Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 类型推断处理
        /// </summary>
        public string GetTypeName(JsonType type, IJsonClassConfig config)
            var arraysAsLists = !config.ExplicitDeserialization;

            switch (type.Type)
                case JsonTypeEnum.Anything: return "object";
                case JsonTypeEnum.Array: return arraysAsLists ? "IList<" + GetTypeName(type.InternalType, config) + ">" : GetTypeName(type.InternalType, config) + "[]";
                case JsonTypeEnum.Dictionary: return "Dictionary<string, " + GetTypeName(type.InternalType, config) + ">";
                case JsonTypeEnum.Boolean: return "bool";
                case JsonTypeEnum.Float: return "double";
                case JsonTypeEnum.Integer: return "int";
                case JsonTypeEnum.Long: return "long";
                case JsonTypeEnum.Date: return "DateTime";
                case JsonTypeEnum.NonConstrained: return "object";
                case JsonTypeEnum.NullableBoolean: return "bool?";
                case JsonTypeEnum.NullableFloat: return "double?";
                case JsonTypeEnum.NullableInteger: return "int?";
                case JsonTypeEnum.NullableLong: return "long?";
                case JsonTypeEnum.NullableDate: return "DateTime?";
                case JsonTypeEnum.NullableSomething: return "object";
                case JsonTypeEnum.Object: return type.AssignedName;
                case JsonTypeEnum.String: return "string";
                default: throw new System.NotSupportedException("Unsupported json type");
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void WriteClass(IJsonClassConfig config, TextWriter sw, JsonType type)
            var visibility = config.InternalVisibility ? "internal" : "public";

            if (config.UseNestedClasses)
                if (!type.IsRoot)
                    if (ShouldApplyNoRenamingAttribute(config)) sw.WriteLine("        " + NoRenameAttribute);
                    if (ShouldApplyNoPruneAttribute(config)) sw.WriteLine("        " + NoPruneAttribute);
                    sw.WriteLine("        {0} class {1}", visibility, type.AssignedName);
                    sw.WriteLine("        {");
                if (ShouldApplyNoRenamingAttribute(config)) sw.WriteLine("    " + NoRenameAttribute);
                if (ShouldApplyNoPruneAttribute(config)) sw.WriteLine("    " + NoPruneAttribute);
                sw.WriteLine("    {0} class {1}", visibility, type.AssignedName);
                sw.WriteLine("    {");

            var prefix = config.UseNestedClasses && !type.IsRoot ? "            " : "        ";

            var shouldSuppressWarning = config.InternalVisibility && !config.UseProperties && !config.ExplicitDeserialization;
            if (shouldSuppressWarning)
                sw.WriteLine("#pragma warning disable 0649");
                if (!config.UsePascalCase) sw.WriteLine();

            if (type.IsRoot && config.ExplicitDeserialization) WriteStringConstructorExplicitDeserialization(config, sw, type, prefix);

            if (config.ExplicitDeserialization)
                if (config.UseProperties) WriteClassWithPropertiesExplicitDeserialization(sw, type, prefix);
                else WriteClassWithFieldsExplicitDeserialization(sw, type, prefix);
                WriteClassMembers(config, sw, type, prefix);

            if (shouldSuppressWarning)
                sw.WriteLine("#pragma warning restore 0649");

            if (config.UseNestedClasses && !type.IsRoot)
                sw.WriteLine("        }");

            if (!config.UseNestedClasses)
                sw.WriteLine("    }");

Exemplo n.º 3
 public FieldInfo(IJsonClassConfig generator, string jsonMemberName,
     JsonType type, bool usePascalCase, IList<object> Examples)
     this.generator = generator;
     this.JsonMemberName = jsonMemberName;
     this.MemberName = jsonMemberName;
     if (usePascalCase) MemberName = JsonClassGenerator.ToTitleCase(MemberName);
     this.Type = type;
     this.Examples = Examples;
Exemplo n.º 4
 private void WriteStringConstructorExplicitDeserialization(IJsonClassConfig config, TextWriter sw, JsonType type, string prefix)
     sw.WriteLine(prefix + "public {1}(string json)", config.InternalVisibility ? "internal" : "public", type.AssignedName);
     sw.WriteLine(prefix + "    : this(JObject.Parse(json))");
     sw.WriteLine(prefix + "{");
     sw.WriteLine(prefix + "}");
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void WriteClassWithPropertiesExplicitDeserialization(TextWriter sw, JsonType type, string prefix)
            sw.WriteLine(prefix + "private JObject __jobject;");
            sw.WriteLine(prefix + "public {0}(JObject obj)", type.AssignedName);
            sw.WriteLine(prefix + "{");
            sw.WriteLine(prefix + "    this.__jobject = obj;");
            sw.WriteLine(prefix + "}");

