Exemplo n.º 1
 public Boolean matchWith(arc hostArc)
     if (hostArc != null)
         if ((directionIsEqual && (this.doublyDirected == hostArc.doublyDirected)
             && (this.directed == hostArc.directed))
             || (!directionIsEqual
             && (hostArc.doublyDirected || !this.directed
             || (this.directed && hostArc.directed && !this.doublyDirected))))
         /* pardon my french, but this statement is a bit of a mindf**k. What it says is if 
          * directionIsEqual, then simply the boolean state of the doublyDirected and directed 
          * must be identical in L and in the host. Otherwise, one of three things must be equal.
          * first, hostArc's doublyDirected is true so whatever LArc's qualities are, it is a subset of it.
          * second, LArc's not directed so it is a subset with everything else.
          * third, they both are singly directed and LArc is not doublyDirected. */
             if ((labelsMatch(this.localLabels, hostArc.localLabels)) &&
                 (intendedTypesMatch(this.arcType, hostArc.arcType)))
                 return true;
             else return false;
         else return false;
     else return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public Boolean matchWith(arc hostArc, node fromHostNode, Boolean traverseForward)
     if (matchWith(hostArc))
         if (this.directed)
             if (((hostArc.From == fromHostNode) && traverseForward) ||
                 ((hostArc.To == fromHostNode) && !traverseForward))
         else if ((hostArc.From == fromHostNode) || (hostArc.To == fromHostNode))
Exemplo n.º 3
 private void replaceArcWithInheritedType(arc origArc, node fromNode, node toNode)
     this.addArc(origArc.name, origArc.arcType, fromNode, toNode);
     arcs[lastArc].displayShape = origArc.displayShape;
 /// <summary>
 /// Replaces the type of the arc with inherited.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="origArc">The orig arc.</param>
 /// <param name="newType">The new type.</param>
 public void replaceArcWithInheritedType(arc origArc, Type newType)
     addArc(origArc.From, origArc.To, origArc.name, newType);
     arcs.Last().DisplayShape = origArc.DisplayShape;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public designGraph copy()
            /* at times we want to copy a graph and not refer to the same objects. This happens mainly
             * (rather initially what inspired this function) when the seed graph is copied into a candidate.*/
            int         toIndex, fromIndex;
            designGraph copyOfGraph = new designGraph();

            copyOfGraph.name = name;
            foreach (string label in globalLabels)
            foreach (double v in globalVariables)
            foreach (node origNode in nodes)
            foreach (arc origArc in arcs)
                arc copyOfArc = origArc.copy();
                toIndex   = nodes.FindIndex(delegate(node a) { return(a == origArc.To); });
                fromIndex = nodes.FindIndex(delegate(node b) { return(b == origArc.From); });
                copyOfGraph.addArc(copyOfArc, fromIndex, toIndex);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public Boolean ruleIsRecognized(sbyte freeEndIdentifier, arc freeArc,
                                        node neighborNode, node nodeRemoved)
            if (freeEndIdentifier * originalDirection >= 0)
                /* this one is a little bit of enigmatic but clever coding if I do say so myself. Both
                 * of these variables can be either +1, 0, -1. If in multiplying the two together you
                 * get -1 then this is the only incompability. Combinations of +1&+1, or +1&0, or
                 * -1&-1 all mean that the arc has a free end on the requested side (From or To). */

                if ((freeArcLabel == null) || (freeArcLabel == "") ||
                    if ((neighborNodeLabel == null) || (neighborNodeLabel == "") ||
                        ((neighborNode != null) && (neighborNode.localLabels.Contains(neighborNodeLabel))))
                        if ((nodeRemoved == null) ||
                            ((freeArc.To == nodeRemoved) && (freeEndIdentifier >= 0)) ||
                            ((freeArc.From == nodeRemoved) && (freeEndIdentifier <= 0)))
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        ///   Is the arc a free arc from this grammar rule?
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "a">A.</param>
        /// <param name = "host">The host.</param>
        /// <param name = "freeEndIdentifier">The free end identifier.</param>
        /// <param name = "neighborNode">The neighbor node.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Boolean arcIsFree(arc a, designGraph host, out sbyte freeEndIdentifier, out node neighborNode)
            if (a.From != null && a.To != null &&
                !host.nodes.Contains(a.From) && !host.nodes.Contains(a.To))
                freeEndIdentifier = 0;

                /* if the nodes on either end of the freeArc are pointing to previous nodes
                 * that were deleted in the first pushout then neighborNode is null (and as
                 * a result any rules using the neighborNodeLabel will not apply) and the
                 * freeEndIdentifier is zero. */
                neighborNode = null;
            if (a.From != null && !host.nodes.Contains(a.From))
                freeEndIdentifier = -1;
                /* freeEndIdentifier set to -1 means that the From end of the arc must be the free end.*/
                neighborNode = a.To;
            if (a.To != null && !host.nodes.Contains(a.To))
                freeEndIdentifier = +1;
                /* freeEndIdentifier set to +1 means that the To end of the arc must be the free end.*/
                neighborNode = a.From;

            /* else, the arc is not a free arc after all and we simply break out
             * of this loop and try the next arc. */
            freeEndIdentifier = 0;
            neighborNode      = null;
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        ///   Is the rule recognized on the given inputs?
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "freeEndIdentifier">The free end identifier.</param>
        /// <param name = "freeArc">The free arc.</param>
        /// <param name = "neighborNode">The neighbor node.</param>
        /// <param name = "nodeRemoved">The node removed.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal Boolean ruleIsRecognized(sbyte freeEndIdentifier, arc freeArc,
                                          node neighborNode, node nodeRemoved)
            if (freeEndIdentifier * originalDirection < 0)

            /* this one is a little bit of enigmatic but clever coding if I do say so myself. Both
             * of these variables can be either +1, 0, -1. If in multiplying the two together you
             * get -1 then this is the only incompability. Combinations of +1&+1, or +1&0, or
             * -1&-1 all mean that the arc has a free end on the requested side (From or To). */

