Exemplo n.º 1
        public override bool TestPoint(ref Transform transform, ref Vector2 point)
            Vector2 pLocal = Complex.Divide(point - transform.p, ref transform.q);

            for (int i = 0; i < Vertices.Count; ++i)
                float dot = Vector2.Dot(Normals[i], pLocal - Vertices[i]);
                if (dot > 0.0f)

Exemplo n.º 2
        public override float ComputeSubmergedArea(ref Vector2 normal, float offset, ref Transform xf, out Vector2 sc)
            sc = Vector2.Zero;

            //Transform plane into shape co-ordinates
            Vector2 normalL = Complex.Divide(ref normal, ref xf.q);
            float   offsetL = offset - Vector2.Dot(normal, xf.p);

            float[] depths    = new float[Settings.MaxPolygonVertices];
            int     diveCount = 0;
            int     intoIndex = -1;
            int     outoIndex = -1;

            bool lastSubmerged = false;
            int  i;

            for (i = 0; i < Vertices.Count; i++)
                depths[i] = Vector2.Dot(normalL, Vertices[i]) - offsetL;
                bool isSubmerged = depths[i] < -Settings.Epsilon;
                if (i > 0)
                    if (isSubmerged)
                        if (!lastSubmerged)
                            intoIndex = i - 1;
                        if (lastSubmerged)
                            outoIndex = i - 1;
                lastSubmerged = isSubmerged;
            switch (diveCount)
            case 0:
                if (lastSubmerged)
                    //Completely submerged
                    sc = Transform.Multiply(MassData.Centroid, ref xf);
                    return(MassData.Mass / Density);

                //Completely dry

            case 1:
                if (intoIndex == -1)
                    intoIndex = Vertices.Count - 1;
                    outoIndex = Vertices.Count - 1;

            int intoIndex2 = (intoIndex + 1) % Vertices.Count;
            int outoIndex2 = (outoIndex + 1) % Vertices.Count;

            float intoLambda = (0 - depths[intoIndex]) / (depths[intoIndex2] - depths[intoIndex]);
            float outoLambda = (0 - depths[outoIndex]) / (depths[outoIndex2] - depths[outoIndex]);

            Vector2 intoVec = new Vector2(Vertices[intoIndex].X * (1 - intoLambda) + Vertices[intoIndex2].X * intoLambda, Vertices[intoIndex].Y * (1 - intoLambda) + Vertices[intoIndex2].Y * intoLambda);
            Vector2 outoVec = new Vector2(Vertices[outoIndex].X * (1 - outoLambda) + Vertices[outoIndex2].X * outoLambda, Vertices[outoIndex].Y * (1 - outoLambda) + Vertices[outoIndex2].Y * outoLambda);

            //Initialize accumulator
            float   area   = 0;
            Vector2 center = new Vector2(0, 0);
            Vector2 p2     = Vertices[intoIndex2];

            const float k_inv3 = 1.0f / 3.0f;

            //An awkward loop from intoIndex2+1 to outIndex2
            i = intoIndex2;
            while (i != outoIndex2)
                i = (i + 1) % Vertices.Count;
                Vector2 p3;
                if (i == outoIndex2)
                    p3 = outoVec;
                    p3 = Vertices[i];
                //Add the triangle formed by intoVec,p2,p3
                    Vector2 e1 = p2 - intoVec;
                    Vector2 e2 = p3 - intoVec;

                    float D = MathUtils.Cross(ref e1, ref e2);

                    float triangleArea = 0.5f * D;

                    area += triangleArea;

                    // Area weighted centroid
                    center += triangleArea * k_inv3 * (intoVec + p2 + p3);

                p2 = p3;

            //Normalize and transform centroid
            center *= 1.0f / area;

            sc = Transform.Multiply(ref center, ref xf);

Exemplo n.º 3
        public override bool RayCast(out RayCastOutput output, ref RayCastInput input, ref Transform transform, int childIndex)
            output = new RayCastOutput();