            foreach (var field in type.Fields)
                string variable = null;
                if (field.Type.MustCache)
                    variable = "_" + char.ToLower(field.MemberName[0]) + field.MemberName.Substring(1);
                    sw.WriteLine(prefix + "[System.Diagnostics.DebuggerBrowsable(System.Diagnostics.DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)]");
                    sw.WriteLine(prefix + "private {0} {1};", field.Type.GetTypeName(), variable);

                sw.WriteLine(prefix + "public {0} {1}", field.Type.GetTypeName(), field.MemberName);
                sw.WriteLine(prefix + "{");
                sw.WriteLine(prefix + "    get");
                sw.WriteLine(prefix + "    {");
                if (field.Type.MustCache)
                    sw.WriteLine(prefix + "        if ({0} == null)", variable);
                    sw.WriteLine(prefix + "            {0} = {1};", variable, field.GetGenerationCode("__jobject"));
                    sw.WriteLine(prefix + "        return {0};", variable);
                    sw.WriteLine(prefix + "        return {0};", field.GetGenerationCode("__jobject"));
                sw.WriteLine(prefix + "    }");
                sw.WriteLine(prefix + "}");
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void WriteClassWithFieldsExplicitDeserialization(TextWriter sw, JsonType type, string prefix)
            sw.WriteLine(prefix + "public {0}(JObject obj)", type.AssignedName);
            sw.WriteLine(prefix + "{");

            foreach (var field in type.Fields)
                sw.WriteLine(prefix + "    this.{0} = {1};", field.MemberName, field.GetGenerationCode("obj"));

            sw.WriteLine(prefix + "}");

            foreach (var field in type.Fields)
                sw.WriteLine(prefix + "public readonly {0} {1};", field.Type.GetTypeName(), field.MemberName);
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void WriteClassMembers(IJsonClassConfig config, TextWriter sw, JsonType type, string prefix)
            foreach (var field in type.Fields)
                if (config.UsePascalCase || config.ExamplesInDocumentation) sw.WriteLine();

                if (config.ExamplesInDocumentation)
                    sw.WriteLine(prefix + "/// <summary>");
                    sw.WriteLine(prefix + "/// Examples: " + field.GetExamplesText());
                    sw.WriteLine(prefix + "/// </summary>");

                if (config.UsePascalCase)
                    sw.WriteLine(prefix + "[JsonProperty(\"{0}\")]", field.JsonMemberName);

                if (config.UseProperties)
                    sw.WriteLine(prefix + "public {0} {1} {{ get; set; }}", field.Type.GetTypeName(), field.MemberName);
                    sw.WriteLine(prefix + "public {0} {1};", field.Type.GetTypeName(), field.MemberName);
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void GenerateClass(JObject[] examples, JsonType type)
            var jsonFields = new Dictionary<string, JsonType>();
            var fieldExamples = new Dictionary<string, IList<object>>();

            var first = true;

            foreach (var obj in examples)
                foreach (var prop in obj.Properties())
                    JsonType fieldType;
                    var currentType = new JsonType(this, prop.Value);
                    var propName = prop.Name;
                    if (jsonFields.TryGetValue(propName, out fieldType))
                        var commonType = fieldType.GetCommonType(currentType);
                        jsonFields[propName] = commonType;
                        var commonType = currentType;
                        if (first) commonType = commonType.MaybeMakeNullable(this);
                        else commonType = commonType.GetCommonType(JsonType.GetNull(this));
                        jsonFields.Add(propName, commonType);
                        fieldExamples[propName] = new List<object>();

                    var fe = fieldExamples[propName];
                    var val = prop.Value;
                    if (val.Type == JTokenType.Null || val.Type == JTokenType.Undefined)
                        if (!fe.Contains(null))
                            fe.Insert(0, null);
                        var v = (val.Type == JTokenType.Array || val.Type == JTokenType.Object) ? val : val.Value<object>();
                        if (!fe.Any(x => v.Equals(x)))
                first = false;

            if (UseNestedClasses)
                foreach (var field in jsonFields)

            foreach (var field in jsonFields)
                var fieldType = field.Value;
                if (fieldType.Type == JsonTypeEnum.Object)
                    var subexamples = new List<JObject>(examples.Length);
                    foreach (var obj in examples)
                        JToken value;
                        if (obj.TryGetValue(field.Key, out value))
                            if (value.Type == JTokenType.Object)