            List <string> neighborlabels = null;

            if (neighborNode != null)
                neighborlabels = neighborNode.localLabels;
            return((labelsMatch(freeArc.localLabels, neighborlabels))
                   ((nodeRemoved == null) ||
                    ((freeArc.To == nodeRemoved) && (freeEndIdentifier >= 0)) ||
                    ((freeArc.From == nodeRemoved) && (freeEndIdentifier <= 0))));
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        ///   Copies this instance of an arc and returns the copy.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>the copy of the arc.</returns>
        public virtual arc copy()
            var copyOfArc = new arc();

Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        ///   Copies this.arc into the argument copyOfArc.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "copyOfArc">The copy of arc.</param>
        public virtual void copy(arc copyOfArc)

            copyOfArc.directed       = directed;
            copyOfArc.doublyDirected = doublyDirected;
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Replaces the type of the arc with inherited.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="origArc">The orig arc.</param>
        /// <param name="newType">The new type.</param>
        public void replaceArcWithInheritedType(arc origArc, Type newType)
            var newArc = addArc(origArc.From, origArc.To, origArc.name, newType);

            newArc.DisplayShape = origArc.DisplayShape;
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void addArcsFromGraphControl(Netron.GraphLib.UI.GraphControl graphControl1,
                                            Boolean ruleGraph)
            Shape fromShape, toShape;
            arc   temparc;

            foreach (Connection a in graphControl1.Connections)
                if (!arcs.Exists(delegate(arc b) { return(b.displayShape == a); }))
                    if (ruleGraph)
                        temparc = new ruleArc(nameFromText(a.Text));
                        temparc = new arc(nameFromText(a.Text));
                    temparc = arcs.Find(delegate(arc b) { return(b.displayShape == a); });

                fromShape = a.From.BelongsTo;
                toShape   = a.To.BelongsTo;

                temparc.From = nodes.Find(delegate(node c)
                                          { return(sameName(c.name, fromShape.Text)); });
                temparc.To = nodes.Find(delegate(node c)
                                        { return(sameName(c.name, toShape.Text)); });

                for (int i = 0; i != fromShape.Connectors.Count; i++)
                    if (fromShape.Connectors[i] == a.From)
                        temparc.fromConnector = i;
                for (int i = 0; i != toShape.Connectors.Count; i++)
                    if (toShape.Connectors[i] == a.To)
                        temparc.toConnector = i;
                if (a.Text != "[Not_set]")
                    temparc.name        = nameFromText(a.Text);
                    temparc.localLabels = labelsFromText(a.Text);
                temparc.displayShape = a;
Exemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary>
 ///   Removes the arc and references to it in the nodes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name = "arcToRemove">The arc to remove.</param>
 public void removeArc(arc arcToRemove)
     if (arcToRemove.From != null)
     if (arcToRemove.To != null)
Exemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ruleArc"/> class.
 ///   Converts an arc to a ruleArc and returns it with default Booleans.
 ///   The original arc is unaffected.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="a">A.</param>
 public ruleArc(arc a)
     : this(a.name)
     TargetType     = a.GetType().ToString();
     directed       = a.directed;
     DisplayShape   = a.DisplayShape;
     doublyDirected = a.doublyDirected;
     From           = a.From;
     To             = a.To;
Exemplo n.º 15
        /* for a lack of a better name - this play on "no means no" applies to dangling arcs that point
         * to null instead of pointing to another node. If this is set to false, then we are saying a 
         * null reference on an arc can be matched with a null in the graph or any node in the graph. 
         * Like the above, a false value is like a subset in that null is a subset of any actual node. 
         * And a true value means it must match exactly or in otherwords, "null means null" - null 
         * matches only with a null in the host. If you want the rule to be recognized only when an actual
         * node is present simply add a dummy node with no distinguishing characteristics. That would
         * in turn nullify this boolean since this boolean only applies when a null pointer exists in
         * the rule. */

        #region Methods
        public Boolean matchWith(arc hostArc, node fromHostNode, node toHostNode, Boolean traverseForward)
            if (matchWith(hostArc))
                if (this.directed
                    && (((hostArc.To == toHostNode) && (hostArc.From == fromHostNode) && traverseForward)
                        || ((hostArc.From == toHostNode) && (hostArc.To == fromHostNode) && !traverseForward)))
                    return true;
                else if (((hostArc.To == toHostNode) && (hostArc.From == fromHostNode))
                        || ((hostArc.From == toHostNode) && (hostArc.To == fromHostNode)))
                    return true;
                else return false;
            else return false;
Exemplo n.º 16
 /// <summary>
 ///   Copies this instance into the (already intialized) copyOfArc.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name = "copyOfArc">A new copy of arc.</param>
 public override void copy(arc copyOfArc)
     if (copyOfArc is ruleArc)
         var rcopy = (ruleArc)copyOfArc;
         rcopy.containsAllLocalLabels = containsAllLocalLabels;
         rcopy.directionIsEqual       = directionIsEqual;
         rcopy.nullMeansNull          = nullMeansNull;
         foreach (var label in negateLabels)
Exemplo n.º 17
        public virtual arc copy(arc copyOfArc)
            foreach (string label in this.localLabels)
            foreach (double var in this.localVariables)
            copyOfArc.curveStyle     = this.curveStyle;
            copyOfArc.directed       = this.directed;
            copyOfArc.doublyDirected = this.doublyDirected;
            copyOfArc.fromConnector  = this.fromConnector;
            copyOfArc.toConnector    = this.toConnector;
            copyOfArc.arcType        = this.arcType;

Exemplo n.º 18
 public void addArc(arc newArc, int fromNode, int toNode)
     if ((fromNode == -1) && (toNode == -1))
         addArc(newArc, null, null);
     else if (fromNode == -1)
         addArc(newArc, null, nodes[toNode]);
     else if (toNode == -1)
         addArc(newArc, nodes[fromNode], null);
         addArc(newArc, nodes[fromNode], nodes[toNode]);
Exemplo n.º 19
        /* Here is a series of important graph management functions
         * while it would be easy to just call, for example, ".arcs.add",
         * the difficulty comes in properly linking the nodes
         * likewise with the nodes and their dangling arcs. */
        #region addArc

