public disable(string s, int dur, FBG_Pokemon tar, string atkName)
     name = s;
     duration = dur;
     target = tar;
     tMove = atkName;
        public static void changeStats(string type, int stageMod, FBG_Pokemon target)
            if ( && stageMod < 0)

            int newStage = getStatStage(type, target);
            newStage += stageMod;

            if (newStage > 6)
                newStage = 6;
            if (newStage < -6)
                newStage = -6;

            setStatStage(type, newStage, target);

            if (type == FBG_consts.accuracy || type == FBG_consts.evasion)

            float multiplier = stageToMultiplier_BaseStat(newStage);
            target.updateStatStage(type, multiplier);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method takes the name of the attack and then passes it into other methods in the Attack_Switch_Case to get the effect
        /// of the attack on the enemy or player pokemon, if it is a status type of attack or one that deals damage or stuns...ect.
        /// </summary>
        public static MoveResults calculateAttackEffect(FBG_Pokemon tar, FBG_Pokemon self, string atkName)
            MoveResults MR = new MoveResults();
            move_DmgReport report = new move_DmgReport();
            targetPokemon = tar;
            thisPokemon = self;

            if(thisPokemon.nextAttack != "")
                atkName = thisPokemon.nextAttack;

            Debug.LogWarning(string.Format(" {0} is using {1} on {2} ", self.Name, atkName, tar.Name));

            int atkIndex = getAttackListIndex(atkName);

            string atkCat = FBG_Atk_Data.attackList[atkIndex].cat;
            string atkType = FBG_Atk_Data.attackList[atkIndex].type;
            int accuracy = FBG_Atk_Data.attackList[atkIndex].accuracy;

            float baseDamage = calculateDamage(atkName, atkCat, atkIndex);
            //Debug.Log("Base Damage: " + baseDamage);
            //this also sets our crit bool in the move results
            float dmgMod = modifier(atkName, atkType, MR);
            baseDamage = Mathf.Round(baseDamage * dmgMod);
            //Debug.Log("Damage: " + baseDamage);

            if (atkCat != FBG_consts.Status)
                MR.hit = checkAccuracy_and_Hit(self, tar, atkName, accuracy);

            //Debug.Log("Attack Name: " + attack_name);
            FBG_Atk_Switch.setPokemon(tar, self, MR);
            switch (atkCat)
                case FBG_consts.Status:
                    Debug.Log("Status Move");
                    report = FBG_Atk_Switch.statusAttacks(atkName);
                case FBG_consts.Physical:
                    Debug.Log("Physical Move");
                    report = FBG_Atk_Switch.physicalAttacks(atkName, baseDamage);
                case FBG_consts.Special:
                    Debug.Log("Special Move");
                    report = FBG_Atk_Switch.specialAttacks(atkName, baseDamage);

            MR.dmgReport = report;

            if(self.atkStatus != attackStatus.normal)
                MR.dmgReport.damage = 0;
            //Debug.Log("Final Damage " + MR.dmgReport.damage);
            return MR;
 public static void conversion(FBG_Pokemon self)
     //tempList = genAttacks.get_playerAttackName();
     //string tempName = tempList[0];
     string name = self.atkMoves[0];
     int attack_index = FBG_Atk_Calc.getAttackListIndex(name);
     string attack_type = FBG_Atk_Data.attackList[attack_index].type;
     self.type1 = attack_type;
     string[] types = new string[2];
     types[0] = self.type1;
     types[1] = self.type2;
     self.damageMultiplier = FBG_DmgMult.createMultiplier(types);
        /// <summary>
        /// this is only to check if this affects the pokemon moving
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="self">the pokemon to check</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static bool checkPlayerNVStatus(FBG_Pokemon self)
            if (self.status_A != nonVolitileStatusEffects.none)
                if (self.status_A == nonVolitileStatusEffects.paralized)
                    int rnd = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 4);
                    if (rnd == 1)
                        string text = self.Name + " is Paralized!";
                        return true;
                if (self.status_A == nonVolitileStatusEffects.sleep)
                    string text = "";
                    if (self.nonVolDuration == 0)
                        text = self.Name + " woke up!";
                        text = self.Name + " is fast asleep!";
                        return true;

                if (self.status_A == nonVolitileStatusEffects.frozen)
                    int rnd = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 10);
                    if (rnd >= 2)
                        string text = self.Name + " is Frozen!";
                        return true;
                        self.status_A = nonVolitileStatusEffects.none;
                        string text = self.Name + " thawed out!";

            return false;
        public static float ChargingMove(FBG_Pokemon self, string atkName, float dmg)
            if (self.atkStatus == attackStatus.normal)
                self.cachedDamage = dmg;
                self.atkStatus = attackStatus.charging;
                self.nextAttack = "razor wind";
                dmg = 0;

