Exemplo n.º 1
        private void selectCustomer_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Connection connection = new Connection();

            OleDbCommand getCustomers = new OleDbCommand();
            getCustomers.Connection = connection.connection;
            getCustomers.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Customers";

            OleDbDataReader customersReader = getCustomers.ExecuteReader();

            while (customersReader.Read())
                string id = customersReader[0].ToString();
                string first_name = customersReader[1].ToString();
                string last_name = customersReader[2].ToString();
                string address = customersReader[3].ToString();
                string phone = customersReader[4].ToString();
                DateTime birthday = (DateTime)customersReader[5];

                CCustomer tmpCustomer = new CCustomer(id,first_name,last_name,address,phone,birthday);

            if (customersList.Items.Count == 0)
                doneBtn.Enabled = false;
                customersList.SelectedIndex = 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public CBill(string nID, string nNote, float nPrice, List <CPackage> nPackages, List <CService> nServices, DateTime nDate, CCustomer nCustomer)
     id       = nID;
     note     = nNote;
     price    = nPrice;
     packages = nPackages;
     services = nServices;
     date     = nDate;
     customer = nCustomer;
     inAll    = false;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public CBill(string nID, string nNote, float nPrice, List<CPackage> nPackages, List<CService> nServices, DateTime nDate, CCustomer nCustomer)
     id = nID;
     note = nNote;
     price = nPrice;
     packages = nPackages;
     services = nServices;
     date = nDate;
     customer = nCustomer;
     inAll = false;
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void addbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (nameTxt.Text.Length < 1 || lastNameTxt.Text.Length < 1 || addressTxt.Text.Length < 1 || phoneTxt.Text.Length < 1)
                MessageBox.Show("All fields must be entered!", "Invalid Values", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            Connection connection = new Connection();


            OleDbCommand customerCommand = new OleDbCommand();
            customerCommand.Connection = connection.connection;

            string name = nameTxt.Text;
            string lastName = lastNameTxt.Text;
            string address = addressTxt.Text;
            string phone = phoneTxt.Text;
            string birthday = birthdayPicker.Value.ToShortDateString();

            if (edit)
                customerCommand.CommandText = "UPDATE Customers SET First_Name = '" + name + "', Last_Name = '" + lastName + "', Address = '" + address + "', Phone = '" + phone + "', Birthday = #" + birthday + "# WHERE ID = " + customer.id;

                customer.name = name;
                customer.lastName = lastName;
                customer.address = address;
                customer.phone = phone;
                customer.birthday = birthdayPicker.Value.Date;
                customerCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Customers (First_Name,Last_Name,Address,Phone,Birthday) VALUES ('" + name + "', '" + lastName + "', '" + address + "', '" + phone + "', #" + birthday + "#)";

                customerCommand.CommandText = "Select @@Identity";
                string idCustomer = customerCommand.ExecuteScalar().ToString();

                customer = new CCustomer(idCustomer, name, lastName, address, phone, birthdayPicker.Value.Date);


            DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK;
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void mainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Screen 2

            OleDbCommand getCustomers = new OleDbCommand();
            getCustomers.Connection = connection.connection;

            getCustomers.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Customers";
            OleDbDataReader customerReader = getCustomers.ExecuteReader();

            while (customerReader.Read())
                string id = customerReader[0].ToString();
                string first_Name = customerReader[1].ToString();
                string last_Name = customerReader[2].ToString();
                string address = customerReader[3].ToString();
                string phone = customerReader[4].ToString();
                DateTime birthday = (DateTime)customerReader[5];

                CCustomer tmpCustomer = new CCustomer(id, first_Name, last_Name, address, phone, birthday);

            // Screen 3

            OleDbCommand getServices = new OleDbCommand();
            getServices.Connection = connection.connection;

            getServices.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Services";
            OleDbDataReader servicesReader = getServices.ExecuteReader();

            while (servicesReader.Read())
                string id = servicesReader[0].ToString();
                string name = servicesReader[1].ToString();
                string price = servicesReader[2].ToString();

                CService tmpService = new CService(id, name, float.Parse(price));


