Exemplo n.º 1
        //setting up marker
        public void PlaceMarker(int pictureBoxNum, int x, int y, int counterNum, List <Coordinate> takenPieces)
            string pictureBoxName = "m" + pictureBoxNum.ToString();

            MarkerBox tempMarkerBox = new MarkerBox(counterNum, takenPieces);

            tempMarkerBox.BackColor             = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;
            tempMarkerBox.BackgroundImage       = global::FormDraughts01.Properties.Resources.Marker;
            tempMarkerBox.BackgroundImageLayout = System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Zoom;
            tempMarkerBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(BOARD_SCALE * x, BOARD_SCALE * y);
            tempMarkerBox.Name     = pictureBoxName;
            tempMarkerBox.Size     = new System.Drawing.Size(BOARD_SCALE, BOARD_SCALE);
            tempMarkerBox.TabIndex = 24;
            tempMarkerBox.TabStop  = false;
            tempMarkerBox.Click   += new System.EventHandler(gameForm.markerClicked);
            tempMarkerBox.Tag      = counterNum;

            gameForm.boardPanel.Controls.Add(tempMarkerBox); //adds the piece onto the form
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void markerClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MarkerBox clickedMarker = sender as MarkerBox;

            Ctrl.IsTaking = false;

            Coordinate newPosition    = new Coordinate(0, 0);
            int        pieceReference = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < boardPanel.Controls.Count; i++)
                if ((int)boardPanel.Controls[i].Tag == (int)clickedMarker.Tag &&
                    boardPanel.Controls[i].Name[0] == 'b')
                    boardPanel.Controls[i].Location = clickedMarker.Location;
                    Ctrl.BlackList[i].X             = (clickedMarker.Location.X / BOARD_SCALE);
                    Ctrl.BlackList[i].Y             = (clickedMarker.Location.Y / BOARD_SCALE);
                    newPosition    = Ctrl.BlackList[i];
                    pieceReference = i;

            //removing pieces that were taken in this move
            bool pieceTaken = false;

            foreach (Coordinate coordinate in clickedMarker.TakenPieces)
                pieceTaken = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < Ctrl.WhiteList.Count; i++)
                    if (/*Ctrl.WhiteList[i].Taken == false &&*/
                        Ctrl.WhiteList[i].X == coordinate.X &&
                        Ctrl.WhiteList[i].Y == coordinate.Y)

                        //removes the counter from the board.
                        for (int j = 0; j < boardPanel.Controls.Count; j++)
                            if ((boardPanel.Controls[j].Name[0] == 'w' ||
                                 boardPanel.Controls[j].Name[0] == 'W') &&
                                (int)boardPanel.Controls[j].Tag == i)
                                boardPanel.Controls[j].Visible = false;

                        //boardPanel.Controls[i].Visible = false;

            //Finds further moves that require a take if possible in the current state of the board.
            Board board = new Board();

            if (pieceTaken && board.FindSingleMove(newPosition, Ctrl.BlackList, Ctrl.WhiteList, Ctrl.WhiteList, Ctrl.BlackList, -1).Count >= 1)
                Ctrl.IsTaking = true;
                List <Move> possibleMoves = board.FindSingleMove(newPosition, Ctrl.BlackList, Ctrl.WhiteList, Ctrl.WhiteList, Ctrl.BlackList, -1);
                int         markerNum     = 0;
                foreach (Move move in possibleMoves)
                    Ctrl.PlaceMarker(markerNum, move.ToPosition.X, move.ToPosition.Y, pieceReference, move.RemoveList);

                if (Ctrl.BlackList[pieceReference].Y == 0)
                    boardPanel.Controls[pieceReference].BackgroundImage = global::FormDraughts01.Properties.Resources.BlackPromotedPiece;

                if (Ctrl.BlackWon())
                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("You Won!!!");
                else if (Ctrl.WhiteDraw())
                    Ctrl.GameDrawn = true;

                //Find move for white
                if (!Ctrl.GameFinished() && !Ctrl.WhiteDraw() && !Ctrl.GameDrawn)
                    List <Move> possibleMoves = new List <Move>();
                    if (CanTake(Ctrl.WhiteList))
                        for (int i = 0; i < Ctrl.WhiteList.Count; i++)
                            if (Ctrl.WhiteList[i].Taken == false)
                                foreach (Move move in board.FindValidMoves(Ctrl.WhiteList[i], Ctrl.WhiteList, Ctrl.BlackList, PREDICT_NUM))
                                    if (move.RemoveList.Count > 0)
                                        possibleMoves.Add(new Move(move));
                                //if (board.FindValidMoves(Ctrl.WhiteList[i], Ctrl.WhiteList, Ctrl.BlackList, PREDICT_NUM).Count == 0)
                                //throw new Exception("not moving piece");
                        for (int i = 0; i < Ctrl.WhiteList.Count; i++)
                            if (Ctrl.WhiteList[i].Taken == false)
                                foreach (Move move in board.FindValidMoves(Ctrl.WhiteList[i], Ctrl.WhiteList, Ctrl.BlackList, PREDICT_NUM))
                                    possibleMoves.Add(new Move(move));

                    int         score     = -100000;
                    List <Move> bestMoves = new List <Move>();
                    foreach (Move move in possibleMoves)
                        if (move.TotalScore > score)
                            score = move.TotalScore;
                            bestMoves.Add(new Move(move));
                        else if (move.TotalScore == score)
                            bestMoves.Add(new Move(move));

                    int  randomMoveNum = rnd.Next(bestMoves.Count);
                    Move bestMove      = bestMoves[randomMoveNum];

                    //Move white piece
                    for (int i = 0; i < boardPanel.Controls.Count; i++)
                        if ((int)boardPanel.Controls[i].Tag == bestMove.PieceIndex &&
                            (boardPanel.Controls[i].Name[0] == 'w' ||
                             boardPanel.Controls[i].Name[0] == 'W'))
                            boardPanel.Controls[i].Location = new Point(bestMove.ToPosition.X * BOARD_SCALE, bestMove.ToPosition.Y * BOARD_SCALE);

                            //Ctrl.WhiteList[pieceIndex] = new Coordinate(bestMove.ToPosition);
                            Ctrl.WhiteList[bestMove.PieceIndex].X = bestMove.ToPosition.X;
                            Ctrl.WhiteList[bestMove.PieceIndex].Y = bestMove.ToPosition.Y;
                            if (Ctrl.WhiteList[bestMove.PieceIndex].Y == BOARD_LENGTH - 1)
                                boardPanel.Controls[i].BackgroundImage = global::FormDraughts01.Properties.Resources.WhitePromotedPiece;

                    //Take black pieces
                    foreach (Coordinate coordinate in bestMove.RemoveList)
                        for (int i = 0; i < Ctrl.BlackList.Count; i++)
                            if (/*Ctrl.BlackList[i].Taken == false &&*/
                                Ctrl.BlackList[i].X == coordinate.X &&
                                Ctrl.BlackList[i].Y == coordinate.Y)

                                //removes the counter from the board.
                                for (int j = 0; j < boardPanel.Controls.Count; j++)
                                    if ((boardPanel.Controls[j].Name[0] == 'b' ||
                                         boardPanel.Controls[j].Name[0] == 'B') &&
                                        (int)boardPanel.Controls[j].Tag == i)
                                        boardPanel.Controls[j].Visible = false;
                                //boardPanel.Controls[i].Visible = false;
                    if (Ctrl.WhiteWon())
                        System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("You lost.");
                    else if (Ctrl.BlackDraw())
                        Ctrl.GameDrawn = true;