            else if (self.atkStatus == attackStatus.charging)
                self.atkStatus = attackStatus.normal;
                dmg = self.cachedDamage;
                self.cachedDamage = 0;
            return dmg;
 public static void substitute(FBG_Pokemon target, MoveResults mr)
     mr.dmgReport.recoil = Mathf.Round(target.maxHP / 4f);
     target.hasSubstitute = true;
     //subsitute health = mr.dmg.recoil
        public static float sonicBoom(FBG_Pokemon target)
            FBG_Atk_Switch.ignoreLightScreen = true;

            if (checkTypes(target, FBG_consts.Ghost))
                return 0;
                return 20f;
 public repeatAttack_Confused(string s, int dur, FBG_Pokemon tar)
     name = s;
     duration = dur;
     target = tar;
        public static float ReChargeMove(FBG_Pokemon self, string atkName, float dmg)
            if (self.atkStatus == attackStatus.normal)
                self.atkStatus = attackStatus.recharging;
                self.nextAttack = "hyper beam";

            else if (self.atkStatus == attackStatus.recharging)
                self.atkStatus = attackStatus.normal;
                dmg = 0;

            return dmg;
        //Non-volatile status effects
        /// <summary>
        /// Burns a pokemon if their Type A status is none and they aren't a fire type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isPlayer">who is attacking</param>
        /// <param name="prob">the probability of being hit</param>
        /// <param name="duration">duration of the effect</param>
        public static void isBurned(FBG_Pokemon target, float prob)
            if (!Chance_100(prob)) return;
            if (checkTypes(target, FBG_consts.Fire)) return;

            if (target.status_A == nonVolitileStatusEffects.none)
                target.status_A = nonVolitileStatusEffects.burned;
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies a poision to the pokemon if they aren't steel or posion type and have no other status effects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isPlayer"></param>
        /// <param name="prob"></param>
        public static void isPosioned(FBG_Pokemon target, float prob)
            if (!Chance_100(prob)) return;
            if (checkTypes(target, FBG_consts.Steel, FBG_consts.Poison)) return;

            if (target.status_A == nonVolitileStatusEffects.none)
                target.status_A = nonVolitileStatusEffects.poisioned;
        //done for acc and evasion
        private static int getStatStage(string type, FBG_Pokemon target)
            int statStage = 0;

            switch (type)
                case "attack":
                    statStage = target.attack_Stage;
                case "spAttack":
                    statStage = target.spAttack_Stage;
                case "defense":
                    statStage = target.defense_Stage;
                case "spDefense":
                    statStage = target.spDefense_stage;
                case "speed":
                    statStage = target.speed_stage;
                case "accuracy":
                    statStage = target.acc_stage;
                case "evasion":
                    statStage = target.evasive_stage;
                    Debug.Log("no type " + type + " found");

            return statStage;
        //I need to add gender to the FBG_Pokemon before I can implement this
        public static void isInfatuated(FBG_Pokemon target, FBG_Pokemon self, float prob)
            if (!Chance_100(prob)) return;

            if (target.status_B == volitileStatusEffects.none)

                target.status_B = volitileStatusEffects.infatuated;
        /// <summary>
        /// Paralizes a Pokemon if they have no other status effects and aren't an electric type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isPlayer">is the player attacking</param>
        /// <param name="prob">probability of landing this effect</param>
        public static void isParalized(FBG_Pokemon target, float prob)
            if (!Chance_100(prob)) return;
            if (checkTypes(target, FBG_consts.Electric)) return;

            if (target.status_A == nonVolitileStatusEffects.none)
                target.status_A = nonVolitileStatusEffects.paralized;
                changeStats(FBG_consts.speed, -6, target);
        /// <summary>
        /// Freezes a Pokemon if they arent an ice type and dont have any other type A status effects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isPlayer">is the player attacking</param>
        /// <param name="prob">probability of getting frozen</param>
        public static void isFrozen(FBG_Pokemon target, float prob)
            if (!Chance_100(prob)) return;
            if (checkTypes(target, FBG_consts.Ice)) return;

            if (target.status_A == nonVolitileStatusEffects.none)
                target.status_A = nonVolitileStatusEffects.frozen;
 public static void isFlinched(FBG_Pokemon target, float prob)
     if (!Chance_100(prob)) return;
     target.isFlinched = true;
        //.. Status B
        public static void isConfused(FBG_Pokemon target, float prob, int duration)
            if (!Chance_100(prob)) return;

            if (target.status_B == volitileStatusEffects.none)
                target.status_B = volitileStatusEffects.confused;
        /// <summary>
        /// Applying toxic to a pokemon if they arent either steel or a poison type pokemon and have no other status effects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isPlayer">is the player attacking</param>
        public static void toxic(FBG_Pokemon target)
            if (checkTypes(target, FBG_consts.Steel, FBG_consts.Poison)) return;

