Exemplo n.º 1
 public NodeArrayAStarPathFinding(WorldModel WM, IHeuristic heuristic) : base(WM,null,null,heuristic)
     this.NodeRecordArray = new NodeRecordArray(WM);
     this.lstars = new List<NodeRecord>();
     this.Open = this.NodeRecordArray;
     this.Closed = this.NodeRecordArray;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public AStarPathfinding(WorldModel WM, IOpenSet open, IClosedSet closed, IHeuristic heuristic) : base(WM)
     this.Open = open;
     this.Closed = closed;
     this.NodesPerSearch = uint.MaxValue; //by default we process all nodes in a single request
     this.InProgress = false;
     this.Heuristic = heuristic;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public DecisionMakingProcess (WorldModel WM) : base(WM)
     this.AStar = new NodeArrayAStarPathFinding(WM, new ZeroHeuristic());
     this.Manual = new InstructionManualProcessor(WM);
     this.CurrentConnectionID = -1;
     this.CurrentActionID = -1;
     this.CurrentRectangle = WM.Character;
     this.CurrentSolution = new int[0];
Exemplo n.º 4
        public NodeRecordArray(WorldModel WM) : base(WM)
            this.NodeRecords = new NodeRecord[WM.Mesh.Count()];
            for(int i = 0; i < WM.Mesh.Count(); i++)
                var node = WM.Mesh[i];
                this.NodeRecords[i] = new NodeRecord {node = node, status = NodeStatus.Unvisited};

            this.SpecialCaseNodes = new List<NodeRecord>();

            this.Open = new NodePriorityHeap();
        //Reads the file and makes a security backup
        public InstructionManualProcessor(WorldModel WM) : base(WM)

            table = new DataTable();
            table.Columns.Add("Type", typeof(string));
            table.Columns.Add("Direction", typeof(string));
            table.Columns.Add("Distance", typeof(string));
            table.Columns.Add("Solution", typeof(string));

            foreach (string f in File.ReadAllLines(mydocpath))
                string[] words = f.Split('\\');
                table.Rows.Add(words[0].ToString(), words[2].ToString(), words[4].ToString(), words[6].ToString());
Exemplo n.º 6
        public LevelMatrix(WorldModel WM, float height, float width) : base(WM)
            this.World_Width = width;
            this.World_Height = height;

            this.Matrix_Width = (int)width / WORLD_UNIT_SIZE;
            this.Matrix_Height = (int)height / WORLD_UNIT_SIZE;

            this.Matrix = new int[this.Matrix_Width, this.Matrix_Height];
            for (int i = 0; i < Matrix_Width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < Matrix_Height; j++)
                    this.Matrix[i, j] = EMPTY;

            //ConsolePrinter.PrintLine("World_Width: " + width + " | World_Height: " + height + " | Matrix_Width: " + this.Matrix_Width + " | Matrix_Height: " + this.Matrix_Height);
Exemplo n.º 7
 public RectangleCharacter(WorldModel WM, float xPos, float yPos) : base(WM, xPos, yPos)
Exemplo n.º 8
 public Platform(WorldModel WM, int ID, float xPos, float yPos, float height, float width) : base(WM, xPos, yPos)
     this.ID = ID;
     this.Width = width;
     this.Height = height;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public Collectible(WorldModel WM, int id, float xPos, float yPos) : base(WM, xPos, yPos)
     this.ID = id;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public RectangleCharacter(WorldModel WM, float xPos, float yPos, float h) : base(WM, xPos, yPos)
     this.heigth = h;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public Connection(WorldModel WM, Point origin, Point destination) : base (WM)
     this.Origin = origin;
     this.Destination = destination;
Exemplo n.º 12
 public WorldObject(WorldModel WM) : base(WM)
Exemplo n.º 13
 public Platform(WorldModel WM, int ID, float xPos, float yPos, float height, float width) : base(WM, xPos, yPos)
     this.ID     = ID;
     this.Width  = width;
     this.Height = height;
Exemplo n.º 14
 public WorldObject(WorldModel WM, float x, float y) : base(WM)
     this.xPos = x;
     this.yPos = y;
Exemplo n.º 15
 public Point(WorldModel WM, int categorie, int side, float x, float y) : base(WM, x, y)
     this.categorie = categorie;
     this.side = side;
     this.ConnectionList = new List<Connection>();
Exemplo n.º 16
 public Point(WorldModel WM, float x, float y) : base (WM, x, y)
     this.ConnectionList = new List<Connection>();
Exemplo n.º 17
        public void Setup(int[] nI, float[] sI, float[] cI, float[] oI, float[] sPI, float[] cPI, float[] colI, Rectangle area, double timeLimit) {
            // Time limit is the time limit of the level - if negative then there is no time constrains
            this.area = area;
            int temp;

            // numbersInfo[] Description
            // Index - Information
            //   0   - Number of Obstacles
            //   1   - Number of Rectangle Platforms
            //   2   - Number of Circle Platforms
            //   3   - Number of Collectibles

            numbersInfo = new int[4];
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < nI.Length; i++)
                numbersInfo[i] = nI[i];

            nCollectiblesLeft = nI[3];

            // rectangleInfo[] Description
            // Index - Information
            //   0   - Rectangle X Position
            //   1   - Rectangle Y Position
            //   2   - Rectangle X Velocity
            //   3   - Rectangle Y Velocity
            //   4   - Rectangle Height

            rectangleInfo = new float[5];

            rectangleInfo[0] = sI[0];
            rectangleInfo[1] = sI[1];
            rectangleInfo[2] = sI[2];
            rectangleInfo[3] = sI[3];
            rectangleInfo[4] = sI[4];

