Exemplo n.º 1
        public RemoteConnectionServer( APPLICATION_DATA appData )
                m_AppData = appData;
                m_AppData.AddOnClosing(OnClose, APPLICATION_DATA.CLOSE_ORDER.MIDDLE);
                m_Log = (ErrorLog)m_AppData.Logger;

                m_FrameLock = new object();

                m_FrameGenerator = (FrameGenerator)m_AppData.FrameGenerator;
                m_NumberChannels = m_FrameGenerator.GetNumberOfPhysicalChannels();
                m_ConsumerID = m_FrameGenerator.GetNewConsumerID();
                m_CurrentImageQ = new ThreadSafeQueue<FRAME>[m_NumberChannels];
                m_CurrentPlateNumberQ = new ThreadSafeQueue<FRAME>[m_NumberChannels];

                m_Log = (ErrorLog)m_AppData.Logger;

                m_LocalHostPortsTable = new ThreadSafeHashTable(5);

                m_Server = new List<ConnectionServer>();
            catch (Exception ex) { m_Log.Trace(ex, ErrorLog.LOG_TYPE.FATAL); }
Exemplo n.º 2
        // constructor
        public DVR(APPLICATION_DATA appData)
                m_AppData = appData;
                m_AppData.AddOnClosing(Stop, APPLICATION_DATA.CLOSE_ORDER.MIDDLE);
                m_Log = (ErrorLog)m_AppData.Logger;

                PauseFlag = new PAUSE_FLAG();

                PauseFlag.Pause = true;

                FileAccessControl = new FILE_SYSTEM_ACCESS(PauseFlag, m_AppData);

                    Paths = new PATHS(m_AppData.ThisComputerName, true, m_AppData);

                    m_AppData.PathManager = (object)Paths;
                catch (Exception ex) { m_Log.Trace(ex, ErrorLog.LOG_TYPE.FATAL); }

                m_EventLogFile = new EventLogFiles.EventLogFiles(m_AppData);

                //   PRE MOTION BUFFER LENGHT

                m_NumberOfFramesToPrePostBuffer =    30;   // this many frames before and after moton event, if too small, files may be erased before motion is detected because of processing lag



                m_AppData.HealthStatistics[(int)APPLICATION_DATA.HEALTH_STATISTICS.System.System_Drive].StatString.SetValue = "No drive ";

                m_FrameGenerator = (FrameGenerator)m_AppData.FrameGenerator;

                m_DriveManager = new DriveManager(m_AppData, OnExternalDriveChange, Paths.StorageDir);

                // alway use external storage

                if ( m_AppData.RunninAsService)

                    int count = 0;
                    Paths.Drive = m_DriveManager.GetDrive(ref count);
                    PauseFlag.DriveExists = true;
                    if (count > 1)
                        PauseFlag.Pause = true;
                        m_Log.Log("Too many external drives on start", ErrorLog.LOG_TYPE.FATAL);
                        //m_MessageBoxMessage = "Too many external drives on start. Please connect only one external drive and re-start the LPR Service.";

                    else if (Paths.Drive == null)
                        PauseFlag.Pause = true;

                        m_Log.Log("External Drive not found", ErrorLog.LOG_TYPE.FATAL);
                      //  m_MessageBoxMessage = "External drive not found. Please connect one external drive";
                        PauseFlag.DriveExists = false;
                       // RunMessageBoxDialog();


                m_ConsumerID = m_FrameGenerator.GetNewConsumerID();

                m_NewFrameQ = new ThreadSafeQueue<FRAME>(240, "QueueOverruns_DVR_NewFrameQ", m_AppData);
                m_MotionDetectedQ = new ThreadSafeQueue<FRAME>(240, "QueueOverruns_DVR_MotionDetectedQ", m_AppData);
                m_DirectyToStorageQ = new ThreadSafeQueue<FRAME>(240, "QueueOverruns_DVR_DirectyToStorageQ", m_AppData);
                m_NewLPRRecordQ = new ThreadSafeQueue<FRAME>(m_LPRRecordQueLen, "QueueOverruns_DVR_NewLPRRecordQ", m_AppData);
                m_TempFileList = new ThreadSafeList<TEMPFILES>(120);