            // Put the ray into the polygon's frame of reference.
            Vector2 p1 = Complex.Divide(input.Point1 - transform.p, ref transform.q);
            Vector2 p2 = Complex.Divide(input.Point2 - transform.p, ref transform.q);
            Vector2 d  = p2 - p1;

            float lower = 0.0f, upper = input.MaxFraction;

            int index = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < Vertices.Count; ++i)
                // p = p1 + a * d
                // dot(normal, p - v) = 0
                // dot(normal, p1 - v) + a * dot(normal, d) = 0
                float numerator   = Vector2.Dot(Normals[i], Vertices[i] - p1);
                float denominator = Vector2.Dot(Normals[i], d);

                if (denominator == 0.0f)
                    if (numerator < 0.0f)
                    // Note: we want this predicate without division:
                    // lower < numerator / denominator, where denominator < 0
                    // Since denominator < 0, we have to flip the inequality:
                    // lower < numerator / denominator <==> denominator * lower > numerator.
                    if (denominator < 0.0f && numerator < lower * denominator)
                        // Increase lower.
                        // The segment enters this half-space.
                        lower = numerator / denominator;
                        index = i;
                    else if (denominator > 0.0f && numerator < upper * denominator)
                        // Decrease upper.
                        // The segment exits this half-space.
                        upper = numerator / denominator;

                // The use of epsilon here causes the assert on lower to trip
                // in some cases. Apparently the use of epsilon was to make edge
                // shapes work, but now those are handled separately.
                //if (upper < lower - b2_epsilon)
                if (upper < lower)

            Debug.Assert(0.0f <= lower && lower <= input.MaxFraction);

            if (index >= 0)
                output.Fraction = lower;
                output.Normal   = Complex.Multiply(Normals[index], ref transform.q);

Exemplo n.º 4
        public static float FindMinSeparation(out int indexA, out int indexB, float t)
            Transform xfA, xfB;

            _sweepA.GetTransform(out xfA, t);
            _sweepB.GetTransform(out xfB, t);

            switch (_type)
            case SeparationFunctionType.Points:
                Vector2 axisA = Complex.Divide(ref _axis, ref xfA.q);
                Vector2 axisB = -Complex.Divide(ref _axis, ref xfB.q);

                indexA = _proxyA.GetSupport(axisA);
                indexB = _proxyB.GetSupport(axisB);

                Vector2 localPointA = _proxyA.Vertices[indexA];
                Vector2 localPointB = _proxyB.Vertices[indexB];

                Vector2 pointA = Transform.Multiply(ref localPointA, ref xfA);
                Vector2 pointB = Transform.Multiply(ref localPointB, ref xfB);

                float separation = Vector2.Dot(pointB - pointA, _axis);

            case SeparationFunctionType.FaceA:
                Vector2 normal = Complex.Multiply(ref _axis, ref xfA.q);
                Vector2 pointA = Transform.Multiply(ref _localPoint, ref xfA);

                Vector2 axisB = -Complex.Divide(ref normal, ref xfB.q);

                indexA = -1;
                indexB = _proxyB.GetSupport(axisB);

                Vector2 localPointB = _proxyB.Vertices[indexB];
                Vector2 pointB      = Transform.Multiply(ref localPointB, ref xfB);

                float separation = Vector2.Dot(pointB - pointA, normal);

            case SeparationFunctionType.FaceB:
                Vector2 normal = Complex.Multiply(ref _axis, ref xfB.q);
                Vector2 pointB = Transform.Multiply(ref _localPoint, ref xfB);

                Vector2 axisA = -Complex.Divide(ref normal, ref xfA.q);

                indexB = -1;
                indexA = _proxyA.GetSupport(axisA);

                Vector2 localPointA = _proxyA.Vertices[indexA];
                Vector2 pointA      = Transform.Multiply(ref localPointA, ref xfA);

                float separation = Vector2.Dot(pointA - pointB, normal);

                indexA = -1;
                indexB = -1;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Requires two existing revolute or prismatic joints (any combination will work).
        /// The provided joints must attach a dynamic body to a static body.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jointA">The first joint.</param>
        /// <param name="jointB">The second joint.</param>
        /// <param name="ratio">The ratio.</param>
        /// <param name="bodyA">The first body</param>
        /// <param name="bodyB">The second body</param>
        public GearJoint(Body bodyA, Body bodyB, Joint jointA, Joint jointB, float ratio = 1f)
            JointType = JointType.Gear;
            BodyA     = bodyA;
            BodyB     = bodyB;
            JointA    = jointA;
            JointB    = jointB;
            Ratio     = ratio;

            _typeA = jointA.JointType;
            _typeB = jointB.JointType;

            Debug.Assert(_typeA == JointType.Revolute || _typeA == JointType.Prismatic || _typeA == JointType.FixedRevolute || _typeA == JointType.FixedPrismatic);
            Debug.Assert(_typeB == JointType.Revolute || _typeB == JointType.Prismatic || _typeB == JointType.FixedRevolute || _typeB == JointType.FixedPrismatic);

            float coordinateA, coordinateB;

            // TODO_ERIN there might be some problem with the joint edges in b2Joint.