            OleDbCommand getPackages = new OleDbCommand();
            getPackages.Connection = connection.connection;
            getPackages.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Packages";

            OleDbDataReader packageReader = getPackages.ExecuteReader();

            while (packageReader.Read())
                string id = packageReader[0].ToString();
                string name = packageReader[1].ToString();
                string price = packageReader[2].ToString();

                OleDbCommand getPackageServices = new OleDbCommand();
                getPackageServices.Connection = connection.connection;
                getPackageServices.CommandText = "SELECT Services.ID, Service_Name, Price FROM Services, Package_Services WHERE Package_Services.ID_Package = " + id + " AND Services.ID = Package_Services.ID_Service";

                OleDbDataReader packageServicesReader = getPackageServices.ExecuteReader();

                List<CService> services = new List<CService>();
                while (packageServicesReader.Read())
                    string serviceId = packageServicesReader[0].ToString();
                    string serviceName = packageServicesReader[1].ToString();
                    string servicePrice = packageServicesReader[2].ToString();
                    CService tmpSerice = new CService(serviceId, serviceName, float.Parse(servicePrice));

                CPackage tmpPackage = new CPackage(id, name, float.Parse(price), services);

            // Screen 4

            OleDbCommand getEmployees = new OleDbCommand();
            getEmployees.Connection = connection.connection;

            getEmployees.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Employees";
            OleDbDataReader employeesReader = getEmployees.ExecuteReader();

            e_employees = new List<CEmployee>();
            while (employeesReader.Read())
                string id = employeesReader[0].ToString();
                string first_Name = employeesReader[1].ToString();
                string last_Name = employeesReader[2].ToString();
                string address = employeesReader[3].ToString();
                string phone = employeesReader[4].ToString();
                DateTime birthday = (DateTime)employeesReader[5];
                DateTime employmend = (DateTime)employeesReader[6];
                bool fired = (bool)employeesReader[7];

                CEmployee tmpEmployee = new CEmployee(id, first_Name, last_Name, address, phone, birthday, employmend,fired);


            if (c_CustomersList.Items.Count > 0)
                c_CustomersList.SelectedIndex = 0;
                c_EditBtn.Enabled = false;
                c_DeleteBtn.Enabled = false;
                c_LoadBtn.Enabled = false;
                c_ViewBilBtn.Enabled = false;

            if (s_ServicesList.Items.Count > 0)
                s_ServicesList.SelectedIndex = 0;
                s_ServiceDelete.Enabled = false;
                s_ServiceEdit.Enabled = false;
                s_PackageAdd.Enabled = false;
            if (s_PackagesList.Items.Count > 0)
                s_PackagesList.SelectedIndex = 0;
                s_PackageDelete.Enabled = false;
                s_PackageEdit.Enabled = false;

Exemplo n.º 6
 private void nb_SelectCustomerBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     selectCustomer newForm = new selectCustomer();
     if (newForm.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
         nb_Customer = newForm.customer;
         nb_CustomerTxt.Text = newForm.customer.ToString();
         if (nb_ServicesList.Items.Count > 0) nb_CompliteBllBtn.Enabled = true;
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void nb_CompliteBllBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            // Create Bill

            string date = nb_DateTimePicker.Value.ToString();
            string price = nb_TotalPriceTxt.Text;
            string note = nb_NoteBox.Text;
            string userID = nb_Customer.id;

            OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand();
            command.Connection = connection.connection;
            command.CommandText = @"INSERT INTO Bills (Bill_Date, Price, [Note], ID_Customer) VALUES (#" + date + "#, " + price + ", '" + note + "', " + userID + ")";
            command.CommandText = "Select @@Identity";

            int billID = (int)command.ExecuteScalar();

            // Insert Bill Services & Bill Packages

            for (int i = 0; i < nb_ServicesList.Items.Count; i++)
                if (nb_ServicesList.Items[i].GetType() == typeof(CService))
                    CService tmpService = nb_ServicesList.Items[i] as CService;

                    command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Bill_Services (ID_Bill, ID_Service, ID_Employee) VALUES (" + billID.ToString() + ", " + tmpService.id + ", " + tmpService.employee.id + ")";
                else if (nb_ServicesList.Items[i].GetType() == typeof(CPackage))
                    CPackage tmpPackage = nb_ServicesList.Items[i] as CPackage;

                    for (int j = 0; j < tmpPackage.services.Count; j++)
                        CService tmpService = tmpPackage.services[j];

