Exemplo n.º 1
        ///gets all stock information from a year ago to today
        private static TimeInterval[] GetTimeIntervals(string _stockName)
            bool _unavailable = false;                                      //bool to work out when to stop scraping information
            int  _n           = 0;                                          // integar to count page numbers
            List <TimeInterval> _timeIntervals = new List <TimeInterval>(); //list to store everyday of stock information specified
            string _startDate = DateHandling.GetCurrentYahooDate(0);
            string _endDate   = DateHandling.GetStartDate();

            //this loop will only run while there is information to scrape
            while (!_unavailable)
                string         _address = GetAddress(_stockName, _startDate, _endDate, _n);         // address for next webpage
                TimeInterval[] _currentTimeIntervals = GetInformationOfPage(_address);              // getting stock info of webpage
                if (_currentTimeIntervals == null)
                    _unavailable = true;

Exemplo n.º 2
        ///gets all the stock information from a specified webpage
        private static TimeInterval[] GetInformationOfPage(string _address)
            List <TimeInterval> _timeIntervals = new List <TimeInterval>(); //list to store stock info from webpage
            HtmlDocument        _doc           = LoadDoc(_address);         //grabbing all the information of the webpage

            //array containing all the rows in the table
            HtmlNodeCollection _rows = _doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//*[@class='yfnc_tabledata1']");

            if (_rows == null)
                return(null);                  //if rows are empty, no more information to scrape
            string _previousDate = "";         //string to make sure same date isn't entered twice and instead the original date is changed
            int    _missingCells = 0;          //integar to keep the row and timeInterval count alligned in the case of duplicate dates

            //loop going through each row and creating or ammending timeIntervals with the information
            for (int i = 0; i < _rows.Count; i++)
                int _cell = (i * 7) - _missingCells;                 //integar that splits the row into itss seperate columns
                if (_cell >= _rows.Count)
                    break;                                      //if the last cell has been reached, stop scraping
                if (_rows[_cell].InnerText.Contains("adjusted"))
                    break;                                                             //last cell could contain text, in this case stop scraping
                //checking if the date is a duplicate, could be something happened to stock on that day or dividend
                bool _sameDate = (_rows[_cell].InnerText == _previousDate);
                bool _dividend = (_rows[_cell + 1].InnerText.Contains("Dividend"));

                //if the cell is a dividend, ammends the previous time interval to include dividend payment
                if (_dividend)
                    _timeIntervals[_timeIntervals.Count - 1].dividend = ConvertDividendToFloat(_rows[_cell + 1].InnerText);

                //normal circumstances, adding a new time interval to the list
                if (!_sameDate && DateHandling.IsDate(_rows[_cell].InnerText))
                        new TimeInterval(
                            _rows[_cell].InnerText,                                                             //date
                            ConvertStringToFloat(_rows[_cell + 1].InnerText),                                   //open
                            ConvertStringToFloat(_rows[_cell + 2].InnerText),                                   //high
                            ConvertStringToFloat(_rows[_cell + 3].InnerText),                                   //low
                            ConvertStringToFloat(_rows[_cell + 4].InnerText),                                   //close
                            ConvertStringToFloat(_rows[_cell + 5].InnerText),                                   //volume
                            0                                                                                   //dividend
                    _previousDate = _rows[_cell].InnerText;                     //sets previous date to this date
                if (_sameDate)
                    _missingCells += 5;                           //makes up for missing cells due to dividend or other text
Exemplo n.º 3
        ///returns string[] of dividend dates
        private static string[] GetDividendDates(TimeInterval[] _timeIntervals)
            List <string> _dates = new List <string>();           //list to store dates

            //loops through all dates forwards to get dividend dates
            for (int i = 0; i < _timeIntervals.Length; i++)
                if (_timeIntervals[i].dividend != 0)
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void Init()
            lbl_DividendForecaster.BackColor = Colours.dividend;
            radiob_Same.BackColor            = Colours.dividend;
            radiob_Different.BackColor       = Colours.dividend;
            int _days = MainForm.Instance.days;

            try { dates = DateHandling.GetDatesWithinTime(MainForm.Instance.stock.dates, _days); }
            catch {
                MessageBox.Show("Cannot enter dividends until stock and timescale have been confirmed");
            MainForm.Instance.divNumber = dates.Length;
            foreach (string date in dates)
                predictions.Add(new float[3]);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static string[] GetDatesWithinTime(string[] _dates, int _days)
            List <string> _datesWithinTime = new List <string>();

            int[] _daysUntilPayments = new int[_dates.Length];              //array to store days until dividend payment

            //loops through all dividends and gets the days until the payment
            for (int i = 0; i < _daysUntilPayments.Length; i++)
                _daysUntilPayments[i] = DateHandling.DaysUntil(_dates[i]);

            for (int i = 0; i < _daysUntilPayments.Length; i++)
                if (_daysUntilPayments[i] <= _days)

Exemplo n.º 6
        //calculates indivdual forward price
        private static float GetForwardPrice(StockInformation _stock, float dividend, int days, float riskFreeRate)
            double _forward = _stock.price * Math.Exp(riskFreeRate / 100 * days);

            int[] _daysUntilPayments = new int[_stock.dates.Length];              //array to store days until dividend payment

            //loops through all dividends and gets the days until the payment
            for (int i = 0; i < _daysUntilPayments.Length; i++)
                _daysUntilPayments[i] = DateHandling.DaysUntil(_stock.dates[i]);

            //loops through checking if dividend will be paid within time, if so it takes payment off price
            for (int i = 0; i < _daysUntilPayments.Length; i++)
                if (_daysUntilPayments[i] < days)
                    _forward -= dividend * Math.Exp(riskFreeRate * (days - _daysUntilPayments[i]));
