Exemplo n.º 1
        public UserCookie( User user )
            this.user = user;

            //Allows different users on the same machine to hide unique sets of forums
            cookieName = "CommunityServer-UserCookie" + user.UserID.ToString();
            context = csContext.Context;
            userCookie = context.Request.Cookies[cookieName];

            //use a global key
            cookieKey = string.Format("hfg-{0}",CSContext.Current.ApplicationType);

            // Did we find a cookie?
            if (userCookie == null) {
                userCookie = new HttpCookie(cookieName);
            } else {
                userCookie = context.Request.Cookies[cookieName];
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: Users.cs Projeto: pcstx/OA
        public static bool CheckUserLastPostDate(User user)
            string cacheKey = "UserLastPostTable";
            string userKey = "User:"******":IP:" + CSContext.Current.Context.Request.UserHostAddress;

            // If the table is null, no posters to care about, so return true
            if(userLastPostTable == null)
                return true;

            // Iterate through the table... remove all bad entries
            // This may seem a little slower, but it helps to keep the table small
            // Some users may only post once a day, but if the forums stay active all that time,
            // their postdate will still be in memory... regularly walking it and removing unnecessary
            // entries keeps it short
                string[] keys = new string[userLastPostTable.Count];
                userLastPostTable.Keys.CopyTo(keys, 0);

                foreach(string key in keys)
                    if(((DateTime)userLastPostTable[key]).AddSeconds(CSContext.Current.SiteSettings.PostInterval) <= DateTime.Now)

            // If they aren't in there, then they aren't still being blocked, return true;
                return true;

            // An entry for them is still in there, so they still can't post
            return false;
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: Emails.cs Projeto: pcstx/OA
        protected static string GenericEmailFormatter(string stringToFormat, User user, Post post, bool html, bool truncateMessage )
            //            string timeSend = string.Format(ResourceManager.GetString("Utility_CurrentTime_formatGMT"), DateTime.Now.ToString(ResourceManager.GetString("Utility_CurrentTime_dateFormat")));
            DateTime time = DateTime.Now;

            // set the timesent and sitename
            stringToFormat = Regex.Replace(stringToFormat, "\\[timesent\\]", time.ToString(ResourceManager.GetString("Utility_CurrentTime_dateFormat")) + " " + string.Format( ResourceManager.GetString("Utility_CurrentTime_formatGMT"), CSContext.Current.SiteSettings.TimezoneOffset.ToString() ), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
            stringToFormat = Regex.Replace(stringToFormat, "\\[moderatorl\\]", Globals.GetSiteUrls().Moderate, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
            stringToFormat = Regex.Replace(stringToFormat, "\\[sitename\\]", CSContext.Current.SiteSettings.SiteName.Trim(), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
            stringToFormat = Regex.Replace(stringToFormat, "\\[websiteurl\\]", Globals.GetSiteUrls().Home, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
            stringToFormat = Regex.Replace(stringToFormat, "\\[adminemail\\]", (CSContext.Current.SiteSettings.AdminEmailAddress.Trim() != "" ) ? CSContext.Current.SiteSettings.AdminEmailAddress.Trim() : "*****@*****.**", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);

            if(CSContext.Current.Context != null)
                stringToFormat = Regex.Replace(stringToFormat, "\\[loginurl\\]", Globals.HostPath(CSContext.Current.Context.Request.Url) + Globals.GetSiteUrls().LoginReturnHome, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
                stringToFormat = Regex.Replace(stringToFormat, "\\[passwordchange\\]", Globals.HostPath(CSContext.Current.Context.Request.Url) + Globals.GetSiteUrls().UserChangePassword, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
                stringToFormat = Regex.Replace(stringToFormat, "\\[loginurl\\]", Globals.HostPath(new Uri(CSContext.Current.RawUrl)) + Globals.GetSiteUrls().LoginReturnHome, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
                stringToFormat = Regex.Replace(stringToFormat, "\\[passwordchange\\]", Globals.HostPath(new Uri(CSContext.Current.RawUrl)) + Globals.GetSiteUrls().UserChangePassword, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);

