Exemplo n.º 1
        // https://github.com/maximn/google-maps
        public List <string> getDirection(Location L)
            List <string>     steps             = new List <string>();
            DirectionsRequest directionsRequest = new DirectionsRequest()
                Origin      = this.lat + "," + this.lon,
                Destination = L.lat + "," + L.lon

            directionsRequest.ApiKey = this.API_KEY;
            DirectionsResponse directionsResponse = GoogleMapsApi.GoogleMaps.Directions.Query(directionsRequest);

            GoogleMapsApi.Entities.Directions.Response.Leg leg = directionsResponse.Routes.ElementAt(0).Legs.ElementAt(0);
            foreach (var step in leg.Steps)
                steps.Add(Regex.Replace(step.HtmlInstructions, @"<(.|\n)*?>", string.Empty));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public List <GoogleMapsApi.Entities.Common.Location> getPolyline(Location L)
            List <GoogleMapsApi.Entities.Common.Location> steps = new List <GoogleMapsApi.Entities.Common.Location>();
            DirectionsRequest directionsRequest = new DirectionsRequest()
                Origin      = this.lat + "," + this.lon,
                Destination = L.lat + "," + L.lon

            directionsRequest.ApiKey = this.API_KEY;
            DirectionsResponse directionsResponse = GoogleMapsApi.GoogleMaps.Directions.Query(directionsRequest);

            GoogleMapsApi.Entities.Directions.Response.Leg leg = directionsResponse.Routes.ElementAt(0).Legs.ElementAt(0);
            foreach (var step in leg.Steps)
                foreach (GoogleMapsApi.Entities.Common.Location point in step.PolyLine.Points)
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void CalculateButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

            string destAddress;

            Double[] distances = new double[stations.Length];
            string[] durations = new string[stations.Length];
            int      c, location = 1;
            double   minimum;

            if (AddressTextEdit.Text == "")
                WinUIMessageBox.Show("Please! Enter a destination address.",
                                     "Destination field is empty", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
                StatusListEdit.Items.Add("Calculating distance...");

                destAddress = AddressTextEdit.Text;

                for (int i = 0; i < stations.Length; i++)
                    DirectionsRequest directionsRequest2 = new DirectionsRequest()
                        Origin      = stations[i],
                        Destination = destAddress,

                    DirectionsResponse directionsResponse = GoogleMapsApi.GoogleMaps.Directions.Query(directionsRequest2);
                    GoogleMapsApi.Entities.Directions.Response.Leg leg =

                    StatusListEdit.Items.Add(string.Format("Distance from: {0} to {1} is {2} will take {3}", stations[i],
                                                           destAddress, leg.Distance.Text, leg.Duration.Text));

                    distances[i] = Convert.ToDouble(leg.Distance.Text.Substring(0, leg.Distance.Text.Length - 3));
                    durations[i] = leg.Duration.Text;

                minimum = distances[0];
                for (c = 0; c < stations.Length; c++)
                    if (distances[c] < minimum)
                        minimum  = distances[c];
                        location = c;

                    string.Format("Station-{0} ({1}) has shortest distance from {2} of {3} km will take just {4}",
                                  location + 1, stations[location], destAddress, distances[location], durations[location]));

                Browser.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                Browser.InvokeScript("GetRouteAddress", new object[] { stations[location], destAddress });

                if (client != null)

                    //byte[] bytes = new byte[1024];
                    //int bytesRead = ns.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
                    //string m = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes, 0, bytesRead);
                    //Text = m;

                    loc = stations[location] + "/" + destAddress;
                    SendButton.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            //Browser.InvokeScript("calculateDistance", new string[] { station1, station2 });

            //Browser.InvokeScript("GetRouteLatLong", new object[] { station1, 33.6141098, 72.9947294 });