            if (target.status_A == nonVolitileStatusEffects.none)
                target.status_A = nonVolitileStatusEffects.toxic;
 public static float dreamEater(FBG_Pokemon target, float predictedDamage, MoveResults mr)
     if (target.status_A == nonVolitileStatusEffects.sleep)
         mr.dmgReport.heal = Mathf.Round(predictedDamage / 2f);
         predictedDamage = 0;
     return predictedDamage;
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks the type of the target pokemon against all of the strings passes in, checks both type1 and type2
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="target">target pokemon</param>
 /// <param name="s"> types to check as strings</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static bool checkTypes(FBG_Pokemon target, params string[] s)
     for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
         if (target.type1 == s[i] || target.type2 == s[i])
             return true;
     return false;
 public static float earthQuake(FBG_Pokemon target, float predictedDamage)
     if (target.position == pokemonPosition.underground)
         return Mathf.Round(predictedDamage * 2);
     return predictedDamage;
        private static void setStatStage(string type, int newStage, FBG_Pokemon target)
            switch (type)
                case FBG_consts.attack:
                    target.attack_Stage = newStage;

                case FBG_consts.spAttack:
                    target.spAttack_Stage = newStage;

                case FBG_consts.defense:
                    target.defense_Stage = newStage;

                case FBG_consts.spDefense:
                    target.spDefense_stage = newStage;

                case FBG_consts.speed:
                    target.speed_stage = newStage;

                case FBG_consts.accuracy:
                    target.acc_stage = newStage;

                case FBG_consts.evasion:
                    target.evasive_stage = newStage;

                    Debug.LogError("no type " + type + " found");
 public rage(string s, int dur, FBG_Pokemon tar)
     name = s;
     duration = dur;
     target = tar;
 /// <summary>
 /// Puts the pokemon to sleep if they have no other status effect on them
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="isPlayer">is the player attacking</param>
 /// <param name="prob">probability of it hitting</param>
 /// <param name="duration">duration pokemon is asleep for</param>
 public static void isSleep(FBG_Pokemon target, float prob, int duration)
     if (!Chance_100(prob)) return;
     if (target.status_A == nonVolitileStatusEffects.none)
         target.nonVolDuration = duration;
         target.status_A = nonVolitileStatusEffects.toxic;
 public static bool hasEffector(FBG_Pokemon target, string eName)
     for (int i = 0; i < target.effectors.Count; i++)
         if (target.effectors[i].name == eName)
             return true;
     return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method takes in the acuracy of the pokemon and calculates if it hits or not and returns a boolean
        /// value based on if it hits
        /// <param name="accuracy">the accuracy of the move being passed in</param>
        /// <returns>true if the move hit, false if it missed</returns>
        /// </summary>
        private static bool checkAccuracy_and_Hit(FBG_Pokemon self, FBG_Pokemon tar,string atkName, int accuracy)
            //honestly double check the status of moves

            if(accuracy == 0)
                Debug.Log("Has 0 accuracy: " + atkName);
                return true;

            float accStage = self.acc_stage;
            float accMod = accStage + 3f;
            if(accStage >= 1)
                accMod *= 100;
                accMod /= 3f;
                accMod = 300f / accMod;


            float evadeStage = tar.evasive_stage;
            float evadeMod = evadeStage + 3;

            if(evadeStage >= 1)
                evadeMod = 300f / evadeMod;
                evadeMod *= 100;
                evadeMod /= 3f;

            float probability = (accuracy) * (accMod /evadeMod);
            if (ignoreAcc_Evade(atkName))
                probability = accuracy;

            if(probability >= 100)
                return true;
            Debug.Log(string.Format("move acc {0} self acc {1} target evasion {2} total probability {3} * {4} = {5}", accuracy, accMod, evadeMod, (accuracy), (accMod/evadeMod), probability));

            return FBG_Atk_Methods.Chance_100(probability);
        public static float levelBasedDamage(FBG_Pokemon target)
            FBG_Atk_Switch.ignoreLightScreen = true;
            FBG_Atk_Switch.ignoreReflect = true;

            float damage = target.Level;
            return damage;
        public static void setPokemon(FBG_Pokemon tar, FBG_Pokemon s, MoveResults mr)
            target = tar;
            self = s;
            moveRes = mr;

            damage = 0;
            heal = 0;
            recoil = 0;
            stageName = "";
            stageDiff = 0;

            s.nextAttack = "";

            ignoreReflect = ignoreLightScreen = false;
        public static float oneHitKO(FBG_Pokemon target, FBG_Pokemon self, MoveResults mr)
            FBG_Atk_Switch.ignoreLightScreen = true;
            FBG_Atk_Switch.ignoreReflect = true;

            int acc = target.Level - self.Level + 30;
            if (Chance_100(acc))
                return target.maxHP;
            mr.hit = false;
            return 0;