Exemplo n.º 1
 public async Task<bool> Attack(int attack_idx, Actor a)
 { //returns true if attack hit
     if (await StunnedThisTurn())
         return false;
     //pos pos_of_target = new pos(a.row,a.col);
     AttackInfo info = AttackList.Attack(atype, attack_idx);
     if (weapons[0] != WeaponType.NO_WEAPON)
         info.damage = Weapon.Damage(weapons[0]);
     info.damage.source = this;
     int plus_to_hit = TotalSkill(SkillType.COMBAT);
     bool sneak_attack = false;
     if (this.IsHiddenFrom(a) || !a.CanSee(this) || (this == player && HasAttr(AttrType.SHADOW_CLOAK) && !tile().IsLit() && !a.HasAttr(AttrType.BLINDSIGHT)))
         sneak_attack = true;
     if (sneak_attack)
     { //sneak attacks get +25% accuracy. this usually totals 100% vs. unarmored targets.
         plus_to_hit += 25;
     if (HasAttr(AttrType.BLESSED))
         plus_to_hit += 10;
     plus_to_hit -= a.ArmorClass() * 2;
     bool hit = a.IsHit(plus_to_hit);
     if (HasFeat(FeatType.DRIVE_BACK))
         bool nowhere_to_run = true;
         int dir = DirectionOf(a);
         if (a.TileInDirection(dir).passable && a.ActorInDirection(dir) == null)
             nowhere_to_run = false;
         if (a.TileInDirection(RotateDirection(dir, true)).passable && a.ActorInDirection(RotateDirection(dir, true)) == null)
             nowhere_to_run = false;
         if (a.TileInDirection(RotateDirection(dir, false)).passable && a.ActorInDirection(RotateDirection(dir, false)) == null)
             nowhere_to_run = false;
         if (a.HasAttr(AttrType.FROZEN) || a.HasAttr(AttrType.NEVER_MOVES))
             nowhere_to_run = true;
         if (nowhere_to_run)
             hit = true;
     bool no_armor_message = false; //no_armor_message means "don't print 'your armor blocks the attack' for misses"
     if (a.HasAttr(AttrType.DEFENSIVE_STANCE) && Global.CoinFlip())
         hit = false;
         no_armor_message = true;
     if ((this.tile().Is(FeatureType.FOG) || a.tile().Is(FeatureType.FOG)) && Global.CoinFlip())
         hit = false;
         no_armor_message = true;
     if (a.IsHiddenFrom(this) || !CanSee(a) || (a == player && a.HasAttr(AttrType.SHADOW_CLOAK) && !a.tile().IsLit() && !HasAttr(AttrType.BLINDSIGHT)))
         if (Global.CoinFlip())
             hit = false;
             no_armor_message = true;
     bool player_in_combat = false;
     if (this == player || a == player)
         player_in_combat = true;
     if (attack_idx == 2 && (atype == ActorType.FROSTLING || atype == ActorType.FIRE_DRAKE))
         hit = true; //hack! these are the 2 'area' attacks that always hit
         player_in_combat = false;
     if (a == player && atype == ActorType.DREAM_CLONE)
         player_in_combat = false;
     if (player_in_combat)
     string s = info.desc + ". ";
     if (hit)
         if (HasFeat(FeatType.NECK_SNAP) && a.HasAttr(AttrType.MEDIUM_HUMANOID) && IsHiddenFrom(a))
             if (!HasAttr(AttrType.RESIST_NECK_SNAP))
                 B.Add(You("silently snap") + " " + a.Your() + " neck. ");
                 await a.TakeDamage(DamageType.NORMAL, DamageClass.NO_TYPE, 9001, this);
                 return true;
                 B.Add(You("silently snap") + " " + a.Your() + " neck. ");
                 B.Add("It doesn't seem to affect " + a.the_name + ". ");
         int dice = info.damage.dice;
         bool crit = false;
         int pos = s.IndexOf("&");
         if (pos != -1)
             s = s.Substring(0, pos) + TheVisible() + s.Substring(pos + 1);
         pos = s.IndexOf("^");
         if (pos != -1)
             string sc = "";
             int critical_target = 20;
             if (weapons[0] == WeaponType.DAGGER)
                 critical_target -= 2;
             if (HasFeat(FeatType.LETHALITY))
             { //10% crit plus 5% for each 20% health the target is missing
                 critical_target -= 2;
                 int fifth = a.maxhp / 5; //uses int because it assumes everything has a multiple of 5hp
                 int totaldamage = a.maxhp - a.curhp;
                 if (fifth > 0)
                     int missing_fifths = totaldamage / fifth;
                     critical_target -= missing_fifths;
             if ((info.damage.type == DamageType.NORMAL || info.damage.type == DamageType.PIERCING
             || info.damage.type == DamageType.BASHING || info.damage.type == DamageType.SLASHING)
             && Global.Roll(1, 20) >= critical_target)
             { //maybe this should become a check for physical damage - todo?
