Exemplo n.º 1
        public AttestedCredentialData(byte[] attData, ref int offset)
            Aaguid = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(attData, ref offset, 16);
            if (null == Aaguid)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("Attested credential data is invalid");
            GuidAaguid   = FromBigEndian(Aaguid);
            CredentialID = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(attData, ref offset);
            // Determining attested credential data's length, which is variable, involves determining credentialPublicKey’s beginning location given the preceding credentialId’s length, and then determining the credentialPublicKey’s length
            var ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(attData, offset, attData.Length - offset);

            // PeterO.Cbor.CBORObject.Read: This method will read from the stream until the end of the CBOR object is reached or an error occurs, whichever happens first.
            PeterO.Cbor.CBORObject tmp = null;
                tmp = PeterO.Cbor.CBORObject.Read(ms);
            catch (Exception)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("Failed to read credential public key from attested credential data");
            var aCDLen = tmp.EncodeToBytes().Length;

            CredentialPublicKey = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(attData, ref offset, (UInt16)(aCDLen));
            if (null == CredentialID || null == CredentialPublicKey)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("Attested credential data is invalid");
Exemplo n.º 2
        private MetadataStatement GetMetadataStatement(MetadataTOCPayloadEntry entry, bool fromCache)
            var rawStatement = "";

            if (false == fromCache)
                var client = new System.Net.WebClient();
                rawStatement = client.DownloadString(entry.Url + tokenParamName + _accessToken);
            if (null != _cacheDir && 3 < _cacheDir.Length)
                if (false == System.IO.Directory.Exists(_cacheDir))
                var filename = _cacheDir + @"\" + entry.AaGuid + @".jwt";
                if (false == fromCache)
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllText(filename, rawStatement, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
                    rawStatement = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(filename);

            var statementBytes = Base64Url.Decode(rawStatement);
            var statement      = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(statementBytes, 0, statementBytes.Length);
            var ret            = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MetadataStatement>(statement);

            ret.Hash = Base64Url.Encode(AuthDataHelper.GetHasher(new HashAlgorithmName(tocAlg)).ComputeHash(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(rawStatement)));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public AuthenticatorData(byte[] authData)
            if (null == authData || authData.Length < 37)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("Authenticator data is invalid");
            var offset = 0;

            RpIdHash  = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(authData, ref offset, 32);
            Flags     = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(authData, ref offset, 1)[0];
            SignCount = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(authData, ref offset, 4);
            if (false == AttestedCredentialDataPresent && false == ExtensionsPresent && 37 != authData.Length)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("Authenticator data flags and data mismatch");
            AttData    = null;
            Extensions = null;
            // Determining attested credential data's length, which is variable, involves determining credentialPublicKey’s beginning location given the preceding credentialId’s length, and then determining the credentialPublicKey’s length
            if (true == AttestedCredentialDataPresent)
                AttData = new AttestedCredentialData(authData, ref offset);
            if (true == ExtensionsPresent)
                Extensions = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(authData, ref offset, (UInt16)(authData.Length - offset));
            if (authData.Length != offset)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("Leftover bytes decoding AuthenticatorData");
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static (ushort size, byte[] name) NameFromTPM2BName(Memory <byte> ab, ref int offset)
            // TCG TPM Rev 2.0, part 2, structures, section 10.5.3, TPM2B_NAME
            // This buffer holds a Name for any entity type.
            // The type of Name in the structure is determined by context and the size parameter.
            var    totalBytes = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(ab, ref offset, 2);
            ushort totalSize  = 0;

            if (null != totalBytes)
                totalSize = BitConverter.ToUInt16(totalBytes.ToArray().Reverse().ToArray(), 0);
            ushort size  = 0;
            var    bytes = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(ab, ref offset, 2);

            if (null != bytes)
                size = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bytes.ToArray().Reverse().ToArray(), 0);
            // If size is four, then the Name is a handle.
            if (4 == size)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("Unexpected handle in TPM2B_NAME");
            // If size is zero, then no Name is present.
            if (0 == size)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("Unexpected no name found in TPM2B_NAME");
            // Otherwise, the size shall be the size of a TPM_ALG_ID plus the size of the digest produced by the indicated hash algorithm.
            byte[] name = null;
            if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(TpmAlg), size))
                var tpmalg = (TpmAlg)size;
                if (tpmAlgToDigestSizeMap.ContainsKey(tpmalg))
                    name = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(ab, ref offset, tpmAlgToDigestSizeMap[tpmalg]);
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("TPM_ALG_ID found in TPM2B_NAME not acceptable hash algorithm");
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("Invalid TPM_ALG_ID found in TPM2B_NAME");

            if (totalSize != bytes.Length + name.Length)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("Unexpected extra bytes found in TPM2B_NAME");
            return(size, name);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public AttestedCredentialData(byte[] attData, ref int offset)
            Aaguid = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(attData, ref offset, 16);
            if (null == Aaguid)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("Attested credential data is invalid");
            CredentialID = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(attData, ref offset);

            // Determining attested credential data's length, which is variable, involves determining credentialPublicKey’s beginning location given the preceding credentialId’s length, and then determining the credentialPublicKey’s length
            var aCDLen = AuthDataHelper.GetCBORMapLength(attData, offset, attData.Length - offset);

            CredentialPublicKey = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(attData, ref offset, (ushort)(aCDLen));
            if (null == CredentialID || null == CredentialPublicKey)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("Attested credential data is invalid");
Exemplo n.º 6
        public CertInfo(byte[] certInfo)
            if (null == certInfo || 0 == certInfo.Length)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("Malformed certInfo bytes");
            Raw = certInfo;
            var offset = 0;

            Magic = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(certInfo, ref offset, 4);
            if (0xff544347 != BitConverter.ToUInt32(Magic.ToArray().Reverse().ToArray(), 0))
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("Bad magic number " + Magic.ToString());
            Type = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(certInfo, ref offset, 2);
            if (0x8017 != BitConverter.ToUInt16(Type.ToArray().Reverse().ToArray(), 0))
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("Bad structure tag " + Type.ToString());
            QualifiedSigner = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(certInfo, ref offset);
            ExtraData       = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(certInfo, ref offset);
            if (null == ExtraData || 0 == ExtraData.Length)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("Bad extraData in certInfo");
            Clock           = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(certInfo, ref offset, 8);
            ResetCount      = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(certInfo, ref offset, 4);
            RestartCount    = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(certInfo, ref offset, 4);
            Safe            = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(certInfo, ref offset, 1);
            FirmwareVersion = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(certInfo, ref offset, 8);
            var TPM2BName = NameFromTPM2BName(certInfo, ref offset);

