Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts a PayPal payment and returns a redirect result to PayPal (or payment info page if an error occurs)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="viewModel"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected ActionResult Payment_PayPalStartPayment(CheckoutPaymentInfoViewModel viewModel, WebFormResponse webFormResponse)
            StoreFrontConfiguration storeFrontConfig = CurrentStoreFrontConfigOrThrow;
            Cart cart = storeFrontConfig.StoreFront.GetCart(Session.SessionID, CurrentUserProfileOrNull);

            Uri returnUri = new Uri(Url.Action("PayPalAccountConfirmed", null, null, Request.Url.Scheme));
            Uri cancelUri = new Uri(Url.Action("PayPalCanceled", null, null, Request.Url.Scheme));

            PayPalPaymentClient paypalClient = new PayPalPaymentClient();

            PayPalPaymentData response;
                response = paypalClient.StartPayPalPayment(storeFrontConfig, cart, returnUri, cancelUri);
            catch(PayPalExceptionOAuthFailed exOAuth)
                string message = "Sorry, this store's configuration for PayPal OAuth is not operational. Please contact us for other payment options."
                    + (exOAuth.IsSandbox ? "\nError in Sandbox Config." : "\nError in Live Config");
                AddUserMessage("PayPal Error", message, UserMessageType.Danger);

                if (CurrentUserProfileOrNull != null && CurrentUserProfileOrThrow.AspNetIdentityUserIsInRoleSystemAdmin())
                    string adminMessage = exOAuth.ToString()
                        + "\n\nHTTP Response:\n" + exOAuth.ResponseString
                        + "\n\nHTTP Headers:\n" + exOAuth.ResponseHeaders;
                    AddUserMessage("PayPal Error (admin info)", "Error " + adminMessage, UserMessageType.Danger);

                return RedirectToAction("PaymentInfo");
            catch(PayPalExceptionCreatePaymentFailed exPaymentFailed)
                string message = "Sorry, there was an error sending your order to PayPal for payment. Please contact us for other payment options."
                    + (exPaymentFailed.IsSandbox ? "\nError in Sandbox." : "\nError in Live Site.");

                AddUserMessage("PayPal Error", message, UserMessageType.Danger);

                if (CurrentUserProfileOrNull != null && CurrentUserProfileOrThrow.AspNetIdentityUserIsInRoleSystemAdmin())
                    string adminMessage = exPaymentFailed.ToString()
                        + "\n\nHTTP Response:\n" + exPaymentFailed.ResponseString
                        + "\n\nHTTP Headers:\n" + exPaymentFailed.ResponseHeaders;
                    AddUserMessage("PayPal Error (admin info)", "Error " + adminMessage, UserMessageType.Danger);

                return RedirectToAction("PaymentInfo");
            catch (Exception ex)
                string message = "Sorry, there was an error starting starting your order with PayPal. Please contact us for other payment options.";
                AddUserMessage("PayPal Error", message, UserMessageType.Danger);

                if (CurrentUserProfileOrNull != null && CurrentUserProfileOrThrow.AspNetIdentityUserIsInRoleSystemAdmin())
                    string adminMessage = "Exception: " + ex.ToString();
                    AddUserMessage("PayPal Error (admin info)", "Error " + adminMessage, UserMessageType.Danger);
                return RedirectToAction("PaymentInfo");

            CartPaymentInfo cartPaymentInfo = cart.CartPaymentInfo;
            if (cartPaymentInfo == null)
                cartPaymentInfo = GStoreDb.CartPaymentInfos.Create();
                cartPaymentInfo.SetFromPayPalResponse(cart, response);
                if (webFormResponse != null)
                    cartPaymentInfo.WebFormResponseId = webFormResponse.WebFormResponseId;
                cartPaymentInfo = GStoreDb.CartPaymentInfos.Add(cartPaymentInfo);
                cartPaymentInfo.SetFromPayPalResponse(cart, response);
                if (webFormResponse != null)
                    cartPaymentInfo.WebFormResponseId = webFormResponse.WebFormResponseId;
                cartPaymentInfo = GStoreDb.CartPaymentInfos.Update(cartPaymentInfo);


            cart.CartPaymentInfoId = cartPaymentInfo.CartPaymentInfoId;
            cart.StatusPaymentInfoConfirmed = false;
            cart = GStoreDb.Carts.Update(cart);