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and Adds a new arc to the graph, and connects it between
        /// the fromNode and the toNode
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fromNode">From node.</param>
        /// <param name="toNode">To node.</param>
        /// <param name="newName">The name.</param>
        /// <param name="arcType">Type of the arc.</param>
        public void addArc(node fromNode, node toNode, string newName = "", Type arcType = null)
            arc newArc;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newName))
                newName = makeUniqueArcName();
            if (arcType == null || arcType == typeof(arc))
                newArc = new arc(newName);
                var types          = new[] { typeof(string), typeof(node), typeof(node) };
                var arcConstructor = arcType.GetConstructor(types);

                var inputs = new object[] { newName, fromNode, toNode };
                newArc = (arc)arcConstructor.Invoke(inputs);
            addArc(newArc, fromNode, toNode);
Exemplo n.º 20
        public Boolean matchWith(arc hostArc)
            if (hostArc != null)
                if ((directionIsEqual && (this.doublyDirected == hostArc.doublyDirected) &&
                     (this.directed == hostArc.directed)) ||
                    (!directionIsEqual &&
                     (hostArc.doublyDirected || !this.directed ||
                      (this.directed && hostArc.directed && !this.doublyDirected))))

                /* pardon my french, but this statement is a bit of a mindf**k. What it says is if
                 * directionIsEqual, then simply the boolean state of the doublyDirected and directed
                 * must be identical in L and in the host. Otherwise, one of three things must be equal.
                 * first, hostArc's doublyDirected is true so whatever LArc's qualities are, it is a subset of it.
                 * second, LArc's not directed so it is a subset with everything else.
                 * third, they both are singly directed and LArc is not doublyDirected. */
                    if ((labelsMatch(this.localLabels, hostArc.localLabels)) &&
                        (intendedTypesMatch(this.arcType, hostArc.arcType)))
Exemplo n.º 21
        /* if allowArcDuplication is true then for each rule that matches with the arc the arc will be 
         * duplicated. */

        public static Boolean arcIsFree(arc a, designGraph host, out sbyte freeEndIdentifier, node neighborNode)
            if (a.From != null && a.To != null &&
                !host.nodes.Contains(a.From) && !host.nodes.Contains(a.To))
                freeEndIdentifier = 0;
                /* if the nodes on either end of the freeArc are pointing to previous nodes 
                 * that were deleted in the first pushout then neighborNode is null (and as
                 * a result any rules using the neighborNodeLabel will not apply) and the 
                 * freeEndIdentifier is zero. */
                neighborNode = null;
                return true;
            else if (a.From != null && !host.nodes.Contains(a.From))
                freeEndIdentifier = -1;
                /* freeEndIdentifier set to -1 means that the From end of the arc must be the free end.*/
                neighborNode = a.To;
                return true;
            else if (a.To != null && !host.nodes.Contains(a.To))
                freeEndIdentifier = +1;
                /* freeEndIdentifier set to +1 means that the To end of the arc must be the free end.*/
                neighborNode = a.From;
                return true;
                /* else, the arc is not a free arc after all and we simply break out 
                 * of this loop and try the next arc. */
                freeEndIdentifier = 0;
                neighborNode = null;
                return false;

Exemplo n.º 22
        public void addArcsFromGraphControl(Netron.GraphLib.UI.GraphControl graphControl1,
            Boolean ruleGraph)
            Shape fromShape, toShape;
            arc temparc;

            foreach (Connection a in graphControl1.Connections)
                if (!arcs.Exists(delegate(arc b) { return (b.displayShape == a); }))
                    if (ruleGraph) temparc = new ruleArc(nameFromText(a.Text));
                    else temparc = new arc(nameFromText(a.Text));
                else temparc = arcs.Find(delegate(arc b) { return (b.displayShape == a); });

                fromShape = a.From.BelongsTo;
                toShape = a.To.BelongsTo;

                temparc.From = nodes.Find(delegate(node c)
                 { return (sameName(c.name, fromShape.Text)); });
                temparc.To = nodes.Find(delegate(node c)
                 { return (sameName(c.name, toShape.Text)); });

                for (int i = 0; i != fromShape.Connectors.Count; i++)
                    if (fromShape.Connectors[i] == a.From)
                        temparc.fromConnector = i;
                for (int i = 0; i != toShape.Connectors.Count; i++)
                    if (toShape.Connectors[i] == a.To)
                        temparc.toConnector = i;
                if (a.Text != "[Not_set]")
                    temparc.name = nameFromText(a.Text);
                    temparc.localLabels = labelsFromText(a.Text);
                temparc.displayShape = a;
Exemplo n.º 23
 public void removeArc(arc arcToRemove)
     if (arcToRemove.From != null)
     if (arcToRemove.To != null)
Exemplo n.º 24
        public void updateFromGraphControl(Netron.GraphLib.UI.GraphControl graphControl1)
                node        tempnode;
                List <node> tempNodes = new List <node>();
                arc         temparc;
                List <arc>  tempArcs = new List <arc>();
                Shape       fromShape, toShape;

                foreach (Shape a in graphControl1.Shapes)
                    if (!nodes.Exists(delegate(node b) { return(b.displayShape == a); }))
                        tempnode = new node(nameFromText(a.Text));
                        tempnode = nodes.Find(delegate(node b) { return(b.displayShape == a); });
                    if (a.Text != "[Not_set]")
                        tempnode.name        = nameFromText(a.Text);
                        tempnode.localLabels = labelsFromText(a.Text);
                    tempnode.screenX      = a.X;
                    tempnode.screenY      = a.Y;
                    tempnode.shapekey     = node.lookupShapeKey(a);
                    tempnode.displayShape = a;
                nodes = tempNodes;
                foreach (Connection a in graphControl1.Connections)
                    if (!arcs.Exists(delegate(arc b) { return(b.displayShape == a); }))
                        temparc = new arc(nameFromText(a.Text));
                        temparc = arcs.Find(delegate(arc b) { return(b.displayShape == a); });
                    fromShape = a.From.BelongsTo;
                    toShape   = a.To.BelongsTo;

