Exemplo n.º 1
        private void cmdSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ArrayList prins = ucSectionExpl.Principals;
            ArrayList tests = GetTests();
            string warnings="";
            int asstID = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["AsstID"]);
            AutoJobs jobs = new AutoJobs(Globals.CurrentIdentity);
            Principals aprins = new Principals(Globals.CurrentIdentity);
            foreach (int prin in prins) {
                foreach (int evalid in tests) {
                    try {

                        Components.Submission sub = aprins.GetLatestSubmission(prin, asstID);
                        if (sub == null) {
                            warnings += aprins.GetInfo(prin).Name + " ";
                            jobs.Create(txtName.Text, evalid, sub.ID);

                    } catch (DataAccessException er) {

            PageError("Job: " + txtName.Text + " created successfully. Refer to the " +
                      "job status page to monitor its progress through the testing centers. Users/Groups: " +
                      warnings + " do not have any submissions and tests will not be run on them.");
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a auto result.
        /// </summary>
        public bool CreateAuto(int evalID, string grader, int subID, string result)
            //Check permission
            Submissions subac = new Submissions(m_ident);
            Components.Submission sub = subac.GetInfo(subID);
            Assignment asst = new Assignments(m_ident).GetInfo(sub.AsstID);
            Authorize(asst.CourseID, "createauto", asst.ID, null);

            AutoResult res = new AutoResult();
            res.EvalID = evalID; res.Grader = grader;
            res.SubmissionID = subID; res.XmlResult = result;

            //Clear out all results for this evaluation
            Submission.SubmissionList subs =
                new Principals(m_ident).GetSubmissions(sub.PrincipalID, sub.AsstID);

            //Delete all old results
            foreach (Submission s in subs) {
                Result.ResultList ress = subac.GetResults(s.ID);
                foreach (Result r in ress) {
                    if (r.Type == Result.AUTO_TYPE) {
                        AutoResult ar = r as AutoResult;
                        if (ar.EvalID == evalID)

            return m_dp.CreateAutoResult(res);
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected int GetNextSubmission(int asstID, int pid)
            Components.Submission.SubmissionList subdata =
                new Principals(m_ident).GetSubmissions(pid, asstID);

Exemplo n.º 4
        private void BindPermissions()
            Permission.PermissionList perms =
                new Permissions(Globals.CurrentIdentity).GetTypePermissions(GetObjectType());

            int prinID = (int) dgRoles.DataKeys[dgRoles.SelectedIndex];
            Principal prin = new Principals(Globals.CurrentIdentity).GetInfo(prinID);
            lblPrin.Text = "Selection: " + prin.Name;

            dgPerms.DataSource = perms;
Exemplo n.º 5
        protected string GetAsstPoints(User user, int asstID)
            Components.Submission latsub =
                new Principals(Globals.CurrentIdentity).GetLatestGradedSubmission(user.PrincipalID, asstID);
            double total = new Assignments(Globals.CurrentIdentity).GetRubric(asstID).Points;

            if (latsub != null) {
                double userp = new Users(Globals.CurrentIdentity).GetAsstPoints(user.UserName, asstID);
                return String.Format("{0} / {1} ({2}%)", userp, total, Math.Round((userp/total)*100.0, 2));
            } else
                return String.Format("?? / {0}", total);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public bool SendByPrincipal(int principalID, string subj, string body)
     Principal prin = new Principals(m_ident).GetInfo(principalID);
     if (prin.Type == Principal.USER) {
         User user = new Users(m_ident).GetInfo(prin.Name, null);
         return SendByEmail(user.Email, subj, body);
     } else {
         User.UserList users =
             new Groups(m_ident).GetMembership(principalID);
         foreach (User user in users)
             SendByEmail(user.Email, subj, body);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Get earned points by a user for an assignment
        /// </summary>
        public double GetAsstPoints(string username, int asstID)
            Submission sub = new Principals(m_ident).GetLatestGradedSubmission(
                GetInfo(username, null).PrincipalID, asstID);

            if (sub != null)
                return(new Submissions(m_ident).GetPoints(sub.ID));
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the results of a competitive evaluation
        /// </summary>
        public Result.ResultList GetCompetitionResults(int evalID, out Hashtable subhash)
            subhash = new Hashtable();
            Evaluation eval  = GetInfo(evalID);
            int        rubID = GetRubric(evalID).ID;