            Alg          = TPM2BName.size; // TPM_ALG_ID
            AttestedName = TPM2BName.name;
            AttestedQualifiedNameBuffer = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(certInfo, ref offset);
            if (certInfo.Length != offset)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("Leftover bits decoding certInfo");
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static byte[] GetEcDsaSigValue(byte[] ecDsaSig, ref int offset, bool longForm)
            var derInt = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(ecDsaSig, ref offset, 1);

            if (null == derInt || 0x02 != derInt[0])
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("ECDsa signature coordinate sequence does not contain DER integer value");                                      // DER INTEGER
            var lenByte = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(ecDsaSig, ref offset, 1);

            if (null == lenByte)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("ECDsa signature coordinate integer size invalid");
            var len = (ushort)lenByte[0];

            if (false == longForm)
                 *  Ecdsa-Sig-Value  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
                 *       r     INTEGER,
                 *       s     INTEGER  }
                 *  From: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/seccertenroll/about-integer
                 *  "Integer values are encoded into a TLV triplet that begins with a Tag value of 0x02.
                 *  The Value field of the TLV triplet contains the encoded integer if it is positive,
                 *  or its two's complement if it is negative. If the integer is positive but the high
                 *  order bit is set to 1, a leading 0x00 is added to the content to indicate that the
                 *  number is not negative."
                if (0x00 == ecDsaSig[offset] && ((ecDsaSig[offset + 1] & (1 << 7)) != 0))
            return(AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(ecDsaSig, ref offset, len));
Exemplo n.º 8
        public PubArea(byte[] pubArea)
            Raw = pubArea;
            var offset = 0;

            // TPMI_ALG_PUBLIC
            Type = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(pubArea, ref offset, 2);
            var tpmalg = (TpmAlg)Enum.Parse(typeof(TpmAlg), BitConverter.ToUInt16(Type.ToArray().Reverse().ToArray(), 0).ToString());

            // TPMI_ALG_HASH
            Alg = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(pubArea, ref offset, 2);

            // TPMA_OBJECT, attributes that, along with type, determine the manipulations of this object
            Attributes = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(pubArea, ref offset, 4);

            // TPM2B_DIGEST, optional policy for using this key, computed using the alg of the object
            Policy = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(pubArea, ref offset);

            // TPMU_PUBLIC_PARMS
            Symmetric = null;
            Scheme    = null;

            if (TpmAlg.TPM_ALG_KEYEDHASH == tpmalg)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("TPM_ALG_KEYEDHASH not yet supported");
            if (TpmAlg.TPM_ALG_SYMCIPHER == tpmalg)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("TPM_ALG_SYMCIPHER not yet supported");

            // TPMS_ASYM_PARMS, for TPM_ALG_RSA and TPM_ALG_ECC
            if (TpmAlg.TPM_ALG_RSA == tpmalg || TpmAlg.TPM_ALG_ECC == tpmalg)
                Symmetric = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(pubArea, ref offset, 2);
                Scheme    = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(pubArea, ref offset, 2);

            // TPMI_RSA_KEY_BITS, number of bits in the public modulus
            KeyBits = null;
            // The public exponent, a prime number greater than 2. When zero, indicates that the exponent is the default of 2^16 + 1
            Exponent = 0;

            if (TpmAlg.TPM_ALG_RSA == tpmalg)
                KeyBits = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(pubArea, ref offset, 2);
                var tmp = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(pubArea, ref offset, 4);
                if (null != tmp)
                    Exponent = BitConverter.ToUInt32(tmp.ToArray(), 0);
                    if (0 == Exponent)
                        Exponent = System.Convert.ToUInt32(Math.Pow(2, 16) + 1);

            // TPMI_ECC_CURVE
            CurveID = null;

            // TPMT_KDF_SCHEME, an optional key derivation scheme for generating a symmetric key from a Z value
            // If the kdf  parameter associated with curveID is not TPM_ALG_NULL then this is required to be NULL.
            // NOTE There are currently no commands where this parameter has effect and, in the reference code, this field needs to be set to TPM_ALG_NULL.
            KDF = null;

            if (TpmAlg.TPM_ALG_ECC == tpmalg)
                CurveID = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(pubArea, ref offset, 2);
                KDF     = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(pubArea, ref offset, 2);

            // TPMU_PUBLIC_ID
            Unique = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(pubArea, ref offset);
            if (pubArea.Length != offset)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("Leftover bytes decoding pubArea");
            if (null != CurveID)
                var point        = new System.Security.Cryptography.ECPoint();
                var uniqueOffset = 0;
                var size         = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(Unique, ref uniqueOffset, 2);
                point.X = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(Unique, ref uniqueOffset, BitConverter.ToUInt16(size.Reverse().ToArray(), 0));
                size    = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(Unique, ref uniqueOffset, 2);
                point.Y = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(Unique, ref uniqueOffset, BitConverter.ToUInt16(size.Reverse().ToArray(), 0));
                ECPoint = point;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public static byte[] SigFromEcDsaSig(byte[] ecDsaSig)
            // sanity check of input data
            if (null == ecDsaSig || 0 == ecDsaSig.Length || ecDsaSig.Length > ushort.MaxValue)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("Invalid ECDsa signature value");
            // first byte should be DER sequence marker
            var offset      = 0;
            var derSequence = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(ecDsaSig, ref offset, 1);

            if (null == derSequence || 0x30 != derSequence[0])
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("ECDsa signature not a valid DER sequence");
            // two forms of length, short form and long form
            // short form, one byte, bit 8 not set, rest of the bits indicate data length
            var dataLen = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(ecDsaSig, ref offset, 1);

            if (null == dataLen)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("ECDsa signature has invalid length");
            // long form, first byte, bit 8 is set, rest of bits indicate the length of the data length
            // so if bit 8 is on...
            var longForm = (0 != (dataLen[0] & (1 << 7)));

            if (true == longForm)
                // rest of bits indicate the length of the data length
                var longLen = (dataLen[0] & ~(1 << 7));
                // sanity check of input data
                if (ushort.MinValue > longLen || ushort.MaxValue < longLen)
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("ECDsa signature has invalid long form length");
                // total length of remaining data
                var longLenByte = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(ecDsaSig, ref offset, (ushort)longLen);
                if (null == longLenByte)
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("ECDsa signature has invalid long form length");
                longLen = longLenByte[0];
                // sanity check the length
                if (ecDsaSig.Length != (offset + longLen))
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("ECDsa signature has invalid long form length");

            // Get R value
            var r = GetEcDsaSigValue(ecDsaSig, ref offset, longForm);

            if (null == r)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("ECDsa signature R integer value invalid");

            // Get S value
            var s = GetEcDsaSigValue(ecDsaSig, ref offset, longForm);

            if (null == s)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("ECDsa signature S integer value invalid");

            // make sure we are at the end
            if (ecDsaSig.Length != offset)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("ECDsa signature has bytes leftover after parsing R and S values");

            // combine the coordinates and return the raw sign
            var sig = new byte[s.Length + r.Length];

            Buffer.BlockCopy(r, 0, sig, 0, r.Length);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(s, 0, sig, r.Length, s.Length);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public static byte[] SigFromEcDsaSig(byte[] ecDsaSig, int keySize)
            // sanity check of input data
            if (null == ecDsaSig || 0 == ecDsaSig.Length || ecDsaSig.Length > ushort.MaxValue)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("Invalid ECDsa signature value");
            // first byte should be DER sequence marker
            var offset      = 0;
            var derSequence = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(ecDsaSig, ref offset, 1);

            if (null == derSequence || 0x30 != derSequence[0])
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("ECDsa signature not a valid DER sequence");
            // two forms of length, short form and long form
            // short form, one byte, bit 8 not set, rest of the bits indicate data length
            var dataLen = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(ecDsaSig, ref offset, 1);

            if (null == dataLen)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("ECDsa signature has invalid length");
            // long form, first byte, bit 8 is set, rest of bits indicate the length of the data length
            // so if bit 8 is on...
            var longForm = (0 != (dataLen[0] & (1 << 7)));

            if (true == longForm)
                // rest of bits indicate the length of the data length
                var longLen = (dataLen[0] & ~(1 << 7));
                // sanity check of input data
                if (ushort.MinValue > longLen || ushort.MaxValue < longLen)
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("ECDsa signature has invalid long form length");
                // total length of remaining data
                var longLenByte = AuthDataHelper.GetSizedByteArray(ecDsaSig, ref offset, (ushort)longLen);
                if (null == longLenByte)
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("ECDsa signature has invalid long form length");
                longLen = longLenByte[0];
                // sanity check the length
                if (ecDsaSig.Length != (offset + longLen))
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("ECDsa signature has invalid long form length");

