Exemplo n.º 1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string qID = Request.QueryString["id"];

            this.invalidQueue.Visible = false;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qID))
                Guid qGUI = Guid.Parse(qID);

                HelperClass_Queue hcq = new HelperClass_Queue();

                Queue q = hcq.GetQueue(qGUI);

                if (Membership.GetUser() != null && q.Queue_UserID == (Guid)Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey)
                    List<Participant> lp = hcq.GetParticipants(qGUI);

                    this.GridView_Participants.DataSource = lp;



            this.invalidQueue.Visible = true;
            //this.adminDiv.Visible = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                Session["queueEdit"] = null;

                string queueId = Request.QueryString["queueId"];
                if (queueId != null)
                    HelperClass_Queue hcq = new HelperClass_Queue();

                    Queue q = hcq.GetQueue(Guid.Parse(queueId));
                    Session["queueEdit"] = q;

                    this.title.Text = q.Queue_Name;
                    this.description.Text = q.Queue_Description;
                    this.initiatorAlias.Text = q.Queue_OwnerName;

                    this.minuit.Checked = q.Queue_ResetAtMidnight;
                    this.ticketsmaxopt.Checked = q.Queue_ResetAtMaxReached;
                    if (q.Queue_MaxLimit != null) this.ticketsmax.Text = q.Queue_MaxLimit.ToString();
                    if (q.Queue_ValidTillDate != null)
                        this.desactivateDate.Text = q.Queue_ValidTillDate.ToString();
                        this.desactiverqueue.Checked = true;

                    this.editQueue.InnerHtml = "Edit the queue ";

                    if (!q.Queue_IsActive) this.editQueue.InnerHtml += "(Currently disabled)";

            WizardQueue.PreRender += new EventHandler(Wizard1_PreRender);
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string qID = Request.QueryString["id"];

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qID))
                    Guid qGUI = Guid.Parse(qID);

                    HelperClass_Queue hcq = new HelperClass_Queue();
                    HelperClass_Ticket hct = new HelperClass_Ticket();

                    Queue q = hcq.GetQueue(qGUI);

                    if (q.Queue_Current_Ticket_ID == null)

                    Ticket t = hct.GetTicket((Guid)q.Queue_Current_Ticket_ID);

                    this.lblEmail.Text = t.Ticket_Email;
                    this.lblNumero.Text = t.Ticket_Increment.ToString();
                    this.lblPwd.Text = t.Ticket_Password;
                catch { }
Exemplo n.º 4
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                string qID = Request.QueryString["id"];

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qID))
                        Guid qGUI = Guid.Parse(qID);

                        HelperClass_Queue hcq = new HelperClass_Queue();

                        Queue q = hcq.GetQueue(qGUI);

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(q.Queue_Address))
                            HelperClass_Map hcm = new HelperClass_Map();

                                geoloc gl = hcm.GeocodeAddress(q.Queue_Address);
                                Session["lat"] = gl.lat;
                                Session["lon"] = gl.lon;

                                this.divMap.Visible = true;
                                this.addressNotFound.Visible = false;

                                this.addressNotFound.Visible = true;
                    catch { }

                this.divMap.Visible = false;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string qID = Request.QueryString["id"];
            string showDetails = Request.QueryString["showDetails"];

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qID))
                    Guid qGUI = Guid.Parse(qID);

                    HelperClass_Queue hcq = new HelperClass_Queue();
                    HelperClass_Ticket hct = new HelperClass_Ticket();

                    Queue q = hcq.GetQueue(qGUI);

                    this.queueName.InnerText = q.Queue_Name;
                    if (q.Queue_Current_Ticket_ID != null) this.currentTicketNumber.InnerText = hct.GetTicket((Guid)q.Queue_Current_Ticket_ID).Ticket_Increment.ToString();
                    else this.currentTicketNumber.InnerText = "--";
                    if (q.Queue_ExpectedHandlingTime != null) this.expectedHandlingTime.InnerText = "Estimated processing time per ticket: " + q.Queue_ExpectedHandlingTime.ToString() + " min.";

                    this.invalidQueue.Visible = false;
                    this.TicketDetails.Visible = false;
                    this.activeDateOver.Visible = false;

                    if (showDetails == "1")
                        if (q.Queue_UserID == (Guid)Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey)
                            this.TicketDetails.Visible = true;

                    if (!hcq.IsActive(q)) this.activeDateOver.Visible = true;

                catch { }

            this.invalidQueue.Visible = true;
Exemplo n.º 6
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string qID = Request.QueryString["id"];

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qID))
                Guid qGUI = Guid.Parse(qID);

                HelperClass_Queue hcq = new HelperClass_Queue();

                Queue q = hcq.GetQueue(qGUI);

                if (q.Queue_UserID == (Guid)Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey)
                    this.invalidQueue.Visible = false;

            this.invalidQueue.Visible = true;
            this.adminDiv.Visible = false;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public Ticket GenerateNextTicket(Guid queueID, string email)
            Random random = new Random();
            Ticket ticket = new Ticket();
            HelperClass_Queue hcq = new HelperClass_Queue();