                 crit = true;
                 sc = "critically ";
             s = s.Substring(0, pos) + sc + s.Substring(pos + 1);
         pos = s.IndexOf("*");
         if (pos != -1)
             s = s.Substring(0, pos) + a.TheVisible() + s.Substring(pos + 1);
         if (sneak_attack && crit)
             if (!a.HasAttr(AttrType.UNDEAD) && !a.HasAttr(AttrType.CONSTRUCT)
                 && !a.HasAttr(AttrType.PLANTLIKE) && !a.HasAttr(AttrType.BOSS_MONSTER))
                 if (a.atype != ActorType.PLAYER)
                 { //being nice to the player here...
                     switch (weapons[0])
                         case WeaponType.SWORD:
                         case WeaponType.FLAMEBRAND:
                             B.Add("You run " + a.TheVisible() + " through! ");
                         case WeaponType.MACE:
                         case WeaponType.MACE_OF_FORCE:
                             B.Add("You bash " + a.YourVisible() + " head in! ");
                         case WeaponType.DAGGER:
                         case WeaponType.VENOMOUS_DAGGER:
                             B.Add("You pierce one of " + a.YourVisible() + " vital organs! ");
                         case WeaponType.STAFF:
                         case WeaponType.STAFF_OF_MAGIC:
                             B.Add("You bring your staff down on " + a.YourVisible() + " head with a loud crack! ");
                         case WeaponType.BOW:
                         case WeaponType.HOLY_LONGBOW:
                             B.Add("You choke " + a.TheVisible() + " with your bowstring! ");
                     await a.TakeDamage(DamageType.NORMAL, DamageClass.NO_TYPE, 1337, this);
                     return true;
                 { //...but not too nice
                     B.Add(AVisible() + " strikes from hiding! ");
                     B.Add("The deadly attack leaves you stunned! ");
                     int lotsofdamage = Math.Max(dice * 6, a.curhp / 2);
                     Q.Add(new Event(a, Global.Roll(2, 5) * 100, AttrType.STUNNED, "You are no longer stunned. "));
                     await a.TakeDamage(DamageType.NORMAL, DamageClass.PHYSICAL, lotsofdamage, this, a_name);
         if (sneak_attack)
             B.Add(YouVisible("strike") + " from hiding! ");
             if (atype != ActorType.PLAYER)
                 attrs[AttrType.TURNS_VISIBLE] = -1;
                 a.player_visibility_duration = -1;
         B.Add(s, this, a);
         int dmg;
         if (crit)
             dmg = dice * 6;
             dmg = Global.Roll(dice, 6);
         dmg += TotalSkill(SkillType.COMBAT);
         int r = a.row;
         int c = a.col;
         bool troll = (a.atype == ActorType.TROLL || a.atype == ActorType.TROLL_SEER);
         bool mech_shield = a.HasAttr(AttrType.MECHANICAL_SHIELD);
         if (crit && mech_shield)
             a.attrs[Forays.AttrType.MECHANICAL_SHIELD] = 0;
         await a.TakeDamage(info.damage.type, info.damage.damclass, dmg, this, a_name);
         if (crit && mech_shield)
         if (M.actor[r, c] != null)
             if (HasAttr(AttrType.FIRE_HIT) || attrs[AttrType.ON_FIRE] >= 3)
             { //todo: a frostling's ranged attack shouldn't apply this
                 if (!a.HasAttr(AttrType.INVULNERABLE))
                 { //to prevent the message
                     int amount = Global.Roll(6);
                     if (!a.HasAttr(AttrType.RESIST_FIRE) || amount / a.attrs[AttrType.RESIST_FIRE] > 0)