            // Get R value
            var r = GetEcDsaSigValue(ecDsaSig, ref offset, longForm);

            if (null == r)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("ECDsa signature R integer value invalid");

            // Get S value
            var s = GetEcDsaSigValue(ecDsaSig, ref offset, longForm);

            if (null == s)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("ECDsa signature S integer value invalid");

            // make sure we are at the end
            if (ecDsaSig.Length != offset)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("ECDsa signature has bytes leftover after parsing R and S values");

            // .NET requires IEEE P1393 fixed size unsigned big endian values for R and S
            // ASN.1 requires storing positive integer values with any leading 0s removed
            // Convert ASN.1 format to IEEE P1393 format
            // determine coefficient size
            var coefficientSize = (int)Math.Ceiling((decimal)keySize / 8);

            // Sanity check R and S value lengths
            if ((coefficientSize * 2) < (r.Length + s.Length))
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("ECDsa signature has invalid length for given curve key size");

            // Create byte array to copy R into
            var P1393R = new byte[coefficientSize];

            // Copy reversed ASN.1 R value to P1393R buffer, to get trailing zeroes if needed
            Buffer.BlockCopy(r.Reverse().ToArray(), 0, P1393R, 0, r.Length);

            // Create byte array to copy S into
            var P1393S = new byte[coefficientSize];

            // Copy reversed ASN.1 S value to P1393S buffer, to get trailing zeroes if needed
            Buffer.BlockCopy(s.Reverse().ToArray(), 0, P1393S, 0, s.Length);

            // Reverse and combine each coordinate and return the raw signature
            // Any trailing zeroes will become leading zeroes
            var sig = P1393R.Reverse().ToArray().Concat(P1393S.Reverse().ToArray()).ToArray();

Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Implements alghoritm from https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn/#verifying-assertion
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">The assertionoptions that was sent to the client</param>
        /// <param name="expectedOrigin">The expected server origin, used to verify that the signature is sent to the expected server</param>
        /// <param name="storedSignatureCounter">The stored counter value for this CredentialId</param>
        public async Task <AssertionVerificationResult> VerifyAsync(AssertionOptions options, string expectedOrigin, byte[] storedPublicKey, uint storedSignatureCounter, IsUserHandleOwnerOfCredentialIdAsync isUserHandleOwnerOfCredId, byte[] requestTokenBindingId)
            BaseVerify(expectedOrigin, options.Challenge, requestTokenBindingId);

            if (Raw.Type != "public-key")
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("AssertionResponse Type is not set to public-key");

            if (Raw.Id == null)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("Id is missing");
            if (Raw.RawId == null)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("RawId is missing");

            // 1. If the allowCredentials option was given when this authentication ceremony was initiated, verify that credential.id identifies one of the public key credentials that were listed in allowCredentials.
            if (options.AllowCredentials != null && options.AllowCredentials.Count() > 0)
                // might need to transform x.Id and raw.id as described in https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn/#publickeycredential
                if (!options.AllowCredentials.Any(x => x.Id.SequenceEqual(Raw.Id)))
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Invalid");

            // 2. If credential.response.userHandle is present, verify that the user identified by this value is the owner of the public key credential identified by credential.id.
            if (UserHandle != null)
                if (UserHandle.Length == 0)
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Userhandle was empty DOMString. It should either be null or have a value.");
                if (false == await isUserHandleOwnerOfCredId(new IsUserHandleOwnerOfCredentialIdParams(Raw.Id, UserHandle)))
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("User is not owner of the public key identitief by the credential id");

            // 3. Using credential’s id attribute(or the corresponding rawId, if base64url encoding is inappropriate for your use case), look up the corresponding credential public key.
            // public key inserted via parameter.

            // 4. Let cData, authData and sig denote the value of credential’s response's clientDataJSON, authenticatorData, and signature respectively.
            //var cData = Raw.Response.ClientDataJson;
            var authData = new AuthenticatorData(Raw.Response.AuthenticatorData);

            //var sig = Raw.Response.Signature;

            // 5. Let JSONtext be the result of running UTF-8 decode on the value of cData.
            //var JSONtext = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(cData.ToString());

            // 7. Verify that the value of C.type is the string webauthn.get.
            if (Type != "webauthn.get")
                throw new Fido2VerificationException();

            // 8. Verify that the value of C.challenge matches the challenge that was sent to the authenticator in the PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions passed to the get() call.
            // 9. Verify that the value of C.origin matches the Relying Party's origin.
            // done in base class

            //10. Verify that the value of C.tokenBinding.status matches the state of Token Binding for the TLS connection over which the attestation was obtained.If Token Binding was used on that TLS connection, also verify that C.tokenBinding.id matches the base64url encoding of the Token Binding ID for the connection.
            // Validated in BaseVerify.
            // todo: Needs testing

            // 11. Verify that the rpIdHash in aData is the SHA - 256 hash of the RP ID expected by the Relying Party.

            byte[] hashedClientDataJson;
            byte[] hashedRpId;
            using (var sha = SHA256.Create())
                // 11
                hashedRpId = sha.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(options.RpId));
                // 15
                hashedClientDataJson = sha.ComputeHash(Raw.Response.ClientDataJson);

            if (false == authData.RpIdHash.SequenceEqual(hashedRpId))
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("Hash mismatch RPID");
            // 12. Verify that the User Present bit of the flags in authData is set.
            // UNLESS...userVerification is set to preferred or discouraged?
            // See Server-ServerAuthenticatorAssertionResponse-Resp3 Test server processing authenticatorData
            // P-5 Send a valid ServerAuthenticatorAssertionResponse both authenticatorData.flags.UV and authenticatorData.flags.UP are not set, for userVerification set to "preferred", and check that server succeeds
            // P-8 Send a valid ServerAuthenticatorAssertionResponse both authenticatorData.flags.UV and authenticatorData.flags.UP are not set, for userVerification set to "discouraged", and check that server succeeds
            //if ((false == authData.UserPresent) && (options.UserVerification != UserVerificationRequirement.Discouraged && options.UserVerification != UserVerificationRequirement.Preferred)) throw new Fido2VerificationException("User Present flag not set in authenticator data");

            // 13 If user verification is required for this assertion, verify that the User Verified bit of the flags in aData is set.
            // UNLESS...userPresent is true?
            // see ee Server-ServerAuthenticatorAssertionResponse-Resp3 Test server processing authenticatorData
            // P-8 Send a valid ServerAuthenticatorAssertionResponse both authenticatorData.flags.UV and authenticatorData.flags.UP are not set, for userVerification set to "discouraged", and check that server succeeds
            if (UserVerificationRequirement.Required == options.UserVerification && false == authData.UserVerified && false == authData.UserPresent)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("User verification is required");

