Exemplo n.º 1
        // Set scripting define symbols
        public static void SetScriptingDefines()
            ProjectSettings projectSettings = SuiteManager.GetProjectSettings();  // Get settings
            string          output          = "";                                 // Create output string

            for (int i = 0; i < coreScriptingDefines.Length; i++)                 // Iterate core defines
                output += coreScriptingDefines[i] + ";";                          // Add
            if (projectSettings.scriptingDefines != null)                         // Check for null
                for (int i = 0; i < projectSettings.scriptingDefines.Length; i++) // Iterate settings defines
                    output += projectSettings.scriptingDefines[i] + ";";          // Add
            int platformCount = Enum.GetNames(typeof(BuildTargetGroup)).Length; // Get platform count

            for (int i = 0; i < platformCount; i++)                             // Iterate all platforms
                if (!depreciatedBuiltTargets.Contains(i))
                    PlayerSettings.SetScriptingDefineSymbolsForGroup((BuildTargetGroup)i, output); // Add custom to current
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void GetUnityVersionInfo()
            ProjectSettings projectSettings = SuiteManager.GetProjectSettings();                            // Get settings

            projectSettings.unityVersion = UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility.GetFullUnityVersion(); // Set unity version
            projectSettings.unityBranch  = UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility.GetUnityBuildBranch(); // Set unity branch
Exemplo n.º 3
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Test Execution

        // Start an individual test (called by TestRunner)
        public void StartTest(TestEntry inputTest, RunnerType runnerType)
            Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.Logic, MessageLevel.Log, "Starting test " + inputTest.testName);                        // Write to console
            activeTest = SuiteManager.GetTest(inputTest);                                                                             // Get the active test
            TestLogicBase activeTestLogic = GetLogicInstance(SuiteManager.GetSuiteName(inputTest.suiteIndex), activeTest, inputTest); // Get active test logic instance

            StartCoroutine(activeTestLogic.SetupTest(inputTest, runnerType));                                                         // Setup test
Exemplo n.º 4
        void Start()
            runTestButton.interactable = SuiteManager.HasSuites();


Exemplo n.º 5
 // Setup for debug build
 public static void PrepareDebugBuild()
     GetUnityVersionInfo();                                    // Get unity version info
     SuiteManager.GenerateSceneList(true);                     // Create suite structure
     SetApplicationSettings(null);                             // Set application settings
     SetScriptingDefines();                                    // Set defines
     SetPlayerSettings();                                      // Set player settings
     SetQualitySettings();                                     // Set quality settings
     PlayerSettings.bundleVersion = Common.applicationVersion; // Set application version
Exemplo n.º 6
        // Set various application specific settings
        public static void SetApplicationSettings(BuildTarget target)
            PlayerSettings.companyName = "Unity Technologies";
            string          productName     = "";
            ProjectSettings projectSettings = SuiteManager.GetProjectSettings();

            if (projectSettings)
                if (projectSettings.buildNameOverride != null && projectSettings.buildNameOverride.Length > 0)
                    productName = projectSettings.buildNameOverride;
                    if (projectSettings.suiteList.Count == 0)
                        Debug.LogError("No suites found on Settings object. Aborting.");
                    else if (projectSettings.suiteList.Count > 1)
                        productName = "UTF_Various";
                        productName = "UTF_" + projectSettings.suiteList[0].suiteName;
                Debug.LogError("No Settings object found. Aborting.");
            productName += BuildPipeline.AppendProductName(target);
            PlayerSettings.productName = productName;

            int platformCount = Enum.GetNames(typeof(BuildTargetGroup)).Length; // Get platform count

            for (int i = 0; i < platformCount; i++)                             // Iterate all platforms
                if (!depreciatedBuiltTargets.Contains(i))
                    if ((BuildTargetGroup)i == BuildTargetGroup.iOS)
                        PlayerSettings.SetApplicationIdentifier((BuildTargetGroup)i, "com.UnityTechnologies." + productName.Replace("_", "-")); // Set bundle identifier for iOS
                        PlayerSettings.SetApplicationIdentifier((BuildTargetGroup)i, "com.UnityTechnologies." + productName); // Set bundle identifiers for other
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void RunBuildPipeline()
            GetUnityVersionInfo(); // Get unity version info
            //SetApplicationSettings(null); // Set application settings
            SetScriptingDefines(); // Set defines
            SetPlayerSettings();   // Set player settings
            SetQualitySettings();  // Set quality settings
            ProjectSettings projectSettings = SuiteManager.GetProjectSettings();

            this.StartCoroutine(BuildPipeline.ProcessBuildPipeline(buildConfiguration, projectSettings));
Exemplo n.º 8
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Filters

