Exemplo n.º 1
        static void CheckNextLink(WebPageClass _currentWebPage)
            bool   ContinueRunning = true;
            string _currentLink    = String.Empty;

            lock (_objectLockWebPageInternalLinksList)
                _currentLink = WebPagesLinksToCheck[_currentWebPage.WebPageName].FirstOrDefault(); //Get link to check fromweb page

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_currentLink))
                ContinueRunning = false;

            while (ContinueRunning) //While web page has unchecked links
                //Update web page counters after getting result of links checks
                WebUtils webUtils = new WebUtils();
                switch (webUtils.GetLinkRequestCode(_currentLink))
                case 0:
                    lock (_objectLockWebPageClass)

                case 1:
                    lock (_objectLockWebPageClass)

                    lock (_objectLockWebPageClass)

                lock (_objectLockWebPagesDictionary)
                    _currentLink = WebPagesLinksToCheck[_currentWebPage.WebPageName].FirstOrDefault(); //Get link to check fromweb page

                //Stop when web page has its all links checked
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_currentLink))
                    ContinueRunning = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
        static void CheckWebPageLinks()
            string _currentWebPage = String.Empty;

            while (true) //Never stop (for virtualizing IIS socket)
                GeneralUtils generalUtils = new GeneralUtils();

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_currentWebPage))
                    lock (_objectLockWebPagesList)
                        _currentWebPage = WebPagesToCheck.FirstOrDefault(); //Get web page from IIS queue

                if ((_currentWebPage != null) && (_currentWebPage != ""))
                    WebPageClass CurrentWebPage = new WebPageClass(_currentWebPage);

                    Settings    settingsValues = new Settings();
                    SQLRequests SQLReq         = new SQLRequests();
                    CurrentWebPage = SQLReq.GetWebPageCheckResults(CurrentWebPage.WebPageName, settingsValues.TimePeriodForValidCheckResultsInMinutes);
                    if (CurrentWebPage.AllLinks > 0) //Results from last x minutes exist in the DB and will return to the request
                        Console.WriteLine("Results from DB - " + CurrentWebPage.WebPageName + Environment.NewLine + "Number of links = " + CurrentWebPage.AllLinks + "   Working links = " + CurrentWebPage.WorkinkLinks + "   Broken links = " + CurrentWebPage.BrokenLinks + "   Time out links = " + CurrentWebPage.TimeoutLinks + "    Total check time = " + generalUtils.ConvertSecondsToMinutes(CurrentWebPage.TotalCheckTime) + Environment.NewLine);
                        _currentWebPage = "";
                    else //No results exist in the DB
                        bool addToCheckWebList = false;

                        lock (_objectLockWebPagesDictionary)
                            if ((WebPagesLinksToCheck.ContainsKey(CurrentWebPage.WebPageName)) && (WebPagesLinksToCheck[CurrentWebPage.WebPageName].Count > 0)) //Web page links currently being checked
                                addToCheckWebList = false;
                                Thread.Sleep(60000); //Sleep 1 minutes to wait for the check results
                            else //Add a check web page to dictionary
                                addToCheckWebList = true;
                                if (!WebPagesLinksToCheck.ContainsKey(CurrentWebPage.WebPageName))
                                    WebPagesLinksToCheck.Add(CurrentWebPage.WebPageName, new List <string>());

                        if (addToCheckWebList) //Check web page links
                            DateTime StartTime = new DateTime();
                            DateTime EndTime   = new DateTime();

                            StartTime = DateTime.Now;

                            //Get all links from http
                            WebUtils      webUtils         = new WebUtils();
                            List <string> LinksFromWebPage = webUtils.GetAllLinksFromWebPage(CurrentWebPage.WebPageName);
                            lock (_objectLockWebPagesDictionary)
                                foreach (string item in LinksFromWebPage)
                                CurrentWebPage.AllLinks = WebPagesLinksToCheck[CurrentWebPage.WebPageName].Count;

                            if (CurrentWebPage.AllLinks > 0) //Address is valid and internet connection works
                                int    numberOfLinksCheckTasks = settingsValues.DeterminNumberOfSockets(CurrentWebPage.AllLinks);
                                Task[] AllTasks = new Task[numberOfLinksCheckTasks];

                                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLinksCheckTasks; i++)
                                    AllTasks[i] = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => CheckNextLink(CurrentWebPage));

                                //All unchecked links after timeout time will considered as timeout links
                                if (!Task.WaitAll(AllTasks, settingsValues.WebPageCheckTimeoutInMilliseconds))
                                    int allUncheckLinks = CurrentWebPage.AllLinks - CurrentWebPage.WorkinkLinks - CurrentWebPage.BrokenLinks - CurrentWebPage.TimeoutLinks;
                                    lock (_objectLockWebPageClass)
                                        CurrentWebPage.TimeoutLinks = CurrentWebPage.TimeoutLinks + allUncheckLinks;

                                EndTime = DateTime.Now;
                                TimeSpan ts = EndTime - StartTime;
                                CurrentWebPage.TotalCheckTime = (int)ts.TotalSeconds;

                                //Add result to the DB and print a message
                                if (SQLReq.AddWebCheckResult(CurrentWebPage.WebPageName, CurrentWebPage.AllLinks, CurrentWebPage.WorkinkLinks, CurrentWebPage.BrokenLinks, CurrentWebPage.TimeoutLinks, CurrentWebPage.TotalCheckTime))
                                    Console.WriteLine("INSERTED - " + CurrentWebPage.WebPageName + Environment.NewLine + "Number of links = " + CurrentWebPage.AllLinks + "   Working links = " + CurrentWebPage.WorkinkLinks + "   Broken links = " + CurrentWebPage.BrokenLinks + "   Time out links = " + CurrentWebPage.TimeoutLinks + "    Total check time = " + generalUtils.ConvertSecondsToMinutes(CurrentWebPage.TotalCheckTime) + Environment.NewLine);
                                    Console.WriteLine("NOT INSERTED - " + CurrentWebPage.WebPageName + Environment.NewLine);
                                _currentWebPage = String.Empty;
                            else //Address is not valid or no internet connection - set web page as timeout page
                                EndTime = DateTime.Now;
                                TimeSpan ts = EndTime - StartTime;
                                CurrentWebPage.TotalCheckTime = (int)ts.TotalSeconds;

                                //Add result to the DB (name and all counts are 0) and print a message
                                if (SQLReq.AddWebCheckResult(CurrentWebPage.WebPageName, 0, 0, 0, 0, CurrentWebPage.TotalCheckTime))
                                    Console.WriteLine("ERROR - Error reading web page links " + Environment.NewLine + "INSERTED - " + CurrentWebPage.WebPageName + Environment.NewLine + "Number of links = " + CurrentWebPage.AllLinks + "   Working links = " + CurrentWebPage.WorkinkLinks + "   Broken links = " + CurrentWebPage.BrokenLinks + "   Time out links = " + CurrentWebPage.TimeoutLinks + "    Total check time = " + generalUtils.ConvertSecondsToMinutes(CurrentWebPage.TotalCheckTime) + Environment.NewLine);
                                    Console.WriteLine("ERROR - Error reading web page links and DB insertion failed " + Environment.NewLine + "NOT INSERTED - " + CurrentWebPage.WebPageName + Environment.NewLine);
                                _currentWebPage = String.Empty;

                Thread.Sleep(3000); //Sleep 3 seconds for reducing actions while queue is empty