            // return a generic email address if it isn't set.
            string adminEmailAddress = (CSContext.Current.SiteSettings.AdminEmailAddress.Trim() != "" ) ? CSContext.Current.SiteSettings.AdminEmailAddress.Trim() : "*****@*****.**";
            string siteName = CSContext.Current.SiteSettings.SiteName.Trim();
            stringToFormat = Regex.Replace(stringToFormat, "\\[adminemailfrom\\]", string.Format( ResourceManager.GetString("AutomatedEmail").Trim(), siteName, adminEmailAddress), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);

            // Specific to a user
            if (user != null) {
                stringToFormat = Regex.Replace(stringToFormat, "\\[username\\]", user.Username.Trim(), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
                stringToFormat = Regex.Replace(stringToFormat, "\\[email\\]", user.Email.Trim(), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
                stringToFormat = Regex.Replace(stringToFormat, "\\[publicemail\\]", user.Profile.PublicEmail.Trim(), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
                stringToFormat = Regex.Replace(stringToFormat, "\\[datecreated\\]", user.GetTimezone(user.DateCreated).ToString(user.Profile.DateFormat), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
                stringToFormat = Regex.Replace(stringToFormat, "\\[lastlogin\\]", user.GetTimezone(user.LastLogin).ToString(user.Profile.DateFormat), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
                stringToFormat = Regex.Replace(stringToFormat, "\\[profileurl\\]", Globals.GetSiteUrls().UserEditProfile, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);

                if (user.Password != null)
                    stringToFormat = Regex.Replace(stringToFormat, "\\[password\\]", user.Password.Trim(), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);


            // make urls clickable, don't do it if we have a post,
            // because we're going to do it again before adding the post contents
            if (html && post == null) stringToFormat = Regex.Replace(stringToFormat,@"(http|ftp|https):\/\/[\w]+(.[\w]+)([\w\-\.,@?^=%&:/~\+#]*[\w\-\@?^=%&/~\+#])?","<a href=\"$0\">$0</a>",RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);

            if (post != null) {
                stringToFormat = Regex.Replace(stringToFormat, "\\[postedby\\]", post.Username.Trim(), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
                stringToFormat = Regex.Replace(stringToFormat, "\\[subject\\]", post.Subject.Trim(), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
                stringToFormat = Regex.Replace(stringToFormat, "\\[postdate\\]", post.User.GetTimezone(post.PostDate).ToString(), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
                stringToFormat = Regex.Replace(stringToFormat, "\\[replyurl\\]", Globals.GetSiteUrls().Post(post.PostID), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
                stringToFormat = Regex.Replace(stringToFormat, "\\[moderatePostUrl\\]", Globals.GetSiteUrls().Post(post.PostID), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);

                if(CSContext.Current.Context != null)
                    stringToFormat = Regex.Replace(stringToFormat, "\\[posturl\\]", Globals.HostPath(CSContext.Current.Context.Request.Url) + Globals.GetSiteUrls().Post(post.PostID), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
                    stringToFormat = Regex.Replace(stringToFormat, "\\[posturl\\]", Globals.HostPath(new Uri(CSContext.Current.RawUrl)) + Globals.GetSiteUrls().Post(post.PostID), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);

                if(post.Section != null)
                    stringToFormat = Regex.Replace(stringToFormat, "\\[forumname\\]", post.Section.Name.Trim(), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);

                //stringToFormat = Regex.Replace(stringToFormat, "\\[forumUrl\\]", Globals.HostPath(CSContext.Current.Context.Request.Url) + ForumUrls.Instance().Forum(post.SectionID), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);

                // make urls clickable before adding post HTML
                if (html) stringToFormat = Regex.Replace(stringToFormat,@"(http|ftp|https):\/\/[\w]+(.[\w]+)([\w\-\.,@?^=%&:\$/~\+#]*[\w\-\@?^=%&/~\+#])?","<a href=\"$0\">$0</a>",RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);

                // strip html from post if necessary
                string postbody = post.FormattedBody;

                // if the user doesn't want HTML and the post is HTML, then strip it
                if (!html && post.PostType == PostType.HTML)
                    postbody = Emails.FormatHtmlAsPlainText(postbody);