        // Get suite names and generate dropdown content
        void GenerateSuitesDropdown()
            Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.Full, MessageLevel.Log, "Generating suites dropdown"); // Write to console
            List <Dropdown.OptionData> options = new List <Dropdown.OptionData>();                   // Create new options list

            options.Add(Common.ConvertStringToDropdownOptionData("All Suites"));
            string[] suites = SuiteManager.GetSuiteNames();                       // Get suite names
            for (int i = 0; i < suites.Length; i++)                               // Iterate suites
                options.Add(Common.ConvertStringToDropdownOptionData(suites[i])); // Convert string to option data and add
            suitesDropdown.options = options;                                     // Add options
Exemplo n.º 9
        // Set various application specific settings
        public static void SetApplicationSettings(BuildTarget target, string append)
            PlayerSettings.companyName = "Unity Technologies";
            string          productName     = "";
            ProjectSettings projectSettings = SuiteManager.GetProjectSettings();

            if (projectSettings)
                if (projectSettings.buildNameOverride != null && projectSettings.buildNameOverride.Length > 0)
                    productName = projectSettings.buildNameOverride;
                    if (projectSettings.suiteList.Count == 0)
                        Debug.LogError("No suites found on Settings object. Aborting.");
                    else if (projectSettings.suiteList.Count > 1)
                        productName = "UTF_Various";
                        productName = "UTF_" + projectSettings.suiteList[0].suiteName;
                Debug.LogError("No Settings object found. Aborting.");
            productName += append;
            PlayerSettings.productName = productName;
            if (target != null)
                if (target.platform == UnityEditor.BuildTarget.iOS)
                    productName = productName.Replace("_", "-");
            int platformCount = Enum.GetNames(typeof(BuildTargetGroup)).Length;                                       // Get platform count

            for (int i = 0; i < platformCount; i++)                                                                   // Iterate all platforms
                PlayerSettings.SetApplicationIdentifier((BuildTargetGroup)i, "com.UnityTechnologies." + productName); // Set bundle identifiers
Exemplo n.º 10
        public RenderPipelineAsset GetRenderPipeline()
            RenderPipelineAsset renderPipeline = null;
            Suite suite = SuiteManager.GetSuiteByName(suiteName);                                 // Get current suite

            if (suite != null)                                                                    // If suite was returned
                renderPipeline = suite.groups[activeTestEntry.groupIndex].renderPipelineOverride; // Get the groups override render pipeline
                if (renderPipeline == null)                                                       // if still null fallback to suite default
                    renderPipeline = suite.defaultRenderPipeline;                                 // Apply suite default
Exemplo n.º 11
        public RenderPipelineAsset GetTestRenderPipeline(int suite, int group, int test)
            RenderPipelineAsset pipeline = null;

            GraphicsTestFramework.Suite s = SuiteManager.GetSuiteByIndex(suite);
            if (s != null)
                pipeline = s.defaultRenderPipeline;
                if (pipeline == null)
                    pipeline = s.groups[group].renderPipelineOverride;
Exemplo n.º 12
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Test Execution

        // Start an individual test (called by TestRunner)
        public void StartTest(TestEntry inputTest, RunnerType runnerType)
            Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.Logic, MessageLevel.Log, "Starting test " + inputTest.testName); // Write to console
            TestLogicBase activeTestLogic = null;

            if (!isAnalytic)                                                                                    // If not analytic mode
                activeTest      = SuiteManager.GetTest(inputTest);                                              // Get the active test from suite manager
                activeTestLogic = GetLogicInstance(SuiteManager.GetSuiteName(inputTest.suiteIndex), inputTest); // Get active test logic instance
                activeTest      = Common.GenerateTestFromTestEntry(inputTest);                                                     // Get the active test from structure
                activeTestLogic = GetLogicInstance(TestStructure.Instance.GetSuiteNameFromIndex(inputTest.suiteIndex), inputTest); // Get active test logic instance
            StartCoroutine(activeTestLogic.SetupTest(inputTest, runnerType));                                                      // Setup test
Exemplo n.º 13
        void CompareBaselineTimestamps(string suiteName, string dateTime)
            System.DateTime cloudTimestamp = System.DateTime.Parse(dateTime);

