Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 初始化
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="professor"></param>
        /// <param name="course"></param>
        /// <param name="groups"></param>
        /// <param name="requiresLab"></param>
        /// <param name="duration"></param>
        public CourseClass(Professor professor, Course course, List<StudentsGroup> groups, bool requiresLab, int duration)
            // 教这门课的老师是谁
            this.professor = professor;
            this.course = course;
            // 座位数初始化为0
            this.numberOfSeats = 0;

            this.requiresLab = requiresLab;
            this.duration = duration;
            this.isPE = false;

            // 知道这门课是谁在教了,也要让教的人知道他要教哪些课,_professor->AddCourseClass( this )函数的作用就是
            // 在初始化了一门课之后,让某个老师知道他要教这门课

            // bind student groups to class
            // 初始化了一门课之后,也要指定说谁应该上这门课, 下面这段代码就是通过StudentsGroup类的AddClass函数指定了groups里的班都要上这门课
            foreach (StudentsGroup it in groups)
                this.numberOfSeats += it.GetNumberOfStudents();     // 从这里可以知道groups参数是指同时上这门课的班级
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static List<CourseClass> GetCourseClasses()
            Professor p1 = new Professor(1, "Victor");
            Professor p2 = new Professor(2, "Red");
            Professor p3 = new Professor(3, "Philip");
            Professor p4 = new Professor(4, "Marry");
            Professor p5 = new Professor(5, "Don");
            Professor p6 = new Professor(6, "Mark");
            Professor p7 = new Professor(7, "Peter");
            Professor p8 = new Professor(8, "John");
            Professor p9 = new Professor(9, "Ben");
            Professor p10 = new Professor(10, "Mike");
            Professor p11 = new Professor(11, "Steve");
            Professor p12 = new Professor(12, "Ann");
            Professor p13 = new Professor(13, "Alex");

            Course c1 = new Course(1, "Introduction to Programming");
            Course c2 = new Course(2, "Introduction to Computer Architecture");
            Course c3 = new Course(3, "Business Applications");
            Course c4 = new Course(4, "English");
            Course c5 = new Course(5, "Discrete Mathematic I");
            Course c6 = new Course(6, "Linear Algebra");
            Course c7 = new Course(7, "Introduction to Information Technology I");
            Course c8 = new Course(8, "System Administration and Maintenance I");

            // StudentsGroup
            StudentsGroup g1 = new StudentsGroup(1, "101", 19);
            StudentsGroup g2 = new StudentsGroup(2, "102", 19);
            StudentsGroup g3 = new StudentsGroup(3, "103", 19);
            StudentsGroup g4 = new StudentsGroup(4, "104", 19);

            List<StudentsGroup> ls1 = new List<StudentsGroup>();

            // CourseClass
            CourseClass cc1 = new CourseClass(p1, c1, new List<StudentsGroup>() { g1}, false, 1);
            CourseClass cc2 = new CourseClass(p1, c1, new List<StudentsGroup>() { g1 }, false, 1);
            CourseClass cc3 = new CourseClass(p9, c1, new List<StudentsGroup>() { g1 }, true, 1);
            CourseClass cc4 = new CourseClass(p9, c1, new List<StudentsGroup>() { g1 }, true, 1);
            CourseClass cc5 = new CourseClass(p9, c1, new List<StudentsGroup>() { g1 }, true, 1);
            CourseClass cc6 = new CourseClass(p9, c1, new List<StudentsGroup>() { g1 }, true, 1);
            CourseClass cc7 = new CourseClass(p2, c2, new List<StudentsGroup>() { g1 }, false, 1);
            CourseClass cc8 = new CourseClass(p2, c2, new List<StudentsGroup>() { g1 }, false, 1);
            CourseClass cc9 = new CourseClass(p3, c2, new List<StudentsGroup>() { g1 }, false, 1);
            CourseClass cc10 = new CourseClass(p3, c2, new List<StudentsGroup>() { g1 }, true, 1);
            CourseClass cc11 = new CourseClass(p3, c2, new List<StudentsGroup>() { g1 }, true, 1);
            CourseClass cc12 = new CourseClass(p3, c2, new List<StudentsGroup>() { g1 }, true, 1);
            CourseClass cc13 = new CourseClass(p4, c4, new List<StudentsGroup>() { g1 }, false, 1);
            //CourseClass cc13 = new CourseClass(p4, c4, new List<StudentsGroup>() { g3, g4 }, false, 2);
            CourseClass cc14 = new CourseClass(p4, c4, new List<StudentsGroup>() { g1 }, false, 1);
            //CourseClass cc14 = new CourseClass(p4, c4, new List<StudentsGroup>() { g1, g2 }, false, 2);
            CourseClass cc15 = new CourseClass(p5, c6, new List<StudentsGroup>() { g1}, false, 1);
            //CourseClass cc15 = new CourseClass(p5, c6, new List<StudentsGroup>() { g1, g2, g3 }, false, 2);
            CourseClass cc16 = new CourseClass(p7, c5, new List<StudentsGroup>() { g1}, false, 1);
            CourseClass cc17 = new CourseClass(p7, c5, new List<StudentsGroup>() { g1 }, false, 1);
            CourseClass cc18 = new CourseClass(p10, c5, new List<StudentsGroup>() { g1}, false, 1);
            CourseClass cc19 = new CourseClass(p8, c3, new List<StudentsGroup>() { g1 }, false, 1);
            CourseClass cc20 = new CourseClass(p8, c3, new List<StudentsGroup>() { g3 }, false, 1);
            CourseClass cc21 = new CourseClass(p12, c3, new List<StudentsGroup>() { g1 }, false, 1);
            CourseClass cc22 = new CourseClass(p12, c3, new List<StudentsGroup>() { g4 }, false, 1);
            CourseClass cc23 = new CourseClass(p11, c7, new List<StudentsGroup>() { g4 }, false, 1);
            CourseClass cc24 = new CourseClass(p13, c8, new List<StudentsGroup>() { g4 }, false, 1);
            CourseClass cc25 = new CourseClass(p4, c4, new List<StudentsGroup>() { g3, g4 }, false, 1);
            CourseClass cc26 = new CourseClass(p4, c4, new List<StudentsGroup>() { g1, g2 }, false, 1);
            CourseClass cc27 = new CourseClass(p5, c6, new List<StudentsGroup>() { g1, g2, g3 }, false, 1);