                    // if the user wants HTML and the post is PlainText, then add HTML to it
                else if (html &&  post.PostType == PostType.BBCode)
                    postbody = Emails.FormatPlainTextAsHtml(postbody);

                // Finally, trim this post so the user doesn't get a huge email

                if (truncateMessage) {
                    // if we throw an error, the post was too short to cut anyhow
                    try {
                        postbody = Formatter.CheckStringLength(postbody, 300);
                    catch {}

                stringToFormat = Regex.Replace(stringToFormat, "\\[postbody\\]", postbody, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);

            return stringToFormat;
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: CSEvents.cs Projeto: pcstx/OA
 /// <summary>
 /// Raises all AfterUser events. These events are raised after changes (created or update) are 
 /// made to the datastore
 /// </summary>
 public static void AfterUser(User user, ObjectState state)
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: CSEvents.cs Projeto: pcstx/OA
 /// <summary>
 /// Raises all UserRemoved events. These events are raised before the user is removed from the data store
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="user"></param>
 public static void UserRemoved(User user)
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: Section.cs Projeto: pcstx/OA
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates if a user the owner of the current section. Owners are users who have
        /// elevated permissions but no specific roles assigned. If the user is the owner, 
        /// their role based security will be ignored
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">User to evaluate</param>
        /// <returns>True if the user's UserName exists as part of the Owners property (split into an array)</returns>
        protected virtual bool IsOwner(User user)
            if(ownerArray == null)
                ownerArray = Owners.Split(';');

            if(ownerArray != null && ownerArray[0].Length > 0)
                foreach(string owner in ownerArray)
                    if(string.Compare(owner,user.Username,true) == 0)
                        return true;

            return false;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public abstract void ToggleUserForceLogin(User user);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public abstract User CreateUpdateDeleteUser(User user, DataProviderAction action, out CreateUserStatus status);
Exemplo n.º 9
 protected void ExecuteUserEvent(object EventKey, User user,ObjectState state, ApplicationType appType)
     CSUserEventHandler handler = Events[EventKey] as CSUserEventHandler;
     if (handler != null)
         handler(user, new CSEventArgs(state,appType));
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: Users.cs Projeto: pcstx/OA
        // *********************************************************************
        //  Update
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates a user's personal information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">The user to update.  The Username indicates what user to update.</param>
        /// <param name="NewPassword">If the user is changing their password, the user's new password.
        /// Otherwise, this should be the user's existing password.</param>
        /// <returns>This method returns a boolean: it returns True if
        /// the update succeeds, false otherwise.  (The update might fail if the user enters an
        /// incorrect password.)</returns>
        /// <remarks>For the user to update their information, they must supply their password.  Therefore,
        /// the Password property of the user object passed in should be set to the user's existing password.
        /// The NewPassword parameter should contain the user's new password (if they are changing it) or
        /// existing password if they are not.  From this method, only the user's personal information can
        /// be updated (the user's password, forum view settings, email address, etc.); to update the user's
        /// system-level settings (whether or not they are banned, their trusted status, etc.), use the
        /// UpdateUserInfoFromAdminPage method.  <seealso cref="UpdateUserInfoFromAdminPage"/></remarks>
        // ********************************************************************/
        public static bool UpdateUser(User user)

            //Make sure we update all references to User
            CSContext context = CSContext.Current;
            context.User = user;

            // Create Instance of the CommonDataProvider
            CommonDataProvider dp = CommonDataProvider.Instance();
            bool updatePasswordSucceded = false;
            CreateUserStatus status;
            string cacheKey = "UserLookupTable";
            string userKey = "User-";

            user.Email = Globals.HtmlEncode(user.Email);