            if (_suiteBaselineData.Count == 0)                                                                           // TODO - shouldnt add this to pull baselines as has issue with iOS trying to pull baselines for OSX
                Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.File, MessageLevel.Log, "Putting " + suiteName + " in the pull list"); // Write to console
                int matches = 0;
                foreach (SuiteBaselineData SBD in _suiteBaselineData)
                    if (SBD.suiteName == suiteName && SBD.platform == sysData.Platform && SBD.api == sysData.API)
                        System.DateTime localTimestamp = System.DateTime.ParseExact(SBD.suiteTimestamp, Common.dateTimeFormat, null);
                        Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.File, MessageLevel.Log, string.Format("Comparing cloud time {0} vs local time {1}", cloudTimestamp, localTimestamp));

                        int timeDiff = cloudTimestamp.CompareTo(localTimestamp);
                        if (timeDiff < 0f)
                            Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.File, MessageLevel.Log, "Cloud Timestamp is old");                              // Write to console
                        else if (timeDiff > 0f)
                            Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.File, MessageLevel.Log, "Cloud Timestamp is newer, adding " + suiteName + " to pull list");                              // Write to console
                        else if (timeDiff == 0f)
                            Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.File, MessageLevel.Log, "Cloud Timestamp is the same");                              // Write to console

                if (matches == 0)
Exemplo n.º 14
        // Check if Render Pipeline needs to be changed and change if necessary
        public void SetRenderPipeline()
            RenderPipelineAsset renderPipeline = model.settings.renderPipeline; // Get the models render pipeline

            if (renderPipeline == null)                                         // If none found
                Suite suite = SuiteManager.GetSuiteByName(suiteName);           // Get current suite
                if (suite != null)                                              // If suite was returned
                    renderPipeline = suite.defaultRenderPipeline;               // Apply suite default
            RenderPipelineAsset currentRenderPipeline = Common.GetRenderPipeline();

            if (renderPipeline != currentRenderPipeline)
                GraphicsSettings.renderPipelineAsset = renderPipeline;
Exemplo n.º 15
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Get System Data

        // Get SystemData to use for building ResultsCommon
        public SystemData GetSystemData()
            Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.Full, MessageLevel.Log, "Getting system data");              // Write to console
            SystemData      output          = new SystemData();                                            // Create new class instance
            ProjectSettings projectSettings = SuiteManager.GetProjectSettings();                           // Get settings

            output.UnityVersion = projectSettings.unityVersion + "|" + projectSettings.unityBranch;        // Get Unity version
            output.AppVersion   = Common.applicationVersion.ToString();                                    // Get application version
            output.OS           = SystemInfo.operatingSystem;                                              // Get OS
            output.Device       = SystemInfo.deviceModel + "|" + SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceName + "|" + SystemInfo.processorType;
            output.Platform     = Application.platform.ToString();                                         // Get platform
            if (!Common.IsStandaloneTarget(UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget))         // Check if target platform is emulated editor
                output.Platform += "_" + UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget.ToString(); // Append build target
            output.API = SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType.ToString(); // Get graphics device type
            return(output);                                        // Return
Exemplo n.º 16
        // Find if Unity version is above specified index from unityVersionList
        public static bool IsUnityVersionAboveMinimum(int input)
            ProjectSettings projectSettings = SuiteManager.GetProjectSettings(); // Get settings
            int             versionIndex    = 0;                                 // Create version index

            for (int i = 0; i < unityVersionList.Length; i++)                    // Iterate version list
                if (projectSettings.unityVersion.Contains(unityVersionList[i]))  // If unity version contains current index
                    versionIndex = i;                                            // Set output index
            if (input > versionIndex) // If minimum is higher than current
                return(false);        // Return false
                return(true); // Return true
Exemplo n.º 17
        public IEnumerator PullAlt(string platform, string api)
            ProgressScreen.Instance.SetState(true, ProgressType.CloudLoad, "Pulling Alternate Baselines");
            ResultsIOData[] data = null;
            StartCoroutine(SQL.SQLIO.FetchBaselines(SuiteManager.GetSuites(), platform, api, (value => { data = value; }))); // SQLCHECK
            while (data == null)
                yield return(null);
            //ResultsIOData[] data = SQL.SQLIO.Instance.FetchBaselines (suiteBaselinesPullList.ToArray (), sysData.Platform, sysData.API);
            Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.File, MessageLevel.Log, "Cloud baselines pulled, writing local files");
            ProgressScreen.Instance.SetState(true, ProgressType.LocalSave, "Writing Baselines to Disk");
            foreach (ResultsIOData rd in data)
                yield return(StartCoroutine(LocalIO.Instance.WriteDataFiles(rd, fileType.Baseline)));
            ProgressScreen.Instance.SetState(true, ProgressType.LocalLoad, "Loading Baselines to Memory");
            yield return(null);