            // 14. Verify that the values of the client extension outputs in clientExtensionResults and the authenticator extension outputs in the extensions in authData are as expected, considering the client extension input values that were given as the extensions option in the get() call.In particular, any extension identifier values in the clientExtensionResults and the extensions in authData MUST be also be present as extension identifier values in the extensions member of options, i.e., no extensions are present that were not requested. In the general case, the meaning of "are as expected" is specific to the Relying Party and which extensions are in use.
            // todo: Verify this (and implement extensions on options)
            if ((true == authData.ExtensionsPresent) && ((null == authData.Extensions) || (0 == authData.Extensions.Length)))
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("Extensions flag present, malformed extensions detected");
            if ((false == authData.ExtensionsPresent) && (null != authData.Extensions))
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("Extensions flag not present, but extensions detected");

            // 15.
            // Done earlier, hashedClientDataJson

            // 16. Using the credential public key looked up in step 3, verify that sig is a valid signature over the binary concatenation of aData and hash.
            byte[] data = new byte[Raw.Response.AuthenticatorData.Length + hashedClientDataJson.Length];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(Raw.Response.AuthenticatorData, 0, data, 0, Raw.Response.AuthenticatorData.Length);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(hashedClientDataJson, 0, data, Raw.Response.AuthenticatorData.Length, hashedClientDataJson.Length);

            if (null == storedPublicKey || 0 == storedPublicKey.Length)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("Stored public key is null or empty");
            var coseKey = PeterO.Cbor.CBORObject.DecodeFromBytes(storedPublicKey);

            if (true != AuthDataHelper.VerifySigWithCoseKey(data, coseKey, Signature))
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("Signature did not match");

            // 17.
            var counter = BitConverter.ToUInt32(authData.SignCount.ToArray().Reverse().ToArray(), 0);

            if (counter > 0 && counter <= storedSignatureCounter)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("SignatureCounter was not greater than stored SignatureCounter");

            return(new AssertionVerificationResult()
                Status = "ok",
                ErrorMessage = string.Empty,
                CredentialId = Raw.Id,
                Counter = counter
Exemplo n.º 12
        public async Task <AttestationVerificationSuccess> VerifyAsync(CredentialCreateOptions originalOptions, string expectedOrigin, IsCredentialIdUniqueToUserAsyncDelegate isCredentialIdUniqueToUser, IMetadataService metadataService, byte[] requestTokenBindingId)
            AttestationType attnType;

            X509Certificate2[] trustPath = null;
            BaseVerify(expectedOrigin, originalOptions.Challenge, requestTokenBindingId);
            // verify challenge is same as we expected
            // verify origin
            // done in baseclass

            if (Type != "webauthn.create")
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("AttestationResponse is not type webauthn.create");

            if (Raw.Id == null || Raw.Id.Length == 0)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("AttestationResponse is missing Id");

            if (Raw.Type != "public-key")
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("AttestationResponse is missing type with value 'public-key'");

            if (null == AttestationObject.AuthData || 0 == AttestationObject.AuthData.Length)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("Missing or malformed authData");
            AuthenticatorData authData = new AuthenticatorData(AttestationObject.AuthData);

            // 6
            //todo:  Verify that the value of C.tokenBinding.status matches the state of Token Binding for the TLS connection over which the assertion was obtained.If Token Binding was used on that TLS connection, also verify that C.tokenBinding.id matches the base64url encoding of the Token Binding ID for the connection.
            // This id done in BaseVerify.
            // todo: test that implmentation

            // 7
            // Compute the hash of response.clientDataJSON using SHA - 256.
            byte[] hashedClientDataJson;
            byte[] hashedRpId;
            using (var sha = SHA256.Create())
                hashedClientDataJson = sha.ComputeHash(Raw.Response.ClientDataJson);
                hashedRpId           = sha.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(originalOptions.Rp.Id));

            // 9
            // Verify that the RP ID hash in authData is indeed the SHA - 256 hash of the RP ID expected by the RP.
            if (false == authData.RpIdHash.SequenceEqual(hashedRpId))
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("Hash mismatch RPID");

            // 10
            // Verify that the User Present bit of the flags in authData is set.
            if (false == authData.UserPresent)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("User Present flag not set in authenticator data");

            // 11
            // If user verification is required for this registration, verify that the User Verified bit of the flags in authData is set.
            var userVerified = authData.UserVerified;

            // 12
            // Verify that the values of the client extension outputs in clientExtensionResults and the authenticator extension outputs in the extensions in authData are as expected
            // todo: Implement sort of like this: ClientExtensions.Keys.Any(x => options.extensions.contains(x);

            // A COSEAlgorithmIdentifier containing the identifier of the algorithm used to generate the attestation signature
            var alg = AttestationObject.AttStmt["alg"];
            // A byte string containing the attestation signature
            var sig = AttestationObject.AttStmt["sig"];
            // The elements of this array contain attestnCert and its certificate chain, each encoded in X.509 format
            var x5c = AttestationObject.AttStmt["x5c"];
            // The identifier of the ECDAA-Issuer public key
            var ecdaaKeyId = AttestationObject.AttStmt["ecdaaKeyId"];

            if (false == authData.AttestedCredentialDataPresent)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("Attestation flag not set on attestation data");
            var credentialId             = authData.AttData.CredentialID;
            var credentialPublicKeyBytes = authData.AttData.CredentialPublicKey.ToArray();

            PeterO.Cbor.CBORObject credentialPublicKey = null;
            var coseKty = 0;
            var coseAlg = 0;

                credentialPublicKey = PeterO.Cbor.CBORObject.DecodeFromBytes(authData.AttData.CredentialPublicKey);
                coseKty             = credentialPublicKey[PeterO.Cbor.CBORObject.FromObject(1)].AsInt32();
                coseAlg             = credentialPublicKey[PeterO.Cbor.CBORObject.FromObject(3)].AsInt32();
            catch (PeterO.Cbor.CBORException)
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("Malformed credentialPublicKey");
            byte[] data = new byte[AttestationObject.AuthData.Length + hashedClientDataJson.Length];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(AttestationObject.AuthData, 0, data, 0, AttestationObject.AuthData.Length);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(hashedClientDataJson, 0, data, AttestationObject.AuthData.Length, hashedClientDataJson.Length);
            // 13
            // Determine the attestation statement format by performing a USASCII case-sensitive match on fmt against the set of supported WebAuthn Attestation Statement Format Identifier values. The up-to-date list of registered WebAuthn Attestation Statement Format Identifier values is maintained in the in the IANA registry of the same name [WebAuthn-Registries].
            // https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn/#defined-attestation-formats
            switch (AttestationObject.Fmt)
            // 14
            // validate the attStmt

            case "none":
                // https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn/#none-attestation

                if (0 != AttestationObject.AttStmt.Keys.Count && 0 != AttestationObject.AttStmt.Values.Count)
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Attestation format none should have no attestation statement");
                attnType  = AttestationType.None;
                trustPath = null;

            case "tpm":
                // https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn/#tpm-attestation

                if (null == sig || PeterO.Cbor.CBORType.ByteString != sig.Type || 0 == sig.GetByteString().Length)
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Invalid TPM attestation signature");
                if ("2.0" != AttestationObject.AttStmt["ver"].AsString())
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("FIDO2 only supports TPM 2.0");