            if(user.HasProfile && !user.Profile.IsReadOnly)
                // we need to strip the <script> tags from input forms
                user.Profile.Signature = HtmlScrubber.Clean(user.Profile.Signature, true, true); //Transforms.StripHtmlXmlTags(user.Profile.Signature);
                user.Profile.AolIM = Globals.HtmlEncode(user.Profile.AolIM);
                user.Profile.PublicEmail = Globals.HtmlEncode(user.Profile.PublicEmail);
                user.Profile.IcqIM = Globals.HtmlEncode(user.Profile.IcqIM);
                user.Profile.Interests = Globals.HtmlEncode(user.Profile.Interests);
                user.Profile.Location = Globals.HtmlEncode(user.Profile.Location);
                user.Profile.MsnIM = Globals.HtmlEncode(user.Profile.MsnIM);
                user.Profile.Occupation = Globals.HtmlEncode(user.Profile.Occupation);
                user.Profile.WebAddress = Globals.HtmlEncode(user.Profile.WebAddress);
                user.Profile.WebLog = Globals.HtmlEncode(user.Profile.WebLog);
                user.Profile.YahooIM = Globals.HtmlEncode(user.Profile.YahooIM);
                user.Profile.QQIM = Globals.HtmlEncode(user.Profile.QQIM);

                //Save the user's profile data

            //Note: SHS does not support updating username
            //user.Username = Transforms.StripHtmlXmlTags(user.Username);
            user.AvatarUrl = Globals.HtmlEncode(user.AvatarUrl);
            user.Nickname = Globals.HtmlEncode(user.Nickname);

            // Call the underlying update
            dp.CreateUpdateDeleteUser(user, DataProviderAction.Update, out status);
            updatePasswordSucceded = true;


            // Remove from the cache if it exists
            Hashtable userLookupTable = CSCache.Get(cacheKey) as Hashtable;
            if (userLookupTable != null)
                userLookupTable.Remove(userKey + user.UserID);
                userLookupTable.Remove(userKey + user.Username);
                userLookupTable.Remove(userKey + user.Nickname);

            return updatePasswordSucceded;
Exemplo n.º 11
Arquivo: Users.cs Projeto: pcstx/OA
        // *********************************************************************
        //  TrackAnonymousUsers
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to keep track of the number of anonymous users on the system
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A collection of user.</returns>
        // ********************************************************************/
        public static void TrackAnonymousUsers(HttpContext context)
            // Ignore RSS requests
            if (context.Request.Url.ToString().IndexOf("rss.aspx") > 0)

            // Ignore style sheet requests
            if (context.Request.Url.ToString().IndexOf("style") > 0)

            SiteSettings siteSettings = SiteSettingsManager.GetSiteSettings(context);

            // Is anonymous user tracking enabled?
            if (!siteSettings.EnableAnonymousUserTracking)

            // Have we already done this work for this request?
            if (context.Items["CheckedAnonymousCookie"] != null)
                context.Items["CheckedAnonymousCookie"] = "true";

            string cookieName = siteSettings.AnonymousCookieName;
             HttpCookie cookie =null;

            // Is the user anonymous?
            if (context.Request.IsAuthenticated)
                cookie = new HttpCookie(cookieName);
                context.Response.Cookies[cookieName].Expires = new System.DateTime(1999, 10, 12);

            string userID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            Hashtable anonymousUsers = GetAnonymousUserList(siteSettings.SettingsID);
            string lastAction = context.Request.Url.PathAndQuery;
            User user = null;

            // Check if the Tracking cookie exists
            cookie = context.Request.Cookies[cookieName];

            // Track anonymous user
            if ((null == cookie) || (cookie.Value == null)) {   // Only do the work if we don't have the cookie

                // Set the UsedID value of the cookie
                cookie = new HttpCookie(cookieName);
                cookie.Value = userID;
                cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(siteSettings.AnonymousCookieExpiration);

                // Create a user
                user = new User();
                user.LastAction = SiteUrls.LocationKey();
                user.LastActivity = DateTime.Now;
                user.SettingsID = siteSettings.SettingsID;
                // 2005-02-27: �������ݣ���¼�����û�IP
                user.IPCreated = Globals.IPAddress;
                user.IPLastActivity = Globals.IPAddress;

                // Add the anonymous user
                if (!anonymousUsers.Contains(userID) )
                    anonymousUsers[userID] = user;

            } else {

                if (cookie.Value != null)
                    userID = cookie.Value.ToString();
                    userID = null;