Exemplo n.º 18
        // Set project settings for this test from TestSettings object
        public void SetTestSettings()
            TestSettings testSettings = model.settings.testSettings;                         // Get the models test settings

            if (testSettings == null)                                                        // If none found
                Suite suite = SuiteManager.GetSuiteByName(suiteName);                        // Get current suite
                if (suite != null)                                                           // If suite was returned
                    testSettings = suite.defaultTestSettings;                                // Apply suite default
                    if (testSettings == null)                                                // If still none found
                        testSettings = Resources.Load <TestSettings>("DefaultTestSettings"); // Apply default
            if (testSettings == null)             // If still none found
                return;                           // Fail, return
            Common.SetTestSettings(testSettings); // Set settings
Exemplo n.º 19
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // AltBaseline Menu
        // - Menu for chosing alternative baselines if current baselines are incomplete

        // Generate a resolve list
        IEnumerator GenerateAltBaselineList()
            Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.Full, MessageLevel.Log, "Generating alternative baseline list"); // Write to console

            NameValueCollection fullSet = null;

            SQL.SQLIO.StartCoroutine(SQL.SQLIO.BaselineSetCheck(SuiteManager.GetSuiteNames(), (value => { fullSet = value; })));
            while (fullSet == null)
                yield return(null);


            int count = 0;

            foreach (string key in fullSet.AllKeys)
                foreach (string val in fullSet.GetValues(key))
                    GameObject go = Instantiate(altBaselineWindow.listEntryPrefab, altBaselineWindow.contentRect, false);
                    MenuAltBaselineListEntry newEntry = go.GetComponent <MenuAltBaselineListEntry>();
                    newEntry.Setup(key, val);
            if (count == 0)
                altBaselineWindow.button.interactable    = false;
                altBaselineWindow.altBaselineButton.text = String.Format("No Alternative Baselines Available", count);
                altBaselineWindow.button.interactable    = true;
                altBaselineWindow.altBaselineButton.text = String.Format("Alternative Baselines  ( {0} )", count);
Exemplo n.º 20
        public IEnumerator Init()
            ProgressScreen.Instance.SetState(true, ProgressType.LocalLoad, "Loading local data"); //Show loading screen
            _suiteBaselineData = LocalIO.Instance.ReadLocalBaselines();                           // - TODO this needs to get called again at some point

            //Hardcoded wait for SuiteManager to populate - TODO might be cleaner way to do later
            float timeout = 0f;

            while (SuiteManager.GetSuiteNames().Length == 0)
                timeout += Time.deltaTime;
                if (timeout > 5f)
                yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

            //wait for the SQL connection to be made, timeout after 10seconds
            timeout = 0f;
                yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

                timeout += Time.deltaTime;
            } while(SQL.SQLIO.Instance.liveConnection == connectionStatus.Internet && timeout < 10f);

            //if timeout reaches 10f then no network

            //fetch suite names from the suite manager
            string[] suiteNames = SuiteManager.GetSuiteNames();

            if (suiteNames.Length == 0)                                                                                                       //if there are no suites loaded fail - TODO need to add code path for this
                Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.Critical, MessageLevel.LogWarning, "No suites loaded in SuiteManager, unable to continue"); // Write to console
                //now we check local timestamps vs server to make sure up to date, then add the outdated ones to be pulled
                foreach (string suiteName in suiteNames)
                    Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.File, MessageLevel.Log, "Fetching baseline timestamps from cloud");
                    //Get timestamp for suite via SQL
                    DateTime dt = DateTime.MaxValue;
                    StartCoroutine(SQL.SQLIO.Instance.GetbaselineTimestamp(suiteName, (value => { dt = value; })));
                    while (dt == DateTime.MaxValue)
                        yield return(null);
                    if (dt != DateTime.MinValue)//Min value is null(doesnt exist)
                        CompareBaselineTimestamps(suiteName, dt.ToString());

