padMCU() public method

If a restart marker is found with too little of an MCU count (i.e. our Restart Interval is 63 and we have 61 we copy the last MCU until it's full)
public padMCU ( int index, int length ) : void
index int
length int
return void
Exemplo n.º 1
        private void DecodeScan(byte numberOfComponents, byte[] componentSelector, int resetInterval, JPEGBinaryReader jpegReader, ref byte marker)
            //TODO: not necessary
            jpegReader.eob_run = 0;

            int mcuIndex      = 0;
            int mcuTotalIndex = 0;

            // This loops through until a MarkerTagFound exception is
            // found, if the marker tag is a RST (Restart Marker) it
            // simply skips it and moves on this system does not handle
            // corrupt data streams very well, it could be improved by
            // handling misplaced restart markers.

            int h = 0, v = 0;
            int x = 0;

            long lastPosition = jpegReader.BaseStream.Position;

            //TODO: replace this with a loop which knows how much data to expect
            while (true)
                #region Inform caller of decode progress

                if (ProgressUpdateMethod != null)
                    if (jpegReader.BaseStream.Position >= lastPosition + JpegDecoder.ProgressUpdateByteInterval)
                        lastPosition = jpegReader.BaseStream.Position;


                    // Loop though capturing MCU, instruct each
                    // component to read in its necessary count, for
                    // scaling factors the components automatically
                    // read in how much they need

                    // Sec A.2.2 from CCITT Rec. T.81 (1992 E)
                    bool interleaved = !(numberOfComponents == 1);

                    if (!interleaved)
                        JpegComponent comp = Scan.GetComponentById(componentSelector[0]);


                        comp.DecodeMCU(jpegReader, h, v);

                        int mcus_per_line   = mcus_per_row(comp);
                        int blocks_per_line = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)this.Width / (8 * comp.factorH));

                        // TODO: Explain the non-interleaved scan ------

                        h++; x++;

                        if (h == comp.factorH)
                            h = 0; mcuIndex++;

                        if ((x % mcus_per_line) == 0)
                            x = 0;

                            if (v == comp.factorV)
                                if (h != 0)
                                    mcuIndex++; h = 0;
                                v = 0;
                                mcuIndex -= blocks_per_line;

                                // we were mid-block
                                if (h != 0)
                                    mcuIndex++; h = 0;

                        // -----------------------------------------------
                    else // Components are interleaved
                        for (int compIndex = 0; compIndex < numberOfComponents; compIndex++)
                            JpegComponent comp = Scan.GetComponentById(componentSelector[compIndex]);

                            for (int j = 0; j < comp.factorV; j++)
                                for (int i = 0; i < comp.factorH; i++)
                                    comp.DecodeMCU(jpegReader, i, j);

                // We've found a marker, see if the marker is a restart
                // marker or just the next marker in the stream. If
                // it's the next marker in the stream break out of the
                // while loop, if it's just a restart marker skip it
                catch (JPEGMarkerFoundException ex)
                    marker = ex.Marker;

                    // Handle JPEG Restart Markers, this is where the
                    // count of MCU's per interval is compared with
                    // the count actually obtained, if it's short then
                    // pad on some MCU's ONLY for components that are
                    // greater than one. Also restart the DC prediction
                    // to zero.
                    if (marker == JPEGMarker.RST0 ||
                        marker == JPEGMarker.RST1 ||
                        marker == JPEGMarker.RST2 ||
                        marker == JPEGMarker.RST3 ||
                        marker == JPEGMarker.RST4 ||
                        marker == JPEGMarker.RST5 ||
                        marker == JPEGMarker.RST6 ||
                        marker == JPEGMarker.RST7)
                        for (int compIndex = 0; compIndex < numberOfComponents; compIndex++)
                            JpegComponent comp = Scan.GetComponentById(componentSelector[compIndex]);
                            if (compIndex > 1)
                                comp.padMCU(mcuTotalIndex, resetInterval - mcuIndex);

                        mcuTotalIndex += (resetInterval - mcuIndex);
                        mcuIndex       = 0;
                        break; // We're at the end of our scan, exit out.
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void DecodeScan(byte numberOfComponents, byte[] componentSelector, int resetInterval, JPEGBinaryReader jpegReader, ref byte marker)
            jpegReader.eob_run = 0;
            int  num      = 0;
            int  num2     = 0;
            int  num3     = 0;
            int  num4     = 0;
            int  num5     = 0;
            long position = jpegReader.BaseStream.Position;

            while (true)
                if (ProgressUpdateMethod != null && jpegReader.BaseStream.Position >= position + JpegDecoder.ProgressUpdateByteInterval)
                    position = jpegReader.BaseStream.Position;
                    if (numberOfComponents == 1)
                        JpegComponent componentById = Scan.GetComponentById(componentSelector[0]);
                        componentById.DecodeMCU(jpegReader, num3, num4);
                        int num6 = mcus_per_row(componentById);
                        int num7 = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)(int)Width / (double)(8 * componentById.factorH));
                        if (num3 == componentById.factorH)
                            num3 = 0;
                        if (num5 % num6 == 0)
                            num5 = 0;
                            if (num4 == componentById.factorV)
                                if (num3 != 0)
                                    num3 = 0;
                                num4 = 0;
                                num -= num7;
                                if (num3 != 0)
                                    num3 = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfComponents; i++)
                            JpegComponent componentById2 = Scan.GetComponentById(componentSelector[i]);
                            for (int j = 0; j < componentById2.factorV; j++)
                                for (int k = 0; k < componentById2.factorH; k++)
                                    componentById2.DecodeMCU(jpegReader, k, j);
                catch (JPEGMarkerFoundException ex)
                    marker = ex.Marker;
                    if (marker != 208 && marker != 209 && marker != 210 && marker != 211 && marker != 212 && marker != 213 && marker != 214 && marker != 215)
                    for (int l = 0; l < numberOfComponents; l++)
                        JpegComponent componentById3 = Scan.GetComponentById(componentSelector[l]);
                        if (l > 1)
                            componentById3.padMCU(num2, resetInterval - num);
                    num2 += resetInterval - num;
                    num   = 0;