Exemplo n.º 1
        public ResultPopupScreen(ScenarioResult result, Scenario scenario)
            gameResult = result;
            gameScenario = scenario;

            if (result.Team1Human && !result.Team2Human)
                if (result.Team1Win && !result.Team2Win) resultText = "Victory";
                if (result.Team1Win && result.Team2Win) resultText = "Stalemate";
                if (!result.Team1Win && result.Team2Win) resultText = "Defeat";
                numStars = result.Team1ScoreRewarded;
            if (!result.Team1Human && result.Team2Human)
                if (!result.Team1Win && result.Team2Win) resultText = "Victory";
                if (result.Team1Win && result.Team2Win) resultText = "Stalemate";
                if (result.Team1Win && !result.Team2Win) resultText = "Defeat";
                numStars = result.Team2ScoreRewarded;
            if (result.Team1Human && result.Team2Human)
                if (result.Team1Win && !result.Team2Win) resultText = "Red Wins";
                if (result.Team1Win && result.Team2Win) resultText = "Stalemate";
                if (!result.Team1Win && result.Team2Win) resultText = "Blue Wins";
            if (!result.Team1Human && !result.Team2Human)
                if (result.Team1Win && !result.Team2Win) resultText = "Red Wins";
                if (result.Team1Win && result.Team2Win) resultText = "Stalemate";
                if (!result.Team1Win && result.Team2Win) resultText = "Blue Wins";

            TransitionOnTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.5);
            TransitionOffTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.5);
            IsPopup = true;

            EnabledGestures = GestureType.Tap;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the state of the game. This method checks the GameScreen.IsActive
        /// property, so the game will stop updating when the pause menu is active,
        /// or if you tab away to a different application.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime, bool otherScreenHasFocus,
                                                       bool coveredByOtherScreen)
            base.Update(gameTime, otherScreenHasFocus, coveredByOtherScreen);

            bool found = false;

            foreach (GameScreen screen in ScreenManager.GetScreens())
                if (screen.GetType() == typeof(PauseBackgroundScreen))
                    found = true;
            if (!found)

                if (gameSession.Team1Win || gameSession.Team2Win)
                    if (!resultReached)
                        resultReached = true;
                        ScenarioResult result = new ScenarioResult(gameSession, gameScenario);
                        ScreenManager.AddScreen(new ResultPopupScreen(result, gameScenario), null);