                if (suiteBaselinesPullList.Count > 0)
                    ResultsIOData[] data = null;
                    StartCoroutine(SQL.SQLIO.Instance.FetchBaselines(suiteBaselinesPullList.ToArray(), sysData.Platform, sysData.API, (value => { data = value; })));
                    while (data == null)
                        yield return(null);
                    //ResultsIOData[] data = SQL.SQLIO.Instance.FetchBaselines (suiteBaselinesPullList.ToArray (), sysData.Platform, sysData.API);
                    Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.File, MessageLevel.Log, "Cloud baselines pulled, writing local files");
                    foreach (ResultsIOData rd in data)
                        StartCoroutine(LocalIO.Instance.WriteDataFiles(rd, fileType.Baseline));
                    yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f));

                    _suiteBaselineData = LocalIO.Instance.ReadLocalBaselines();
                    Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.Logic, MessageLevel.Log, "No cloud based baselines to pull");                      // Write to console
Exemplo n.º 21
        // Generate test structure
        // - Loads all scenes and gets data from test lists
        // - Reorganises for menu layout
        IEnumerator GenerateStructure()
            yield return(null);                                                  // TODO - Remove

            testStructure = new Structure();                                     // Create new test structure instance
            List <TestType> typeList        = GenerateTypeListAndInstances();    // Generate type list and create instances
            ProjectSettings projectSettings = SuiteManager.GetProjectSettings(); // Get the suite list

            if (projectSettings == null)                                         // If no suite list found
                StopAllCoroutines();                                             // Abort
            for (int su = 0; su < projectSettings.suiteList.Count; su++)         // Iterate suites on suite list
                Suite newSuite = new Suite();                                    // Create new suite instance
                newSuite.suiteName = projectSettings.suiteList[su].suiteName;    // Set suite name from suite list
                newSuite.types     = CloneTestTypeList(typeList);                // Clone the type list
                RenderPipelineAsset pipeline = projectSettings.suiteList[su].defaultRenderPipeline;
                newSuite.suitePipeline = Common.GetRenderPipelineName(pipeline);
                for (int gr = 0; gr < projectSettings.suiteList[su].groups.Count; gr++) // Iterate groups
                    RenderPipelineAsset grpPipeline = projectSettings.suiteList[su].groups[gr].renderPipelineOverride;
                    for (int te = 0; te < projectSettings.suiteList[su].groups[gr].tests.Count; te++)         // Iterate tests
                        GraphicsTestFramework.Test test = projectSettings.suiteList[su].groups[gr].tests[te]; // Get test
                        if (Common.IsTestApplicable(test))
                            int[] types = TestTypeManager.Instance.GetTypeSelectionFromBitMask(test.testTypes);                                     // Get type array from test's bitmask
                            for (int ty = 0; ty < types.Length; ty++)                                                                               // Iterate types of the test
                                Group newGroup = FindDuplicateGroupInType(newSuite, types[ty], projectSettings.suiteList[su].groups[gr].groupName); // Find duplicate groups in the type
                                if (newGroup == null)                                                                                               // If not found
                                    newGroup           = new Group();                                                                               // Create a new group instance
                                    newGroup.groupName = projectSettings.suiteList[su].groups[gr].groupName;                                        // Set group name
                                    if (grpPipeline != null)
                                        newGroup.groupPipeline = Common.GetRenderPipelineName(grpPipeline);                   // Set the group pipeline name
                                    FindDuplicateTypeInSuite(newSuite, types[ty]).groups.Add(newGroup);                       // Add the group to the type
                                Test     newTest   = new Test();                                                              // Create new test instance
                                string[] pathSplit = projectSettings.suiteList[su].groups[gr].tests[te].scenePath.Split('/'); // Split path for scene name
                                newTest.testName  = pathSplit[pathSplit.Length - 1].Replace(".unity", "");;                   // Set test name
                                newTest.scenePath = projectSettings.suiteList[su].groups[gr].tests[te].scenePath;             // Set scene path
                                newGroup.tests.Add(newTest);                                                                  // Add test to scene
                for (int ty = 0; ty < newSuite.types.Count; ty++) // Iterate types
                    if (newSuite.types[ty].groups.Count == 0)     // If empty
                        newSuite.types.RemoveAt(ty);              // Remove it
                newSuite.types.TrimExcess();                                                                 // Trim the types list
                testStructure.suites.Add(newSuite);                                                          // Add to suites list
            m_IsGenerated = true;                                                                            // Set generated
            Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.Logic, MessageLevel.Log, "TestStructure finished generating"); // Write to console
            ProgressScreen.Instance.SetState(false, ProgressType.LocalLoad, "");                             // Disable ProgressScreen
Exemplo n.º 22
        // Generate test structure
        // - Loads all scenes and gets data from test lists
        // - Reorganises for menu layout
        IEnumerator GenerateStructure()
            yield return(null);                                                                               // TODO - Remove