            // circleInfo[] Description
            // Index - Information
            //   0  - Circle X Position
            //   1  - Circle Y Position
            //   2  - Circle X Velocity
            //   3  - Circle Y Velocity
            //   4  - Circle Radius

            circleInfo = new float[5];

            circleInfo[0] = cI[0];
            circleInfo[1] = cI[1];
            circleInfo[2] = cI[2];
            circleInfo[3] = cI[3];
            circleInfo[4] = cI[4];

            // Obstacles and Platforms Info Description
            //  X = Center X Coordinate
            //  Y = Center Y Coordinate
            //  H = Platform Height
            //  W = Platform Width
            //  Position (X=0,Y=0) = Left Superior Corner

            // obstaclesInfo[] Description
            // Index - Information
            // If (Number of Obstacles > 0)
            //  [0 ; (NumObstacles * 4) - 1]      - Obstacles' info [X,Y,H,W]
            // Else
            //   0                                - 0
            //   1                                - 0
            //   2                                - 0
            //   3                                - 0

            if (numbersInfo[0] > 0)
                obstaclesInfo = new float[numbersInfo[0] * 4];
            else obstaclesInfo = new float[4];

            temp = 1;
            if (nI[0] > 0)
                while (temp <= nI[0])
                    obstaclesInfo[(temp * 4) - 4] = oI[(temp * 4) - 4];
                    obstaclesInfo[(temp * 4) - 3] = oI[(temp * 4) - 3];
                    obstaclesInfo[(temp * 4) - 2] = oI[(temp * 4) - 2];
                    obstaclesInfo[(temp * 4) - 1] = oI[(temp * 4) - 1];
                obstaclesInfo[0] = oI[0];
                obstaclesInfo[1] = oI[1];
                obstaclesInfo[2] = oI[2];
                obstaclesInfo[3] = oI[3];

            // rectanglePlatformsInfo[] Description
            // Index - Information
            // If (Number of Rectangle Platforms > 0)
            //  [0; (numRectanglePlatforms * 4) - 1]   - Rectangle Platforms' info [X,Y,H,W]
            // Else
            //   0                                  - 0
            //   1                                  - 0
            //   2                                  - 0
            //   3                                  - 0

            if (numbersInfo[1] > 0)
                rectanglePlatformsInfo = new float[numbersInfo[1] * 4];
                rectanglePlatformsInfo = new float[4];

            temp = 1;
            if (nI[1] > 0)
                while (temp <= nI[1])
                    rectanglePlatformsInfo[(temp * 4) - 4] = sPI[(temp * 4) - 4];
                    rectanglePlatformsInfo[(temp * 4) - 3] = sPI[(temp * 4) - 3];
                    rectanglePlatformsInfo[(temp * 4) - 2] = sPI[(temp * 4) - 2];
                    rectanglePlatformsInfo[(temp * 4) - 1] = sPI[(temp * 4) - 1];
                rectanglePlatformsInfo[0] = sPI[0];
                rectanglePlatformsInfo[1] = sPI[1];
                rectanglePlatformsInfo[2] = sPI[2];
                rectanglePlatformsInfo[3] = sPI[3];

            // circlePlatformsInfo[] Description
            // Index - Information
            // If (Number of Circle Platforms > 0)
            //  [0; (numCirclePlatforms * 4) - 1]   - Circle Platforms' info [X,Y,H,W]
            // Else
            //   0                                  - 0
            //   1                                  - 0
            //   2                                  - 0
            //   3                                  - 0

            if (numbersInfo[2] > 0)
                circlePlatformsInfo = new float[numbersInfo[2] * 4];
                circlePlatformsInfo = new float[4];

            temp = 1;
            if (nI[2] > 0)
                while (temp <= nI[2])
                    circlePlatformsInfo[(temp * 4) - 4] = cPI[(temp * 4) - 4];
                    circlePlatformsInfo[(temp * 4) - 3] = cPI[(temp * 4) - 3];
                    circlePlatformsInfo[(temp * 4) - 2] = cPI[(temp * 4) - 2];
                    circlePlatformsInfo[(temp * 4) - 1] = cPI[(temp * 4) - 1];
                circlePlatformsInfo[0] = cPI[0];
                circlePlatformsInfo[1] = cPI[1];
                circlePlatformsInfo[2] = cPI[2];
                circlePlatformsInfo[3] = cPI[3];

            //Collectibles' To Catch Coordinates (X,Y)
            //  [0; (numCollectibles * 2) - 1]   - Collectibles' Coordinates (X,Y)

            collectiblesInfo = new float[numbersInfo[3] * 2];

            temp = 1;
            while (temp <= nI[3])

                collectiblesInfo[(temp * 2) - 2] = colI[(temp * 2) - 2];
                collectiblesInfo[(temp * 2) - 1] = colI[(temp * 2) - 1];


            this.Model = new WorldModel(nI,sI, cI, oI, sPI, cPI, colI, area);
            this.CurrentRectangle = this.Model.Character;
            this.CurrentRectangle.heigth = sI[4];
            this.PdA = new ProblemDectectionAlgorithm(this.Model);


            this.DMP = new DecisionMakingProcess(this.Model);

Exemplo n.º 18
 public ProblemDectectionAlgorithm(WorldModel WM)
     this.WM = WM;
     this.OpenPoints = new LeftPriorityList();