void ShouldCloseTheVentureWhenAVentureSplits()
            var outlay = new Amount(40);
            var venture = new Venture(new Name("Ventura"), outlay, new Amount(1));
            var investor0 = new Investor(new Name("Investor0"), new Amount(100));
            venture.AddOffer(investor0, new Amount(50));
            var firstVentureName = new Name("new-venture-1");
            var secondVentureName = new Name("new-venture-2");
            var percentage = new Percentage(0.2f);

            var terms = new TermsOfSplit(percentage, firstVentureName, secondVentureName);

        public void VerifyCascadeSaveOfBalanceEventViaInvestor()
            Investor investor = new Investor(new Name("dude"), new Amount(1000));
            BalanceHistory balanceHistory = investor.GetBalanceHistory();

            var venture = new Venture(new Name("Hacker's Venture"), new Amount(500), new Amount(500));
            var offerAmount = new Amount(500);
            venture.AddOffer(investor, offerAmount);
            var testBalanceEvent = new BalanceEvent(string.Format(BalanceEvent.OFFER_ACCEPTED,venture.Name), offerAmount);

            InvestorRepository investorRepository = new InvestorRepository(session);

            IQuery query = session.CreateQuery("from BalanceEvent");
            IList<BalanceEvent> savedBalanceEvents = query.List<BalanceEvent>();
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void ShouldCreateABalanceEventWhenVentureBankruptcyIsNotified()
            var investor = new Investor(new Name("Inverstor1"), new Amount(1100));
            var venture = new Venture(new Name("Hacker's Venture"), new Amount(500), new Amount(500));
            Offer offer = venture.AddOffer(investor, new Amount(500));
            Investment investment = offer.ToInvestment();



            BalanceHistory history = investor.GetBalanceHistory();
            String offerEvent = String.Format(BalanceEvent.VENTURE_BANKRUPT, "Hacker's Venture");

            BalanceEvent expectedBalanceEvent = new BalanceEvent(offerEvent, new Amount(600));

            Assert.Contains(expectedBalanceEvent, history.GetEvents());
Exemplo n.º 15
 public void ShouldAcceptInvestment()
     var venture = new Venture(new Name("Venture"), new Amount(1000000), new Amount(23538));
     var investor = new Investor(new Name("investor"),  new Amount(50000));
     Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => venture.AddOffer(investor, new Amount(30000)));
Exemplo n.º 16
        public void ShouldCreateDividendReceivedEventWhenDividendIsDeclared()
            var initialBalance = new Amount(1000);
            var investor1 = new Investor(new Name("Inverstor 1"), initialBalance);

            var outlay = new Amount(400);
            var venture = new Venture(new Name("Ventura Inc."), outlay, new Amount(1));

            venture.AddOffer(investor1, outlay);

            var dividend = new Amount(1000);

            BalanceHistory history = investor1.GetBalanceHistory();
            string dividendEvent = string.Format(BalanceEvent.DIVIDEND_RECEIVED, venture.Name);
            BalanceEvent balanceEvent = new BalanceEvent(dividendEvent, initialBalance - outlay + dividend);
            Assert.Contains(balanceEvent, history.GetEvents());
Exemplo n.º 17
 public void ShouldNotTakeMoreInvestmentThanOutlay()
     var outlay = new Amount(40);
     var venture = new Venture(new Name("Ventura"), outlay, new Amount(1));
     var investor0 = new Investor(new Name("Investor0"),  new Amount(100));
     venture.AddOffer(investor0, new Amount(50));
     // TODO: make aggregation in venture
     Assert.AreEqual(outlay, venture.Holding.Investments.Aggregate(new Amount(0), (sum, inv) => sum + inv.Value));
Exemplo n.º 18
        public void ShouldCreateAOfferPartiallyAcceptedEventWhenOffersAreConfirmed()
            var initialBalance = new Amount(1000);
            var investor1 = new Investor(new Name("Inverstor 1"), initialBalance);

            var outlay = new Amount(400);
            var venture = new Venture(new Name("Ventura Inc."), outlay, new Amount(1));

            var excess = new Amount(100);
            venture.AddOffer(investor1, outlay + excess);
            Assert.AreEqual(initialBalance - (outlay + excess), investor1.Balance);