            testStructure = new Structure();                                                                  // Create new test structure instance

            string[]        testTypes = TestTypes.GetTypeStringList();                                        // Get the type list
            List <TestType> typeList  = new List <TestType>();                                                // Create new list to fill

            for (int i = 0; i < testTypes.Length; i++)                                                        // ITerate type list
                TestType newType = new TestType();                                                            // Create new instance
                newType.typeName  = testTypes[i];                                                             // Set name
                newType.typeIndex = i;                                                                        // Set index
                typeList.Add(newType);                                                                        // Add to list
                TestModelBase model = (TestModelBase)Activator.CreateInstance(TestTypes.GetTypeFromIndex(i)); // Create model instance for logic references
                model.SetLogic();                                                                             // Need to set logic before generating type instances
                TestTypeManager.Instance.GenerateTestTypeInstance(model);                                     // Generate an instance object for test logic/display
            ProjectSettings projectSettings = SuiteManager.GetProjectSettings();                              // Get the suite list

            if (projectSettings == null)                                                                      // If no suite list found
                StopAllCoroutines();                                                                          // Abort
            for (int su = 0; su < projectSettings.suiteList.Count; su++)                                      // Iterate suites on suite list
                Suite newSuite = new Suite();                                                                 // Create new suite instance
                newSuite.suiteName = projectSettings.suiteList[su].suiteName;                                 // Set suite name from suite list
                newSuite.types     = CloneTestTypeList(typeList);                                             // Clone the type list
                for (int gr = 0; gr < projectSettings.suiteList[su].groups.Count; gr++)                       // Iterate groups
                    for (int te = 0; te < projectSettings.suiteList[su].groups[gr].tests.Count; te++)         // Iterate tests
                        GraphicsTestFramework.Test test = projectSettings.suiteList[su].groups[gr].tests[te]; // Get test
                        if (Common.IsTestApplicable(test))
                            int[] types = TestTypeManager.Instance.GetTypeSelectionFromBitMask(test.testTypes);                                     // Get type array from test's bitmask
                            for (int ty = 0; ty < types.Length; ty++)                                                                               // Iterate types of the test
                                Group newGroup = FindDuplicateGroupInType(newSuite, types[ty], projectSettings.suiteList[su].groups[gr].groupName); // Find duplicate groups in the type
                                if (newGroup == null)                                                                                               // If not found
                                    newGroup           = new Group();                                                                               // Create a new group instance
                                    newGroup.groupName = projectSettings.suiteList[su].groups[gr].groupName;                                        // Set group name
                                    FindDuplicateTypeInSuite(newSuite, types[ty]).groups.Add(newGroup);                                             // Add the group to the type
                                Test     newTest   = new Test();                                                                                    // Create new test instance
                                string[] pathSplit = projectSettings.suiteList[su].groups[gr].tests[te].scenePath.Split('/');                       // Split path for scene name
                                newTest.testName  = pathSplit[pathSplit.Length - 1].Replace(".unity", "");;                                         // Set test name
                                newTest.scenePath = projectSettings.suiteList[su].groups[gr].tests[te].scenePath;                                   // Set scene path
                                newGroup.tests.Add(newTest);                                                                                        // Add test to scene
                for (int ty = 0; ty < newSuite.types.Count; ty++) // Iterate types
                    if (newSuite.types[ty].groups.Count == 0)     // If empty
                        newSuite.types.RemoveAt(ty);              // Remove it
                newSuite.types.TrimExcess();                                                                 // Trim the types list
                testStructure.suites.Add(newSuite);                                                          // Add to suites list
            m_IsGenerated = true;                                                                            // Set generated
            Console.Instance.Write(DebugLevel.Logic, MessageLevel.Log, "TestStructure finished generating"); // Write to console
            ProgressScreen.Instance.SetState(false, ProgressType.LocalLoad, "");                             // Disable ProgressScreen