                // Verify that the public key specified by the parameters and unique fields of pubArea is identical to the credentialPublicKey in the attestedCredentialData in authenticatorData
                PubArea pubArea = null;
                if (null != AttestationObject.AttStmt["pubArea"] && PeterO.Cbor.CBORType.ByteString == AttestationObject.AttStmt["pubArea"].Type && 0 != AttestationObject.AttStmt["pubArea"].GetByteString().Length)
                    pubArea = new PubArea(AttestationObject.AttStmt["pubArea"].GetByteString());
                if (null == pubArea || null == pubArea.Unique || 0 == pubArea.Unique.Length)
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Missing or malformed pubArea");
                if (3 == coseKty)                                                                             // RSA
                    var coseMod = credentialPublicKey[PeterO.Cbor.CBORObject.FromObject(-1)].GetByteString(); // modulus
                    var coseExp = credentialPublicKey[PeterO.Cbor.CBORObject.FromObject(-2)].GetByteString(); // exponent

                    if (!coseMod.ToArray().SequenceEqual(pubArea.Unique.ToArray()))
                        throw new Fido2VerificationException("Public key mismatch between pubArea and credentialPublicKey");
                    if ((coseExp[0] + (coseExp[1] << 8) + (coseExp[2] << 16)) != pubArea.Exponent)
                        throw new Fido2VerificationException("Public key exponent mismatch between pubArea and credentialPublicKey");
                else if (2 == coseKty)         // ECC
                    var curve = credentialPublicKey[PeterO.Cbor.CBORObject.FromObject(-1)].AsInt32();
                    var X     = credentialPublicKey[PeterO.Cbor.CBORObject.FromObject(-2)].GetByteString();
                    var Y     = credentialPublicKey[PeterO.Cbor.CBORObject.FromObject(-3)].GetByteString();

                    if (pubArea.EccCurve != AuthDataHelper.CoseCurveToTpm[curve])
                        throw new Fido2VerificationException("Curve mismatch between pubArea and credentialPublicKey");
                    if (!pubArea.ECPoint.X.SequenceEqual(X))
                        throw new Fido2VerificationException("X-coordinate mismatch between pubArea and credentialPublicKey");
                    if (!pubArea.ECPoint.Y.SequenceEqual(Y))
                        throw new Fido2VerificationException("Y-coordinate mismatch between pubArea and credentialPublicKey");
                // Concatenate authenticatorData and clientDataHash to form attToBeSigned.
                // see data variable

                // Validate that certInfo is valid
                CertInfo certInfo = null;
                if (null != AttestationObject.AttStmt["certInfo"] && PeterO.Cbor.CBORType.ByteString == AttestationObject.AttStmt["certInfo"].Type && 0 != AttestationObject.AttStmt["certInfo"].GetByteString().Length)
                    certInfo = new CertInfo(AttestationObject.AttStmt["certInfo"].GetByteString());
                if (null == certInfo || null == certInfo.ExtraData || 0 == certInfo.ExtraData.Length)
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("CertInfo invalid parsing TPM format attStmt");
                // Verify that magic is set to TPM_GENERATED_VALUE and type is set to TPM_ST_ATTEST_CERTIFY
                // handled in parser, see certInfo.Magic

                // Verify that extraData is set to the hash of attToBeSigned using the hash algorithm employed in "alg"
                if (null == alg || PeterO.Cbor.CBORType.Number != alg.Type || false == AuthDataHelper.algMap.ContainsKey(alg.AsInt32()))
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Invalid TPM attestation algorithm");
                if (!AuthDataHelper.GetHasher(AuthDataHelper.algMap[alg.AsInt32()]).ComputeHash(data).SequenceEqual(certInfo.ExtraData))
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Hash value mismatch extraData and attToBeSigned");

                // Verify that attested contains a TPMS_CERTIFY_INFO structure, whose name field contains a valid Name for pubArea, as computed using the algorithm in the nameAlg field of pubArea
                if (false == AuthDataHelper.GetHasher(AuthDataHelper.algMap[(int)certInfo.Alg]).ComputeHash(pubArea.Raw).SequenceEqual(certInfo.AttestedName))
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Hash value mismatch attested and pubArea");

                // If x5c is present, this indicates that the attestation type is not ECDAA
                if (null != x5c && PeterO.Cbor.CBORType.Array == x5c.Type && 0 != x5c.Count)
                    if (null == x5c.Values || 0 == x5c.Values.Count || PeterO.Cbor.CBORType.ByteString != x5c.Values.First().Type || 0 == x5c.Values.First().GetByteString().Length)
                        throw new Fido2VerificationException("Malformed x5c in TPM attestation");

                    // Verify the sig is a valid signature over certInfo using the attestation public key in aikCert with the algorithm specified in alg.
                    var aikCert = new X509Certificate2(x5c.Values.First().GetByteString());

                    PeterO.Cbor.CBORObject coseKey = AuthDataHelper.CoseKeyFromCertAndAlg(aikCert, alg.AsInt32());

                    if (true != AuthDataHelper.VerifySigWithCoseKey(certInfo.Raw, coseKey, sig.GetByteString()))
                        throw new Fido2VerificationException("Bad signature in TPM with aikCert");

                    // Verify that aikCert meets the TPM attestation statement certificate requirements
                    // https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn/#tpm-cert-requirements
                    // Version MUST be set to 3
                    if (3 != aikCert.Version)
                        throw new Fido2VerificationException("aikCert must be V3");

                    // Subject field MUST be set to empty - they actually mean subject name
                    if (0 != aikCert.SubjectName.Name.Length)
                        throw new Fido2VerificationException("aikCert subject must be empty");

                    // The Subject Alternative Name extension MUST be set as defined in [TPMv2-EK-Profile] section 3.2.9.
                    // https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn/#tpm-cert-requirements
                    var SAN = AuthDataHelper.SANFromAttnCertExts(aikCert.Extensions);
                    if (null == SAN || 0 == SAN.Length)
                        throw new Fido2VerificationException("SAN missing from TPM attestation certificate");
                    // From https://www.trustedcomputinggroup.org/wp-content/uploads/Credential_Profile_EK_V2.0_R14_published.pdf
                    // The issuer MUST include TPM manufacturer, TPM part number and TPM firmware version, using the directoryNameform within the GeneralName structure. The ASN.1 encoding is specified in section 3.1.2 TPM Device Attributes. In accordance with RFC 5280[11], this extension MUST be critical if subject is empty and SHOULD be non-critical if subject is non-empty.  
                    // Best I can figure to do for now?
                    if (false == SAN.Contains("TPMManufacturer") || false == SAN.Contains("TPMModel") || false == SAN.Contains("TPMVersion"))
                        throw new Fido2VerificationException("SAN missing TPMManufacturer, TPMModel, or TPMVersopm from TPM attestation certificate");
                    // The Extended Key Usage extension MUST contain the "joint-iso-itu-t(2) internationalorganizations(23) 133 tcg-kp(8) tcg-kp-AIKCertificate(3)" OID.
                    // OID is
                    var EKU = AuthDataHelper.EKUFromAttnCertExts(aikCert.Extensions);
                    if (null == EKU || 0 != EKU.CompareTo("Attestation Identity Key Certificate ("))
                        throw new Fido2VerificationException("Invalid EKU on AIK certificate");

