Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the user interface instance.
        /// </summary>
        public UserInterface()
            // sanity test
            if (_content == null)
                throw new System.Exception("Cannot create a UserInterface before calling UserInterface.Initialize()!");

            // create draw utils
            DrawUtils = new DrawUtils();

            // create input helper
            _input = new InputHelper();

            // create the root panel
            Root = new RootPanel();

            // set default cursor
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize UI manager (mostly load resources and set some defaults).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contentManager">Content manager.</param>
        /// <param name="theme">Which UI theme to use (see options in Content/GeonBit.UI/themes/). This basically affect the appearance of all textures and effects.</param>
        static public void Initialize(ContentManager contentManager, string theme = "hd")
            // create draw utils
            DrawUtils = new DrawUtils();

            // store the content manager
            _content = contentManager;

            // create input helper
            _input = new InputHelper();

            // create the root panel
            _root = new RootPanel();

            // load textures etc
            Resources.LoadContent(_content, theme);

            // set default cursor
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the user interface instance.
        /// </summary>
        public UserInterface()
            // sanity test
            if (_content == null)
                throw new Exceptions.InvalidStateException("Cannot create a UserInterface before calling UserInterface.Initialize()!");

            // create default input providers
            MouseInputProvider    = new DefaultInputProvider();
            KeyboardInputProvider = new DefaultInputProvider();

            // create draw utils
            DrawUtils = new DrawUtils();

            // create the root panel
            Root = new RootPanel();

            // set default cursor
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Load all GeonBit.UI resources.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="content">Content manager to use.</param>
        /// <param name="theme">Which theme to load resources from.</param>
        static public void LoadContent(ContentManager content, string theme = "default")

            // set resources root path and store content manager
            _root    = "GeonBit.UI/themes/" + theme + "/";
            _content = content;

            // set Texture2D static fields
            HorizontalLineTexture        = _content.Load <Texture2D>(_root + "textures/horizontal_line");
            WhiteTexture                 = _content.Load <Texture2D>(_root + "textures/white_texture");
            IconBackgroundTexture        = _content.Load <Texture2D>(_root + "textures/icons/background");
            VerticalScrollbarTexture     = _content.Load <Texture2D>(_root + "textures/scrollbar");
            VerticalScrollbarMarkTexture = _content.Load <Texture2D>(_root + "textures/scrollbar_mark");
            ArrowDown              = _content.Load <Texture2D>(_root + "textures/arrow_down");
            ArrowUp                = _content.Load <Texture2D>(_root + "textures/arrow_up");
            ProgressBarTexture     = _content.Load <Texture2D>(_root + "textures/progressbar");
            ProgressBarFillTexture = _content.Load <Texture2D>(_root + "textures/progressbar_fill");

            // load cursors metadata
            CursorsData = new CursorTextureData[Enum.GetValues(typeof(CursorType)).Length];
            foreach (CursorType cursor in Enum.GetValues(typeof(CursorType)))
                string cursorName = cursor.ToString().ToLowerInvariant();
                CursorsData[(int)cursor] = content.Load <CursorTextureData>(_root + "textures/cursor_" + cursorName + "_md");

                // special case for IBeam, we want it to be drawn in the middle. So when we select text it is easier
                if (cursor == CursorType.IBeam)
                    Point cursorActualSize = DrawUtils.GetActualTextureSize(Cursors[cursor]);
                    CursorsData[(int)cursor].OffsetX -= cursorActualSize.X / 2;

            // load panels
            PanelData = new TextureData[Enum.GetValues(typeof(PanelSkin)).Length];
            foreach (PanelSkin skin in Enum.GetValues(typeof(PanelSkin)))
                // skip none panel skin
                if (skin == PanelSkin.None)

                // load panels metadata
                string skinName = skin.ToString().ToLowerInvariant();
                PanelData[(int)skin] = content.Load <TextureData>(_root + "textures/panel_" + skinName + "_md");

            // load scrollbar metadata
            VerticalScrollbarData = content.Load <TextureData>(_root + "textures/scrollbar_md");

            // load slider metadata
            SliderData = new TextureData[Enum.GetValues(typeof(SliderSkin)).Length];
            foreach (SliderSkin skin in Enum.GetValues(typeof(SliderSkin)))
                string skinName = skin.ToString().ToLowerInvariant();
                SliderData[(int)skin] = content.Load <TextureData>(_root + "textures/slider_" + skinName + "_md");

