Exemplo n.º 1
 public GOAP_ActionState(GOAP_Action Action, GOAP_State GoalState)
     this._Action    = Action;
     this._GoalState = GoalState;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public GOAP_GraphNode(GOAP_State Left, GOAP_Agent Agent, GOAP_GraphNode Parent, GOAP_Action ConnectionAction, List <KeyValuePair <string, GOAP_State.PriorityValue> > LeftPreConditions = default(List <KeyValuePair <string, GOAP_State.PriorityValue> >))
            this._Agent             = Agent;                // the agent of which to take its actions
            this._LeftConditions    = new GOAP_State(Left); // the goal state represents the state you want to achieve using the actions of the agent.
            this._Parent            = Parent;               // the parents effect is used to meet the preconditions of this node. If parent is equal to null that means its the beginning point of the search.
            this._LeftPreConditions = LeftPreConditions;

            // temp
            float G = 0;

            if (Parent != null && ConnectionAction != null)
                G = ConnectionAction.Cost;                                             // set new cost
                _LeftConditions.RemoveConditions(ConnectionAction.Effects.Conditions); // remove effects from left state
                _LeftConditions += ConnectionAction.PreConditions;                     // add the pre conditions of the connection action

                _State = Parent.State + ConnectionAction.Effects;                      // the new state is the state of the parrent with the connection action effects applied

                if (Parent.ConnectionAction != null && Parent.ConnectionAction.Action != null)
                    _State.ReplaceGenData(Parent.ConnectionAction.Action.PreConditions);                     // replace pre conditions gen data
                _State = Agent.Memory.State;                 // if parent is equal to null. It means this is the start node. The state of the start node is always the memory of the agent.

            this._ConnectionAction = new GOAP_ActionState(ConnectionAction, new GOAP_State(this._State)); // the connection action is the action used to get from the parent state to this state.

            _H    = _LeftConditions.Count;                                                                // the heuristic is the count of conditions left to solve
            _Cost = G + _H;