            //Get all results for the evaluation
            Result.ResultList ress = new Rubrics(m_ident).GetResults(rubID);

            //Get all subs for the assignment
            Components.Submission.SubmissionList subs = new Assignments(m_ident).GetSubmissions(eval.AsstID);

            //Load unique subs into hash table
            Principals prinda = new Principals(m_ident);

            foreach (Components.Submission sub in subs)
                if (!subhash.Contains(sub.PrincipalID) &&
                    prinda.GetLatestSubmission(sub.PrincipalID, eval.AsstID).ID == sub.ID)
                    subhash[sub.PrincipalID] = sub;
            Components.Submission[] usubs = new Components.Submission[subhash.Count];
            subhash.Values.CopyTo(usubs, 0);
            foreach (Components.Submission sub in usubs)
                subhash[sub.ID] = sub;

            //Run through results and delete any repetitive ones
            Result.ResultList fress = new Result.ResultList();
            foreach (Result res in ress)
                if (((AutoResult)res).Success != AutoResult.CRITICALLYFLAWED &&
                    ((AutoResult)res).Success != AutoResult.DEPFAIL &&

            //Sort by competitive score
            fress.Sort(new CompResultComparer());

Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete a group ID
        /// </summary>
        public bool Delete(int groupID, int asstID)
            //Get subs
            Submissions subda = new Submissions(m_ident);

            Components.Submission.SubmissionList subs =
                new Principals(m_ident).GetSubmissions(groupID, asstID);

            //Take the subs
            foreach (Components.Submission sub in subs)

            //Take the group
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Check to see if principal ID has permission
        /// </summary>
        public Permission.GrantType CheckPermission(int principalID, int courseID, string etype, 
            string perm, int entityID)
            //Check ID directly
            if (m_dp.CheckPermission(principalID, courseID, perm, entityID, etype, null))
                return Permission.GrantType.DIRECT;

            Principal prin = new Principals(m_ident).GetInfo(principalID);
            if (prin.Type == Principal.USER) {
                CourseRole role = new Courses(m_ident).GetRole(
                    prin.Name, courseID, null);
                if (m_dp.CheckPermission(role.PrincipalID, courseID, perm, entityID, etype, null))
                    return Permission.GrantType.INHERIT;

            return Permission.GrantType.DENY;
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the users in this section who are already graded
        /// </summary>
        public User.UserList GetStudentsBySubStatus(int sectionID, int asstID, int status)
            Principals prinda = new Principals(Globals.CurrentIdentity);

            User.UserList users   = m_dp.GetSectionMembers(sectionID);
            User.UserList retList = new User.UserList();

            foreach (User user in users)
                Components.Submission sub = prinda.GetLatestSubmission(user.PrincipalID, asstID);
                if (sub != null)
                    if (sub.Status == status)
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a auto result.
        /// </summary>
        public bool CreateAuto(int evalID, string grader, int subID, string result)
            //Check permission
            Submissions subac = new Submissions(m_ident);

            Components.Submission sub  = subac.GetInfo(subID);
            Assignment            asst = new Assignments(m_ident).GetInfo(sub.AsstID);

            Authorize(asst.CourseID, "createauto", asst.ID, null);

            AutoResult res = new AutoResult();

            res.EvalID       = evalID; res.Grader = grader;
            res.SubmissionID = subID; res.XmlResult = result;

            //Clear out all results for this evaluation
            Submission.SubmissionList subs =
                new Principals(m_ident).GetSubmissions(sub.PrincipalID, sub.AsstID);