            _bodyC = JointA.BodyA;
            _bodyA = JointA.BodyB;

            // Get geometry of joint1
            Transform xfA = _bodyA._xf;
            float     aA  = _bodyA._sweep.A;
            Transform xfC = _bodyC._xf;
            float     aC  = _bodyC._sweep.A;

            if (_typeA == JointType.Revolute)
                RevoluteJoint revolute = (RevoluteJoint)jointA;
                _localAnchorC    = revolute.LocalAnchorA;
                _localAnchorA    = revolute.LocalAnchorB;
                _referenceAngleA = revolute.ReferenceAngle;
                _localAxisC      = Vector2.Zero;

                coordinateA = aA - aC - _referenceAngleA;
                PrismaticJoint prismatic = (PrismaticJoint)jointA;
                _localAnchorC    = prismatic.LocalAnchorA;
                _localAnchorA    = prismatic.LocalAnchorB;
                _referenceAngleA = prismatic.ReferenceAngle;
                _localAxisC      = prismatic.LocalXAxis;

                Vector2 pC = _localAnchorC;
                Vector2 pA = Complex.Divide(Complex.Multiply(ref _localAnchorA, ref xfA.q) + (xfA.p - xfC.p), ref xfC.q);
                coordinateA = Vector2.Dot(pA - pC, _localAxisC);

            _bodyD = JointB.BodyA;
            _bodyB = JointB.BodyB;

            // Get geometry of joint2
            Transform xfB = _bodyB._xf;
            float     aB  = _bodyB._sweep.A;
            Transform xfD = _bodyD._xf;
            float     aD  = _bodyD._sweep.A;

            if (_typeB == JointType.Revolute)
                RevoluteJoint revolute = (RevoluteJoint)jointB;
                _localAnchorD    = revolute.LocalAnchorA;
                _localAnchorB    = revolute.LocalAnchorB;
                _referenceAngleB = revolute.ReferenceAngle;
                _localAxisD      = Vector2.Zero;

                coordinateB = aB - aD - _referenceAngleB;
                PrismaticJoint prismatic = (PrismaticJoint)jointB;
                _localAnchorD    = prismatic.LocalAnchorA;
                _localAnchorB    = prismatic.LocalAnchorB;
                _referenceAngleB = prismatic.ReferenceAngle;
                _localAxisD      = prismatic.LocalXAxis;

                Vector2 pD = _localAnchorD;
                Vector2 pB = Complex.Divide(Complex.Multiply(ref _localAnchorB, ref xfB.q) + (xfB.p - xfD.p), ref xfD.q);
                coordinateB = Vector2.Dot(pB - pD, _localAxisD);

            _ratio    = ratio;
            _constant = coordinateA + _ratio * coordinateB;
            _impulse  = 0.0f;
Exemplo n.º 6
        internal override bool SolvePositionConstraints(ref SolverData data)
            Vector2 cA = data.positions[_indexA].c;
            float   aA = data.positions[_indexA].a;
            Vector2 cB = data.positions[_indexB].c;
            float   aB = data.positions[_indexB].a;
            Vector2 cC = data.positions[_indexC].c;
            float   aC = data.positions[_indexC].a;
            Vector2 cD = data.positions[_indexD].c;
            float   aD = data.positions[_indexD].a;

            Complex qA = Complex.FromAngle(aA);
            Complex qB = Complex.FromAngle(aB);
            Complex qC = Complex.FromAngle(aC);
            Complex qD = Complex.FromAngle(aD);

            const float linearError = 0.0f;

            float coordinateA, coordinateB;

            Vector2 JvAC, JvBD;
            float   JwA, JwB, JwC, JwD;
            float   mass = 0.0f;

            if (_typeA == JointType.Revolute)
                JvAC  = Vector2.Zero;
                JwA   = 1.0f;
                JwC   = 1.0f;
                mass += _iA + _iC;

                coordinateA = aA - aC - _referenceAngleA;
                Vector2 u  = Complex.Multiply(ref _localAxisC, ref qC);
                Vector2 rC = Complex.Multiply(_localAnchorC - _lcC, ref qC);
                Vector2 rA = Complex.Multiply(_localAnchorA - _lcA, ref qA);
                JvAC  = u;
                JwC   = MathUtils.Cross(ref rC, ref u);
                JwA   = MathUtils.Cross(ref rA, ref u);
                mass += _mC + _mA + _iC * JwC * JwC + _iA * JwA * JwA;