            List<CourseClass> courseClasses = new List<CourseClass>();


            return courseClasses;
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected void btnMakeSchedule_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbYear.Text))
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(GetType(), "script", "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('学年不能为空!')</script>");
            int term = default(int);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlTerm.SelectedValue) || !int.TryParse(ddlTerm.SelectedValue, out term) || term < 1 || term > 2)
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(GetType(), "script", "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('学期不能为空!')</script>");

            bool IsSucess = false;
                List<CY.GFive.Core.Business.CoursePlan> Plans = CY.GFive.Core.Business.CoursePlan.FillPlans(tbYear.Text, ddlTerm.SelectedValue) as List<CY.GFive.Core.Business.CoursePlan>;

                if (Plans != null)
                    // 教师信息转化
                    List<CY.GFive.Core.Business.StaffInfo> professorList = CY.GFive.Core.Business.CoursePlan.FillTeachers(Plans) as List<CY.GFive.Core.Business.StaffInfo>;
                    List<GAAlgorithm.Model.Professor> GAProfessorList = new List<Professor>();

                    for (int i = 0; i < professorList.Count; i++)
                        GAAlgorithm.Model.Professor tempProfessor = new GAAlgorithm.Model.Professor(professorList[i].Id, professorList[i].Name);


                    // 排课前初始化教师信息

                    // 初始化教室信息
                    List<Room> roomList = new List<Room>();
                    List<CY.GFive.Core.Business.ClassRoom> classRoomList = new List<CY.GFive.Core.Business.ClassRoom>();
                    classRoomList = CY.GFive.Core.Business.ClassRoom.GetAvailableRooms() as List<CY.GFive.Core.Business.ClassRoom>;
                    for (int r = 0; r < classRoomList.Count; r++)
                        GAAlgorithm.Model.Room room = new Room(classRoomList[r].Code, false, classRoomList[r].AvailNum);

                    // 课程信息转化
                    Dictionary<CY.GFive.Core.Business.ClassInfo, List<CY.GFive.Core.Business.PlanCourse>> courseDic = CY.GFive.Core.Business.CoursePlan.FillClassCourse(Plans) as Dictionary<CY.GFive.Core.Business.ClassInfo, List<CY.GFive.Core.Business.PlanCourse>>;
                    Hashtable courseHash = new Hashtable();
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<CY.GFive.Core.Business.ClassInfo, List<CY.GFive.Core.Business.PlanCourse>> it in courseDic)
                        GAAlgorithm.Model.StudentsGroup tempGroup = new StudentsGroup(((CY.GFive.Core.Business.ClassInfo)it.Key).Id, ((CY.GFive.Core.Business.ClassInfo)it.Key).ClassName.ToString(), ((CY.GFive.Core.Business.ClassInfo)it.Key).OrStdNum);
                        List<CourseClass> tempCourseClassList = new List<CourseClass>();
                        for (int j = 0; j < ((List<CY.GFive.Core.Business.PlanCourse>)it.Value).Count; j++)
                            CY.GFive.Core.Business.PlanCourse tempPlanCourse = ((List<CY.GFive.Core.Business.PlanCourse>)it.Value)[j];
                            GAAlgorithm.Model.Professor tempProfessor = new Professor(tempPlanCourse.Teacher.Id, tempPlanCourse.Teacher.Name);
                            GAAlgorithm.Model.Course tempCourse = new Course(tempPlanCourse.Course.Id, tempPlanCourse.Course.Name);
                            GAAlgorithm.Model.CourseClass tempCourseClass = new CourseClass(tempProfessor, tempCourse, new List<StudentsGroup> { tempGroup }, false, 1);