            PayPalLinkData confirmLink = response.links.Where(l => l.rel == "approval_url").SingleOrDefault();
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(confirmLink.href))
                string message = "Sorry, there was an error getting your order info from PayPal. Please contact us for other payment options.";
                AddUserMessage("PayPal Error", message, UserMessageType.Danger);
                if (CurrentUserProfileOrNull != null && CurrentUserProfileOrThrow.AspNetIdentityUserIsInRoleSystemAdmin())
                    string adminMessage = "PayPal Response parse error. Cannot find link with method: approval_url";
                    AddUserMessage("PayPal Error (admin info)", "Error " + adminMessage, UserMessageType.Danger);
                return RedirectToAction("PaymentInfo");

            return Redirect(confirmLink.href);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes paypal payment on an order if it has not been done already
        /// Saves Payment to cart, does not mark cart status
        /// Exceptions thrown if cart.StatusPlacedOrder = true or cart.OrderId.HasValue
        /// Otherwise, payment will be processed and if failed, a record with failure code will be returned
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Payment ProcessPayPalPaymentForOrderAndSavePayment(this Cart cart, StoreFrontConfiguration storeFrontConfig, IGstoreDb db)
            if (storeFrontConfig == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("storeFrontConfig");
            if (cart == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cart");
            if (!cart.StatusPaymentInfoConfirmed)
                throw new ApplicationException("cart.StatusPaymentInfoConfirmed = false. Be sure cart is updated with payment info status = true when payment is selected.");
            if (cart.CartPaymentInfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cart.PaymentInfo");
            if (cart.OrderId.HasValue)
                throw new ApplicationException("cart.OrderId.HasValue is set. This cart already has been processed and converted into an order. Order Id: " + cart.OrderId.Value);
            if (cart.StatusPlacedOrder)
                throw new ApplicationException("cart.StatusPlacedOrder = true. This cart already has been processed and converted into an order.");
            if (cart.CartPaymentInfo.PayPalPaymentId.ToLower() != cart.CartPaymentInfo.PayPalReturnPaymentId.ToLower())
                throw new ApplicationException("PayPal Payment id mismatch. PaymentId: " + cart.CartPaymentInfo.PayPalPaymentId + " ReturnPaymentId: " + cart.CartPaymentInfo.PayPalReturnPaymentId);
            if (cart.CartPaymentInfo.PaymentSource != Models.BaseClasses.GStorePaymentSourceEnum.PayPal)
                throw new ApplicationException("Payment Source not supported: " + cart.CartPaymentInfo.PaymentSource.ToString());

            Payment payment = db.Payments.Create();
            payment.PaymentSource = cart.CartPaymentInfo.PaymentSource;
            payment.ProcessDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
            payment.CartId = cart.CartId;

            PayPalPaymentData response = new PayPal.Models.PayPalPaymentData();
            PayPal.PayPalPaymentClient paypalClient = new PayPal.PayPalPaymentClient();
                response = paypalClient.ExecutePayPalPayment(storeFrontConfig, cart);
                if (response.transactions == null || response.transactions.Count() == 0)
                    throw new ApplicationException("PayPal transactions missing from response. JSON: " + response.Json);
                payment.PaymentFailed = false;
                payment.FailureException = null;
                payment.IsProcessed = true;
            catch (Exceptions.PayPalExceptionOAuthFailed exOAuth)
                payment.PaymentFailed = true;
                payment.FailureException = exOAuth.ToString();
                payment.Json = response.Json;
                payment.AmountPaid = 0M;
                payment.TransactionId = null;
                payment.IsProcessed = false;
            catch (Exceptions.PayPalExceptionExecutePaymentFailed exPaymentFailed)
                payment.PaymentFailed = true;
                payment.FailureException = exPaymentFailed.ToString();
                payment.Json = response.Json;
                payment.AmountPaid = 0M;
                payment.TransactionId = null;
                payment.IsProcessed = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                payment.PaymentFailed = true;
                payment.FailureException = ex.ToString();
                payment.Json = response.Json;
                payment.AmountPaid = 0M;
                payment.TransactionId = null;
                payment.IsProcessed = false;


            return payment;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static bool TestPayPal(this StoreFrontConfiguration config, BaseController controller)
            if (config == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("config");
            if (controller == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("controller");

            if (!config.PaymentMethod_PayPal_Enabled)
                controller.AddUserMessage("PayPal Test Failed!", "PayPal is not enabled in your store front configuration. Make sure to enable it on the Payments tab.", UserMessageType.Danger);
                return false;
                bool useSandbox = !config.PaymentMethod_PayPal_UseLiveServer;
                PayPalPaymentClient client = new PayPalPaymentClient();
                    PayPalOAuthTokenData token = client.TestPayPalOAuthToken(config.PaymentMethod_PayPal_Client_Id, config.PaymentMethod_PayPal_Client_Secret, useSandbox);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(token.access_token))
                        //token appears good
                        controller.AddUserMessage("PayPal Test Passed!", "PayPal tested successfully using the " + (useSandbox ? " TEST" : " LIVE") + " server", UserMessageType.Success);
                        return true;
                    controller.AddUserMessage("PayPal Test Failed!", "PayPal test failed using the " + (useSandbox ? " TEST" : " LIVE") + " server", UserMessageType.Danger);
                    return false;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    controller.AddUserMessage("PayPal Test Failed!", "PayPal test failed. with error " + ex.GetType().FullName + " using the " + (useSandbox ? " TEST" : " LIVE") + " server.\nPlease verify your PayPal configuration in the store front edit page on the Payments Tab.\nError Message: " + ex.Message, UserMessageType.Danger);
                    return false;