Exemplo n.º 1
 public static TransporterFlags ToTransporterFlag(this Direction direction)
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static PathConnectionFlags ToPathConnectionFlag(this Direction direction)
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static EndPointFlags ToEndPointFlag(this Direction direction)
Exemplo n.º 4
        public GameView(DataSource dataSource, Size virtualScreenSize,
                        DeviceType deviceType               = DeviceType.Desktop,
                        SizingPolicy sizingPolicy           = SizingPolicy.FitRatio,
                        OrientationPolicy orientationPolicy = OrientationPolicy.Support180DegreeRotation)
            VirtualScreen          = new Rect(0, 0, Math.Min(virtualScreenSize.Width, Global.MAX_VIRTUAL_SCREEN_WIDTH), Math.Min(virtualScreenSize.Height, Global.MAX_VIRTUAL_SCREEN_HEIGHT));
            virtualScreenDisplay   = new Rect(VirtualScreen);
            this.sizingPolicy      = sizingPolicy;
            this.orientationPolicy = orientationPolicy;
            this.deviceType        = deviceType;
            isLandscapeRatio       = VirtualScreen.Size.Width > VirtualScreen.Size.Height;

            context = new Context(VirtualScreen.Size.Width, VirtualScreen.Size.Height);

            if (dataSource == null || !dataSource.IsLoaded)
                throw new ExceptionFreeserf(ErrorSystemType.Data, "Given data source is not useable.");

            DataSource = dataSource;

            // factories
            spriteFactory         = new SpriteFactory(VirtualScreen);
            triangleFactory       = new TriangleFactory(VirtualScreen);
            coloredRectFactory    = new ColoredRectFactory(VirtualScreen);
            minimapTextureFactory = new MinimapTextureFactory();
            audioFactory          = new AudioFactory(dataSource);
            var audio = audioFactory.GetAudio();

            if (audio != null)
                var musicPlayer      = audio.GetMusicPlayer();
                var soundPlayer      = audio.GetSoundPlayer();
                var volumeController = audio.GetVolumeController();

                if (musicPlayer != null)
                    musicPlayer.Enabled = UserConfig.Audio.Music;
                if (soundPlayer != null)
                    soundPlayer.Enabled = UserConfig.Audio.Sound;
                if (volumeController != null)

            TextureAtlasManager.RegisterFactory(new TextureAtlasBuilderFactory());

            var textureAtlas = TextureAtlasManager.Instance;


            foreach (Layer layer in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Layer)))
                if (layer == Layer.None)

                // TODO: color keys?

                    var texture = (layer == Layer.Minimap) ? minimapTextureFactory.GetMinimapTexture() :
                                  textureAtlas.GetOrCreate(layer).Texture as Texture;

                    var renderLayer = Create(layer, texture,
                                             layer == Layer.Gui,                                                   // only the gui supports colored rects
                                             null,                                                                 // no color key for now
                                             layer == Layer.GuiFont ? new Render.Color(115, 179, 67, 255) : null); // UI font uses green color overlay

                    if (layer == Layer.Gui || layer == Layer.GuiBuildings || layer == Layer.Minimap)
                        // the gui needs scaling
                        renderLayer.PositionTransformation = (Position position) =>
                            float factorX = (float)VirtualScreen.Size.Width / 640.0f;
                            float factorY = (float)VirtualScreen.Size.Height / 480.0f;

                            return(new Position(Misc.Round(position.X * factorX), Misc.Round(position.Y * factorY)));

                        renderLayer.SizeTransformation = (Size size) =>
                            float factorX = (float)VirtualScreen.Size.Width / 640.0f;
                            float factorY = (float)VirtualScreen.Size.Height / 480.0f;

                            // don't scale a dimension of 0
                            int width  = (size.Width == 0) ? 0 : Misc.Round(size.Width * factorX);
                            int height = (size.Height == 0) ? 0 : Misc.Round(size.Height * factorY);

                            return(new Size(width, height));
                    else if (layer == Layer.GuiFont) // UI Font needs different scaling
                        renderLayer.PositionTransformation = (Position position) =>
                            float factorX = (float)VirtualScreen.Size.Width / 640.0f;
                            float factorY = (float)VirtualScreen.Size.Height / 480.0f;

                            return(new Position(Misc.Round(position.X * factorX), Misc.Round(position.Y * factorY)));

                        renderLayer.SizeTransformation = (Size size) =>
                            // The UI expects 8x8 characters but we may use different sizes.
                            // So we adjust the scale factors accordingly.
                            float factorX = (8.0f / Global.UIFontCharacterWidth) * (float)VirtualScreen.Size.Width / 640.0f;
                            float factorY = (8.0f / Global.UIFontCharacterHeight) * (float)VirtualScreen.Size.Height / 480.0f;

                            // don't scale a dimension of 0
                            int width  = (size.Width == 0) ? 0 : Misc.Round(size.Width * factorX);
                            int height = (size.Height == 0) ? 0 : Misc.Round(size.Height * factorY);

                            return(new Size(width, height));

                    renderLayer.Visible = true;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new ExceptionFreeserf(ErrorSystemType.Render, $"Unable to create layer '{layer.ToString()}': {ex.Message}");

            gui = new UI.Gui(this, this);