Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Update(GameUpdateSets u)
            if (u.level.timeSpentPlaying <= 0.75f)
                u.level.camera.viewHeigthWs = MyMath.lerp(u.level.timeSpentPlaying / 0.75f, 160f, 240f);
                u.level.camera.viewHeigthWs = 240;

            float jumpHeight               = 36f;
            float jumpTimeApex             = 0.3f;
            float minJumpHeight            = 8f;
            float fallingGravityMultiplier = 1f;
            float gravity         = 2f * jumpHeight / (jumpTimeApex * jumpTimeApex);
            float fallingGravity  = gravity * fallingGravityMultiplier;
            float maxJumpVelocity = gravity * jumpTimeApex;
            float minJumpVelocity = System.MathF.Sqrt(2f * gravity * minJumpHeight);

            // Update
            if (isDead)
                vel            = Vector2.Zero;
                timeSpentDead += u.dt;

                if (timeSpentDead > 1f)
                    u.level.shouldRestart = true;

            // Input, don't take it if the level is complete.

            if ((Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.F5) && !u.game.oldks.IsKeyDown(Keys.F5)))
                u.level.isComplete        = true;
                u.level.timeSpentComplete = 100f;

            if (u.level.isComplete == false)
                isCrouched = Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Down) || GamePad.GetState(0).IsButtonDown(Buttons.DPadDown) || (GamePad.GetState(0).ThumbSticks.Left.Y < -0.1f);

                if (!isCrouched && Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Left) || GamePad.GetState(0).IsButtonDown(Buttons.DPadLeft))
                    vel.X             = MyMath.lerpClamp(vel.X, -140f, 350 * u.dt);
                    walkAnimEvalTime += (float)(u.dt);
                    _isFacingRight    = false;
                if (!isCrouched && Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Right) || GamePad.GetState(0).IsButtonDown(Buttons.DPadRight))
                    vel.X             = MyMath.lerpClamp(vel.X, 140f, 350 * u.dt);
                    walkAnimEvalTime += (float)(u.dt);
                    _isFacingRight    = true;

                if (!isCrouched && MathF.Abs(GamePad.GetState(0).ThumbSticks.Left.X) > 0.01f)
                    float k = GamePad.GetState(0).ThumbSticks.Left.X;
                    vel.X             = MyMath.lerpClamp(vel.X, 140f * k, 350 * u.dt);
                    walkAnimEvalTime += (float)(u.dt);
                    _isFacingRight    = k > 0f;

                bool isJumpBtnPressed  = (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) && !u.game.oldks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space)) || (u.game.oldgs.IsButtonUp(Buttons.A) && GamePad.GetState(0).IsButtonDown(Buttons.A));
                bool isJumpBtnReleased = !Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) && u.game.oldks.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) || (u.game.oldgs.IsButtonDown(Buttons.A) && GamePad.GetState(0).IsButtonUp(Buttons.A));

                if ((timeSpentInAir < 0.15f || jumpCounter == 1) && isJumpBtnPressed)
                    // pressed
                    vel.Y = -maxJumpVelocity;
                    foreach (JumpSwitch tile in u.level.jumpSwitches)
                        tile._isSolid = !tile._isSolid;

                if (isJumpBtnReleased)
                    // released
                    if (vel.Y < -minJumpVelocity)
                        vel.Y = -minJumpVelocity;

            // Physics movement with no collisions (they are handled below).
            pos += vel * u.dt;

            if (vel.Y < 0)
                vel.Y += gravity * u.dt;
                vel.Y += fallingGravity * u.dt;

            vel.X -= vel.X * (isCrouched ? 0.1f : 0.05f);

            // Collision check and response.
            bool isGrounded = false;

            // Non-harmful walkable tiles.
            CollisionTiles(u.level.tiles, ref isGrounded);
            CollisionTiles(u.level.oneWayTiles, ref isGrounded);
            CollisionTiles(u.level.jumpSwitches, ref isGrounded);
            CollisionTiles(u.level.timeSwitches, ref isGrounded);

            if (isGrounded)
                jumpCounter    = 0;
                timeSpentInAir = 0f;
                timeSpentInAir += u.dt;

            // Enemies collision and death.
            CollisionTestEnemies(u.level.walkers, u.level);
            CollisionTestEnemies(u.level.fires, u.level);
            CollisionTestEnemies(u.level.fireProjectiles, u.level);
            CollisionTestEnemies(u.level.ghosties, u.level);
            CollisionTestEnemies(u.level.iceSpikes, u.level);

            // Letters collecting
            foreach (Letter letter in u.level.letters)
                if (letter.isCollected == false)
                    Rectf   snowmanRect = GetRectWs();
                    Vector2 depth       = snowmanRect.GetIntersectionDepth(letter.GetRectWs());
                    if (depth != Vector2.Zero)
                        letter.isCollected = true;

            // Mailbox level ending.
            if (u.level.letterBox != null)
                Rectf   snowmanRect = GetRectWs();
                Vector2 depth       = snowmanRect.GetIntersectionDepth(u.level.letterBox.GetRectWs());
                if (depth != Vector2.Zero)
                    bool areAllLeteterCollected = true;
                    foreach (Letter l in u.level.letters)
                        areAllLeteterCollected &= l.isCollected;
                    if (areAllLeteterCollected && u.level.isComplete == false)
                        u.level.isComplete = true;

            // Kill the player if he falls. Don't kill him if the level is completed.
            if (pos.Y >= u.level.deathYCoord && !u.level.isComplete)
                isDead = true;

            // Acumulated values to check for events.
            if (isDead && !wasDead)

            wasDead     = isDead;
            wasGrounded = isGrounded;

            // Move the camera.
            Camera cam = u.level.camera;

            if (cam.pos.X - pos.X < -16f)
                cam.pos.X = pos.X - 16f;

            if (cam.pos.X - pos.X > 100f)
                cam.pos.X = pos.X + 100f;

            if (cam.pos.Y - (pos.Y + 50f) < -50f)
                cam.pos.Y = (pos.Y + 50f) - 50f;

            if (cam.pos.Y - pos.Y > 100f)
                cam.pos.Y = pos.Y + 100f;