Exemplo n.º 1
        private Tuple<Point3D, Vector3D>[] GetVisualizationOfHull_Plate(AxisForDouble axis1, AxisForDouble axis2, AxisForDouble axis3, Vector3D rayDirection)
            //WARNING: Make sure rayDirection is long enough to pass through the entire hullD

            List<Tuple<Point3D, Vector3D>> retVal = new List<Tuple<Point3D, Vector3D>>();

            double percent;
            Point3D? contactPoint;
            Vector3D? contactNormal;
            int faceID;

            foreach (Point3D point in AxisForDouble.Iterate(axis1, axis2, axis3))
                if (RayCast(out percent, out contactPoint, out contactNormal, out faceID, point, point + rayDirection))
                    retVal.Add(Tuple.Create(contactPoint.Value, contactNormal.Value));

            return retVal.ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// This iterates over three axiis as points
        /// WARNING: It's up to the caller to make sure each of the three axiis is unique (one for X, one for Y, one for Z)
        /// </summary>
        public static IEnumerable<Point3D> Iterate(AxisForDouble axis1, AxisForDouble axis2, AxisForDouble axis3)
            foreach (double v1 in axis1.Iterate())
                foreach (double v2 in axis2.Iterate())
                    foreach (double v3 in axis3.Iterate())
                        double x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;

                        axis1.SetCorrespondingValue(ref x, ref y, ref z, v1);
                        axis2.SetCorrespondingValue(ref x, ref y, ref z, v2);
                        axis3.SetCorrespondingValue(ref x, ref y, ref z, v3);

                        yield return new Point3D(x, y, z);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// This is a helper method to visualize the collision hull.  It fires rays toward the hull, and returns where those rays hit
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// Item1=Position
        /// Item2=Normal
        /// </returns>
        public Tuple<Point3D, Vector3D>[] GetVisualizationOfHull(int steps = 10)
            Point3D aabbMin, aabbMax;
            CalculateAproximateAABB(out aabbMin, out aabbMax);

            List<Tuple<Point3D, Vector3D>> retVal = new List<Tuple<Point3D, Vector3D>>();

            //TODO: Adjust the steps to get a square dpi
            int xSteps = steps;
            int ySteps = steps;
            int zSteps = steps;

            // XY
            AxisForDouble axis1 = new AxisForDouble(Axis.X, aabbMin.X, aabbMax.X, xSteps);
            AxisForDouble axis2 = new AxisForDouble(Axis.Y, aabbMin.Y, aabbMax.Y, ySteps);
            Vector3D direction = new Vector3D(0, 0, aabbMax.Z - aabbMin.Z);
            retVal.AddRange(GetVisualizationOfHull_Plate(axis1, axis2, new AxisForDouble(Axis.Z, aabbMin.Z), direction));
            retVal.AddRange(GetVisualizationOfHull_Plate(axis1, axis2, new AxisForDouble(Axis.Z, aabbMax.Z), -direction));

            // XZ
            axis1 = new AxisForDouble(Axis.X, aabbMin.X, aabbMax.X, xSteps);
            axis2 = new AxisForDouble(Axis.Z, aabbMin.Z, aabbMax.Z, zSteps);
            direction = new Vector3D(0, aabbMax.Y - aabbMin.Y, 0);
            retVal.AddRange(GetVisualizationOfHull_Plate(axis1, axis2, new AxisForDouble(Axis.Y, aabbMin.Y), direction));
            retVal.AddRange(GetVisualizationOfHull_Plate(axis1, axis2, new AxisForDouble(Axis.Y, aabbMax.Y), -direction));

            // YZ
            axis1 = new AxisForDouble(Axis.Y, aabbMin.Y, aabbMax.Y, ySteps);
            axis2 = new AxisForDouble(Axis.Z, aabbMin.Z, aabbMax.Z, zSteps);
            direction = new Vector3D(aabbMax.X - aabbMin.X, 0, 0);
            retVal.AddRange(GetVisualizationOfHull_Plate(axis1, axis2, new AxisForDouble(Axis.X, aabbMin.X), direction));
            retVal.AddRange(GetVisualizationOfHull_Plate(axis1, axis2, new AxisForDouble(Axis.X, aabbMax.X), -direction));

            return retVal.ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// This iterates over two axiis as points
        /// WARNING: It's up to the caller to make sure each of the two axiis is unique (one for X, one for Y, nothing for Z)
        /// </summary>
        public static IEnumerable<Point> Iterate(AxisForDouble axis1, AxisForDouble axis2)
            if (axis1.Axis == Axis.Z || axis2.Axis == Axis.Z)
                throw new ArgumentException("Z should never be passed into this 2D method");

            foreach (double v1 in axis1.Iterate())
                foreach (double v2 in axis2.Iterate())
                    double x = 0, y = 0, dummy = 0;

                    axis1.SetCorrespondingValue(ref x, ref y, ref dummy, v1);
                    axis2.SetCorrespondingValue(ref x, ref y, ref dummy, v2);

                    yield return new Point(x, y);