                    temparc.From = nodes.Find(delegate(node c)
                                              { return(sameName(c.name, fromShape.Text)); });
                    temparc.To = nodes.Find(delegate(node c)
                                            { return(sameName(c.name, toShape.Text)); });

                    for (int i = 0; i != fromShape.Connectors.Count; i++)
                        if (fromShape.Connectors[i] == a.From)
                            temparc.fromConnector = i;
                    for (int i = 0; i != toShape.Connectors.Count; i++)
                        if (toShape.Connectors[i] == a.To)
                            temparc.toConnector = i;
                    if (a.Text != "[Not_set]")
                        temparc.name        = nameFromText(a.Text);
                        temparc.localLabels = labelsFromText(a.Text);
                    temparc.curveStyle = a.LinePath;
                    if (a.LineEnd == ConnectionEnd.NoEnds)
                        temparc.directed = false;
                    else if (a.LineEnd == ConnectionEnd.BothFilledArrow ||
                             a.LineEnd == ConnectionEnd.BothOpenArrow)
                        temparc.doublyDirected = true;
                        temparc.doublyDirected = false;
                        temparc.directed       = true;
                        if (a.LineEnd == ConnectionEnd.LeftFilledArrow ||
                            a.LineEnd == ConnectionEnd.LeftOpenArrow)
                            /* we have a little situation on our hands here. the user drew the arc
                             * from one node to another but now wants it to go the other way. */
                            tempnode     = temparc.To;
                            temparc.To   = temparc.From;
                            temparc.From = tempnode;
                    temparc.displayShape = a;
                arcs = tempArcs;
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show("There was an error updating graph from the display. Please save work and re-open. (Error: " + e.ToString() + ")", "Error Updating Graph", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Exemplo n.º 25
        public void updateGraphControl(Netron.GraphLib.UI.GraphControl graphControl1,
                                       Label globalLabelsText)
                string  defaultShapeKey = "8ED1469D-90B2-43ab-B000-4FF5C682F530";
                Boolean isFixed         = true;
                Random  rnd             = new Random();

                #region Global Labels
                if (this.globalLabels.Count > 0)
                    globalLabelsText.Text = StringCollectionConverter.convert(this.globalLabels);
                    globalLabelsText.Text = " ";
                #region display the nodes
                for (int i = nodes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    node n = nodes[i];
                    #region if it has no displayShape
                    if (n.displayShape == null)
                        if (n.shapekey == null)
                            n.shapekey = defaultShapeKey;
                        if (n.screenX == 0.0 && n.screenY == 0.0)
                            n.screenX = rnd.Next(50, graphControl1.Width - 100);
                            n.screenY = rnd.Next(20, graphControl1.Height - 20);
                            isFixed   = false;
                            isFixed = true;
                        n.displayShape = graphControl1.AddShape(n.shapekey, new PointF(n.screenX, n.screenY));

                        /* if the prev. statement didn't take, it's likely the shapekey wasn't recognized.
                         * there we try again with the default ShapeKey. */
                        if (n.displayShape == null)
                            n.displayShape = graphControl1.AddShape(defaultShapeKey, new PointF(n.screenX, n.screenY));

                    else if (!graphControl1.Shapes.Contains(n.displayShape))
                        /* a shape is defined for the node but is not displayed */
                        n.displayShape = graphControl1.AddShape(n.displayShape);
                    n.displayShape.Text    = textForNode(n);
                    n.displayShape.IsFixed = isFixed;

                    /* make sure node is of right type - if not call the replacement function */
                    if ((n.nodeType != null) && (n.GetType() != typeof(GraphSynth.Representation.ruleNode)) &&
                        (n.GetType() != n.nodeType))
                #region display the arcs
                for (int i = arcs.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    arc  a        = arcs[i];
                    node fromNode = a.From;
                    node toNode   = a.To;

                    Connector fromConnect = null;
                    Connector toConnect   = null;
                    if ((fromNode == null) || (fromNode.displayShape == null))
                        a.fromConnector = 0;
                        if (a.displayShape == null || a.displayShape.From.BelongsTo == null)
                            fromConnect = addNullShape(graphControl1, 0).Connectors[0];
                            fromConnect = a.displayShape.From;
                    else if ((a.fromConnector == -1) ||
                             (a.fromConnector >= fromNode.displayShape.Connectors.Count))
                        a.fromConnector = rnd.Next(fromNode.displayShape.Connectors.Count);
                        fromConnect     = fromNode.displayShape.Connectors[a.fromConnector];
                        fromConnect = fromNode.displayShape.Connectors[a.fromConnector];
                    /* now repeat same process for To */
                    if ((toNode == null) || (toNode.displayShape == null))
                        a.toConnector = 0;
                        if (a.displayShape == null || a.displayShape.To.BelongsTo == null)
                            toConnect = addNullShape(graphControl1, 1).Connectors[0];
                            toConnect = a.displayShape.To;
                    else if ((a.toConnector == -1) ||
                             (a.toConnector >= toNode.displayShape.Connectors.Count))
                        a.toConnector = rnd.Next(toNode.displayShape.Connectors.Count);
                        toConnect     = toNode.displayShape.Connectors[a.toConnector];
                        toConnect = toNode.displayShape.Connectors[a.toConnector];

                    if (((a.displayShape != null) && (!graphControl1.Connections.Contains(a.displayShape)) &&
                         ((a.displayShape.From == null) || (a.displayShape.To == null))) ||
                        ((a.displayShape == null) && (fromConnect == null) && (toConnect == null)))
                        if (a.displayShape == null)
                            a.displayShape = graphControl1.AddConnection(fromConnect, toConnect);
                        else if (!graphControl1.Connections.Contains(a.displayShape))
                            a.displayShape = graphControl1.AddConnection(a.displayShape.From, a.displayShape.To);