                Vector2 pC = _localAnchorC - _lcC;
                Vector2 pA = Complex.Divide(rA + (cA - cC), ref qC);
                coordinateA = Vector2.Dot(pA - pC, _localAxisC);

            if (_typeB == JointType.Revolute)
                JvBD  = Vector2.Zero;
                JwB   = _ratio;
                JwD   = _ratio;
                mass += _ratio * _ratio * (_iB + _iD);

                coordinateB = aB - aD - _referenceAngleB;
                Vector2 u  = Complex.Multiply(ref _localAxisD, ref qD);
                Vector2 rD = Complex.Multiply(_localAnchorD - _lcD, ref qD);
                Vector2 rB = Complex.Multiply(_localAnchorB - _lcB, ref qB);
                JvBD  = _ratio * u;
                JwD   = _ratio * MathUtils.Cross(ref rD, ref u);
                JwB   = _ratio * MathUtils.Cross(ref rB, ref u);
                mass += _ratio * _ratio * (_mD + _mB) + _iD * JwD * JwD + _iB * JwB * JwB;

                Vector2 pD = _localAnchorD - _lcD;
                Vector2 pB = Complex.Divide(rB + (cB - cD), ref qD);
                coordinateB = Vector2.Dot(pB - pD, _localAxisD);

            float C = (coordinateA + _ratio * coordinateB) - _constant;

            float impulse = 0.0f;

            if (mass > 0.0f)
                impulse = -C / mass;

            cA += _mA * impulse * JvAC;
            aA += _iA * impulse * JwA;
            cB += _mB * impulse * JvBD;
            aB += _iB * impulse * JwB;
            cC -= _mC * impulse * JvAC;
            aC -= _iC * impulse * JwC;
            cD -= _mD * impulse * JvBD;
            aD -= _iD * impulse * JwD;

            data.positions[_indexA].c = cA;
            data.positions[_indexA].a = aA;
            data.positions[_indexB].c = cB;
            data.positions[_indexB].a = aB;
            data.positions[_indexC].c = cC;
            data.positions[_indexC].a = aC;
            data.positions[_indexD].c = cD;
            data.positions[_indexD].a = aD;

            // TODO_ERIN not implemented
            return(linearError < Settings.LinearSlop);
Exemplo n.º 7
 public static void Divide(ref Transform left, Complex right, out Transform result)
     result.p = Complex.Divide(ref left.p, ref right);
     result.q = Complex.Divide(ref left.q, ref right);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public static void Divide(ref Transform left, ref Transform right, out Transform result)
     Complex.Divide(left.p - right.p, ref right.q, out result.p);
     Complex.Divide(ref left.q, ref right.q, out result.q);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public static Transform Divide(ref Transform left, ref Transform right)
     return(new Transform(
                Complex.Divide(left.p - right.p, ref right.q),
                Complex.Divide(ref left.q, ref right.q)));
Exemplo n.º 10
        public override bool RayCast(out RayCastOutput output, ref RayCastInput input, ref Transform transform, int childIndex)
            // p = p1 + t * d
            // v = v1 + s * e
            // p1 + t * d = v1 + s * e
            // s * e - t * d = p1 - v1

            output = new RayCastOutput();

            // Put the ray into the edge's frame of reference.
            Vector2 p1 = Complex.Divide(input.Point1 - transform.p, ref transform.q);
            Vector2 p2 = Complex.Divide(input.Point2 - transform.p, ref transform.q);
            Vector2 d  = p2 - p1;

            Vector2 v1     = _vertex1;
            Vector2 v2     = _vertex2;
            Vector2 e      = v2 - v1;
            Vector2 normal = new Vector2(e.Y, -e.X); //TODO: Could possibly cache the normal.

            normal = Vector2.Normalize(normal);

            // q = p1 + t * d
            // dot(normal, q - v1) = 0
            // dot(normal, p1 - v1) + t * dot(normal, d) = 0
            float numerator   = Vector2.Dot(normal, v1 - p1);
            float denominator = Vector2.Dot(normal, d);

            if (denominator == 0.0f)

            float t = numerator / denominator;

            if (t < 0.0f || input.MaxFraction < t)

            Vector2 q = p1 + t * d;