            // load fonts
            Fonts = new SpriteFont[Enum.GetValues(typeof(FontStyle)).Length];
            foreach (FontStyle style in Enum.GetValues(typeof(FontStyle)))
                Fonts[(int)style]              = content.Load <SpriteFont>(_root + "fonts/" + style.ToString());
                Fonts[(int)style].LineSpacing += 2;

            // load buttons metadata
            ButtonData = new TextureData[Enum.GetValues(typeof(ButtonSkin)).Length];
            foreach (ButtonSkin skin in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ButtonSkin)))
                string skinName = skin.ToString().ToLowerInvariant();
                ButtonData[(int)skin] = content.Load <TextureData>(_root + "textures/button_" + skinName + "_md");

            // load progress bar metadata
            ProgressBarData = content.Load <TextureData>(_root + "textures/progressbar_md");

            // load effects
            DisabledEffect   = content.Load <Effect>(_root + "effects/disabled");
            SilhouetteEffect = content.Load <Effect>(_root + "effects/silhouette");

            // load default styleSheets
            LoadDefaultStyles(ref Entity.DefaultStyle, "Entity", _root, content);
            LoadDefaultStyles(ref Paragraph.DefaultStyle, "Paragraph", _root, content);
            LoadDefaultStyles(ref Button.DefaultStyle, "Button", _root, content);
            LoadDefaultStyles(ref Button.DefaultParagraphStyle, "ButtonParagraph", _root, content);
            LoadDefaultStyles(ref CheckBox.DefaultStyle, "CheckBox", _root, content);
            LoadDefaultStyles(ref CheckBox.DefaultParagraphStyle, "CheckBoxParagraph", _root, content);
            LoadDefaultStyles(ref ColoredRectangle.DefaultStyle, "ColoredRectangle", _root, content);
            LoadDefaultStyles(ref DropDown.DefaultStyle, "DropDown", _root, content);
            LoadDefaultStyles(ref DropDown.DefaultParagraphStyle, "DropDownParagraph", _root, content);
            LoadDefaultStyles(ref DropDown.DefaultSelectedParagraphStyle, "DropDownSelectedParagraph", _root, content);
            LoadDefaultStyles(ref Header.DefaultStyle, "Header", _root, content);
            LoadDefaultStyles(ref HorizontalLine.DefaultStyle, "HorizontalLine", _root, content);
            LoadDefaultStyles(ref Icon.DefaultStyle, "Icon", _root, content);
            LoadDefaultStyles(ref Image.DefaultStyle, "Image", _root, content);
            LoadDefaultStyles(ref Label.DefaultStyle, "Label", _root, content);
            LoadDefaultStyles(ref Panel.DefaultStyle, "Panel", _root, content);
            LoadDefaultStyles(ref ProgressBar.DefaultStyle, "ProgressBar", _root, content);
            LoadDefaultStyles(ref ProgressBar.DefaultFillStyle, "ProgressBarFill", _root, content);
            LoadDefaultStyles(ref RadioButton.DefaultStyle, "RadioButton", _root, content);
            LoadDefaultStyles(ref RadioButton.DefaultParagraphStyle, "RadioButtonParagraph", _root, content);
            LoadDefaultStyles(ref SelectList.DefaultStyle, "SelectList", _root, content);
            LoadDefaultStyles(ref SelectList.DefaultParagraphStyle, "SelectListParagraph", _root, content);
            LoadDefaultStyles(ref Slider.DefaultStyle, "Slider", _root, content);
            LoadDefaultStyles(ref TextInput.DefaultStyle, "TextInput", _root, content);
            LoadDefaultStyles(ref TextInput.DefaultParagraphStyle, "TextInputParagraph", _root, content);
            LoadDefaultStyles(ref TextInput.DefaultPlaceholderStyle, "TextInputPlaceholder", _root, content);
            LoadDefaultStyles(ref VerticalScrollbar.DefaultStyle, "VerticalScrollbar", _root, content);
            LoadDefaultStyles(ref PanelTabs.DefaultButtonStyle, "PanelTabsButton", _root, content);
            LoadDefaultStyles(ref PanelTabs.DefaultButtonParagraphStyle, "PanelTabsButtonParagraph", _root, content);