Exemplo n.º 1
        internal TCopiedGen DrawingGen; //used when copying to make sure we don't repeat.

        #region Constructor
        internal TWorkbookGlobals(ExcelFile aWorkbook)
            FWorkbook = aWorkbook;

            FFileEncryption = new TFileEncryption();
            FLel            = new TMiscRecordList();
            FBoundSheets    = new TBoundSheetList();
            FFnGroups       = new TMiscRecordList();

            FWorkbookProtection = new TWorkbookProtection();
            FFonts       = new TFontRecordList();
            FFormats     = TFormatRecordList.Create();
            FStyleXF     = new TXFRecordList();
            FCellXF      = new TXFRecordList();
            FDXF         = new TDXFRecordList();
            FStyles      = new TStyleRecordList();
            FTableStyles = new TTableStyleRecordList();

            FPivotCache = new TMiscRecordList();
            FXlsxPivotCache  = new TXlsxPivotCacheList();
            FXlsxConnections = null;
            FDocRoute  = new TMiscRecordList();
            FUserBView = new TMiscRecordList();

            FMetaData     = new TMiscRecordList();
            FNames        = new TNameRecordList();
            FRealTimeData = new TMiscRecordList();

            FReferences = new TReferences();

            FHeaderImages = new TDrawingGroup(xlr.HEADERIMG, 14);
            FDrawingGroup = new TDrawingGroup(xlr.MSODRAWINGGROUP, 0);

            FSST    = new TSST();
            FWebPub = new TMiscRecordList();

            FFeatHdr = new TMiscRecordList();
            FDConn   = new TMiscRecordList();

            FBorders            = new TBorderList();
            FPatterns           = new TPatternList();
            FFutureRecords      = new TMiscRecordList();
            StylesFutureStorage = null;

            CalcOptions = new TCalcOptions();
            ThemeRecord = new TThemeRecord();

            CustomXMLData = new TCustomXMLDataStorageList();
Exemplo n.º 2
        internal void MergeFromPxlGlobals(TWorkbookGlobals SourceGlobals)
            sBOF         = SourceGlobals.sBOF;
            FSST         = SourceGlobals.FSST;
            FReferences  = SourceGlobals.FReferences;
            FBoundSheets = SourceGlobals.FBoundSheets;

            //Pxl doesn't have styles.
            CellXF.MergeFromPxlXF(SourceGlobals.CellXF, Fonts.Count - 1, this, SourceGlobals);  //-1 because fonts[0] will be merged
            //Formats are added in FXF.Merge

            FNames  = SourceGlobals.FNames;
            Window1 = SourceGlobals.Window1;

            CodePage = SourceGlobals.CodePage;
            Country  = SourceGlobals.Country;