Exemplo n.º 1
        // Copy constructor
        public CPGDate( CPGDate date )
            m_etType = date.m_etType;
            m_ecCalendar = date.m_ecCalendar;
            if( date.m_year != null )
                m_year = new CYear( date.m_year );
                m_year = null;
            m_uMonth = date.m_uMonth;
            m_uDay = date.m_uDay;
            if( date.m_yearTo != null )
                m_yearTo = new CYear( date.m_yearTo );
                m_yearTo = null;

            m_uMonthTo = date.m_uMonthTo;
            m_uDayTo = date.m_uDayTo;
            m_sPhrase = date.m_sPhrase;
Exemplo n.º 2
 // Used for guesses made from parent's death year
 public CListableYear( CPGDate date, bool bBefore )
     if( date != null )
         m_date = new CPGDate( date );
         if( bBefore )
             m_date.m_etType = CPGDate.EType.RangeBefore;
             base.Text = String.Concat("prob bef ", date.Year );
             m_date.m_etType = CPGDate.EType.RangeAfter;
             base.Text = String.Concat("prob aft ", date.Year );
         m_date = null;
Exemplo n.º 3
        // Parse a GEDCOM Julian date string and create an appropriate CPGDate object.
        // Returns null if parsing failed.
        // First tries day month year, then month year, then year.
        private static CPGDate ParseDateJuln( ref string sDate )
            string sTemp = sDate;
            uint uDay=0, uMonth=0;
            CYear year = null;

            uDay = ParseDay( ref sTemp );
            if( uDay > 0 )
                uMonth = ParseMonth( ref sTemp );
                if( uMonth > 0 )
                    year = ParseYear( ref sTemp );
                    if( year != null )
                        CPGDate date = new CPGDate();
                        date.m_uDay = uDay;
                        date.m_uMonth = uMonth;
                        date.m_year = year;
                        date.m_etType = EType.Single;
                        date.m_ecCalendar = ECalendar.Julian;
                        sDate = sTemp;
                        return date;

            sTemp = sDate;
            uDay = 0;
            uMonth = ParseMonth( ref sTemp );
            if( uMonth > 0 )
                year = ParseYear( ref sTemp );
                if( year != null )
                    CPGDate date = new CPGDate();
                    date.m_uDay = uDay;
                    date.m_uMonth = uMonth;
                    date.m_year = year;
                    date.m_etType = EType.Single;
                    date.m_ecCalendar = ECalendar.Julian;
                    sDate = sTemp;
                    return date;

            sTemp = sDate;
            uDay = 0;
            uMonth = 0;
            year = ParseYear( ref sTemp );
            if( year != null )
                CPGDate date = new CPGDate();
                date.m_uDay = uDay;
                date.m_uMonth = uMonth;
                date.m_year = year;
                date.m_etType = EType.Single;
                date.m_ecCalendar = ECalendar.Julian;
                sDate = sTemp;
                return date;

            return null;
Exemplo n.º 4
 // Used by comparison functions to ensure that a range has a valid lower bound, by setting the earliest date possible.
 private static void AssertLower( ref CPGDate date )
     if( !IsValid( date ) )
         date = new CPGDate();
         date.m_etType = CPGDate.EType.Single;
         date.m_uDay = 1;
         date.m_uMonth = 1;
         date.m_year = new CYear(1);
Exemplo n.º 5
 // Used by comparison functions to ensure that a range has a valid upper bound, by setting the latest date possible (i.e. today).
 private static void AssertHigher( ref CPGDate date )
     if( !IsValid( date ) )
         DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Now;
         date = new CPGDate();
         date.m_etType = CPGDate.EType.Single;
         date.m_uDay = (uint)dtNow.Day;
         date.m_uMonth = (uint)dtNow.Month;
         date.m_year = new CYear(dtNow.Year);
Exemplo n.º 6
        // Returns duration of the date in days, for periods and ranges. Returns 1 for single dates etc.
        // TODO: only returns approximate duration, doesn't account for leap years, days in month, different calendars, alternate years etc.
        public uint GetDuration( CPGDate lowerLimit, CPGDate upperLimit )
            AssertLower( ref lowerLimit );
              AssertHigher( ref upperLimit );

              switch( m_etType )
            case EType.PeriodFrom:
            case EType.RangeAfter:
              return (uint)Math.Abs(CountDays( m_uDay, m_uMonth, m_year.m_nYear, upperLimit.m_uDay, upperLimit.m_uMonth, upperLimit.m_year.m_nYear ));

            case EType.PeriodTo:
            case EType.RangeBefore:
              return (uint)Math.Abs(CountDays( lowerLimit.m_uDay, lowerLimit.m_uMonth, lowerLimit.m_year.m_nYear, m_uDay, m_uMonth, m_year.m_nYear ));

            case EType.PeriodFromTo:
            case EType.RangeBetween:
              return (uint)Math.Abs(CountDays( m_uDay, m_uMonth, m_year.m_nYear, m_uDayTo, m_uMonthTo, m_yearTo.m_nYear ));