                            // 根据学分增加课时
                            if ((tempPlanCourse.CourseScore % 2) > 0)
                            for (int i = 1; i < tempPlanCourse.CourseScore/2; i++)
                                GAAlgorithm.Model.CourseClass copyCourse = new CourseClass(tempProfessor, tempCourse, new List<StudentsGroup> { tempGroup }, false, 1);

                        courseHash.Add(tempGroup, tempCourseClassList);

                    // 分班, 分班要在"课程信息转化"步骤之后
                    List<StudentsGroup> groupList = new List<StudentsGroup>();      // 等待分班的学生们
                    int limitedNbr = 2;
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry it in courseHash)
                        groupList.Add(it.Key as StudentsGroup);
                    groupList = ScheduleService.AssignClassRoom(groupList, roomList, limitedNbr);

                    for (int h = 0; h < groupList.Count; h++)
                        IDictionaryEnumerator it = courseHash.GetEnumerator();

                        for (int d = 0; d < courseHash.Count; d++)
                            if ((it.Key as StudentsGroup).GetId() == groupList[h].GetId())
                                (it.Key as StudentsGroup).SetRoomId(groupList[h].GetRoomId());
                                (it.Key as StudentsGroup).SetRoomCode(groupList[h].GetRoomCode());

                    int iDay = int.Parse(ddDays.SelectedValue);
                    int iNbr = int.Parse(ddNbr.SelectedValue);
                    string msg = "";
                    if (!ScheduleService.ValidateProfessorInfo(out msg))
                        Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(GetType(), "script", "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('" + msg + "');</script>");
                        if (!ScheduleService.ValidateCourseInfo(courseHash, iNbr, iDay, out msg))
                            Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(GetType(), "script", "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('" + msg + "');</script>");

                    // 排课并返回逻辑课表
                    Hashtable scheduledTable = ScheduleService.MakeSchedule(courseHash, iDay, iNbr);

                    // 清除排课的教师信息

                    // 生成将课表数据保存到数据库中
                    if (ScheduleService.StoreSchedule(scheduledTable, tbYear.Text, term.ToString()))
                        IsSucess = true;

                    string ExcelPathForStudent = GetExcelPathForStudent();
                    string ExcelPathForTeacher = GetExcelPathForTeacher();
                    string ActualExcelPathForStudent = string.Empty;
                    string ActualExcelPathForTeacher = string.Empty;

                    ScheduleService.ExportSchedule(scheduledTable, ref ExcelPathForStudent, ref ExcelPathForTeacher, out ActualExcelPathForStudent, out ActualExcelPathForTeacher);
                    // 将课表导入Excel 并存储课表的保存地址
                    //if (!File.Exists(ExcelPathForStudent) && !File.Exists(ExcelPathForTeacher))
                    //    // 在没有生成课表的情况下才存课表,如果已存有课表的话,是不需要生成课表的,也是不允许生成新的课表的。
                    //    ScheduleService.ExportSchedule(scheduledTable, ref ExcelPathForStudent, ref ExcelPathForTeacher, out ActualExcelPathForStudent, out ActualExcelPathForTeacher);

                    //    if (StordScheduleRcd(ExcelNameForStudent, ExcelRelativeFilePath, tbYear.Text.Trim(), ddlTerm.SelectedValue.Trim()) && StordScheduleRcd(ExcelNameForTeacher, ExcelRelativeFilePath, tbYear.Text.Trim(), ddlTerm.SelectedValue.Trim()))
                    //    {
                    //        //IsSucess = true;
                    //    }

            catch (Exception ex)
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(GetType(), "script", "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('" + ex.Message.ToString() + "');</script>");

            if (IsSucess)
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(GetType(), "script", "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('生成课表成功');</script>");
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(GetType(), "script", "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('该学期的课表已存在!');</script>");