                        /* a shape is defined for the node but is not displayed
                         * Rectangular, Default, Bezier */
                        if (a.curveStyle != null)
                            a.displayShape.LinePath = a.curveStyle;
                        if (a.doublyDirected)
                            a.displayShape.LineEnd = ConnectionEnd.BothFilledArrow;
                        else if (a.directed)
                            a.displayShape.LineEnd = ConnectionEnd.RightFilledArrow;
                            a.displayShape.LineEnd = ConnectionEnd.NoEnds;
                        a.displayShape.Text      = textForArc(a);
                        a.displayShape.ShowLabel = true;

                    /* make sure node is of right type - if not call the replacement function */
                    if ((a.arcType != null) && (a.GetType() != typeof(GraphSynth.Representation.ruleArc)) &&
                        (a.GetType() != a.arcType))
                        replaceArcWithInheritedType(a, fromNode, toNode);
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show("There was an error displaying the graph. Please save work and re-open. (Error: " + e.ToString() + ")", "Error Displaying Graph", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Exemplo n.º 26
        public void updateFromGraphControl(Netron.GraphLib.UI.GraphControl graphControl1)
                node tempnode;
                List<node> tempNodes = new List<node>();
                arc temparc;
                List<arc> tempArcs = new List<arc>();
                Shape fromShape, toShape;

                foreach (Shape a in graphControl1.Shapes)
                    if (!nodes.Exists(delegate(node b) { return (b.displayShape == a); }))
                        tempnode = new node(nameFromText(a.Text));
                        tempnode = nodes.Find(delegate(node b) { return (b.displayShape == a); });
                    if (a.Text != "[Not_set]")
                        tempnode.name = nameFromText(a.Text);
                        tempnode.localLabels = labelsFromText(a.Text);
                    tempnode.screenX = a.X;
                    tempnode.screenY = a.Y;
                    tempnode.shapekey = node.lookupShapeKey(a);
                    tempnode.displayShape = a;
                nodes = tempNodes;
                foreach (Connection a in graphControl1.Connections)
                    if (!arcs.Exists(delegate(arc b) { return (b.displayShape == a); }))
                        temparc = new arc(nameFromText(a.Text));
                        temparc = arcs.Find(delegate(arc b) { return (b.displayShape == a); });
                    fromShape = a.From.BelongsTo;
                    toShape = a.To.BelongsTo;

                    temparc.From = nodes.Find(delegate(node c)
                     { return (sameName(c.name, fromShape.Text)); });
                    temparc.To = nodes.Find(delegate(node c)
                     { return (sameName(c.name, toShape.Text)); });

                    for (int i = 0; i != fromShape.Connectors.Count; i++)
                        if (fromShape.Connectors[i] == a.From)
                            temparc.fromConnector = i;
                    for (int i = 0; i != toShape.Connectors.Count; i++)
                        if (toShape.Connectors[i] == a.To)
                            temparc.toConnector = i;
                    if (a.Text != "[Not_set]")
                        temparc.name = nameFromText(a.Text);
                        temparc.localLabels = labelsFromText(a.Text);
                    temparc.curveStyle = a.LinePath;
                    if (a.LineEnd == ConnectionEnd.NoEnds)
                        temparc.directed = false;
                    else if (a.LineEnd == ConnectionEnd.BothFilledArrow ||
                                a.LineEnd == ConnectionEnd.BothOpenArrow)
                        temparc.doublyDirected = true;
                        temparc.doublyDirected = false;
                        temparc.directed = true;
                        if (a.LineEnd == ConnectionEnd.LeftFilledArrow ||
                                a.LineEnd == ConnectionEnd.LeftOpenArrow)
                            /* we have a little situation on our hands here. the user drew the arc 
                             * from one node to another but now wants it to go the other way. */
                            tempnode = temparc.To;
                            temparc.To = temparc.From;
                            temparc.From = tempnode;
                    temparc.displayShape = a;
                arcs = tempArcs;
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show("There was an error updating graph from the display. Please save work and re-open. (Error: " + e.ToString() + ")", "Error Updating Graph", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Exemplo n.º 27
 /// <summary>
 ///   Adds the arc to the graph and connects it between these two nodes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name = "newArc">The new arc.</param>
 /// <param name = "fromNode">From node.</param>
 /// <param name = "toNode">To node.</param>
 public void addArc(arc newArc, node fromNode, node toNode)
     newArc.From = fromNode;
     newArc.To   = toNode;
Exemplo n.º 28
        public virtual arc copy(arc copyOfArc)
            foreach (string label in this.localLabels)
            foreach (double var in this.localVariables)
            copyOfArc.curveStyle = this.curveStyle;
            copyOfArc.directed = this.directed;
            copyOfArc.doublyDirected = this.doublyDirected;
            copyOfArc.fromConnector = this.fromConnector;
            copyOfArc.toConnector = this.toConnector;
            copyOfArc.arcType = this.arcType;

            return copyOfArc;
Exemplo n.º 29
 public string textForArc(arc a)
     return(textFromNameAndLabels(a.name, a.localLabels));
Exemplo n.º 30
        public Boolean ruleIsRecognized(sbyte freeEndIdentifier, arc freeArc,
            node neighborNode, node nodeRemoved)
            if (freeEndIdentifier * originalDirection >= 0)
                /* this one is a little bit of enigmatic but clever coding if I do say so myself. Both
                    * of these variables can be either +1, 0, -1. If in multiplying the two together you 
                    * get -1 then this is the only incompability. Combinations of +1&+1, or +1&0, or 
                    * -1&-1 all mean that the arc has a free end on the requested side (From or To). */