            Queue queue = hcq.GetQueue(queueID);

                if (!hcq.IsActive(queue)) throw new Exception("This queue isn't active; no ticket can be created.");

                ticket.Ticket_ID = System.Guid.NewGuid();

                FreeQ_DBEntities db = new FreeQ_DBEntities();

                ticket.Ticket_UniversalIncrement =
                    (from q in db.Ticket
                     select q.Ticket_UniversalIncrement).Max() + 1;

                if (ticket.Ticket_UniversalIncrement == null) ticket.Ticket_UniversalIncrement = ticket.Ticket_Increment + 1;

                ticket.Ticket_Increment = queue.Queue_Next_Increment;
                ticket.Ticket_Password = random.Next(1000).ToString();
                ticket.Ticket_Queue_ID = queueID;
                ticket.Ticket_Email = email;
                ticket.Ticket_StateID = 1;
                ticket.Ticket_CreationDate = DateTime.Now;

                int result = db.SaveChanges();

                hcq.NextIncrement(ticket.Ticket_ID, queueID);
            catch { }

            return ticket;
Exemplo n.º 8
        protected void WizardQueue_FinishButtonClick(object sender, WizardNavigationEventArgs e)
            Queue q = new Queue();

            if (Session["queueEdit"] != null) q = (Queue)Session["queueEdit"];

            q.Queue_Name = this.title.Text;
            q.Queue_Address = this.location.Text;
            q.Queue_Description = this.description.Text;
            q.Queue_OwnerName = this.initiatorAlias.Text;
            q.Queue_ResetAtMidnight = this.minuit.Checked;
            q.Queue_ResetAtMaxReached = this.ticketsmaxopt.Checked;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.handlingTime.Text)) q.Queue_ExpectedHandlingTime = int.Parse(this.handlingTime.Text);
            if (this.ticketsmaxopt.Checked) q.Queue_MaxLimit = int.Parse(this.ticketsmax.Text);
            if (this.desactiverqueue.Checked) q.Queue_ValidTillDate = DateTime.Parse(this.desactivateDate.Text);
            q.Queue_Next_Increment = 1;
            q.Queue_IsActive = true;
            q.Queue_UserID = (Guid)Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey;

            HelperClass_Queue hcq = new HelperClass_Queue();

            if (Session["queueEdit"] == null)
                q.Queue_IsActive = true;
                q = hcq.CreateQueue(q);

            Session["NewQueue"] = q.Queue_ID;

Exemplo n.º 9
        public void ValidateCurrentTicket(Guid queueID, bool cancel)
            Queue queue = null;

                FreeQ_DBEntities db = new FreeQ_DBEntities();

                queue = this.GetQueue(db, queueID);

                HelperClass_Ticket hct = new HelperClass_Ticket();
                HelperClass_Queue hcq = new HelperClass_Queue();

                if (!hcq.IsActive(queue)) throw new Exception("This queue isn't active; you can't handle tickets anymore.");

                if (queue.Queue_Current_Ticket_ID == null)
                    List<Ticket> tickets = (from t in db.Ticket
                                            where t.Ticket_Queue_ID == queueID
                                            orderby t.Ticket_ID
                                            select t).ToList<Ticket>();

                    if (tickets.Count > 0)
                        queue.Queue_Current_Ticket_ID = tickets[0].Ticket_ID;
                    Ticket t = hct.GetTicket(db, (Guid)queue.Queue_Current_Ticket_ID);

                    if (t == null) return;

                    if (cancel)
                        t.Ticket_StateID = 3;
                        t.Ticket_StateID = 2;

                    List<Ticket> tickets = (from ti in db.Ticket
                                            where ti.Ticket_Queue_ID == queueID
                                            && ti.Ticket_UniversalIncrement > t.Ticket_UniversalIncrement
                                            orderby ti.Ticket_ID
                                            select ti). ToList<Ticket>();

                    if (tickets.Count > 0)
                        queue.Queue_Current_Ticket_ID = tickets[0].Ticket_ID;

                int result = db.SaveChanges();

                // Send alert

                Ticket ct = hct.GetTicket(db, (Guid)queue.Queue_Current_Ticket_ID);

                List<Ticket> nextTicket = (from ti in db.Ticket
                                           where ti.Ticket_Queue_ID == queueID
                                           && ti.Ticket_UniversalIncrement == ct.Ticket_UniversalIncrement + 2
                                           orderby ti.Ticket_ID
                                           select ti).ToList<Ticket>();

                if (nextTicket.Count == 1 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(nextTicket[0].Ticket_Email))
                    HelperClass_Email.SendEmail(nextTicket[0].Ticket_Email, "Quddle - it is almost your turn!", "Hey, only 2 persons are in front of you ; it is time to go...");
            catch { }