                    GenerateClass(subexamples.ToArray(), fieldType);

                if (fieldType.InternalType != null && fieldType.InternalType.Type == JsonTypeEnum.Object)
                    var subexamples = new List<JObject>(examples.Length);
                    foreach (var obj in examples)
                        JToken value;
                        if (obj.TryGetValue(field.Key, out value))
                            if (value.Type == JTokenType.Array)
                                foreach (var item in (JArray)value)
                                    if (!(item is JObject))
                                        throw new NotSupportedException("Arrays of non-objects are not supported yet.");

                            else if (value.Type == JTokenType.Object)
                                foreach (var item in (JObject)value)
                                    if (!(item.Value is JObject))
                                        throw new NotSupportedException("Arrays of non-objects are not supported yet.");


                    GenerateClass(subexamples.ToArray(), field.Value.InternalType);

            type.Fields = jsonFields
                            .Select(x => new FieldInfo(this, x.Key, x.Value, UsePascalCase, fieldExamples[x.Key]))

Exemplo n.º 9
        public void GenerateClasses()
            if (CodeWriter == null) CodeWriter = new CSharpCodeWriter();
            if (ExplicitDeserialization && !(CodeWriter is CSharpCodeWriter))
                throw new ArgumentException("Explicit deserialization is obsolete and is only supported by the C# provider.");

            if (used)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("This instance of JsonClassGenerator has already been used. Please create a new instance.");

            used = true;

            var writeToDisk = TargetFolder != null;
            if (writeToDisk && !Directory.Exists(TargetFolder)) Directory.CreateDirectory(TargetFolder);

            JObject[] examples;
            var example = Example.StartsWith("HTTP/") ? Example.Substring(Example.IndexOf("\r\n\r\n")) : Example;
            using (var sr = new StringReader(example))
            using (var reader = new JsonTextReader(sr))
                var json = JToken.ReadFrom(reader);
                if (json is JArray)
                    examples = ((JArray)json).Cast<JObject>().ToArray();
                else if (json is JObject)
                    examples = new[] { (JObject)json };
                    throw new Exception("Sample JSON must be either a JSON array, or a JSON object.");

            Types = new List<JsonType>();

            var rootType = new JsonType(this, examples[0]);
            rootType.IsRoot = true;
            GenerateClass(examples, rootType);

            //if (writeToDisk)
            //    var parentFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
            //    if (writeToDisk && !NoHelperClass && ExplicitDeserialization)
            //        File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(TargetFolder, "JsonClassHelper.cs"), Properties.Resources.JsonClassHelper);

            //    if (SingleFile)
            //    {
            //        WriteClassesToFile(Path.Combine(TargetFolder, MainClass + CodeWriter.FileExtension), Types);
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {

            //        foreach (var type in Types)
            //        {
            //            var folder = TargetFolder;
            //            if (!UseNestedClasses && !type.IsRoot && SecondaryNamespace != null)
            //            {
            //                var s = SecondaryNamespace;
            //                if (s.StartsWith(Namespace + ".")) s = s.Substring(Namespace.Length + 1);
            //                folder = Path.Combine(folder, s);
            //                Directory.CreateDirectory(folder);
            //            }
            //            WriteClassesToFile(Path.Combine(folder, (UseNestedClasses && !type.IsRoot ? MainClass + "." : string.Empty) + type.AssignedName + CodeWriter.FileExtension), new[] { type });
            //        }
            //    }
            if (OutputStream != null)
                WriteClassesToFile(OutputStream, Types);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public static JsonType GetCommonType(IJsonClassConfig generator, JToken[] tokens)
            if (tokens.Length == 0) return new JsonType(generator, JsonTypeEnum.NonConstrained);

            var common = new JsonType(generator, tokens[0]).MaybeMakeNullable(generator);

            for (int i = 1; i < tokens.Length; i++)
                var current = new JsonType(generator, tokens[i]);
                common = common.GetCommonType(current);

            return common;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public JsonType GetCommonType(JsonType type2)
            var commonType = GetCommonTypeEnum(this.Type, type2.Type);

            if (commonType == JsonTypeEnum.Array)
                if (type2.Type == JsonTypeEnum.NullableSomething) return this;
                if (this.Type == JsonTypeEnum.NullableSomething) return type2;
                var commonInternalType = InternalType.GetCommonType(type2.InternalType).MaybeMakeNullable(generator);
                if (commonInternalType != InternalType) return new JsonType(generator, JsonTypeEnum.Array) { InternalType = commonInternalType };

            //if (commonType == JsonTypeEnum.Dictionary)
            //    var commonInternalType = InternalType.GetCommonType(type2.InternalType);
            //    if (commonInternalType != InternalType) return new JsonType(JsonTypeEnum.Dictionary) { InternalType = commonInternalType };

            if (this.Type == commonType) return this;
            return new JsonType(generator, commonType).MaybeMakeNullable(generator);