                if ((freeArcLabel == null) || (freeArcLabel == "") ||
                    if ((neighborNodeLabel == null) || (neighborNodeLabel == "") ||
                        ((neighborNode != null) && (neighborNode.localLabels.Contains(neighborNodeLabel))))
                        if ((nodeRemoved == null) ||
                            ((freeArc.To == nodeRemoved) && (freeEndIdentifier >= 0)) ||
                            ((freeArc.From == nodeRemoved) && (freeEndIdentifier <= 0)))
                            return true;
            return false;
Exemplo n.º 31
 public void addArc(arc newArc, node fromNode, node toNode)
     newArc.From = fromNode;
     newArc.To = toNode;
Exemplo n.º 32
 /// <summary>
 /// Finds the L mapped arc.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="x">The x.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public arc findLMappedArc(arc x)
Exemplo n.º 33
 public string textForArc(arc a)
     return textFromNameAndLabels(a.name, a.localLabels);
Exemplo n.º 34
 private void replaceArcWithInheritedType(arc origArc, node fromNode, node toNode)
     this.addArc(origArc.name, origArc.arcType, fromNode, toNode);
     arcs[lastArc].displayShape = origArc.displayShape;
Exemplo n.º 35
        /// <summary>
        /// Predicts whether the option p  invalidates option q.
        /// This invalidation is a tricky thing. For the most part, this function
        /// has been carefully coded to handle all cases. The only exceptions
        /// are from what the additional recognize and apply functions require or modify.
        /// This is handled by actually testing to see if this is true.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p">The p.</param>
        /// <param name="q">The q.</param>
        /// <param name="cand">The cand.</param>
        /// <param name="confluenceAnalysis">The confluence analysis.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static int doesPInvalidateQ(option p, option q, candidate cand, ConfluenceAnalysis confluenceAnalysis)
            #region Global Labels
            var pIntersectLabels = p.rule.L.globalLabels.Intersect(p.rule.R.globalLabels);
            var pRemovedLabels   = new List <string>(p.rule.L.globalLabels);
            pRemovedLabels.RemoveAll(s => pIntersectLabels.Contains(s));
            var pAddedLabels = new List <string>(p.rule.R.globalLabels);
            pAddedLabels.RemoveAll(s => pIntersectLabels.Contains(s));

            if ( /* first check that there are no labels deleted that the other depeonds on*/
                (q.rule.L.globalLabels.Intersect(pRemovedLabels).Any()) ||

                /* adding labels is problematic if the other rule was recognized under
                 * the condition of containsAllLocalLabels. */
                ((q.rule.containsAllGlobalLabels) && (pAddedLabels.Any())) ||

                /* adding labels is also problematic if you add a label that negates the
                 * other rule. */

            #region Nodes

            /* first we check the nodes. If two options do not share any nodes, then
             * the whole block of code is skipped. q is to save time if comparing many
             * options on a large graph. However, since there is some need to understand what
             * nodes are saved in rule execution, the following two lists are defined outside
             * of q condition and are used in the Arcs section below. */
            /* why are the following three parameters declared here and not in scope with the
             * other node parameters below? This is because they are used in the induced and
             * shape restriction calculations below - why calculate twice? */
            int      Num_pKNodes  = 0;
            string[] pNodesKNames = null;
            node[]   pKNodes      = null;

            var commonNodes = q.nodes.Intersect(p.nodes);
            if (commonNodes.Any())
            /* if there are no common nodes, then no need to check the details. */
                /* the following arrays of nodes are within the rule not the host. */

                #region  Check whether there are nodes that p will delete that q depends upon.
                var pNodesLNames = from n in p.rule.L.nodes
                                   where ((ruleNode)n).MustExist
                                   select n.name;
                var pNodesRNames = from n in p.rule.R.nodes
                                   select n.name;
                pNodesKNames = pNodesRNames.Intersect(pNodesLNames).ToArray();
                Num_pKNodes  = pNodesKNames.GetLength(0);
                pKNodes      = new node[Num_pKNodes];
                for (var i = 0; i < p.rule.L.nodes.Count; i++)
                    var index = Array.IndexOf(pNodesKNames, p.rule.L.nodes[i].name);
                    if (index >= 0)
                        pKNodes[index] = p.nodes[i];
                    else if (commonNodes.Contains(p.nodes[i]))

                #region NodesModified

                /* in the above regions where deletions are checked, we also create lists for potentially
                 * modified nodes, nodes common to both L and R. We will now check these. There are several
                 * ways that a node can be modified:
                 * 1. labels are removed
                 * 2. labels are added (and potentially in the negabels of the other rule).
                 * 3. number of arcs connected, which affect strictDegreeMatch
                 * 4. variables are added/removed/changed
                 * There first 3 conditions are check all at once below. For the last one, it is impossible
                 * to tell without executing extra functions that the user may have created for rule
                 * recognition. Therefore, additional functions are not check in q confluence check. */
                foreach (var commonNode in commonNodes)
                    var qNodeL = (ruleNode)q.rule.L.nodes[q.nodes.IndexOf(commonNode)];
                    var pNodeL = (ruleNode)p.rule.L.nodes[p.nodes.IndexOf(commonNode)];
                    var pNodeR = (ruleNode)p.rule.R[pNodeL.name];
                    pIntersectLabels = pNodeL.localLabels.Intersect(pNodeR.localLabels);
                    pRemovedLabels   = new List <string>(pNodeL.localLabels);
                    pRemovedLabels.RemoveAll(s => pIntersectLabels.Contains(s));
                    pAddedLabels = new List <string>(pNodeR.localLabels);
                    pAddedLabels.RemoveAll(s => pIntersectLabels.Contains(s));
                    if ( /* first check that there are no labels deleted that the other depeonds on*/
                        (qNodeL.localLabels.Intersect(pRemovedLabels).Any()) ||

                        /* adding labels is problematic if the other rule was recognized under
                         * the condition of containsAllLocalLabels. */
                        ((qNodeL.containsAllLocalLabels) && (pAddedLabels.Any())) ||