            BalanceHistory history = investor1.GetBalanceHistory();
            string offerEvent = string.Format(BalanceEvent.OFFER_PARTIALLY_ACCEPTED, venture.Name);
            BalanceEvent balanceEvent = new BalanceEvent(offerEvent, initialBalance - outlay);
            Assert.Contains(balanceEvent, history.GetEvents());
Exemplo n.º 19
        public void ShouldCreateAOfferRejectedEventWhenVentureRejectsAnOffer()
            var initialBalance = new Amount(1000);
            var investor1 = new Investor(new Name("Inverstor 1"), initialBalance);
            var investor2 = new Investor(new Name("Inverstor 2"), initialBalance);

            var outlay = new Amount(500);
            var venture = new Venture(new Name("Ventura Inc."), outlay, new Amount(1));

            venture.AddOffer(investor1, outlay);
            var offerAmount2 = new Amount(600);
            venture.AddOffer(investor2, offerAmount2);


            BalanceHistory history = investor2.GetBalanceHistory();
            string offerEvent = string.Format(BalanceEvent.OFFER_REJECTED, venture.Name);
            BalanceEvent balanceEvent = new BalanceEvent(offerEvent, initialBalance);
            Assert.Contains(balanceEvent, history.GetEvents());
Exemplo n.º 20
 public void ShouldReturnOverInvestmentToInvestorWhenStart()
     var outlay = new Amount(40);
     var venture = new Venture(new Name("Ventura"), outlay, new Amount(1));
     var initialCorpus = new Amount(100);
     var investor = new Investor(new Name("Investor0"),  initialCorpus);
     venture.AddOffer(investor, new Amount(50));
     Assert.AreEqual(initialCorpus - outlay, investor.Balance);
Exemplo n.º 21
        public void VentureNotInStartedStateWillNotGoBankrupt()
            var outlay = new Amount(40);
            var venture = new Venture(new Name("Ventura"), outlay, new Amount(1));
            var initialCorpus = new Amount(100);
            var investor = new Investor(new Name("Investor0"), initialCorpus);
            venture.AddOffer(investor, new Amount(50));

Exemplo n.º 22
        public void ShouldUpdateInvestorPortfolioWhenVentureGoesBankrupt()
            var outlay = new Amount(50);
            var venture = new Venture(new Name("Ventura"), outlay, new Amount(1));
            var initialCorpus = new Amount(100);
            var investor = new Investor(new Name("Investor0"), initialCorpus);
            var investmentAmount = new Amount(50);
            venture.AddOffer(investor, investmentAmount);

            var previousAmount = investor.PortfolioValue;

            var currentAmount = investor.PortfolioValue;

            Assert.AreEqual(previousAmount-investmentAmount, currentAmount);
Exemplo n.º 23
        public void ShouldUpdateInvestorBalancesWhileStartingAVenture()
            var outlay = new Amount(600);
            var venture = new Venture(new Name("Ventura"), outlay, new Amount(1));
            var initialBalance = new Amount(1000);
            var investor1 = new Investor(new Name("Investor1"), initialBalance);
            var investor2 = new Investor(new Name("Investor2"), initialBalance);
            var investor3 = new Investor(new Name("Investor3"), initialBalance);
            var investor4 = new Investor(new Name("Investor4"), initialBalance);

            var offerAmount1 = new Amount(100);
            venture.AddOffer(investor1, offerAmount1);
            Assert.AreEqual(initialBalance - offerAmount1, investor1.Balance);

            var offerAmount2 = new Amount(200);
            venture.AddOffer(investor2, offerAmount2);
            Assert.AreEqual(initialBalance - offerAmount2, investor2.Balance);

            var offerAmount3 = new Amount(400);
            venture.AddOffer(investor3, offerAmount3);
            Assert.AreEqual(initialBalance - offerAmount3, investor3.Balance);

            var offerAmount4 = new Amount(500);
            venture.AddOffer(investor4, offerAmount4);
            Assert.AreEqual(initialBalance - offerAmount4, investor4.Balance);