            //Delete all old results
            foreach (Submission s in subs)
                Result.ResultList ress = subac.GetResults(s.ID);
                foreach (Result r in ress)
                    if (r.Type == Result.AUTO_TYPE)
                        AutoResult ar = r as AutoResult;
                        if (ar.EvalID == evalID)

Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Check to see if principal ID has permission
        /// </summary>
        public Permission.GrantType CheckPermission(int principalID, int courseID, string etype,
                                                    string perm, int entityID)
            //Check ID directly
            if (m_dp.CheckPermission(principalID, courseID, perm, entityID, etype, null))

            Principal prin = new Principals(m_ident).GetInfo(principalID);

            if (prin.Type == Principal.USER)
                CourseRole role = new Courses(m_ident).GetRole(
                    prin.Name, courseID, null);
                if (m_dp.CheckPermission(role.PrincipalID, courseID, perm, entityID, etype, null))

Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete a group ID
        /// </summary>
        public bool Delete(int groupID, int asstID)
            //Get subs
            Submissions subda = new Submissions(m_ident);
            Components.Submission.SubmissionList subs =
                new Principals(m_ident).GetSubmissions(groupID, asstID);

            //Take the subs
            foreach (Components.Submission sub in subs)

            //Take the group
            return m_dp.DeleteGroup(groupID);
Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the results of a competitive evaluation
        /// </summary>
        public Result.ResultList GetCompetitionResults(int evalID, out Hashtable subhash)
            subhash = new Hashtable();
            Evaluation eval = GetInfo(evalID);
            int rubID = GetRubric(evalID).ID;

            //Get all results for the evaluation
            Result.ResultList ress = new Rubrics(m_ident).GetResults(rubID);

            //Get all subs for the assignment
            Components.Submission.SubmissionList subs = new Assignments(m_ident).GetSubmissions(eval.AsstID);

            //Load unique subs into hash table
            Principals prinda = new Principals(m_ident);
            foreach (Components.Submission sub in subs)
                if (!subhash.Contains(sub.PrincipalID) &&
                    prinda.GetLatestSubmission(sub.PrincipalID, eval.AsstID).ID == sub.ID) {
                    subhash[sub.PrincipalID] = sub;
            Components.Submission[] usubs = new Components.Submission[subhash.Count];
            subhash.Values.CopyTo(usubs, 0);
            foreach (Components.Submission sub in usubs)
                subhash[sub.ID] = sub;

            //Run through results and delete any repetitive ones
            Result.ResultList fress = new Result.ResultList();
            foreach (Result res in ress)
                if (((AutoResult)res).Success != AutoResult.CRITICALLYFLAWED &&
                    ((AutoResult)res).Success != AutoResult.DEPFAIL &&

            //Sort by competitive score
            fress.Sort(new CompResultComparer());

            return fress;
Exemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the users in this section who are already graded
        /// </summary>
        public User.UserList GetStudentsBySubStatus(int sectionID, int asstID, int status)
            Principals prinda = new Principals(Globals.CurrentIdentity);
            User.UserList users = m_dp.GetSectionMembers(sectionID);
            User.UserList retList=new User.UserList();

            foreach (User user in users) {
                Components.Submission sub = prinda.GetLatestSubmission(user.PrincipalID, asstID);
                if (sub != null) {
                    if (sub.Status == status) {
            return retList;
Exemplo n.º 17
        private void LoadEvaluationNode(TreeNode par, int asstID)
            string[] tokens = par.NodeData.Split(" ".ToCharArray());
            if (tokens.Length > 2 && tokens[2].Length > 0) {
                User.UserList users = GetFeedbackUsers(tokens[2]);
                Principals prinda = new Principals(Globals.CurrentIdentity);