                // Update the anonymous list
                if ((userID == null) || (userID == string.Empty)) {

                    context.Response.Cookies[cookieName].Expires = new System.DateTime(1999, 10, 12);

                } else {

                    // Find the cookie in the anonymous list
                    if (anonymousUsers[userID] == null) {
                        anonymousUsers[userID] = new User();

                    user = (User) anonymousUsers[userID];

                    user.LastAction = SiteUrls.LocationKey();
                    user.LastActivity = DateTime.Now;
                    // 2005-02-27: �������ݣ���¼�����û�IP
                    user.IPCreated = Globals.IPAddress;
                    user.IPLastActivity = Globals.IPAddress;

                    // Reset the expiration on the cookie
                    cookie = new HttpCookie(cookieName);
                    cookie.Value = userID;
                    cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(siteSettings.AnonymousCookieExpiration);


Exemplo n.º 12
Arquivo: Users.cs Projeto: pcstx/OA
        public static void ToggleForceLogin(User user)
            // Update the setting in the database
            CommonDataProvider dp = CommonDataProvider.Instance();

            // Remove the cached user entry so it is force to reget it and not have ForceLogin true
            string cacheKey = "UserLookupTable";
            string userKey = "User-";
            Hashtable userLookupTable = CSCache.Get(cacheKey) as Hashtable;
            if (userLookupTable != null)
                userLookupTable.Remove(userKey + user.UserID);
                userLookupTable.Remove(userKey + user.Username);
                userLookupTable.Remove(userKey + user.Nickname);
Exemplo n.º 13
Arquivo: Users.cs Projeto: pcstx/OA
        public static User GetAnonymousUser(string username)
            User user = new User();

            // Do we have a username or email address?
            if ( username == null )
                username = ResourceManager.GetString("DefaultAnonymousUsername");

            //Find away to set this...or default it better
            user.Username = username;
            user.UserID = 0;
            user.IsAnonymous = true;
            // 2005-02-27: �������ݣ���¼�����û�IP
            user.IPCreated = Globals.IPAddress;
            user.IPLastActivity = Globals.IPAddress;

            return user;
Exemplo n.º 14
Arquivo: Users.cs Projeto: pcstx/OA
        private static User GetUserFromDataProvider(int userID, string username, string nickname, bool isOnline, bool isEditable, bool autoCreateUser)
            // Get an instance of the CommonDataProvider
            CommonDataProvider dp = CommonDataProvider.Instance();

            string lastAction = SiteUrls.LocationKey();

            // Attempt to get the user from the dataprovider layer
                // 2005-02-27: ��������¼���IP, ���������dzƻ�ȡ�û����Ϸ���
                string ipAddress = Globals.IPAddress;
                return dp.GetUser(userID, username, nickname, isOnline, isEditable, lastAction, ipAddress);
            catch (CSException)
                CSContext csContext = CSContext.Current;

                if (autoCreateUser && csContext.IsWebRequest)
                    if (Regex.IsMatch(csContext.Context.User.Identity.AuthenticationType, "^(Negotiate|Digest|Basic|NTLM)$"))

                        bool bSendEmail = false;

                        User newUser = new User();

                        // What type of account activation are we using?
                        if (csContext.SiteSettings.AccountActivation == AccountActivation.Email)
                            bSendEmail = true;
                            newUser.AccountStatus = UserAccountStatus.Approved;

                        if (csContext.SiteSettings.AccountActivation == AccountActivation.AdminApproval)
                            newUser.AccountStatus = UserAccountStatus.ApprovalPending;

                        //ToDo: Fix this
                        //newUser.Username = GetLoggedOnUsername();
                        newUser.Email = username.Substring(username.IndexOf("\\") + 1) + CSContext.Current.SiteSettings.EmailDomain;
                        //newUser.Password = "******";
                        CreateUserStatus myStatus = Create(newUser, bSendEmail);
                        if (myStatus == CreateUserStatus.Created)
                            return newUser;
                            return null;
                // if we made it to here, we can't figure out the user
                return null;
Exemplo n.º 15
Arquivo: Users.cs Projeto: pcstx/OA
        public static CreateUserStatus Create(User user, bool sendEmail, bool ignoreDisallowNames)
            CSEvents.BeforeUser(user, ObjectState.Create);

