Exemplo n.º 1
        //The Main Function
        //public static void AnalyzeAll(MainWindow _mw, object o_filepath, int record_id)
        //    string filepath = (string)o_filepath;
        //    List<FileNames> Filelist = new List<FileNames>();
        //    GetSystemAllPath.GetallDirectory(Filelist,filepath);

        //    for(int i = 0; i < Filelist.Count(); i++ )
        //    {
        //        string timeFolder = filepath +"\\"+ Filelist[i].text;
        //        //Thread ScanFolderThread = new Thread(ScanFolder);
        //        //ScanFolderThread.Start(timeFolder);
        //        //Console.WriteLine("Analyzing " + timeFolder + ".....\n");
        //        mw.DebugWriteLine("开始分析" + timeFolder + "...");
        //        ScanFolder(timeFolder, record_id);
        //    }

        //Scan one folder for time
        //public static void ScanFolder(object o_filepath, int record_id)
        //    string filepath = (string)o_filepath;
        //    string CalResFolder = filepath + "\\CalResult";
        //    //string EncodeFolder = filepath + "\\EncodeResult";
        //    string EncodeFolder = filepath;
        //    //Thread ScanCalThread = new Thread(ScanCalResult);
        //    //Thread ScanEncThread = new Thread(ScanEncodeResult);
        //    //ScanCalThread.Start(CalResFolder);
        //    //ScanEncThread.Start(EncodeFolder);
        //    ScanCalResult(CalResFolder, record_id);
        //    ScanEncodeResult(EncodeFolder, record_id);

        //Deal with CalResult
        public static void ScanCalResult(object o_filepath, string metercsv, int record_id)
            string           filepath         = (string)o_filepath;
            int              extra_file_count = 0;
            List <FileNames> Filelist         = new List <FileNames>();

            GetSystemAllPath.GetallDirectory(Filelist, filepath);
            if (Filelist.Count() < 1)
            // Analyze csv result
            for (int i = 0; i < Filelist.Count(); i++)
                string csvpath = filepath + "\\" + Filelist[i].text;
                //Console.WriteLine("---Analyzing " + Filelist[i].text + ".....\n");
                mw.DebugWriteLine("分析数据文件" + Filelist[i].text + "...");
                CSVHandler.HandleCSVParam hcsv_param;
                hcsv_param.record_id = record_id;
                hcsv_param.filepath  = csvpath;
                hcsv_param.mw        = mw;
                // Handle the csv-Result
                // Handle the csv-Result mtd
                Thread HandleCSV_thread = new Thread(CSVHandler.HandleCSV);
                // Handle the csv-Result mtd and multi-line
                //Thread HandleCSV_thread = new Thread(CSVHandler.HandleCSV_multiLine);
            // Analyze mileage result
            if (File.Exists(metercsv))
                mw.DebugWriteLine("分析里程记录文件" + metercsv);
                CSVHandler.HandleMileageParam hmil_param;
                hmil_param.csv_file_path = metercsv;
                hmil_param.record_id     = record_id;
                hmil_param.mw            = mw;
                Thread HandleMil_thread = new Thread(CSVHandler.HandleMileage);
            // Waiting for all threads work done
            while (threadControlCounter < (Filelist.Count() + extra_file_count))

            threadControlCounter = 0;
            // mw.DebugWriteLine("分析数据文件" + Filelist[i].text + "完成");
Exemplo n.º 2
        //Deal with EncodeResult
        public static void ScanEncodeResult(object o_filepath, int record_id)
            string           filepath     = (string)o_filepath;
            string           EncodeResult = filepath + "\\EncodeResult";
            List <FileNames> Filelist     = new List <FileNames>();

            GetSystemAllPath.GetallDirectory(Filelist, EncodeResult);
            //Console.WriteLine("---Decoding " + EncodeResult + ".....\n");
            if (Filelist.Count() < 1)
            mw.DebugWriteLine("解析视频目录" + EncodeResult + "...");
            for (int i = 0; i < Filelist.Count(); i++)
                string mjpegpath  = EncodeResult + "\\" + Filelist[i].text + "\\" + Filelist[i].children[0].text;
                string outputpath = filepath + "\\DecodeResult\\" + Filelist[i].text;
                //Console.WriteLine("------Decoding " + Filelist[i].text + ".....\n");
                mw.DebugWriteLine("解析视频文件" + Filelist[i].text + "...");
                //Decode the mjpeg
                MjpegHandler.DecodeParam param;
                param.inputvideo = mjpegpath;
                param.outputpath = outputpath;
                Thread DecodeThread = new Thread(MjpegHandler.CallPythonToDecode);
            mw.DebugWriteLine("导入视频序列" + EncodeResult + "...");
            for (int i = 0; i < Filelist.Count(); i++)
                mw.DebugWriteLine("导入视频序列" + Filelist[i].text + "...");
                string image_root_url = filepath + "\\DecodeResult\\" + Filelist[i].text;
                string mjpeg_csv_path = EncodeResult + "\\" + Filelist[i].text + "\\" + Filelist[i].children[1].text;
                // Get CameraNum from filename
                int cam_num = ConfigHandler.GetCameraNum(Filelist[i].children[1].text.Split("_")[1].Split(".")[0].ToCharArray());
                if (cam_num < 1 || cam_num == 999)
                CSVHandler.HandleTimestampParam htime_param;
                htime_param.record_id       = record_id;
                htime_param.cam_num         = cam_num;
                htime_param.csv_file_path   = mjpeg_csv_path;
                htime_param.mjpeg_root_path = image_root_url;
                htime_param.mw = mw;
                // Handle Timestamp csv
                // Handle Timestamp csv mtd
                Thread htime_thread = new Thread(CSVHandler.HandleTimestamp);

                // mw.DebugWriteLine("导入视频序列" + Filelist[i].text + "完成");
            mw.DebugWriteLine("导入视频序列" + EncodeResult + "完成");

            while (threadControlCounter < (Filelist.Count() * 2))
                int task_now = (int)(GetSystemAllPath.GetDirectorySize(filepath + "\\DecodeResult") / 1000000);
                mw.SubProcessReport(task_now + mw.line_counter);
            threadControlCounter = 0;
            //Console.WriteLine("---Decoding Finished " + EncodeResult + ".....\n");
            mw.DebugWriteLine("解析视频目录" + EncodeResult + "完成");