                AddAggregateNode(par.Nodes, asstID, tokens[2]); // Aggregate node
                foreach (User user in users) {
                    Components.Submission sub = prinda.GetLatestSubmission(user.PrincipalID, asstID);
                    if (sub != null)
                        AddSubjUserNode(par.Nodes, user, asstID, sub, true);
                par.Expandable = ExpandableValue.Always; par.Expanded = true;
            } else {
                par.Expandable = ExpandableValue.Auto; par.Expanded = false;
Exemplo n.º 18
        private void dgReport_ItemDataBound(object sender, DataGridItemEventArgs e)
            Label lblPoints;
            if (null != (lblPoints = (Label) e.Item.FindControl("lblPoints"))) {

                int asstID = Convert.ToInt32(dgReport.DataKeys[e.Item.ItemIndex]);
                User user = new Users(Globals.CurrentIdentity).GetInfo(GetUsername(), null);
                Components.Submission latsub =
                    new Principals(Globals.CurrentIdentity).GetLatestGradedSubmission(user.PrincipalID, asstID);
                double total = new Assignments(Globals.CurrentIdentity).GetRubric(asstID).Points;

                if (latsub != null) {
                    double userp = new Users(Globals.CurrentIdentity).GetAsstPoints(user.UserName, asstID);
                    lblPoints.Text =
                        String.Format("{0} / {1} ({2}%)", userp, total, Math.Round((userp/total)*100.0, 2));
                } else {
                    lblPoints.Text =
                        String.Format("?? / {0}", total);
Exemplo n.º 19
        protected int GetNextSubmission(int asstID, int pid)
            Components.Submission.SubmissionList subdata =
                new Principals(m_ident).GetSubmissions(pid, asstID);

            return subdata.Count;
Exemplo n.º 20
        private DataTable TabulateUsers(User.UserList users)
            DataTable resulttab = new DataTable();
            int asstID = GetAsstID();
            Rubrics rubda = new Rubrics(Globals.CurrentIdentity);
            Principals prinda = new Principals(Globals.CurrentIdentity);
            Rubric asstrub = new Assignments(Globals.CurrentIdentity).GetRubric(asstID);

            //Add rubric columns to data grid
            Rubric.RubricList flatrub = rubda.Flatten(asstrub);
            foreach (Rubric rub in flatrub) {
                AddRubricColumn(rub.Name, rub.Name);

            //Add user data to the datatable
            foreach (User user in users) {
                Components.Submission sub = prinda.GetLatestSubmission(user.PrincipalID, asstID);
                DataRow row = resulttab.NewRow();

                if (sub == null) continue;

                row["UserName"] = user.UserName;
                row["Status"] = sub.Status;
                row["Total"] = rubda.GetPoints(asstrub.ID, sub.ID).ToString() + "/" + asstrub.Points.ToString();
                foreach (Rubric rub in flatrub)
                    row[rub.Name] = GetRubricPoints(rub, sub.ID) + "/" + rub.Points.ToString();


            return resulttab;
Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Load submission directory with new files, updates time
        /// </summary>
        public bool Update(Submission sub, IExternalSource files)
            FileSystem fs = new FileSystem(m_ident);
            bool       markcmp, unmarkcmp, defunct;

            //Get old sub
            Components.Submission oldsub = GetInfo(sub.ID);
            markcmp = (oldsub.Status == Components.Submission.UNGRADED &&
                       sub.Status == Components.Submission.GRADED);
            unmarkcmp = (oldsub.Status == Components.Submission.GRADED &&
                         sub.Status == Components.Submission.UNGRADED);
            defunct = (oldsub.Status != Components.Submission.DEFUNCT &&
                       sub.Status == Components.Submission.DEFUNCT);

            //Make sure toplevel zone directory exists
            CFile subdir = fs.GetFile(@"c:\subs");

            if (null == subdir)
                subdir = fs.CreateDirectory(@"c:\subs", true, null, false);

            //Build file perms
            CFilePermission.FilePermissionList perms = new CFilePermission.FilePermissionList();
            int courseID = new Assignments(m_ident).GetInfo(sub.AsstID).CourseID;

            CourseRole.CourseRoleList staff = new Courses(m_ident).GetTypedRoles(courseID, true, null);
            foreach (CourseRole role in staff)