            CSContext csContext = CSContext.Current;
            SiteSettings settings = csContext.SiteSettings;

            AccountActivation activation = settings.AccountActivation;
            CreateUserStatus status;

            string password = user.Password;
            // 2005-02-26: ����ע��IP�������޶��ʽ���dz�
            user.Nickname = Globals.HtmlEncode(user.Nickname);
            User nicknameUser = Users.GetUserByNickname(user.Nickname);
            if (nicknameUser != null && nicknameUser.UserID > 0)
                return CreateUserStatus.DuplicateNickname;

            user.Email = Globals.HtmlEncode(user.Email);
            user.DatabaseQuota = settings.UserDatabaseQuota;
            user.IPCreated = Globals.IPAddress;

            // Lucian: deprecated since it is not handled in CreateUser control
            // and regEx validation on control's form.
            // Make sure the username begins with an alpha character
            //if (!Regex.IsMatch(user.Username, "^[A-Za-z].*"))
            //    return CreateUserStatus.InvalidFirstCharacter;

            // Check if username is disallowed
            if ((!ignoreDisallowNames) && ( DisallowedNames.NameIsDisallowed(user.Username) == true ))
                return CreateUserStatus.DisallowedUsername;

            // Strip the domain name from the username, if one is present
            if( user.Username.IndexOf("\\") > 0 && settings.StripDomainName )
                user.Username = user.Username.Substring( user.Username.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1 );

            // Set the user's default moderation level
            user.ModerationLevel = CSContext.Current.SiteSettings.NewUserModerationLevel;

            // Create Instance of the CommonDataProvider
            CommonDataProvider dp = CommonDataProvider.Instance();

            try {
                User createdUser = dp.CreateUpdateDeleteUser(user, DataProviderAction.Create, out status);

                if(createdUser != null && status == CreateUserStatus.Created)
                    csContext.User = createdUser;

                    CSConfiguration config = csContext.Config;

                    if(settings.EnableDefaultRole && config.DefaultRoles.Length > 0)
                        foreach(string role in config.DefaultRoles)
                            Roles.AddUserToRole(createdUser.Username, role);

                    // ע��ʱĬ��ʱ����Ĭ������
                    createdUser.Profile.Timezone = settings.TimezoneOffset;
                    createdUser.Profile.Language = Globals.Language;


            catch (CSException e) {
                return e.CreateUserStatus;

            // process the emails now
            if(sendEmail == true)

                User currentUser = CSContext.Current.User;
                if (currentUser.IsForumAdministrator || currentUser.IsBlogAdministrator || currentUser.IsGalleryAdministrator)
                    activation = AccountActivation.Automatic;

                // TDD HACK 7/19/2004
                // we are about to send email to the user notifying them that their account was created, problem is
                // when we create the user above we can't set the DateCreated property as this is set through the proc
                // but the email needs to know the DateCreated property. So for now, we'll just set the date to the current
                // datetime of the server. We don't care about the user local time at this point because the user hasn't
                // logged in to set their user profile.

                //user.DateCreated = DateTime.Now;
                //user.LastLogin = DateTime.Now;

                // based on the account type, we send different emails
                switch (activation) {
                    case AccountActivation.AdminApproval:
                        Emails.UserAccountPending (user);

                    case AccountActivation.Email:
                        Emails.UserCreate(user, password);

                    case AccountActivation.Automatic:
                        Emails.UserCreate(user, password);

            return CreateUserStatus.Created;
Exemplo n.º 16
 internal void ExecuteUserValidated(User user)
Exemplo n.º 17
 protected void ExecuteUserEvent(object EventKey, User user)
Exemplo n.º 18
Arquivo: Users.cs Projeto: pcstx/OA
        public static void UpdateUserLastPostDate(User user)
            string cacheKey = "UserLastPostTable";
            string userKey = "User:"******":IP:" + CSContext.Current.Context.Request.UserHostAddress;

            // Create the table if it doesn't exist
            if(userLastPostTable == null)
                userLastPostTable = new Hashtable();
                CSCache.Max(cacheKey, userLastPostTable);