                        command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Bill_PServices (ID_Bill, ID_Package, ID_Service, ID_Employee) VALUES (" + billID.ToString() + ", "+ tmpPackage.id + ", " + tmpService.id + "," + tmpService.employee.id + ")";



            MessageBox.Show("The bill has been succesfully recorded!", "Bill recorded!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
            nb_Customer = null;
            nb_CustomerTxt.Text = "";
            nb_DateTimePicker.Value = DateTime.Now;
            nb_TotalPrice = 0.0f;
            nb_TotalPriceTxt.Text = "0";
            nb_CustomPriceCB.Checked = false;
            nb_NoteBox.Text = "";
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            refreshBtn.Enabled = false;
            ab_TotalBills = 0;
            ab_TotalPrice = 0.0f;


            OleDbCommand billsCommand = new OleDbCommand();
            billsCommand.Connection = connection.connection;

            billsCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Bills ORDER BY Bill_Date ASC";
            OleDbDataReader billsReader = billsCommand.ExecuteReader();

            while (billsReader.Read())
                string idBill = billsReader[0].ToString();
                DateTime billDate = (DateTime)billsReader[1];
                string billPrice = billsReader[2].ToString();
                string billNote = billsReader[3].ToString();
                string idCustomer = billsReader[4].ToString();

                // FIlter by Date

                if (!(billDate.Date >= ab_From.Value.Date && billDate.Date <= ab_To.Value.Date))

                // Get Customer

                OleDbCommand customerComm = new OleDbCommand();
                customerComm.Connection = connection.connection;
                customerComm.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE ID = " + idCustomer;

                OleDbDataReader customerReader = customerComm.ExecuteReader();

                string cID = customerReader[0].ToString();
                string CFN = customerReader[1].ToString();
                string CLN = customerReader[2].ToString();
                string CA = customerReader[3].ToString();
                string CP = customerReader[4].ToString();
                DateTime CB = (DateTime)customerReader[5];
                CCustomer tmpCustomer = new CCustomer(cID, CFN, CLN, CA, CP, CB);

                OleDbCommand billServicesCommand = new OleDbCommand();
                billServicesCommand.Connection = connection.connection;

                billServicesCommand.CommandText = "SELECT Services.* FROM Services, Bill_Services WHERE Bill_Services.ID_Service = Services.ID AND Bill_Services.ID_Bill = " + idBill;
                OleDbDataReader billServicesReader = billServicesCommand.ExecuteReader();

                List<CService> tmpServices = new List<CService>();
                while (billServicesReader.Read())
                    string idService = billServicesReader[0].ToString();
                    string name = billServicesReader[1].ToString();
                    string servicePrice = billServicesReader[2].ToString();
                    CService tmpSerice = new CService(idService, name, float.Parse(servicePrice));

                    OleDbCommand billServiceEmployeeCommand = new OleDbCommand();
                    billServiceEmployeeCommand.Connection = connection.connection;

                    billServiceEmployeeCommand.CommandText = "SELECT Employees.* FROM Employees, Bill_Services WHERE Bill_Services.ID_Bill = " + idBill + " AND Bill_Services.ID_Service = " + idService + "AND Bill_Services.ID_Employee = Employees.ID";
                    OleDbDataReader billServiceEmployeeReader = billServiceEmployeeCommand.ExecuteReader();


                    string idEmployee = billServiceEmployeeReader[0].ToString();
                    string first_name = billServiceEmployeeReader[1].ToString();
                    string last_name = billServiceEmployeeReader[2].ToString();
                    string address = billServiceEmployeeReader[3].ToString();
                    string phone = billServiceEmployeeReader[4].ToString();
                    DateTime birthday = (DateTime)billServiceEmployeeReader[5];
                    DateTime dayOfEmploymend = (DateTime)billServiceEmployeeReader[6];
                    bool fired = (bool)billServiceEmployeeReader[7];