            //Create zone directory
            CFile  esubdir;
            string zpath = @"c:\subs\" + sub.ID;

            if (null == (esubdir = fs.GetFile(zpath)))
                esubdir          = fs.CreateDirectory(zpath, false, perms, false);
                esubdir.SpecType = CFile.SpecialType.SUBMISSION;
                string name = new Principals(m_ident).GetInfo(sub.PrincipalID).Name;
                esubdir.Alias = String.Format("{0}: {1}",
                                              name, GetNextSubmission(sub.AsstID, sub.PrincipalID));
                fs.UpdateFileInfo(esubdir, false);
            //Update sub entry
            sub.LocationID = esubdir.ID;

            //Load files
            try {
                fs.ImportData(zpath, files, false, false);                 //Import the data
            } catch (Exception) {
                throw new DataAccessException("Invalid external file source. This means the system does " +
                                              "not understand how to extract files from the source. Please create a valid source");

            //Verify submission structure
            VerifyFormat(sub.AsstID, zpath);

            if (markcmp)
                Log("User [" + m_ident.Name + "] marked submission " + esubdir.Alias + " completed", sub.ID);
            else if (unmarkcmp)
                Log("User [" + m_ident.Name + "] marked submission " + esubdir.Alias + " incomplete", sub.ID);
            else if (defunct)
                Log("User [" + m_ident.Name + "] marked submission " + esubdir.Alias + " defunct", sub.ID);

Exemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Load submission directory with new files, updates time
        /// </summary>
        public bool Update(Submission sub, IExternalSource files)
            FileSystem fs = new FileSystem(m_ident);
            bool markcmp, unmarkcmp, defunct;

            //Get old sub
            Components.Submission oldsub = GetInfo(sub.ID);
            markcmp = (oldsub.Status == Components.Submission.UNGRADED &&
                      sub.Status == Components.Submission.GRADED);
            unmarkcmp = (oldsub.Status == Components.Submission.GRADED &&
                         sub.Status == Components.Submission.UNGRADED);
            defunct = (oldsub.Status != Components.Submission.DEFUNCT &&
                        sub.Status == Components.Submission.DEFUNCT);

            //Make sure toplevel zone directory exists
            CFile subdir = fs.GetFile(@"c:\subs");
            if (null == subdir)
                subdir = fs.CreateDirectory(@"c:\subs", true, null, false);

            //Build file perms
            CFilePermission.FilePermissionList perms = new CFilePermission.FilePermissionList();
            int courseID = new Assignments(m_ident).GetInfo(sub.AsstID).CourseID;
            CourseRole.CourseRoleList staff = new Courses(m_ident).GetTypedRoles(courseID, true, null);
            foreach (CourseRole role in staff)

            //Create zone directory
            CFile esubdir;
            string zpath = @"c:\subs\" + sub.ID;
            if (null == (esubdir = fs.GetFile(zpath))) {
                esubdir = fs.CreateDirectory(zpath, false, perms, false);
                esubdir.SpecType = CFile.SpecialType.SUBMISSION;
                string name = new Principals(m_ident).GetInfo(sub.PrincipalID).Name;
                esubdir.Alias = String.Format("{0}: {1}",
                    name, GetNextSubmission(sub.AsstID, sub.PrincipalID));
                fs.UpdateFileInfo(esubdir, false);
            //Update sub entry
            sub.LocationID = esubdir.ID;

            //Load files
            try {
                fs.ImportData(zpath, files, false, false); //Import the data
            } catch (Exception) {
                throw new DataAccessException("Invalid external file source. This means the system does " +
                    "not understand how to extract files from the source. Please create a valid source");

