Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns information about how to configure our Unreal processes. For the most part the majority
 /// of Unreal tests should only need to override this function
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public virtual TConfigClass GetConfiguration()
     if (CachedConfig == null)
         CachedConfig = new TConfigClass();
         AutoParam.ApplyParamsAndDefaults(CachedConfig, this.Context.TestParams.AllArguments);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Main UAT entrance point. Custom games can derive from RunUnrealTests to run custom setup steps or
        /// directly set params on ContextOptions to remove the need for certain command line params (e.g.
        /// -project=FooGame
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override ExitCode Execute()
            Globals.Params = new Gauntlet.Params(this.Params);

            UnrealTestOptions ContextOptions = new UnrealTestOptions();

            AutoParam.ApplyParamsAndDefaults(ContextOptions, Globals.Params.AllArguments);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ContextOptions.Project))
                throw new AutomationException("No project specified. Use -project=ShooterGame etc");

            ContextOptions.Namespaces          = "Gauntlet.UnrealTest,UE4Game";
            ContextOptions.UsesSharedBuildType = true;

Exemplo n.º 3
        public override ExitCode Execute()
            AutoParam.ApplyParamsAndDefaults(this, Environment.GetCommandLineArgs());

            if (Verbose)
                Gauntlet.Log.Level = Gauntlet.LogLevel.Verbose;

            IEnumerable <string> TestList = new string[0];

            // If a group was specified...
            if (Group.Length > 0)
                // if a group was specified, find those tests
                TestList = Utils.TestConstructor.GetTestNamesByGroup <ITestNode>(Group, new[] { "Gauntlet.SelfTest" });
            else if (Tests.Length > 0)
                // list of tests?
                TestList = Tests.Split(',').Select(S => S.Trim());
                // Ok, run everything!
                TestList = Utils.TestConstructor.GetTestNamesByGroup <ITestNode>(null, new[] { "Gauntlet.SelfTest" });

            // Create the list of tests
            IEnumerable <ITestNode> Nodes = Utils.TestConstructor.ConstructTests <ITestNode, string[]>(TestList, null, new[] { "Gauntlet.SelfTest" });

            // Create the test executor
            var Executor = new TextExecutor();

            TestExecutorOptions Options = new TestExecutorOptions();

            AutoParam.ApplyParamsAndDefaults(Options, this.Params);

            bool AllTestsPassed = Executor.ExecuteTests(Options, Nodes);

            return(AllTestsPassed ? ExitCode.Success : ExitCode.Error_TestFailure);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public override AutomationTool.ExitCode Execute()
            AutoParam.ApplyParamsAndDefaults(this, Environment.GetCommandLineArgs());

            Gauntlet.Log.Level = Gauntlet.LogLevel.VeryVerbose;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TempDir) == false)
                Globals.TempDir = TempDir;

            // add devices. We're quick so can ignore constraints
            DevicePool.Instance.SetLocalOptions(TempDir, false, DeviceURL);
            DevicePool.Instance.AddDevices(UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64, Devices, false);

            UnrealTargetPlatform[] SupportedPlatforms = { UnrealTargetPlatform.PS4, UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64 };

            foreach (UnrealTargetPlatform Platform in SupportedPlatforms)
                DevicePool.Instance.EnumerateDevices(Platform, Device =>
                    catch (Exception Ex)
                        Gauntlet.Log.Warning("Exception cleaning device: {0}", Ex);



        /// <summary>
        /// Call to process all CommandLineOption attributes on an objects members and set them based on the
        /// provided argument list
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Obj"></param>
        /// <param name="Args"></param>
        protected static void ApplyParamsAndDefaultsInternal(object Obj, string[] Args, bool ApplyDefaults)
            // get all field and property members
            var Fields     = Obj.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
            var Properties = Obj.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

            var AllMembers = Fields.Cast <MemberInfo>().Concat(Properties);

            foreach (var Member in AllMembers)
                Type MemberType = null;

                // Get the type of the member (note - this is not Member.Type!)
                if (Member is PropertyInfo)
                    MemberType = ((PropertyInfo)Member).PropertyType;
                else if (Member is FieldInfo)
                    MemberType = ((FieldInfo)Member).FieldType;

                // Go through all attributes
                foreach (object Attrib in Member.GetCustomAttributes(true))
                    if (Attrib is AutoParam)
                        // If this is a struct then we want to recurse
                        if (IsSimple(MemberType) == false)
                            object Value = null;

                            // Get the reference value
                            if (Member is PropertyInfo)
                                Value = ((PropertyInfo)Member).GetValue(Obj);
                            else if (Member is FieldInfo)
                                Value = ((FieldInfo)Member).GetValue(Obj);

                            // if null create a new one (e.g. a new instance of a struct);
                            if (Value == null)
                                    Value = Activator.CreateInstance(MemberType);
                                    throw new AutomationException("Add a default constructor to the class {0}!", MemberType);

                                // Set the new object as the refernce
                                if (Member is PropertyInfo)
                                    ((PropertyInfo)Member).SetValue(Obj, Value);
                                else if (Member is FieldInfo)
                                    ((FieldInfo)Member).SetValue(Obj, Value);

                            // Recurse into this struct
                            ApplyParamsAndDefaultsInternal(Value, Args, ApplyDefaults);
                            AutoParam Opt = Attrib as AutoParam;

                            // if the attribute had names provided use them, else use the name of the variable
                            string[] ParamNames = (Opt.OptionNames != null && Opt.OptionNames.Length > 0) ? Opt.OptionNames : new string[] { Member.Name };

                            // save the default
                            object DefaultValue = Opt.Default;
                            object NewValue     = null;

                            if (DefaultValue != null && DefaultValue.GetType() != MemberType)
                                Log.Warning("AutoParam default value for member {0} is type {1}, not {2}", Member.Name, DefaultValue.GetType(), MemberType);

                            // Go through all params used to refer to this member
                            foreach (string Name in ParamNames)
                                // if default is a bool then just check if the switch exists
                                if (MemberType == typeof(bool))
                                    if (SwitchExists(Name, Args))
                                        NewValue = true;
                                    // for all other types try to parse out the value
                                    NewValue = ParaseAndCoerceParam(Name, MemberType, Args);

                                // stop as soon as we find something
                                if (NewValue != null)

                            // If no value was found, use the default
                            if (NewValue != null || (ApplyDefaults && DefaultValue != null))
                                if (NewValue == null)
                                    NewValue = DefaultValue;

                                if (MemberType.IsEnum)
                                    if (NewValue.GetType() != MemberType)
                                        Log.Warning("Default for member {0} is an enum of an incorrect type!", Member.Name);
                                    // Force a conversion - need to do this even for default values incase someone specified a double for a float
                                    NewValue = Convert.ChangeType(NewValue, MemberType);

                                // Set the value on the member
                                if (Member is PropertyInfo)
                                    ((PropertyInfo)Member).SetValue(Obj, NewValue);
                                else if (Member is FieldInfo)
                                    ((FieldInfo)Member).SetValue(Obj, NewValue);

            IAutoParamNotifiable ParamNotifable = Obj as IAutoParamNotifiable;

            if (ParamNotifable != null)
Exemplo n.º 6
 public UnrealOptions()