Exemplo n.º 1
        // Endless Start reading loop
        private async void StartReading(Socket client)
            var endpoint = client.RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint; // Get remote endpoint

            // Loop theoretically infinetly
            while (true)
                    long size = await LeadingByteProcessor.ReadLeading(client).ConfigureAwait(false); // leading

                    byte[] bytes = new byte[size];
                    ArraySegment <byte> segment = new ArraySegment <byte>(bytes);
                    //TODO: Do something when receiving interrupts? Wait for client to come back?
                    // read until all data is read
                    int read = 0;
                    while (read < size)
                        long receive = size - read; // current buffer size
                        if (receive > ReceiveBufferSize)
                            receive = ReceiveBufferSize; // max size
                        ArraySegment <byte>
                        slice = segment.SliceEx(read, (int)receive);     // get buffered portion of array
                        read += await client.ReceiveAsync(slice, SocketFlags.None).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    if (read < 1)
                        throw new TransferException($"{read} bytes were read! " +
                                                    "Null bytes could mean a connection shutdown.");

                    var message = ZeroFormatterSerializer.Deserialize <T>(segment.Array);

                    ReceivedMessage?.Invoke(endpoint, message); // call event
                catch (SocketException ex)
                    bool success = DisconnectClient(endpoint); // try to disconnect
                    if (success)                               // Exit Reading loop once successfully disconnected
                catch (TransferException)
                    // 0 read bytes = null byte
                    bool success = DisconnectClient(endpoint); // try to disconnect
                    if (success)
                        return;          // Exit Reading loop once successfully disconnected
            } // Listen again after client connected
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task Send(T message)
            if (message.Equals(default(T)))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(message));

            bool alive = Socket.Ping();

            if (!alive)
                throw new TransferException($"The Socket to {EndPoint} is not responding!");

                // build byte[] out of message (serialize with ZeroFormatter)
                var bytes   = ZeroFormatterSerializer.Serialize(message);
                var segment = new ArraySegment <byte>(bytes);

                int size = bytes.Length;
                await LeadingByteProcessor.SendLeading(Socket, size)
                .ConfigureAwait(false);     // Send receiver the byte count

                //TODO: Decide whether to catch errors in buffer-loop and continue once fixed or cancel whole send?
                int written = 0;
                while (written < size)
                    int send = size - written; // current buffer size
                    if (send > SendBufferSize)
                        send = SendBufferSize;                  // max size
                    var slice = segment.SliceEx(written, send); // buffered portion of array
                    written = await Socket.SendAsync(slice, SocketFlags.None).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (written < 1)
                    throw new TransferException($"{written} bytes were sent! " +
                                                "Null bytes could mean a connection shutdown.");
            } catch (SocketException)
                // On any error - cancel whole buffered writing
                if (AutoReconnect)
                    await Reconnect().ConfigureAwait(false); // Try reconnecting and re-send everything once reconnected
                    throw; // Throw if we're not trying to reconnect
Exemplo n.º 3
        // Endless Start reading loop
        private void StartReceiving()
            // Loop theoretically infinetly
            while (true)
                    // Read the leading "byte"
                    long size = LeadingByteProcessor.ReadLeading(Socket).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

                    byte[] bytes = new byte[size];
                    ArraySegment <byte> segment = new ArraySegment <byte>(bytes);
                    //TODO: Decide whether to catch errors in buffer-loop and continue once fixed or cancel whole receive?
                    // read until all data is read
                    int read = 0;
                    while (read < size)
                        long receive = size - read; // current buffer size
                        if (receive > ReceiveBufferSize)
                            receive = ReceiveBufferSize; // max size

                        ArraySegment <byte>
                        slice = segment.SliceEx(read, (int)receive);     // get buffered portion of array
                        read += Socket.ReceiveAsync(slice, SocketFlags.None).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

                    var message = ZeroFormatterSerializer.Deserialize <T>(segment.Array);

                    ReceivedMessage?.Invoke(EndPoint, message); // call event
                catch (ObjectDisposedException)
                    return; // Socket was closed & disposed -> exit
                catch (SocketException)
                    if (!AutoReconnect)
                        Reconnect().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); // Try reconnecting on an error, then continue receiving
                // Listen again after client connected
Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task Send(T message, IPEndPoint to)
            if (message.Equals(default(T)))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(message));

            // Build a byte array of the serialized data
            byte[] bytes = ZeroFormatterSerializer.Serialize(message);
            ArraySegment <byte> segment = new ArraySegment <byte>(bytes);

            // Find socket
            var socket = Sockets.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Key.Equals(to)).Value;

            if (socket == null)
                throw new NetworkInterfaceException($"The IP Address {to} could not be found!");

            int size = bytes.Length;
            await LeadingByteProcessor.SendLeading(socket, size).ConfigureAwait(false); // send leading size

            //TODO: Do something when sending interrupts? Wait for client to come back?
            // Write buffered
            int written = 0;

            while (written < size)
                int send = size - written; // current buffer size
                if (send > SendBufferSize)
                    send = SendBufferSize; // max size

                ArraySegment <byte> slice = segment.SliceEx(written, send); // buffered portion of array
                written = await socket.SendAsync(slice, SocketFlags.None).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (written < 1)
                throw new TransferException($"{written} bytes were sent! " +
                                            "Null bytes could mean a connection shutdown.");