                    // The Basic Constraints extension MUST have the CA component set to false.
                    if (AuthDataHelper.IsAttnCertCACert(aikCert.Extensions))
                        throw new Fido2VerificationException("aikCert Basic Constraints extension CA component must be false");

                    // If aikCert contains an extension with OID (id-fido-gen-ce-aaguid) verify that the value of this extension matches the aaguid in authenticatorData
                    var aaguid = AuthDataHelper.AaguidFromAttnCertExts(aikCert.Extensions);
                    if ((null != aaguid) && (!aaguid.SequenceEqual(Guid.Empty.ToByteArray())) && (!aaguid.SequenceEqual(authData.AttData.Aaguid.ToArray())))
                        throw new Fido2VerificationException("aaguid malformed");

                    // If successful, return attestation type AttCA and attestation trust path x5c.
                    attnType  = AttestationType.AttCa;
                    trustPath = x5c.Values
                                .Select(x => new X509Certificate2(x.GetByteString()))
                // If ecdaaKeyId is present, then the attestation type is ECDAA
                else if (null != ecdaaKeyId)
                    // Perform ECDAA-Verify on sig to verify that it is a valid signature over certInfo
                    // https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn/#biblio-fidoecdaaalgorithm
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("ECDAA support for TPM attestation is not yet implemented");
                    // If successful, return attestation type ECDAA and the identifier of the ECDAA-Issuer public key ecdaaKeyId.
                    //attnType = AttestationType.ECDAA;
                    //trustPath = ecdaaKeyId;
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Neither x5c nor ECDAA were found in the TPM attestation statement");

            case "android-key":
                // https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn/#android-key-attestation

                // Verify that attStmt is valid CBOR conforming to the syntax defined above and perform CBOR decoding on it to extract the contained fields
                if (0 == AttestationObject.AttStmt.Keys.Count || 0 == AttestationObject.AttStmt.Values.Count)
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Attestation format packed must have attestation statement");
                if (null == sig || PeterO.Cbor.CBORType.ByteString != sig.Type || 0 == sig.GetByteString().Length)
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Invalid packed attestation signature");
                // 2a. Verify that sig is a valid signature over the concatenation of authenticatorData and clientDataHash
                // using the attestation public key in attestnCert with the algorithm specified in alg
                if (null == x5c && PeterO.Cbor.CBORType.Array != x5c.Type && 0 == x5c.Count)
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Malformed x5c in android-key attestation");
                if (null == x5c.Values || 0 == x5c.Values.Count || PeterO.Cbor.CBORType.ByteString != x5c.Values.First().Type || 0 == x5c.Values.First().GetByteString().Length)
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Malformed x5c in android-key attestation");
                X509Certificate2 androidKeyCert   = null;
                ECDsaCng         androidKeyPubKey = null;
                    androidKeyCert   = new X509Certificate2(x5c.Values.First().GetByteString());
                    androidKeyPubKey = (ECDsaCng)androidKeyCert.GetECDsaPublicKey();         // attestation public key
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Failed to extract public key from android key" + ex.Message);
                if (null == alg || PeterO.Cbor.CBORType.Number != alg.Type || false == AuthDataHelper.algMap.ContainsKey(alg.AsInt32()))
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Invalid attestation algorithm");
                if (true != androidKeyPubKey.VerifyData(data, AuthDataHelper.SigFromEcDsaSig(sig.GetByteString()), AuthDataHelper.algMap[alg.AsInt32()]))
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Invalid android key signature");
                var cng = ECDsaCng.Create(new ECParameters
                        Curve = ECCurve.NamedCurves.nistP256,
                        Q     = new ECPoint
                            X = credentialPublicKey[PeterO.Cbor.CBORObject.FromObject(-2)].GetByteString(),
                            Y = credentialPublicKey[PeterO.Cbor.CBORObject.FromObject(-3)].GetByteString()
                // Verify that the public key in the first certificate in in x5c matches the credentialPublicKey in the attestedCredentialData in authenticatorData.
                if (true != cng.VerifyData(data, AuthDataHelper.SigFromEcDsaSig(sig.GetByteString()), AuthDataHelper.algMap[alg.AsInt32()]))
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Invalid android key signature");

                // Verify that in the attestation certificate extension data:
                var attExtBytes = AuthDataHelper.AttestationExtensionBytes(androidKeyCert.Extensions);

                // 1. The value of the attestationChallenge field is identical to clientDataHash.
                var attestationChallenge = AuthDataHelper.GetAttestationChallenge(attExtBytes);
                if (false == hashedClientDataJson.SequenceEqual(attestationChallenge))
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Mismatched between attestationChallenge and hashedClientDataJson verifying android key attestation certificate extension");

                // 2. The AuthorizationList.allApplications field is not present, since PublicKeyCredential MUST be bound to the RP ID.
                if (true == AuthDataHelper.FindAllApplicationsField(attExtBytes))
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Found all applications field in android key attestation certificate extension");

                // 3. The value in the AuthorizationList.origin field is equal to KM_ORIGIN_GENERATED ( which == 0).
                if (false == AuthDataHelper.IsOriginGenerated(attExtBytes))
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Found origin field not set to KM_ORIGIN_GENERATED in android key attestation certificate extension");

                // 4. The value in the AuthorizationList.purpose field is equal to KM_PURPOSE_SIGN (which == 2).
                if (false == AuthDataHelper.IsPurposeSign(attExtBytes))
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Found purpose field not set to KM_PURPOSE_SIGN in android key attestation certificate extension");

                attnType  = AttestationType.Basic;
                trustPath = x5c.Values
                            .Select(x => new X509Certificate2(x.GetByteString()))

            case "android-safetynet":
                // https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn/#android-safetynet-attestation

                // Verify that attStmt is valid CBOR conforming to the syntax defined above and perform CBOR decoding on it to extract the contained fields
                if ((PeterO.Cbor.CBORType.TextString != AttestationObject.AttStmt["ver"].Type) || (0 == AttestationObject.AttStmt["ver"].AsString().Length))
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Invalid version in SafetyNet data");

