private void VerifyAndRefreshCredentials(TransientCredentials tc)
            var userCredential = tc.Token as UserCredential;
            var token = userCredential?.Token;

            if (IsValidToken(token))
                // We already have a valid OAuth token.

            if (userCredential == null)
                // Attempt to load a cached OAuth token.
                var flow = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow(new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Initializer
                    ClientSecretsStream = ClientSecretsStream,
                    DataStore = GetCredentialsDataStoreForBlog(tc.Username),
                    Scopes = new List<string>() { BloggerServiceScope, PicasaServiceScope },

                var loadTokenTask = flow.LoadTokenAsync(tc.Username, CancellationToken.None);
                if (loadTokenTask.IsCompleted)
                    // We were able re-create the user credentials from the cache.
                    userCredential = new UserCredential(flow, tc.Username, loadTokenTask.Result);
                    token = loadTokenTask.Result;

            if (!IsValidToken(token))
                // The token is invalid, so we need to login again. This likely includes popping out a new browser window.
                if (BlogClientUIContext.SilentModeForCurrentThread)
                    // If we're in silent mode where prompting isn't allowed, throw the verification exception
                    throw new BlogClientAuthenticationException(String.Empty, String.Empty);

                // Start an OAuth flow to renew the credentials.
                var authorizationTask = GetOAuth2AuthorizationAsync(tc.Username, CancellationToken.None);
                if (authorizationTask.IsCompleted)
                    userCredential = authorizationTask.Result;
                    token = userCredential?.Token;

            if (!IsValidToken(token))
                // The token is still invalid after all of our attempts to refresh it. The user did not complete the 
                // authorization flow, so we interpret that as a cancellation.
                throw new BlogClientOperationCancelledException();

            // Stash the valid user credentials.
            tc.Token = userCredential;