                     { //todo i think resistance is wrong here
                         B.Add(a.YouAre() + " burned. ", a);
                     await a.TakeDamage(DamageType.FIRE, DamageClass.PHYSICAL, amount, this, a_name);
         if (troll && HasAttr(AttrType.FIRE_HIT) && M.tile[r, c].Is(FeatureType.TROLL_CORPSE))
             M.tile[r, c].features.Remove(FeatureType.TROLL_CORPSE);
             B.Add("The troll corpse burns to ashes! ", M.tile[r, c]);
         if (troll && HasAttr(AttrType.FIRE_HIT) && M.tile[r, c].Is(FeatureType.TROLL_SEER_CORPSE))
             M.tile[r, c].features.Remove(FeatureType.TROLL_SEER_CORPSE);
             B.Add("The troll seer corpse burns to ashes! ", M.tile[r, c]);
         if (HasAttr(AttrType.COLD_HIT) && attack_idx == 0 && M.actor[r, c] != null)
             //hack: only applies to attack 0
             if (!a.HasAttr(AttrType.INVULNERABLE))
             { //to prevent the message
                 B.Add(a.YouAre() + " chilled. ", a);
                 await a.TakeDamage(DamageType.COLD, DamageClass.PHYSICAL, Global.Roll(1, 6), this, a_name);
         if (HasAttr(AttrType.POISON_HIT) && M.actor[r, c] != null)
             if (!a.HasAttr(AttrType.UNDEAD) && !a.HasAttr(AttrType.CONSTRUCT)
             && !a.HasAttr(AttrType.POISON_HIT) && !a.HasAttr(AttrType.IMMUNE_TOXINS))
                 if (a.HasAttr(AttrType.POISONED))
                     B.Add(a.YouAre() + " more poisoned. ", a);
                     B.Add(a.YouAre() + " poisoned. ", a);
                 Q.Add(new Event(a, (Global.Roll(6) + 6) * 100, AttrType.POISONED));
         if (HasAttr(AttrType.PARALYSIS_HIT) && attack_idx == 1 && atype == ActorType.CARRION_CRAWLER && M.actor[r, c] != null)
             if (!a.HasAttr(AttrType.IMMUNE_TOXINS))
                 //hack: carrion crawler only
                 B.Add(a.YouAre() + " paralyzed. ", a);
                 a.attrs[AttrType.PARALYZED] = Global.Roll(1, 3) + 3;
         if (HasAttr(AttrType.FORCE_HIT) && M.actor[r, c] != null)
             if (Global.OneIn(3))
                 if (Global.CoinFlip())
                     await a.GetKnockedBack(this);
                     if (!a.HasAttr(AttrType.STUNNED))
                         B.Add(a.YouAre() + " stunned. ", a);
                         int duration = (Global.Roll(4) + 3) * 100;
                         if (crit)
                             duration += 250;
                             crit = false; //note this - don't try to use crit again after this on-hit stuff.
                         Q.Add(new Event(a, duration, AttrType.STUNNED, a.YouAre() + " no longer stunned. ", new PhysicalObject[] { a }));
         if (HasAttr(AttrType.DIM_VISION_HIT) && M.actor[r, c] != null)
             string str = "";
             if (a.atype == ActorType.PLAYER)
                 B.Add("Your vision grows weak. ");
                 str = "Your vision returns to normal. ";
             //Q.Add(new Event(a,a.DurationOfMagicalEffect(Global.Roll(2,20)+20)*100,AttrType.DIM_VISION,str));
             a.GainAttrRefreshDuration(AttrType.DIM_VISION, a.DurationOfMagicalEffect(Global.Roll(2, 20) + 20) * 100, str);
         if (HasAttr(AttrType.STALAGMITE_HIT))
             List<Tile> tiles = new List<Tile>();
             foreach (Tile t in M.tile[r, c].TilesWithinDistance(1))
                 if (t.actor() == null && (t.ttype == TileType.FLOOR || t.ttype == TileType.STALAGMITE))
                     if (Global.CoinFlip())
                     { //50% for each...
