Exemplo n.º 1
        private static Dictionary <string, EA.Element> ReadIssuesFromEA(EA.Repository Repository, EA.Collection EAElements)
            Dictionary <string, EA.Element> result = new Dictionary <string, EA.Element>();

            foreach (EA.Element EAIssue in EAElements)
                if (EAGoatJira.IsElementJiraMetatype(EAIssue))
                    result.Add(EAGoatJira.GetJiraKeyFromElement(Repository, EAIssue, EA.ObjectType.otElement), EAIssue);
                    foreach (EA.Element EASubissue in EAIssue.Elements)
                        ///TODO: Zapřemýšlet, zda to nemůže vyhučet na tom, že v sobě bude mít issue, které se dostane i v původním resultu
                        if (EAGoatJira.IsElementJiraMetatype(EASubissue))
                            result.Add(EAGoatJira.GetJiraKeyFromElement(Repository, EASubissue, EA.ObjectType.otElement), EASubissue);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Synchronization of an issue.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Issue">Issue read from JIRA server that should be synchronized.</param>
        /// <param name="Repository">Sparx EA Repository.</param>
        /// <param name="Package">Packages that owns all issues that are not owned by any element withint this package.</param>
        /// <param name="Element">If it is not null then this element will be owner of the issue element instead of Package.</param>
        /// <param name="IssuesInEA">All issues that were within the packages just before the synchronization begins.</param>
        /// <returns>EA Element that represents synchronized issue.</returns>
        private static EA.Element SynchronizeItem(Atlassian.Jira.Issue Issue, EA.Repository Repository, EA.Package Package, EA.Element Element, Dictionary <string, EA.Element> IssuesInEA)
            IssueOperation Operation;

            EA.Element EAElementForIssue;
            if (IssuesInEA.ContainsKey(Issue.Key.Value))
            { //this issue is already saved in EA. Let's do something with it
                Operation         = IssueOperation.Updated;
                EAElementForIssue = IssuesInEA[Issue.Key.Value];
                Repository.WriteOutput(EAGoatJira.JiraOutputWindowName, $"Updating issue {Issue.Key.Value}", EAElementForIssue.ElementID);
                if (Element == null)
                    EAElementForIssue.PackageID = Package.PackageID;
                    EAElementForIssue.ParentID = Element.ElementID;

                ///TODO: I should change the stereotype, if the type of issue has been chaged.
                ///      On the other hand, some configuration of JIRA doesn't allow these changes to ordinary users.
                ///EAElementForIssue.Type = GetMetaclassFromIssueType(Issue);

            { //this issue is not in EA so far, let's create a new one EA.Element
                Operation = IssueOperation.Inserted;
                if (Element == null)
                    EAElementForIssue = Package.Elements.AddNew(GetEAJiraIssueName(Issue), EAGoatJira.GetMetaclassFromIssueType(Issue));
                    EAElementForIssue = Element.Elements.AddNew(GetEAJiraIssueName(Issue), EAGoatJira.GetMetaclassFromIssueType(Issue));
                Repository.WriteOutput(EAGoatJira.JiraOutputWindowName, $"Inserting issue {Issue.Key.Value}", EAElementForIssue.ElementID);
            FillIssue(EAElementForIssue, new JiraIssueViewModel(new AtlassianJiraIssueModelService(Issue), null), Operation);