            //Verify submission structure
            VerifyFormat(sub.AsstID, zpath);

            if (markcmp)
                Log("User [" + m_ident.Name + "] marked submission " + esubdir.Alias + " completed", sub.ID);
            else if (unmarkcmp)
                Log("User [" + m_ident.Name + "] marked submission " + esubdir.Alias + " incomplete", sub.ID);
            else if (defunct)
                Log("User [" + m_ident.Name + "] marked submission " + esubdir.Alias + " defunct", sub.ID);

            return true;
Exemplo n.º 23
        private void BindUserItem(User user, Label lblName, Label numSubmissions, LinkButton lnkProgress,
            System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image imgStatus,
            System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image imgType, CheckBox chkSelect)
            imgType.ImageUrl = "../../attributes/user.gif";
            lblName.Text = user.FullName + "(" + user.UserName + ")";
            if (lnkProgress == null) lnkProgress = new LinkButton();

            Principals prinda = new Principals(Globals.CurrentIdentity);
            Components.Submission sub = prinda.GetLatestSubmission(user.PrincipalID, GetAsstID());
            int numsubs = prinda.GetSubmissions(user.PrincipalID, GetAsstID()).Count;
            numSubmissions.Text = numsubs.ToString();

            if (sub == null) {
                imgStatus.ImageUrl = "../../attributes/nosub.gif";
                lnkProgress.Text = "N/A";
                chkSelect.Enabled = false;
            else {
                switch (sub.Status) {
                    case Components.Submission.GRADED:
                        imgStatus.ImageUrl = "../../attributes/subgrade.gif";
                        lnkProgress.Text = "100%";
                    case Components.Submission.INPROGRESS:
                        imgStatus.ImageUrl = "../../attributes/clock.gif";
                        lnkProgress.Text = "??%";
                    case Components.Submission.UNGRADED:
                        imgStatus.ImageUrl = "../../attributes/sub.gif";
                        lnkProgress.Text = "0%";
Exemplo n.º 24
        private void BindSubs()
            int asstID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params["AsstID"]);
            Components.Submission.SubmissionList subs =
                new Users(Globals.CurrentIdentity).GetAsstSubmissions(Globals.CurrentUserName, asstID);

            foreach (Components.Submission sub in subs) {
                string name =
                    new Principals(Globals.CurrentIdentity).GetInfo(sub.PrincipalID).Name +
                    " (" + sub.Creation.ToString() + ")";
                ddlSubs.Items.Add(new ListItem(name, sub.ID.ToString()));
Exemplo n.º 25
        private void cmdSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ArrayList prins = GetPrincipals();
            ArrayList tests = GetTests();
            AutoJobs jobs = new AutoJobs(Globals.CurrentIdentity);
            Principals aprins = new Principals(Globals.CurrentIdentity);

            //Check for nothing
            if (tests.Count == 0 || prins.Count == 0) {
                PageAutoError("Must select at least one user and one test to create an auto job");

            AutoJob job = jobs.Create(txtName.Text, GetAsstID());
            foreach (int prin in prins) {
                foreach (int evalid in tests) {
                    try {
                        Components.Submission sub =
                            aprins.GetLatestSubmission(prin, GetAsstID());
                        if (sub != null)
                            jobs.CreateTest(job.ID, sub.ID, evalid, false);
                    } catch (DataAccessException er) {

            mpViews.SelectedIndex = 1;
Exemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Get earned points by a user for an assignment
        /// </summary>
        public double GetAsstPoints(string username, int asstID)
            Submission sub = new Principals(m_ident).GetLatestGradedSubmission(
                GetInfo(username, null).PrincipalID, asstID);

            if (sub != null)
                return new Submissions(m_ident).GetPoints(sub.ID);
                return 0;
Exemplo n.º 27
        private void LoadResFolderNode(TreeNode par, int asstID)
            User user = new Users(Globals.CurrentIdentity).GetInfo(Globals.CurrentUserName, null);
            Components.Submission.SubmissionList subs =
                new Principals(Globals.CurrentIdentity).GetGradedSubmissions(user.PrincipalID, asstID);

            foreach (Components.Submission sub in subs)
                AddResSubNode(par.Nodes, sub);