                // Verify that response is a valid SafetyNet response of version ver
                var ver = AttestationObject.AttStmt["ver"].AsString();

                if ((PeterO.Cbor.CBORType.ByteString != AttestationObject.AttStmt["response"].Type) || (0 == AttestationObject.AttStmt["response"].GetByteString().Length))
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Invalid response in SafetyNet data");
                var response = AttestationObject.AttStmt["response"].GetByteString();
                var signedAttestationStatement = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(response);
                var jwtToken           = new JwtSecurityToken(signedAttestationStatement);
                X509SecurityKey[] keys = (jwtToken.Header["x5c"] as JArray)
                                         .Values <string>()
                                         .Select(x => new X509SecurityKey(
                                                     new X509Certificate2(Convert.FromBase64String(x))))
                if ((null == keys) || (0 == keys.Count()))
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("SafetyNet attestation missing x5c");
                var validationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
                    ValidateIssuer           = false,
                    ValidateAudience         = false,
                    ValidateLifetime         = false,
                    ValidateIssuerSigningKey = true,
                    IssuerSigningKeys        = keys

                var           tokenHandler = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler();
                SecurityToken validatedToken;

                    out validatedToken);

                if (false == (validatedToken.SigningKey is X509SecurityKey))
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Safetynet signing key invalid");

                var nonce   = "";
                var payload = false;
                foreach (var claim in jwtToken.Claims)
                    if (("nonce" == claim.Type) && ("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string" == claim.ValueType) && (0 != claim.Value.Length))
                        nonce = claim.Value;
                    if (("ctsProfileMatch" == claim.Type) && ("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#boolean" == claim.ValueType))
                        payload = bool.Parse(claim.Value);
                    if (("timestampMs" == claim.Type) && ("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer64" == claim.ValueType))
                        DateTime dt = DateTimeHelper.UnixEpoch.AddMilliseconds(double.Parse(claim.Value));
                        if ((DateTime.UtcNow < dt) || (DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-1) > dt))
                            throw new Fido2VerificationException("Android SafetyNet timestampMs must be between one minute ago and now");

                // Verify that the nonce in the response is identical to the SHA-256 hash of the concatenation of authenticatorData and clientDataHash
                if ("" == nonce)
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Nonce value not found in Android SafetyNet attestation");
                if (!AuthDataHelper.GetHasher(HashAlgorithmName.SHA256).ComputeHash(data).SequenceEqual(Convert.FromBase64String(nonce)))
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Android SafetyNet hash value mismatch");

                // Verify that the attestation certificate is issued to the hostname "attest.android.com"
                if (false == ("attest.android.com").Equals((validatedToken.SigningKey as X509SecurityKey).Certificate.GetNameInfo(X509NameType.DnsName, false)))
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Safetynet DnsName is not attest.android.com");

                // Verify that the ctsProfileMatch attribute in the payload of response is true
                if (true != payload)
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Android SafetyNet ctsProfileMatch must be true");

                attnType  = AttestationType.Basic;
                trustPath = (jwtToken.Header["x5c"] as JArray)
                            .Values <string>()
                            .Select(x => new X509Certificate2(Convert.FromBase64String(x)))

            case "fido-u2f":
                // https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn/#fido-u2f-attestation

                // verify that aaguid is 16 empty bytes (note: required by fido2 conformance testing, could not find this in spec?)
                if (false == authData.AttData.Aaguid.SequenceEqual(Guid.Empty.ToByteArray()))
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Aaguid was not empty parsing fido-u2f atttestation statement");

                // 1. Verify that attStmt is valid CBOR conforming to the syntax defined above and perform CBOR decoding on it to extract the contained fields.
                if (null == x5c || PeterO.Cbor.CBORType.Array != x5c.Type || x5c.Count != 1)
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Malformed x5c in fido - u2f attestation");

                // 2a. the attestation certificate attestnCert MUST be the first element in the array
                if (null == x5c.Values || 0 == x5c.Values.Count || PeterO.Cbor.CBORType.ByteString != x5c.Values.First().Type || 0 == x5c.Values.First().GetByteString().Length)
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Malformed x5c in fido-u2f attestation");
                var cert = new X509Certificate2(x5c.Values.First().GetByteString());

                // 2b. If certificate public key is not an Elliptic Curve (EC) public key over the P-256 curve, terminate this algorithm and return an appropriate error
                var pubKey = (ECDsaCng)cert.GetECDsaPublicKey();
                if (CngAlgorithm.ECDsaP256 != pubKey.Key.Algorithm)
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("attestation certificate public key is not an Elliptic Curve (EC) public key over the P-256 curve");

                // 3. Extract the claimed rpIdHash from authenticatorData, and the claimed credentialId and credentialPublicKey from authenticatorData
                // done above

                // 4. Convert the COSE_KEY formatted credentialPublicKey (see Section 7 of [RFC8152]) to CTAP1/U2F public Key format
                var publicKeyU2F = AuthDataHelper.U2FKeyFromCOSEKey(credentialPublicKey);

                // 5. Let verificationData be the concatenation of (0x00 || rpIdHash || clientDataHash || credentialId || publicKeyU2F)
                var verificationData = new byte[1] {
                verificationData = verificationData.Concat(hashedRpId).Concat(hashedClientDataJson).Concat(credentialId).Concat(publicKeyU2F.ToArray()).ToArray();

                // 6. Verify the sig using verificationData and certificate public key
                if (null == sig || PeterO.Cbor.CBORType.ByteString != sig.Type || 0 == sig.GetByteString().Length)
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Invalid fido-u2f attestation signature");
                var ecsig = AuthDataHelper.SigFromEcDsaSig(sig.GetByteString());
                if (null == ecsig)
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Failed to decode fido-u2f attestation signature from ASN.1 encoded form");
                if (true != pubKey.VerifyData(verificationData, ecsig, AuthDataHelper.algMap[coseAlg]))
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Invalid fido-u2f attestation signature");
                attnType  = AttestationType.Basic;
                trustPath = x5c.Values
                            .Select(x => new X509Certificate2(x.GetByteString()))

            case "packed":
                // https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn/#packed-attestation

                // Verify that attStmt is valid CBOR conforming to the syntax defined above and perform CBOR decoding on it to extract the contained fields.
                if (0 == AttestationObject.AttStmt.Keys.Count || 0 == AttestationObject.AttStmt.Values.Count)
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Attestation format packed must have attestation statement");
                if (null == sig || PeterO.Cbor.CBORType.ByteString != sig.Type || 0 == sig.GetByteString().Length)
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Invalid packed attestation signature");
                if (null == alg || PeterO.Cbor.CBORType.Number != alg.Type)
                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("Invalid packed attestation algorithm");

                // If x5c is present, this indicates that the attestation type is not ECDAA
                if (null != x5c)
                    if (PeterO.Cbor.CBORType.Array != x5c.Type || 0 == x5c.Count || null != ecdaaKeyId)
                        throw new Fido2VerificationException("Malformed x5c array in packed attestation statement");
                    IEnumerator <PeterO.Cbor.CBORObject> enumerator = x5c.Values.GetEnumerator();
                    while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                        if (null == enumerator || null == enumerator.Current || PeterO.Cbor.CBORType.ByteString != enumerator.Current.Type || 0 == enumerator.Current.GetByteString().Length)
                            throw new Fido2VerificationException("Malformed x5c cert found in packed attestation statement");
                        var x5ccert = new X509Certificate2(enumerator.Current.GetByteString());
                        if (DateTime.UtcNow < x5ccert.NotBefore || DateTime.UtcNow > x5ccert.NotAfter)
                            throw new Fido2VerificationException("Packed signing certificate expired or not yet valid");

                    // The attestation certificate attestnCert MUST be the first element in the array.
                    var attestnCert = new X509Certificate2(x5c.Values.First().GetByteString());

                    // 2a. Verify that sig is a valid signature over the concatenation of authenticatorData and clientDataHash
                    // using the attestation public key in attestnCert with the algorithm specified in alg
                    var packedPubKey = (ECDsaCng)attestnCert.GetECDsaPublicKey();         // attestation public key
                    if (false == AuthDataHelper.algMap.ContainsKey(alg.AsInt32()))
                        throw new Fido2VerificationException("Invalid attestation algorithm");

                    var coseKey = AuthDataHelper.CoseKeyFromCertAndAlg(attestnCert, alg.AsInt32());

                    if (true != AuthDataHelper.VerifySigWithCoseKey(data, coseKey, sig.GetByteString()))
                        throw new Fido2VerificationException("Invalid full packed signature");

