Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns shortest distance from segment to the point
 /// </summary>
 public double DistanceTo(Point3d p)
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Shortest distance between triangle and point
        /// </summary>
        public double DistanceTo(Point3d p)
            Point3d closest_point = this.ClosestPoint(p);

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the point on the ellipsoid's boundary closest to given point.
        /// </summary>
        public Point3d ClosestPoint(Point3d p)
            // Algorithm by Dr. Robert Nurnberg
            // http://wwwf.imperial.ac.uk/~rn/distance2ellipse.pdf

            Coord3d local_coord = new Coord3d(this.Center, this._v1, this._v2);

            p = p.ConvertTo(local_coord);

            if (GeometRi3D.AlmostEqual(p.X, 0) && GeometRi3D.AlmostEqual(p.Y, 0))
                // Center point, choose any minor-axis
                return(new Point3d(0, C, 0, local_coord));

            double  theta    = Atan2(A * p.Y, B * p.X);
            double  phi      = Atan2(p.Z, C * Sqrt((p.X * p.X) / (A * A) + (p.Y * p.Y) / (B * B)));
            int     iter     = 0;
            int     max_iter = 100;
            Point3d n0       = p.Copy();

            while (iter < max_iter)
                iter += 1;
                double ct = Cos(theta);
                double st = Sin(theta);
                double cp = Cos(phi);
                double sp = Sin(phi);

                double F1 = (A * A - B * B) * ct * st * cp - p.X * A * st + p.Y * B * ct;
                double F2 = (A * A * ct * ct + B * B * st * st - C * C) * sp * cp - p.X * A * sp * ct - p.Y * B * sp * st + p.Z * C * cp;

                double a11 = (A * A - B * B) * (ct * ct - st * st) * cp - p.X * A * ct - p.Y * B * st;
                double a12 = -(A * A - B * B) * ct * st * sp;
                double a21 = -2.0 * (A * A - B * B) * ct * st * cp * sp + p.X * A * sp * st - p.Y * B * sp * ct;
                double a22 = (A * A * ct * ct + B * B * st * st - C * C) * (cp * cp - sp * sp) - p.X * A * cp * ct - p.Y * B * cp * st - p.Z * C * sp;

                double det = a11 * a22 - a12 * a21;
                if (det == 0)
                    throw new Exception("Zero determinant");
                // Calc reverse matrix B[ij] = A[ij]^-1
                double b11 = a22 / det;
                double b12 = -a12 / det;
                double b21 = -a21 / det;
                double b22 = a11 / det;

                theta = theta - (b11 * F1 + b12 * F2);
                phi   = phi - (b21 * F1 + b22 * F2);

                Point3d n = new Point3d(A * Cos(phi) * Cos(theta), B * Cos(phi) * Sin(theta), C * Sin(phi), local_coord);

                if (n0.DistanceTo(n) < GeometRi3D.Tolerance)
                n0 = n.Copy();

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Shortest distance between two circles (including interior points) (approximate solution)
        /// <para> The output points may be not unique in case of parallel or intersecting circles.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="c">Target circle</param>
        /// <param name="p1">Closest point on source circle</param>
        /// <param name="p2">Closest point on target circle</param>
        public double DistanceTo(Circle3d c, out Point3d p1, out Point3d p2)
            if (this.Normal.IsParallelTo(c.Normal))
                Point3d projection = c.Center.ProjectionTo(this.ToPlane);
                double  dist       = projection.DistanceTo(this.Center);
                double  vdist      = projection.DistanceTo(c.Center);
                if (dist < this.R + c.R)
                    if (projection.BelongsTo(this))
                        p1 = projection;
                        p2 = c.Center;
                        p1 = this.Center.Translate(this.R * new Vector3d(this.Center, projection).Normalized);
                        p2 = p1.ProjectionTo(c.ToPlane);
                    Vector3d v = new Vector3d(this.Center, projection).Normalized;
                    p1 = this.Center.Translate(this.R * v);
                    p2 = c.Center.Translate(-c.R * v);
                    return(Sqrt((dist - this.R - c.R) * (dist - this.R - c.R) + vdist * vdist));

            double tol  = GeometRi3D.Tolerance;
            bool   mode = GeometRi3D.UseAbsoluteTolerance;

            GeometRi3D.Tolerance            = GeometRi3D.DefaultTolerance;
            GeometRi3D.UseAbsoluteTolerance = true;

            object obj = this.IntersectionWith(c);

            if (obj != null)
                // Restore initial state
                GeometRi3D.UseAbsoluteTolerance = mode;
                GeometRi3D.Tolerance            = tol;

                if (obj.GetType() == typeof(Point3d))
                    p1 = (Point3d)obj;
                    p2 = (Point3d)obj;
                else if (obj.GetType() == typeof(Segment3d))
                    p1 = ((Segment3d)obj).P1;
                    p2 = ((Segment3d)obj).P1;
                    p1 = ((Circle3d)obj).Center;
                    p2 = ((Circle3d)obj).Center;


            Point3d p1_1, p1_2, p2_1, p2_2;
            double  dist1 = _distance_cicle_to_circle(this, c, out p1_1, out p1_2);
            double  dist2 = _distance_cicle_to_circle(c, this, out p2_1, out p2_2);

            // Restore initial state
            GeometRi3D.UseAbsoluteTolerance = mode;
            GeometRi3D.Tolerance            = tol;

            if (dist1 < dist2)
                p1 = p1_1;
                p2 = p1_2;
                p1 = p2_2;
                p2 = p2_1;
            return(Min(dist1, dist2));