            // q = v1 + s * r
            // s = dot(q - v1, r) / dot(r, r)
            Vector2 r  = v2 - v1;
            float   rr = Vector2.Dot(r, r);

            if (rr == 0.0f)

            float s = Vector2.Dot(q - v1, r) / rr;

            if (s < 0.0f || 1.0f < s)

            output.Fraction = t;
            if (numerator > 0.0f)
                output.Normal = -normal;
                output.Normal = normal;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static void ComputeDistance(out DistanceOutput output, out SimplexCache cache, DistanceInput input)
            cache = new SimplexCache();

            if (Settings.EnableDiagnostics) //FPE: We only gather diagnostics when enabled

            // Initialize the simplex.
            Simplex simplex = new Simplex();

            simplex.ReadCache(ref cache, ref input.ProxyA, ref input.TransformA, ref input.ProxyB, ref input.TransformB);

            // These store the vertices of the last simplex so that we
            // can check for duplicates and prevent cycling.
            FixedArray3 <int> saveA = new FixedArray3 <int>();
            FixedArray3 <int> saveB = new FixedArray3 <int>();

            //float distanceSqr1 = Settings.MaxFloat;

            // Main iteration loop.
            int iter = 0;

            while (iter < Settings.MaxGJKIterations)
                // Copy simplex so we can identify duplicates.
                int saveCount = simplex.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < saveCount; ++i)
                    saveA[i] = simplex.V[i].IndexA;
                    saveB[i] = simplex.V[i].IndexB;

                switch (simplex.Count)
                case 1:

                case 2:

                case 3:


                // If we have 3 points, then the origin is in the corresponding triangle.
                if (simplex.Count == 3)

                //FPE: This code was not used anyway.
                // Compute closest point.
                //Vector2 p = simplex.GetClosestPoint();
                //float distanceSqr2 = p.LengthSquared();

                // Ensure progress
                //if (distanceSqr2 >= distanceSqr1)
                //distanceSqr1 = distanceSqr2;

                // Get search direction.
                Vector2 d = simplex.GetSearchDirection();

                // Ensure the search direction is numerically fit.
                if (d.LengthSquared() < Settings.Epsilon * Settings.Epsilon)
                    // The origin is probably contained by a line segment
                    // or triangle. Thus the shapes are overlapped.

                    // We can't return zero here even though there may be overlap.
                    // In case the simplex is a point, segment, or triangle it is difficult
                    // to determine if the origin is contained in the CSO or very close to it.

                // Compute a tentative new simplex vertex using support points.
                SimplexVertex vertex = simplex.V[simplex.Count];
                vertex.IndexA = input.ProxyA.GetSupport(-Complex.Divide(ref d, ref input.TransformA.q));
                vertex.WA     = Transform.Multiply(input.ProxyA.Vertices[vertex.IndexA], ref input.TransformA);

                vertex.IndexB            = input.ProxyB.GetSupport(Complex.Divide(ref d, ref input.TransformB.q));
                vertex.WB                = Transform.Multiply(input.ProxyB.Vertices[vertex.IndexB], ref input.TransformB);
                vertex.W                 = vertex.WB - vertex.WA;
                simplex.V[simplex.Count] = vertex;

                // Iteration count is equated to the number of support point calls.

                if (Settings.EnableDiagnostics) //FPE: We only gather diagnostics when enabled

                // Check for duplicate support points. This is the main termination criteria.
                bool duplicate = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < saveCount; ++i)
                    if (vertex.IndexA == saveA[i] && vertex.IndexB == saveB[i])
                        duplicate = true;

                // If we found a duplicate support point we must exit to avoid cycling.
                if (duplicate)

                // New vertex is ok and needed.

            if (Settings.EnableDiagnostics) //FPE: We only gather diagnostics when enabled
                GJKMaxIters = Math.Max(GJKMaxIters, iter);

            // Prepare output.
            simplex.GetWitnessPoints(out output.PointA, out output.PointB);
            output.Distance   = (output.PointA - output.PointB).Length();
            output.Iterations = iter;

            // Cache the simplex.
            simplex.WriteCache(ref cache);

            // Apply radii if requested.
            if (input.UseRadii)
                float rA = input.ProxyA.Radius;
                float rB = input.ProxyB.Radius;

                if (output.Distance > rA + rB && output.Distance > Settings.Epsilon)
                    // Shapes are still no overlapped.
                    // Move the witness points to the outer surface.
                    output.Distance -= rA + rB;
                    Vector2 normal = Vector2.Normalize(output.PointB - output.PointA);
                    output.PointA += rA * normal;
                    output.PointB -= rB * normal;
                    // Shapes are overlapped when radii are considered.
                    // Move the witness points to the middle.
                    Vector2 p = 0.5f * (output.PointA + output.PointB);
                    output.PointA   = p;
                    output.PointB   = p;
                    output.Distance = 0.0f;