Exemplo n.º 1
         * memory_open
         * Begin output redirection to the memory of the Z-machine.

        internal static void MemoryOpen(zword table, zword xsize, bool buffering)
            if (++depth < MAX_NESTING)
                if (!buffering)
                    xsize = 0xffff;
                if (buffering && (short)xsize <= 0)
                    xsize = Screen.GetMaxWidth((zword)(-(short)xsize));

                FastMem.StoreW(table, 0);

                redirect[depth].Table = table;
                redirect[depth].Width = 0;
                redirect[depth].Total = 0;
                redirect[depth].XSize = xsize;

                Main.ostream_memory = true;
        }/* memory_open */
Exemplo n.º 2
        }/* z_check_unicode */

         * z_encode_text, encode a ZSCII string for use in a dictionary.
         *	zargs[0] = address of text buffer
         *	zargs[1] = length of ASCII string
         *	zargs[2] = offset of ASCII string within the text buffer
         *	zargs[3] = address to store encoded text in
         * This is a V5+ opcode and therefore the dictionary resolution must be
         * three 16bit words.

        internal static void ZEncodeText()
            LoadString((zword)(Process.zargs[0] + Process.zargs[2]), Process.zargs[1]);

            if (Encoded is null)
                ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException("Encoding not initialized.");

            for (int i = 0; i < Resolution; i++)
                FastMem.StoreW((zword)(Process.zargs[3] + 2 * i), Encoded[i]);
        }/* z_encode_text */
Exemplo n.º 3
        }/* z_push */

         * z_push_stack, push a value onto a user stack then branch if successful.
         *	zargs[0] = value to push onto the stack
         *	zargs[1] = address of user stack

        internal static void ZPushStack()
            zword addr = Process.zargs[1];

            FastMem.LowWord(addr, out ushort size);

            if (size != 0)
                FastMem.StoreW((zword)(addr + 2 * size), Process.zargs[0]);

                FastMem.StoreW(addr, size);

            Process.Branch(size > 0); // TODO I think that's what's expected here
        }/* z_push_stack */
Exemplo n.º 4
        internal static void ZPop() => Main.sp++; /* z_pop */

         * z_pop_stack, pop n values off the game or user stack and discard them.
         *	zargs[0] = number of values to discard
         *	zargs[1] = address of user stack (optional)

        internal static void ZPopStack()
            if (Process.zargc == 2)
            {       /* it's a user stack */
                zword addr = Process.zargs[1];

                FastMem.LowWord(addr, out ushort size);

                size += Process.zargs[0];
                FastMem.StoreW(addr, size);
                Main.sp += Process.zargs[0];    /* it's the game stack */
        }/* z_pop_stack */
Exemplo n.º 5
        }/* z_pop_stack */

         * z_pull, pop a value off...
         * a) ...the game or a user stack and store it (V6)
         *	zargs[0] = address of user stack (optional)
         * b) ...the game stack and write it to a variable (other than V6)
         *	zargs[0] = variable to write value to

        internal static void ZPull()
            zword value;

            if (Main.h_version != ZMachine.V6)
            {   /* not a V6 game, pop stack and write */
                value = Main.Stack[Main.sp++];

                if (Process.zargs[0] == 0)
                    Main.Stack[Main.sp] = value;
                else if (Process.zargs[0] < 16)
                    // *(fp - Process.zargs[0]) = value;
                    Main.Stack[Main.fp - Process.zargs[0]] = value;
                    zword addr = (zword)(Main.h_globals + 2 * (Process.zargs[0] - 16));
                    FastMem.SetWord(addr, value);
            {     /* it's V6, but is there a user stack? */
                if (Process.zargc == 1)
                { /* it's a user stack */
                    zword addr = Process.zargs[0];

                    FastMem.LowWord(addr, out ushort size);

                    FastMem.StoreW(addr, size);

                    addr += (zword)(2 * size);
                    FastMem.LowWord(addr, out value);
                    value = Main.Stack[Main.sp++];// value = *sp++;	/* it's the game stack */

        }/* z_pull */
Exemplo n.º 6
        }/* memory_new_line */

         * memory_word
         * Redirect a string of characters to the memory of the Z-machine.

        internal static void MemoryWord(ReadOnlySpan <zword> s)
            zword addr;
            zword c;

            int pos = 0;

            if (Main.h_version == ZMachine.V6)
                int width = OS.StringWidth(s);

                if (redirect[depth].XSize != 0xffff)
                    if (redirect[depth].Width + width > redirect[depth].XSize)
                        if (s[pos] is ' ' or CharCodes.ZC_INDENT or CharCodes.ZC_GAP)
                            width = OS.StringWidth(s.Slice(++pos));


                redirect[depth].Width += (zword)width;

            addr = redirect[depth].Table;

            FastMem.LowWord(addr, out zword size);
            addr += 2;

            while ((c = s[pos++]) != 0)
                FastMem.StoreB((zword)(addr + (size++)), Text.TranslateToZscii(c));

            FastMem.StoreW(redirect[depth].Table, size);
        }/* memory_word */
Exemplo n.º 7
        }/* memory_open */

         * memory_new_line
         * Redirect a newline to the memory of the Z-machine.

        internal static void MemoryNewline()
            zword addr;

            redirect[depth].Total += redirect[depth].Width;
            redirect[depth].Width  = 0;

            addr = redirect[depth].Table;

            FastMem.LowWord(addr, out zword size);
            addr += 2;

            if (redirect[depth].XSize != 0xffff)
                redirect[depth].Table = (zword)(addr + size);
                size = 0;
                FastMem.StoreB((zword)(addr + (size++)), 13);

            FastMem.StoreW(redirect[depth].Table, size);
        }/* memory_new_line */
Exemplo n.º 8
        } /* z_storeb */

         * z_storew, write a word into a table of words.
         *	zargs[0] = address of table
         *	zargs[1] = index of table entry
         *	zargs[2] = value to be written
        internal static void ZStoreW()
            FastMem.StoreW((zword)(Process.zargs[0] + 2 * Process.zargs[1]), Process.zargs[2]);
        } /* z_storew */