                        /* adding labels is also problematic if you add a label that negates the
                         * other rule. */
                        (pAddedLabels.Intersect(qNodeL.negateLabels).Any()) ||

                        /* if one rule uses strictDegreeMatch, we need to make sure the other rule
                         * doesn't change the degree. */
                        (qNodeL.strictDegreeMatch && (pNodeL.degree != pNodeR.degree)) ||

                        /* actually, the degree can also change from free-arc embedding rules. These
                         * are checked below. */
                        (qNodeL.strictDegreeMatch &&
                         (p.rule.embeddingRules.FindAll(e => (e.RNodeName.Equals(pNodeR.name))).Count > 0)))

            #region Arcs
            var commonArcs = q.arcs.Intersect(p.arcs);
            if (commonArcs.Any())
            /* if there are no common arcs, then no need to check the details. */
                /* the following arrays of arcs are within the rule not the host. */
                #region  Check whether there are arcs that p will delete that q depends upon.
                var pArcsLNames = from n in p.rule.L.arcs
                                  where ((ruleArc)n).MustExist
                                  select n.name;
                var pArcsRNames = from n in p.rule.R.arcs
                                  select n.name;
                var pArcsKNames = new List <string>(pArcsRNames.Intersect(pArcsLNames));
                var pKArcs      = new arc[pArcsKNames.Count()];
                for (var i = 0; i < p.rule.L.arcs.Count; i++)
                    if (pArcsKNames.Contains(p.rule.L.arcs[i].name))
                        pKArcs[pArcsKNames.IndexOf(p.rule.L.arcs[i].name)] = p.arcs[i];
                    else if (commonArcs.Contains(p.arcs[i]))

                #region ArcsModified
                foreach (var commonArc in commonArcs)
                    var qArcL = (ruleArc)q.rule.L.arcs[q.arcs.IndexOf(commonArc)];
                    var pArcL = (ruleArc)p.rule.L.arcs[p.arcs.IndexOf(commonArc)];
                    var pArcR = (ruleArc)p.rule.R[pArcL.name];
                    pIntersectLabels = pArcL.localLabels.Intersect(pArcR.localLabels);
                    pRemovedLabels   = new List <string>(pArcL.localLabels);
                    pRemovedLabels.RemoveAll(s => pIntersectLabels.Contains(s));
                    pAddedLabels = new List <string>(pArcR.localLabels);
                    pAddedLabels.RemoveAll(s => pIntersectLabels.Contains(s));
                    if ( /* first check that there are no labels deleted that the other depeonds on*/
                        (qArcL.localLabels.Intersect(pRemovedLabels).Any()) ||

                        /* adding labels is problematic if the other rule was recognized under
                         * the condition of containsAllLocalLabels. */
                        ((qArcL.containsAllLocalLabels) && (pAddedLabels.Any())) ||

                        /* adding labels is also problematic if you add a label that negates the
                         * other rule. */
                        (pAddedLabels.Intersect(qArcL.negateLabels).Any()) ||

                        /* if one rule uses strictDegreeMatch, we need to make sure the other rule
                         * doesn't change the degree. */

                        /* if one rule requires that an arc be dangling for correct recognition (nullMeansNull)
                         * then we check to make sure that the other rule doesn't add a node to it. */
                        ((qArcL.nullMeansNull) &&
                         (((qArcL.From == null) && (pArcR.From != null)) ||
                          ((qArcL.To == null) && (pArcR.To != null)))) ||

                        /* well, even if the dangling isn't required, we still need to ensure that p
                         * doesn't put a node on an empty end that q is expecting to belong
                         * to some other node. */
                        ((pArcL.From == null) && (pArcR.From != null) && (qArcL.From != null)) ||
                        /* check the To direction as well */
                        ((pArcL.To == null) && (pArcR.To != null) && (qArcL.To != null)) ||

                        /* in q, the rule is not matching with a dangling arc, but we need to ensure that
                         * the rule doesn't remove or re-connect the arc to something else in the K of the rule
                         * such that the recogniation of the second rule is invalidated. q may be a tad strong
                         * (or conservative) as there could still be confluence despite the change in connectivity.
                         * How? I have yet to imagine. But clearly the assumption here is that change in
                         * connectivity prevent confluence. */
                        ((pArcL.From != null) &&
                         (pNodesKNames != null && pNodesKNames.Contains(pArcL.From.name)) &&
                         ((pArcR.From == null) || (pArcL.From.name != pArcR.From.name))) ||
                        ((pArcL.To != null) &&
                         (pNodesKNames != null && pNodesKNames.Contains(pArcL.To.name)) &&
                         ((pArcR.To == null) || (pArcL.To.name != pArcR.To.name))) ||

                        /* Changes in Arc Direction
                         * /* finally we check that the changes in arc directionality (e.g. making
                         * directed, making doubly-directed, making undirected) do not affect
                         * the other rule. */
                        /* Here, the directionIsEqual restriction is easier to check than the
                         * default case where directed match with doubly-directed and undirected
                         * match with directed. */
                        ((qArcL.directionIsEqual) &&
                         ((!qArcL.directed.Equals(pArcR.directed)) ||
                          (!qArcL.doublyDirected.Equals(pArcR.doublyDirected)))) ||
                        ((qArcL.directed && !pArcR.directed) ||
                         (qArcL.doublyDirected && !pArcR.doublyDirected))

            #region HyperArcs
            /* Onto hyperarcs! q is similiar to nodes - more so than arcs. */
            var commonHyperArcs = q.hyperarcs.Intersect(p.hyperarcs);
            if (commonHyperArcs.Any())
                #region  Check whether there are hyperarcs that p will delete that q.option depends upon.