            case EType.Single:
            case EType.ApproximatedAbout:
            case EType.ApproximatedCalculated:
            case EType.ApproximatedEstimate:
            case EType.Interpreted:
            case EType.Phrase:
              return 1;
Exemplo n.º 7
        // Returns true if the specified date falls inside the range of this date instance.
        private bool Encompasses( CPGDate date )
            if (date == null)
                return false;

            switch( m_etType )
                case EType.PeriodFrom:
                case EType.RangeAfter:
                    return date.IsAfter( m_uDay, m_uMonth, m_year.m_nYear );

                case EType.PeriodTo:
                case EType.RangeBefore:
                    return date.IsBefore( m_uDay, m_uMonth, m_year.m_nYear );

                case EType.PeriodFromTo:
                case EType.RangeBetween:
                    return date.IsBefore( m_uDayTo, m_uMonthTo, m_yearTo.m_nYear )
                        && date.IsAfter( m_uDay, m_uMonth, m_year.m_nYear );

                case EType.Single:
                case EType.ApproximatedAbout:
                case EType.ApproximatedCalculated:
                case EType.ApproximatedEstimate:
                case EType.Interpreted:
                case EType.Phrase:
                    return date.Encompasses( m_uDay, m_uMonth, m_year.m_nYear );
Exemplo n.º 8
 // Returns true if this instance contains valid date information.
 public static bool IsValid( CPGDate date )
     return( date != null && date.m_year != null );
Exemplo n.º 9
        // Returns the number of days difference between the two given dates, or 0 if the date ranges overlap.
        public static int Difference( CPGDate date1, CPGDate date2 )
            AssertLower( ref date1 );
              AssertHigher( ref date2 );
              // If date2 encompasses date1, difference = 0
              if (date2.Encompasses(date1))
              return 0;
              // If date1 encompasses date2, difference = 0
              if (date1.Encompasses(date2))
              return 0;

              return CountDays( date1.m_uDay, date1.m_uMonth, date1.m_year.m_nYear, date2.m_uDay, date2.m_uMonth, date2.m_year.m_nYear );
Exemplo n.º 10
        // Parse a GEDCOM date phrase string and create an appropriate CPGDate object.
        // Returns null if parsing failed.
        private static CPGDate ParseDatePhrase( ref string sDate )
            string sTemp = sDate;
            CPGDate date = null;

            CGedcom.ParseWhitespace( ref sTemp );
            if( sTemp != null && sTemp != "" )
                date = new CPGDate();
                date.m_sPhrase = sTemp;
                date.m_etType = EType.Phrase;
                sDate = "";
            return date;
Exemplo n.º 11
        // Event handler
        // Excludes people who aren't dead, but leave people we're not sure about
        private void pruneIndividualsContextMenuAlive_Click(Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            m_nPruneExcluded = 0;
            m_nPruneIncluded = 0;

            CPGDate dateNow = new CPGDate(DateTime.Now);
            CPGDate dateThen = new CPGDate(DateTime.Now);
            dateThen.m_year.m_nYear -= 100;


                foreach (ListViewItem lvi in m_listviewPruneRecordsIndis.Items)
                    if (lvi is CListableBool)
                        LLClasses.CIndividualRecord ir = (LLClasses.CIndividualRecord)((CListableBool)lvi).ISRecord;
                        if (ir != null)
                            CPGDate dateBorn = null;
                            CPGQualifiedDate qualdateBorn = ir.BirthDate;
                            if (qualdateBorn != null)
                                dateBorn = qualdateBorn.m_date;

                            CPGDate dateDied = null;
                            CPGQualifiedDate qualdateDied = ir.DeathDate;
                            if (qualdateDied != null)
                                dateDied = qualdateDied.m_date;

                            bool bInclude = true;

                            if (ir.Living)
                                bInclude = false;
                            else if (IsAlive(dateBorn, dateDied, dateNow, dateThen))
                                bInclude = false;

                            if (bInclude == false && !ir.Restricted)
                                ir.Restricted = true;

            catch (System.Exception ex)

            // Rebuild list
            FillIndividualsList(m_listviewPruneRecordsIndis, false, null, true);

            Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;

            ShowPruneResult(m_nPruneExcluded, m_nPruneIncluded, "individual");
Exemplo n.º 12
 // Helper function. Compares dates to see if we know this person is alive
 private static bool IsAlive(CPGDate dateBorn, CPGDate dateDied, CPGDate dateNow, CPGDate dateThen)
     if (dateDied != null)
         if (dateDied.CompareTo(dateNow) > 0)
             // Have to have death date after today
             return true;
     else if (dateBorn != null && dateBorn.CompareTo(dateThen) > 0)
         // Have to be born after dateThen
         return true;
     return false;
 // Constructor
 public CPGQualifiedDate( CPGDate date, EQualification qualification )
     m_date = date;
     m_eqQualification = qualification;
Exemplo n.º 14
 // Constructor
 public CListableYear( CPGDate date )
     m_date = date;
     base.Text = ToString();