            // If they have an entry already in there, remove it

            // Add the new time
            userLastPostTable.Add(userKey, DateTime.Now);
Exemplo n.º 19
        public static User PopulateUserFromIDataReader(IDataReader dr, MembershipUser member, bool isEditable)
            Profile profile = null;
            if (isEditable) {

                ProfileBase pb = ProfileBase.Create(member.UserName,true);
                profile = new Profile(pb);
            else {
                ProfileData pd = PopulateProfileDataFromIReader(dr);
                profile = new Profile(pd);

            // Read in the result set
            User user = new User(member,profile);

            user.UserID                         = (int) dr["cs_UserID"];

            //Need to remove/remap this value
            user.LastActivity                   = member.LastActivityDate;
            user.AccountStatus                  = (UserAccountStatus) int.Parse( dr["cs_UserAccountStatus"].ToString() );
            user.IsAnonymous                    = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["IsAnonymous"]);
            user.LastAction                     = dr["cs_LastAction"] as string;
            user.AppUserToken                   = dr["cs_AppUserToken"] as string;
            user.ForceLogin                     = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["cs_ForceLogin"]);
            // 2005-02-27: ���û��������Ե�ת��
            user.Nickname						= (string) dr["Nickname"];
            user.IPCreated 						= (string) dr["IPCreated"];
            user.IPLastActivity 				= (string) dr["IPLastActivity"];
            if (dr["Birthday"] != DBNull.Value)
                user.Birthday 					= (DateTime) dr["Birthday"];
            user.DatabaseQuota  				= (int) dr["DatabaseQuota"];
            user.DatabaseQuotaUsed  			= (int) dr["DatabaseQuotaUsed"];

            SerializerData data = CommonDataProvider.PopulateSerializerDataIDataReader(dr, SerializationType.User);

            user.IsAvatarApproved               = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["IsAvatarApproved"]);
            user.ModerationLevel                = (ModerationLevel) int.Parse( dr["ModerationLevel"].ToString());
            user.EnableThreadTracking           = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["EnableThreadTracking"]);
            user.TotalPosts                     = (int) dr["TotalPosts"];
            user.EnableAvatar                   = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["EnableAvatar"]);
            user.PostSortOrder                  = (SortOrder) dr["PostSortOrder"];
            user.PostRank                       = (byte[]) dr["PostRank"];
            user.EnableDisplayInMemberList      = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["EnableDisplayInMemberList"]);
            user.EnableOnlineStatus             = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["EnableOnlineStatus"]);
            user.EnablePrivateMessages          = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["EnablePrivateMessages"]);
            user.EnableHtmlEmail				= Convert.ToBoolean(dr["EnableHtmlEmail"]);

            // Moderation counters
            user.AuditCounters                  = CommonDataProvider.PopulateAuditSummaryFromIDataReader( dr );

            return user;
Exemplo n.º 20
Arquivo: Users.cs Projeto: pcstx/OA
 // *********************************************************************
 //  ValidUser
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines if the user is a valid user.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="user">The user to check.  Note that the Username and Password properties of the
 /// User object must be set.</param>
 /// <returns>A boolean: true if the user's Username/password are valid; false if they are not,
 /// or if the user has been banned.</returns>
 // ********************************************************************/
 public static LoginUserStatus ValidUser(User user)
     return ValidUser(user, true);
Exemplo n.º 21
 public abstract void SaveUserAuditEvent(ModerateUserSetting auditFlag, User user, int moderatorID);
Exemplo n.º 22
Arquivo: Users.cs Projeto: pcstx/OA
        protected static LoginUserStatus ValidUser(User user, bool retry)
                //if the upgrade was a success, force the user login via the Membership API.
                if(retry && CSConfiguration.GetConfig().BackwardsCompatiblePasswords && CommonDataProvider.Instance().UpgradePassword(user.Username,user.Password))
                    return ValidUser(user, false);

                return LoginUserStatus.InvalidCredentials;

            // Create Instance of the CommonDataProvider
            //CommonDataProvider dp = CommonDataProvider.Instance();