                var pHyperArcsLNames = from n in p.rule.L.hyperarcs
                                       where ((ruleHyperarc)n).MustExist
                                       select n.name;
                var pHyperArcsRNames = from n in p.rule.R.hyperarcs select n.name;
                var pHyperArcsKNames = new List <string>(pHyperArcsRNames.Intersect(pHyperArcsLNames));
                var pKHyperarcs      = new hyperarc[pHyperArcsKNames.Count()];

                for (var i = 0; i < p.rule.L.hyperarcs.Count; i++)
                    if (pHyperArcsKNames.Contains(p.rule.L.hyperarcs[i].name))
                        pKHyperarcs[pHyperArcsKNames.IndexOf(p.rule.L.hyperarcs[i].name)] = p.hyperarcs[i];
                    else if (commonHyperArcs.Contains(p.hyperarcs[i]))

                #region HyperArcsModified
                foreach (var commonHyperArc in commonHyperArcs)
                    var qHyperArcL = (ruleHyperarc)q.rule.L.hyperarcs[q.hyperarcs.IndexOf(commonHyperArc)];
                    var pHyperArcL = (ruleHyperarc)p.rule.L.hyperarcs[p.hyperarcs.IndexOf(commonHyperArc)];
                    var pHyperArcR = (ruleHyperarc)p.rule.R[pHyperArcL.name];
                    pIntersectLabels = pHyperArcL.localLabels.Intersect(pHyperArcR.localLabels);
                    pRemovedLabels   = new List <string>(pHyperArcL.localLabels);
                    pRemovedLabels.RemoveAll(s => pIntersectLabels.Contains(s));
                    pAddedLabels = new List <string>(pHyperArcR.localLabels);
                    pAddedLabels.RemoveAll(s => pIntersectLabels.Contains(s));

                    if ( /* first check that there are no labels deleted that the other depends on*/
                        (qHyperArcL.localLabels.Intersect(pRemovedLabels).Any()) ||

                        /* adding labels is problematic if the other rule was recognized under
                         * the condition of containsAllLocalLabels. */
                        ((qHyperArcL.containsAllLocalLabels) && (pAddedLabels.Any())) ||

                        /* adding labels is also problematic if you add a label that negates the
                         * other rule. */
                        (pAddedLabels.Intersect(qHyperArcL.negateLabels).Any()) ||

                        /* if one rule uses strictDegreeMatch, we need to make sure the other rule
                         * doesn't change the degree. */
                        (qHyperArcL.strictNodeCountMatch && (pHyperArcL.degree != pHyperArcR.degree)))
                        /* actually, the degree can also change from free-arc embedding rules. These
                         * are checked below. */

            #region now we're left with some tricky checks...
            if (commonNodes.Any())
                #region if q is induced

                /* if q is induced then p will invalidate it, if it adds arcs between the
                 * common nodes. */
                if (q.rule.induced)
                    var pArcsLNames = from a in p.rule.L.arcs select a.name;
                    if ((from newArc in p.rule.R.arcs.Where(a => !pArcsLNames.Contains(a.name))
                         where newArc.To != null && newArc.From != null
                         let toName = newArc.To.name
                                      let fromName = newArc.To.name
                                                     where pNodesKNames.Contains(toName) && pNodesKNames.Contains(fromName)
                                                     where commonNodes.Contains(pKNodes[Array.IndexOf(pNodesKNames, toName)]) &&
                                                     commonNodes.Contains(pKNodes[Array.IndexOf(pNodesKNames, fromName)])
                                                     select toName).Any())

                    /* is there another situation in which an embedding rule in p may work against
                     * q being an induced rule? It doesn't seem like it would seem embedding rules
                     * reattach free-arcs. oh, what about arc duplication in embedding rules? nah. */


                #region shape restrictions
                for (int i = 0; i < Num_pKNodes; i++)
                    var pNode = pKNodes[i];
                    if (commonNodes.Contains(pNode))
                    var pname = pNodesKNames[i];
                    var lNode = (node)p.rule.L[pname];
                    var rNode = (node)p.rule.R[pname];

                    if (q.rule.UseShapeRestrictions && p.rule.TransformNodePositions &&
                        !(MatrixMath.sameCloseZero(lNode.X, rNode.X) &&
                          MatrixMath.sameCloseZero(lNode.Y, rNode.Y) &&
                          MatrixMath.sameCloseZero(lNode.Z, rNode.Z)))
                    if ((q.rule.RestrictToNodeShapeMatch && p.rule.TransformNodeShapes && lNode.DisplayShape != null &&
                         rNode.DisplayShape != null) &&
                        !(MatrixMath.sameCloseZero(lNode.DisplayShape.Height, rNode.DisplayShape.Height) &&
                          MatrixMath.sameCloseZero(lNode.DisplayShape.Width, rNode.DisplayShape.Width) &&
                          MatrixMath.sameCloseZero(p.positionTransform[0, 0], 1) &&
                          MatrixMath.sameCloseZero(p.positionTransform[1, 1], 1) &&
                          MatrixMath.sameCloseZero(p.positionTransform[1, 0]) &&
                          MatrixMath.sameCloseZero(p.positionTransform[0, 1])))

            /* you've run the gauntlet of easy checks, now need to check
             * (1) if there is something caught by additional recognition functions,
             * or (2) NOTExist elements now exist. These can only be solving by an empirical
             * test, which will be expensive.
             * So, now we switch from conditions that return true (or a 1; p does invalidate q) to conditions that return false.

            if (q.rule.ContainsNegativeElements || q.rule.recognizeFuncs.Any() || p.rule.applyFuncs.Any())
                if (confluenceAnalysis == ConfluenceAnalysis.Full)
                    return(fullInvalidationCheck(p, q, cand));
                    return(0);   //return 0 is like "I don't know"
            return(-1);   //like false, there is no invalidating - in otherwords confluence (maybe)!

Exemplo n.º 36
 public void addArc(arc newArc, int fromNode, int toNode)
     if ((fromNode == -1) && (toNode == -1))
         addArc(newArc, null, null);
     else if (fromNode == -1)
         addArc(newArc, null, nodes[toNode]);
     else if (toNode == -1)
         addArc(newArc, nodes[fromNode], null);
     else addArc(newArc, nodes[fromNode], nodes[toNode]);