             foreach (Tile t in tiles)
                 if (t.ttype == TileType.STALAGMITE)
                     Q.KillEvents(t, EventType.STALAGMITE);
                     t.Toggle(this, TileType.STALAGMITE);
             Q.Add(new Event(tiles, 150, EventType.STALAGMITE));
         if (HasAttr(AttrType.GRAB_HIT) && M.actor[r, c] != null && !HasAttr(AttrType.GRABBING) && DistanceFrom(a) == 1)
             attrs[Forays.AttrType.GRABBING] = DirectionOf(a);
             B.Add(the_name + " grabs " + a.the_name + ". ", this, a);
         if (HasAttr(AttrType.LIFE_DRAIN_HIT) && curhp < maxhp)
             curhp += 10;
             if (curhp > maxhp)
                 curhp = maxhp;
             B.Add(YouFeel() + " restored. ", this);
         if (HasAttr(AttrType.STUN_HIT) && M.actor[r, c] != null)
             B.Add(a.YouAre() + " stunned. ", a);
             int duration = 550;
             if (crit)
                 duration += 250;
                 crit = false;
             a.GainAttrRefreshDuration(AttrType.STUNNED, duration, a.YouAre() + " no longer stunned. ", a);
         if (crit && M.actor[r, c] != null)
             B.Add(a.YouAre() + " stunned. ", a);
             a.GainAttrRefreshDuration(AttrType.STUNNED, 250, a.YouAre() + " no longer stunned. ", a);
         if (M.actor[r, c] != null && a.atype == ActorType.SWORDSMAN)
             if (a.attrs[AttrType.BONUS_COMBAT] > 0)
                 B.Add(a.the_name + " returns to a defensive stance. ", a);
                 a.attrs[AttrType.BONUS_COMBAT] = 0;
             Q.Add(new Event(a, 100, AttrType.COOLDOWN_1));
         if (a.HasAttr(AttrType.DEFENSIVE_STANCE) || (a.HasFeat(FeatType.FULL_DEFENSE) && Global.CoinFlip()))
             //make an attack against a random enemy next to a
             List<Actor> list = a.ActorsWithinDistance(1, true);
             list.Remove(this); //don't consider yourself or the original target
             if (list.Count > 0)
                 B.Add(a.You("deflect") + " the attack. ", this, a);
                 return await Attack(attack_idx, list[Global.Roll(1, list.Count) - 1]);
             //this would currently enter an infinite loop if two adjacent things used it at the same time
         if (this == player || a == player || player.CanSee(this) || player.CanSee(a))
         { //didn't change this yet
             if (s == "& lunges forward and ^hits *. ")
                 B.Add(the_name + " lunges forward and misses " + a.the_name + ". ");
                 if (s == "& hits * with a blast of cold. ")
                     B.Add(the_name + " nearly hits " + a.the_name + " with a blast of cold. ");
                     if (s.Length >= 20 && s.Substring(0, 20) == "& extends a tentacle")
                         B.Add(the_name + " misses " + a.the_name + " with a tentacle. ");
                         if (HasFeat(FeatType.DRIVE_BACK))
                             B.Add(You("drive") + " " + a.TheVisible() + " back. ");
                             if (a.ArmorClass() > 0 && !no_armor_message)
                                 if (a.atype != ActorType.PLAYER)
                                     B.Add(a.YourVisible() + " armor blocks " + YourVisible() + " attack. ");
                                     int miss_chance = 25 - plus_to_hit;
                                     if (Global.Roll(miss_chance) <= Armor.Protection(a.armors[0]) * 2)
                                         B.Add(a.YourVisible() + " armor blocks " + YourVisible() + " attack. ");
                                         B.Add(YouVisible("miss", true) + " " + a.TheVisible() + ". ");
                                 B.Add(YouVisible("miss", true) + " " + a.TheVisible() + ". ");
         if (HasFeat(FeatType.DRIVE_BACK))
             if (!a.HasAttr(AttrType.FROZEN) && !HasAttr(AttrType.FROZEN))
                 await a.AI_Step(this, true);
                 await AI_Step(a);
         if (a.atype == ActorType.SWORDSMAN)
             if (a.attrs[AttrType.BONUS_COMBAT] > 0)
                 B.Add(a.the_name + " returns to a defensive stance. ", a);
                 a.attrs[AttrType.BONUS_COMBAT] = 0;
             Q.Add(new Event(a, 100, AttrType.COOLDOWN_1));
     Q.Add(new Event(this, info.cost));
     return hit;