            // check the new balances
            Assert.AreEqual(initialBalance - offerAmount1, investor1.Balance);
            Assert.AreEqual(initialBalance - offerAmount2, investor2.Balance);
            Assert.AreEqual(initialBalance - offerAmount3 + new Amount(100), investor3.Balance, "Partially accepted amount should have been refunded");
            Assert.AreEqual(initialBalance, investor4.Balance);
Exemplo n.º 24
 public void ShouldAcceptInvestmentOnlyIfGreaterThanMinimumAmount()
     var venture = new Venture(new Name("Venture"), new Amount(1000000), new Amount(23538));
     var investor = new Investor(new Name("investor"),  new Amount(50000));
     Assert.Throws<InvalidOfferException>(() => venture.AddOffer(investor, new Amount(3000)));
Exemplo n.º 25
        public void ShouldUpdateThePortfolioOfTheInvestorWhenVentureCloses()
            var outlay = new Amount(50);
            var venture = new Venture(new Name("Ventura"), outlay, new Amount(1));
            var investor0 = new Investor(new Name("Investor0"), new Amount(100));
            venture.AddOffer(investor0, new Amount(50));
            var firstVentureName = new Name("new-venture-1");
            var secondVentureName = new Name("new-venture-2");
            var percentage = new Percentage(0.2f);

            var terms = new TermsOfSplit(percentage, firstVentureName, secondVentureName);
            var ventures = venture.Split(terms);

Exemplo n.º 26
        public void StartedVentureMayGoBankrupt()
            var outlay = new Amount(40);
            var venture = new Venture(new Name("Ventura"), outlay, new Amount(1));
            var initialCorpus = new Amount(100);
            var investor = new Investor(new Name("Investor0"), initialCorpus);
            venture.AddOffer(investor, new Amount(50));

            Assert.AreEqual(Venture.BANKRUPT_STATE, venture.State);
Exemplo n.º 27
 public void ShouldCreateAOfferAcceptedBalanceEventWhenInvestorMakesAnOffer()
     var investor = new Investor(new Name("Inverstor1"), new Amount(1000));
     var venture = new Venture(new Name("ventura!"), new Amount(1000), new Amount(500));
     Offer offer = venture.AddOffer(investor, new Amount(600));
     Assert.AreEqual(new Amount(400), investor.Balance);
     BalanceHistory history = investor.GetBalanceHistory();
     string offerEvent = string.Format(BalanceEvent.OFFER_ACCEPTED, offer.VentureName);
     BalanceEvent balanceEvent = new BalanceEvent(offerEvent, new Amount(400));
     Assert.Contains(balanceEvent, history.GetEvents());
Exemplo n.º 28
        public void ShouldSplitHoldingInvestmentsAccordingToRatio()
            var outlay = new Amount(40);
            var venture = new Venture(new Name("Ventura"), outlay, new Amount(1));
            var investor0 = new Investor(new Name("Investor0"), new Amount(100));
            venture.AddOffer(investor0, new Amount(50));
            var firstVentureName = new Name("new-venture-1");
            var secondVentureName = new Name("new-venture-2");
            var percentage = new Percentage(0.2f);

            var terms = new TermsOfSplit(percentage, firstVentureName, secondVentureName);
            var ventures = venture.Split(terms);
            Assert.AreEqual(venture.HoldingValue.Denomination, ventures.Sum(n => n.HoldingValue.Denomination));
Exemplo n.º 29
 public void ShouldSplitOutlayMoneyAccordingToRatio()
     var venture = new Venture(new Name("venture-name"), new Amount(100), new Amount(10));
     var firstVentureName = new Name("new-venture-1");
     var secondVentureName = new Name("new-venture-2");
     var percentage = new Percentage(0.2f);
     var terms = new TermsOfSplit(percentage, firstVentureName, secondVentureName);
     venture.AddOffer(new Investor(new Name("testName"), new Amount(1000)), new Amount(100));
     var ventures = venture.Split(terms);
     Assert.AreEqual(percentage.Apply(venture.Outlay), ventures.First().Outlay);
     Assert.AreEqual(percentage.ApplyRemaining(venture.Outlay), ventures.Last().Outlay);
Exemplo n.º 30
        public void ShouldBeAbleToHandOutDividends()
            var venture = new Venture(new Name("Venture"), new Amount(1000), new Amount(1));
            var quarterInvestor = new Investor(new Name("investor"), new Amount(1000));
            var threeFourthsInvestor = new Investor(new Name("investor"), new Amount(1000));
            var dividend = new Amount(1000);

            venture.AddOffer(quarterInvestor, new Amount(250));
            venture.AddOffer(threeFourthsInvestor, new Amount(750));