                    CEmployee tmpEmployee = new CEmployee(idEmployee, first_name, last_name, address, phone, birthday, dayOfEmploymend, fired);
                    tmpSerice.employee = tmpEmployee;


                OleDbCommand billPackages = new OleDbCommand();
                billPackages.Connection = connection.connection;

                billPackages.CommandText = "SELECT DISTINCT Packages.* FROM Packages, Bill_PServices WHERE Packages.ID = Bill_PServices.ID_Package AND Bill_PServices.ID_Bill = " + idBill;
                OleDbDataReader billPackagesReader = billPackages.ExecuteReader();

                List<CPackage> tmpPackages = new List<CPackage>();
                while (billPackagesReader.Read())
                    string idPackage = billPackagesReader[0].ToString();
                    string packageName = billPackagesReader[1].ToString();
                    string packagePrice = billPackagesReader[2].ToString();

                    OleDbCommand billPackageServices = new OleDbCommand();
                    billPackageServices.Connection = connection.connection;

                    billPackageServices.CommandText = "SELECT Services.* FROM Services, Bill_PServices WHERE Services.ID = Bill_PServices.ID_Service AND Bill_PServices.ID_Package = " + idPackage;
                    OleDbDataReader billPackageServicesReader = billPackageServices.ExecuteReader();

                    List<CService> tmpPServices = new List<CService>();
                    while (billPackageServicesReader.Read())
                        string idService = billPackageServicesReader[0].ToString();
                        string name = billPackageServicesReader[1].ToString();
                        string servicePrice = billPackageServicesReader[2].ToString();
                        CService tmpSerice = new CService(idService, name, float.Parse(servicePrice));

                        OleDbCommand billServiceEmployeeCommand = new OleDbCommand();
                        billServiceEmployeeCommand.Connection = connection.connection;

                        billServiceEmployeeCommand.CommandText = "SELECT Employees.* FROM Employees, Bill_PServices WHERE Bill_PServices.ID_Bill = " + idBill + " AND Bill_PServices.ID_Service = " + idService + " AND Bill_PServices.ID_Employee = Employees.ID AND Bill_PServices.ID_Package = " + idPackage;
                        OleDbDataReader billServiceEmployeeReader = billServiceEmployeeCommand.ExecuteReader();


                        string idEmployee = billServiceEmployeeReader[0].ToString();
                        string first_name = billServiceEmployeeReader[1].ToString();
                        string last_name = billServiceEmployeeReader[2].ToString();
                        string address = billServiceEmployeeReader[3].ToString();
                        string phone = billServiceEmployeeReader[4].ToString();
                        DateTime birthday = (DateTime)billServiceEmployeeReader[5];
                        DateTime dayOfEmploymend = (DateTime)billServiceEmployeeReader[6];
                        bool fired = (bool)billServiceEmployeeReader[7];

                        CEmployee tmpEmployee = new CEmployee(idEmployee, first_name, last_name, address, phone, birthday, dayOfEmploymend, fired);
                        tmpSerice.employee = tmpEmployee;


                    CPackage tmpPackage = new CPackage(idPackage, packageName, float.Parse(packagePrice), tmpPServices);

                CBill tmpBill = new CBill(idBill, billNote, float.Parse(billPrice), tmpPackages, tmpServices, billDate, tmpCustomer);
                tmpBill.inAll = true;


                ab_TotalBills += 1;
                ab_TotalPrice += tmpBill.price;


            if (allBillsList.Items.Count == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("There arent any bills in that period", "No bills found", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                button26.Enabled = false;
                ab_TotalBillTxt.Text = "";
                ab_TotalIncomeTxt.Text = "";
                button26.Enabled = true;
                ab_TotalBillTxt.Text = ab_TotalBills.ToString();
                ab_TotalIncomeTxt.Text = ab_TotalPrice.ToString();
                allBillsList.SelectedIndex = 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
 private void customersList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     customer = customersList.SelectedItem as CCustomer;