                m_NumSourceChannels = (m_AppData.RunninAsService) ? m_AppData.MAX_PHYSICAL_CHANNELS : m_AppData.MAX_VIRTUAL_CHANNELS;

                m_PreMotionRecords = new PRE_MOTION_RECORDS[m_NumSourceChannels];

                m_DVRLoopThread = new Thread(DVRLoop);

                m_ReportDVRStats = new Thread(ReportDVRStatusLoop);

                m_TempFileCleanUpThread = new Thread(TempFilesCleanUpLoop);

                m_MaintainFileSystemSizeLimit = new Thread(MaintainFileSystemSizeLimitLoop);

            catch (Exception ex) { m_Log.Trace(ex, ErrorLog.LOG_TYPE.FATAL); }
Exemplo n.º 3
        public LPREngine(APPLICATION_DATA appData)
                m_AppData = appData;
                m_AppData.AddOnClosing(Stop, APPLICATION_DATA.CLOSE_ORDER.MIDDLE);
                m_Log = (ErrorLog)m_AppData.Logger;
                m_FrameGen = (FrameGenerator)m_AppData.FrameGenerator;

                m_LPRProcessQ = new ThreadSafeQueue<FRAME>(m_LPRProcessQueSize, "QueueOverruns_LPR_LPRProcessQ", m_AppData); // this queue hold frames that come from the framegenerator and need to be processed by LPR
                m_AppData.LPRGettingBehind = false;

                m_LPRFinalPlateGroupOutputQ = new ThreadSafeQueue<FRAME>(60, "QueueOverruns_LPR_LPRFinalPlateGroupOutputQ", m_AppData); // filtered plate readings, grouped into similar readings, redundant readings removed

                m_LPRPerFrameReadingQ = new ThreadSafeQueue<FRAME>(60, "QueueOverruns_LPR_LPRPerFrameReadingQ", m_AppData); // instantaneous output from LPR for each fram processed

                m_StoredFrameData = new ThreadSafeHashableQueue(30 * 60);// 60 seconds of frames at 30fps

                m_LPRFuntions = new LPROCR_Lib();
                {       // the plate group processor accumulates per-frame plate readings and consolidates them into a single plate reading where appropriate

                int maxW = 0, minW = 0, maxH = 0, minH = 0;

                m_LPRFuntions.GetMinMaxPlateSize(ref minW, ref maxW,ref minH, ref maxH);

                m_AppData.MAX_PLATE_HEIGHT = maxH;
                m_AppData.MIN_PLATE_HEIGHT = minH;
                m_AppData.MAX_PLATE_WIDTH = maxW;
                m_AppData.MIN_PLATE_WIDTH = minW;

                m_processOptions = new LPROCR_Lib.LPR_PROCESS_OPTIONS();

                m_processOptions.roll = 1;
                m_processOptions.rotation = 1;

                // register with the frame grabber to get new bitmaps from the channel sources as they come in

                m_ConsumerID = m_FrameGen.GetNewConsumerID();

            //                m_NumSourceChannels = m_FrameGen.GetNumberOfConfiguredChannels();
                m_NumSourceChannels = (m_AppData.RunninAsService) ? m_AppData.MAX_PHYSICAL_CHANNELS : m_AppData.MAX_VIRTUAL_CHANNELS;

                m_LPREngineProcessThread = new Thread(LPREngineProcessLoop);

                PushLPRResultsThread = new Thread(PushLPRResultsLoop);
            catch (Exception ex) { m_Log.Trace(ex, ErrorLog.LOG_TYPE.FATAL); }