            // Lookup account by provided username
            User userLookup = Users.FindUserByUsername( user.Username );
            if (userLookup == null)
                return LoginUserStatus.InvalidCredentials;

                return LoginUserStatus.AccountPending;

            // Check Account Status
            // (This could be done before to validate credentials because
            // system doesn't allow duplicate usernames)
            if (userLookup.IsBanned &&  DateTime.Now <= userLookup.BannedUntil) {
                // It's a banned account
                return LoginUserStatus.AccountBanned;
            // LN 5/21/04: Update user to DB if ban expired
            else if (userLookup.IsBanned &&  DateTime.Now > userLookup.BannedUntil) {
                // Update to back to datastore
                userLookup.AccountStatus = UserAccountStatus.Approved;
                userLookup.BannedUntil = DateTime.Now;

            if (userLookup.AccountStatus == UserAccountStatus.ApprovalPending) {
                // It's a pending account
                return LoginUserStatus.AccountPending;
            if (userLookup.AccountStatus == UserAccountStatus.Disapproved) {
                // It's a disapproved account
                return LoginUserStatus.AccountDisapproved;

            //Set current user
            CSContext.Current.User = userLookup;

            //allow others to take action here

                return LoginUserStatus.Success;

            //MOVED TO SHS

            ////			if (HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.AuthenticationType == "" )
            //			{
            //				// We have a valid account so far.
            //				//
            //				// Get Salt & Passwd format
            //				user.Salt = userLookup.Salt;
            // 				user.PasswordFormat = userLookup.PasswordFormat; // Lucian: I think it must be reused. Usefull when there are a wide range of passwd formats.
            //				// Set the Password
            //				//should be able to safely drop this since it will happen in SHS
            //				//user.Password = Users.Encrypt(user.PasswordFormat, user.Password, user.Salt );
            //			}
            //            return (LoginUserStatus) dp.ValidateUser(user);
Exemplo n.º 23
Arquivo: Section.cs Projeto: pcstx/OA
        /// <summary>
        /// A user can be in multiple roles. Resolved Permission Merges the permissions
        /// for the user and those valid for the current section
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">User we are evaluating</param>
        /// <returns>A single unified permission for the section/user combination</returns>
        public PermissionBase ResolvePermission( User user )
                return OwnerPermission;

            PermissionBase pbMaster = DefaultRolePermission;

            string[] roles = Roles.GetUserRoleNames(user.Username);
            PermissionBase pb = null;
            foreach(string role in roles)
                pb = PermissionSet[role] as PermissionBase;
                if(pb !=null)

            return pbMaster;
Exemplo n.º 24
Arquivo: Users.cs Projeto: pcstx/OA
 // *********************************************************************
 //  CreateNewUser
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new user.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="user">A User object containing information about the user to create.  Only the
 /// Username and Email properties are used here.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 /// <remarks>This method chooses a random password for the user and emails the user his new Username/password.
 /// From that point on, the user can configure their settings.</remarks>
 // ********************************************************************/
 public static CreateUserStatus Create(User user, bool sendEmail)
     return Create(user, sendEmail, false);
Exemplo n.º 25
Arquivo: CSEvents.cs Projeto: pcstx/OA
 /// <summary>
 /// Raises all UserKnown events. These events are raised the first time CS "recognizes" the current user. 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="user"></param>
 public static void UserKnown(User user)
Exemplo n.º 26
 internal void ExecutePreUserUpdate(User user, ObjectState state)
Exemplo n.º 27
Arquivo: CSEvents.cs Projeto: pcstx/OA
 /// <summary>
 /// Raises all UserValidated events. These events are raised after a users credentials have been validated
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="user"></param>
 public static void UserValidated(User user)
Exemplo n.º 28
 internal void ExecuteUserKnown(User user)
Exemplo n.º 29
Arquivo: CSEvents.cs Projeto: pcstx/OA
 /// <summary>
 /// Raises all BeforeUser events. These events are raised before any committements are
 /// made to the User (create or update)
 /// </summary>
 public static void BeforeUser(User user, ObjectState state)
Exemplo n.º 30
 internal void ExecuteUserRemove(User user)