                    // Verify that attestnCert meets the requirements in https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn/#packed-attestation-cert-requirements
                    // 2b. Version MUST be set to 3
                    if (3 != attestnCert.Version)
                        throw new Fido2VerificationException("Packed x5c attestation certificate not V3");

                    // Subject field MUST contain C, O, OU, CN
                    // OU must match "Authenticator Attestation"
                    if (true != AuthDataHelper.IsValidPackedAttnCertSubject(attestnCert.Subject))
                        throw new Fido2VerificationException("Invalid attestation cert subject");

                    // 2c. If the related attestation root certificate is used for multiple authenticator models,
                    // the Extension OID (id-fido-gen-ce-aaguid) MUST be present, containing the AAGUID as a 16-byte OCTET STRING
                    // verify that the value of this extension matches the aaguid in authenticatorData
                    var aaguid = AuthDataHelper.AaguidFromAttnCertExts(attestnCert.Extensions);
                    if (aaguid != null && !aaguid.SequenceEqual(authData.AttData.Aaguid.ToArray()))
                        throw new Fido2VerificationException("aaguid present in packed attestation but does not match aaguid from authData");

                    // 2d. The Basic Constraints extension MUST have the CA component set to false
                    if (AuthDataHelper.IsAttnCertCACert(attestnCert.Extensions))
                        throw new Fido2VerificationException("Attestion certificate has CA cert flag present");

                    // id-fido-u2f-ce-transports
                    var u2ftransports = AuthDataHelper.U2FTransportsFromAttnCert(attestnCert.Extensions);
                    attnType  = AttestationType.Basic;
                    trustPath = x5c.Values
                                .Select(x => new X509Certificate2(x.GetByteString()))
                // If ecdaaKeyId is present, then the attestation type is ECDAA
                else if (null != ecdaaKeyId)
                    // Verify that sig is a valid signature over the concatenation of authenticatorData and clientDataHash
                    // using ECDAA-Verify with ECDAA-Issuer public key identified by ecdaaKeyId
                    // https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn/#biblio-fidoecdaaalgorithm

                    throw new Fido2VerificationException("ECDAA is not yet implemented");
                    // If successful, return attestation type ECDAA and attestation trust path ecdaaKeyId.
                    //attnType = AttestationType.ECDAA;
                    //trustPath = ecdaaKeyId;
                // If neither x5c nor ecdaaKeyId is present, self attestation is in use
                    // Validate that alg matches the algorithm of the credentialPublicKey in authenticatorData
                    if (alg.AsInt32() != coseAlg)
                        throw new Fido2VerificationException("Algorithm mismatch between credential public key and authenticator data in self attestation statement");
                    // Verify that sig is a valid signature over the concatenation of authenticatorData and clientDataHash using the credential public key with alg
                    if (true != AuthDataHelper.VerifySigWithCoseKey(data, credentialPublicKey, sig.GetByteString()))
                        throw new Fido2VerificationException("Failed to validate signature");

                    // If successful, return attestation type Self and empty attestation trust path.
                    attnType  = AttestationType.Self;
                    trustPath = null;

            default: throw new Fido2VerificationException("Missing or unknown attestation type");

             * 15
             * If validation is successful, obtain a list of acceptable trust anchors (attestation root certificates or ECDAA-Issuer public keys) for that attestation type and attestation statement format fmt, from a trusted source or from policy. For example, the FIDO Metadata Service [FIDOMetadataService] provides one way to obtain such information, using the aaguid in the attestedCredentialData in authData.
             * */
            // MetadataService

             * 16
             * Assess the attestation trustworthiness using the outputs of the verification procedure in step 14, as follows: https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn/#registering-a-new-credential
             * */
            // todo: implement (this is not for attfmt none)
            // use aaguid (authData.AttData.Aaguid) to find root certs in metadata
            // use root plus trustPath to build trust chain

            if (null != metadataService)
                MetadataTOCPayloadEntry entry = metadataService.GetEntry(authData.AttData.GuidAaguid);

                if (null != entry)
                    if (entry.Hash != entry.MetadataStatement.Hash)
                        throw new Fido2VerificationException("Authenticator metadata statement has invalid hash");
                    if (null != entry.MetadataStatement)
                        var hasBasicFull = entry.MetadataStatement.AttestationTypes.Contains((ushort)MetadataAttestationType.ATTESTATION_BASIC_FULL);
                        if (false == hasBasicFull &&
                            null != trustPath && trustPath.FirstOrDefault().Subject != trustPath.FirstOrDefault().Issuer)
                            throw new Fido2VerificationException("Attestation with full attestation from authentictor that does not support full attestation");
                        if (true == hasBasicFull && null != trustPath && trustPath.FirstOrDefault().Subject != trustPath.FirstOrDefault().Issuer)
                            var root  = new X509Certificate2(Convert.FromBase64String(entry.MetadataStatement.AttestationRootCertificates.FirstOrDefault()));
                            var chain = new X509Chain();
                            if (trustPath.Length > 1)
                                foreach (X509Certificate2 cert in trustPath.Skip(1).Reverse())
                            var valid = chain.Build(trustPath[0]);
                            if (false == valid)

                    foreach (StatusReport report in entry.StatusReports)
                        if (true == Enum.IsDefined(typeof(UndesiredAuthenticatorStatus), (UndesiredAuthenticatorStatus)report.Status))
                            throw new Fido2VerificationException("Authenticator found with undesirable status");

             * 17
             * Check that the credentialId is not yet registered to any other user.
             * If registration is requested for a credential that is already registered to a different user, the Relying Party SHOULD fail this registration ceremony, or it MAY decide to accept the registration, e.g. while deleting the older registration.
             * */
            if (false == await isCredentialIdUniqueToUser(new IsCredentialIdUniqueToUserParams(credentialId, originalOptions.User)))
                throw new Fido2VerificationException("CredentialId is not unique to this user");

             * 18
             * If the attestation statement attStmt verified successfully and is found to be trustworthy, then register the new credential with the account that was denoted in the options.user passed to create(), by associating it with the credentialId and credentialPublicKey in the attestedCredentialData in authData, as appropriate for the Relying Party's system.
             * */
            // This is handled by code att call site and result object.

             * 19
             * If the attestation statement attStmt successfully verified but is not trustworthy per step 16 above, the Relying Party SHOULD fail the registration ceremony.
             * NOTE: However, if permitted by policy, the Relying Party MAY register the credential ID and credential public key but treat the credential as one with self attestation (see §6.3.3 Attestation Types). If doing so, the Relying Party is asserting there is no cryptographic proof that the public key credential has been generated by a particular authenticator model. See [FIDOSecRef] and [UAFProtocol] for a more detailed discussion.
             * */
            // todo: implement (this is not for attfmt none)

            var result = new AttestationVerificationSuccess()
                CredentialId = credentialId,
                PublicKey    = credentialPublicKeyBytes,
                User         = originalOptions.User,
                Counter      = BitConverter.ToUInt32(authData.SignCount.ToArray().Reverse().ToArray(), 0)
